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Question on the relationship between porn and the hobby
Relky 20 Reviews 3563 reads

Last week I was watching an episode of "Frontline" that dealt with pornography in America. Of course, it was no surprise that the Internet has helped the porn industry to grow exponentially. But then I started reflecting on the fact that even though I'm a very horny dude, I have very little interest in porn. Except for a few Penthouses and Playboys and several XXX tapes a friend gave me years back, I own no porn. And I don't feel the need to rent or buy any. I'd much prefer to devote extra funds I manage to squirrel away toward the hobby. And as far as masturbation goes, although I occasionally enjoy throwing a XXX tape into the VCR, I'm usually content with my fantasies and/or memories for stimulation. My question: Am I an exception? Are most hobbyists (or providers) big fans of porn? Just curious. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

devie3470 reads

I am a big fan of porn, but definitely prefer the home-grown, DIY variety... I've got some very sexy friends!  ; )

Often though, it's background stuff, like having a favorite CD to set the mood.

I've pretty much lost interest in porn.  I never spent a lot of money on it, but spent a lot of time perusing (and masturbating to) what was free on the intenet.  One night that led to Eros, which led to TER, and WOW!!! Young, attractive, healthy, and clean ladies available for sex at a fee that I can occasionally afford.

I've pretty much lost interest in the porn, prefering to save the orgasms for when I'm with a real woman.

Ok, so I like porn. But I don't own any because it annoys my cats. Wait, do I count as porn?! Unless I visit a Gent who pops one in the DVD player, I never really think about it... except for when the plumber shows up and I see that crack above his belt line! Then all I can hear is that soundtrack: Bow-Chicka-Bow-Bow!


Tatoogirl742608 reads

I can watch pretty much anything...nothing too painful or bizzare...but I do love it.

Masterbation...yup that too...sex toys....count them in also.

Oh my....Shaye

Amber Foxxx2907 reads

I enjoy a porn movie from time to time - mostly it is a fun thing to set the mood or prepare for a wild night.  The most fun stuff to watch is from the ladies I have met in the business myself :)  That number is growing a lot faster now that I have been in one on my own!  ;)

My favorite is always the girl/girl scenes - especially where a lot of toys are involved - it brings back wonderful memories and helps give me ideas to create new ones!


CumToThinkofIt3554 reads

I used to be a moderate consumer of porn. Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler and the occasional video rental(usually followed by an illegal video dubbing). Since geting into the Hobby as I have the need or desire for these forms of entertainment have diminished greatly.

I dunno- all the guys here seem to know the names of all the popular girls.  I do not, nor am I a big consumer.  I like the older or amateur ladies when I do look at porn.

I think that most porn today is boring. Video and sound are bad and the acting is even worse.  I don't bother to watch.  It is much more of a rush to be in a room with a woman who I have never seen before, trying to figure her out.

-- Modified on 2/17/2004 7:48:37 PM

pfunnel5435 reads

You're thinking of the 80's.  With the advent of DV and the Internet the quality is up.  WAY UP.  In addition, there is a renewed interest in developing a plot for the ladies in some titles.  I could give my favs but that is a whole 'nuther thread...

My porn intake has been reduced since I discovered this hobby.  The rush of meeting a new woman in a hotel is far, far better than masturbating by yourself.  The only downfall is, of course, the wallet.

Besides, I still love the porn stars that I "grew up" with, especially the immortal Christy Canyon.

Some people are not as into watching graphic sex as depicted by strangers, especially as current porn is so focused on genital closeups and depicts anal sex and facials as if they were everyday sex acts and not the occasional exception.

Having said that, I personally love porn, and I have watched it in one way, shape or form for twenty years.  It has been my surrogate girlfriend on many nights of my life.  I am a very visual person, so while I can occasionally have fantasy fueled masturbation, usually the visual of porn or of magazine erotica is my preferred method.  

Would I have porn if I was in a relationship?  Well, it has depended.  Some GF's I have had have made me not think about porn...others, I have had to use porn as a fill in for.

In spite of all of the porn I have viewed, though, there is so much more of it that I haven't, because it is either poorly done or it is "extreme".

I have dated a couple of women who just loved watching porn with me.  One in particuar, used to borrow my tapes and go to town on nights I wasn't there.  Most, however, have found porn somewhat threatening.  

As for a link between porn and the hobby...not for me.  If I had the money, I would hobby so much that I wouldn't ever think of porn.  However, they are both just substitutes for the real thing.  That is the only link in my mind, and for me, if my real thing is good enough, I would prefer not to have either.

GLisHJ2137 reads

I speak from personal experience on this.

Makes me mad at the people who made them feel insecure.

People aren't born with that insecurity.

in a hotel room led to one of the sexiest escort experiences I have had. She loved it, especially the girl/girl scenes, and eventually said, "OMG, let's get naked!" and spent the next 2 hours making me her boy toy. I highly recommend it.

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