TER General Board

Question for all
Sophomoric Humorist 1817 reads

What emotional qualities serve you best, and worst, in the hobby, and why?

I'm thinking sense of humor, patience and empathy are good things.  Just as they are in civvie life.

I'm thinking jealousy is a nrgative, and so increbibly misguided in this corner of human life.

If I were to add one (which I will), it would be curiosity.

The desire to learn something new.

Oldest Fat Fart1232 reads

I don't think so much for the guys it is an emotional quality as it should be just choosing to treat a lady as a lady.

This is certainly entertainment for the guys and a job for the ladies but the ladies are not just a "product".

I have found being gracious and treating ladies with kindness has always gone a long way toward being able to see them again as well as referrals from them.

I make an effort to remember things we have talked about and then if I see the lady again I can ask her about the events we discussed previously.

I think the best thing you can offer is common courtesy!!!

OFF :-)

Unrelated Gratuitous Boobiage Photo

Very well said!!! I agree wholeheartedly

Very difficult to concentrate on your words with photos like these.  However, keep them coming!  This girl is very HOT!

I probably agree, I'm just not sure what you mean.

and everything else you'd expect from her:  Personality, great hygene, a sense of adventure (within her limits) and kindness.  I also am the gentle type - I had a provider ask me to spank her and I had the hardest (no pun intended) time even with a slight smack.  Just not raised that way.

I don't view a provider as a "service provider" I view them as a person who is doing this old bugger a favor.

Although I look pretty good for 60 if I have to say so myself.   And I like getting compliments from the ladies....I sure don't get them at home.

...that I have an incredible love of meeting fascinating people and truly getting to know them on some level.  This serves me well, I think, both in my career as an escort and in my current sales career.  I think that not having to fake it, obviously, is good!  I also have no desire for a relationship, so that makes casual "dating" seem normal for me since I don't have a need to spend much time with someone before I can really have a great time with them.

My bad trait is that I look bad in front of a camera I think!

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