TER General Board

Question for Providers
DBD 4352 reads

If one of your clients, one that you had reached a certain level of friendship and honesty, was dying (within a year or two, nothing contageous), would you want to know?  Do you think that it would affect the "relationship" if you did know?
I appreciate any and all responses--

If he felt comfortable sharing that with me, then yes, I would want to know.  I view all my regular 'clients' as special friends.  I would want to provide support in any way I could.  Often times ill people are unable to talk about their fears or pain with family members, and if I could assist in that, I would be more than happy to do so.  I would also understand if he wanted to just keep our meetings at a fantasy level or as an escape from reality.  But I think that scenerio would be more likely if the client and provider weren't really on a personal level to begin with.

From a purely selfish perspecitve, I would want to know.  I would appreciate having the time to digest what was happening.  The passing of somebody we care about is always much more devestating if it comes as a shock, and we weren't able to say goodbye properly.

Would it change our relationship?  That would depend on whether the gentleman wanted it to or not.  It would make me much more appreciative of the time we have together, and I would feel much closer to him as a result.  But things outwardly wouldn't have to change.

I guess it really depends on whether you view the relationship as simply business, or if you care about eachother as real people.  Would you want her to tell you if she was ill?

I really hope that this is a hypothetical question.  If not, my thoughts and prayers are with you.  I wish you all the best.

"When we are born into this world, we are crying, and all those around us are smiling.  Live your life in such a way that when you pass all those around you are crying, but you are looking back with a smile."

Anya3211 reads

Hmm.. I think my knowing or not knowing would be entirely up to the person himself - it wouldn't affect what I thought or felt about them.


Angel posted (yet another) beautiful response and I agree.

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