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pyorrhea is gum disease E
PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 2559 reads
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I  love making out and lately some dudes breath is out of the ballpark gross. I can only assume that there is little to zero oral hygiene involved.  Possibly some wild donkey ass licking?  I don't know how else to explain the shit breath. I mean this in the literal sense.  They approach at the door.  I move in for a smooch and there it is, bunga breath.  I stock toothbrushes,  floss and mouthwash. I welcome everyone to use whatever they want. Some do and after a bit the caca odor resurfaces.  At times it has caused my eyes to water and in one severe case I actually gagged HARD. 🤢 Whiskey  Tango Foxtrot   I had to abort and play sick. The gag made that really simple. No refund stinky!  
So fellas do you want to know right off the rip if your breath is a force to be reckoned with?  There really is no pleasant way to say it. I thought my hint was good enough and it wasn't.  It's like asking if a fella would like to take a shower.  No they don't they want to fuck you. So, now showers are mando because I like fresh nuts. Fresh nuts and fresh breath are key imo.  If I had bad  breath and poo poo pussy how would you tell me. Let's reverse this. 👍

souls_harbor 36 reads
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Both breath and pussy smell arise from bacteria. Both can be affected by what we've eaten.  

I learned this a while back, but gargling with highly diluted bleach water is effective at temporarily killing the bacteria and giving you fresher breath.  Many other products just mask the odor.

(As a disclaimer for the mentally challenged, don't gargle with undiluted bleach.)

Sorry, an alias 32 reads
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So of course I am obsessive about it.  Brushing teeth, mouthwash, mints, etc.  I do not mind being told about it.  It bothers me and I don't really know the cause, other than age and maybe some gastrointestinal problems.  The key is to have people in your life who are honest with you, and to be on top of it.  I'm sorry.

JakeFromStateFarm 39 reads
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I'll bet most of the guys here know about oral (and other) hygiene.  The guys who don't prepare their mouths for DFK are also probably the ones who leave skid marks on the sheets.  The only thing to do is to not DFK them at the door, escort them to the bathroom and have them use mouthwash and rinse their junk and ass in the shower.  Just be nice about it.
Bad breath is caused not only by bacteria but by decaying skin from all the surfaces of your mouth. The best way to deal with bad breath is to do the following:
1) use a tongue scraper.
2) brush not only your teeth but your gums, the inside of your cheeks, the roof of your mouth and your tongue.
3) gargle with an oxygenated, non-alcohol rinse.
4) floss.
Still not a real dentist.

goodtimes11 6 Reviews 32 reads
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You girls put up with a lot sometimes I don't know how you do it. But I have heard of stories of guys doing this on purpose also. That said I like to smell  clean and fresh chew gum than breath mints before I come in. I had a provider that turned me on to a new deodorant that has helped because I am very active. If a girl likes a certain cologne I would wear it. And if I did not smell perfect I would like to know.

micktoz 41 Reviews 57 reads
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I am very sensitive to my own ability to not smell the freshest at times. So, I try to do the 3 S's and brush teeth plus non alcohol mouthwash within an hour of the session.  Before I enter, I use breath freshener again. It is part of getting older.
I happily take a shower upon arrival, I like the sensitivity of being freshly washed and a mouth on my cock.

I haven't come across a stinky pussy in a very long time, in fact, just thinking about the last few delicious vaginas that I've had the pleasure of rubbing my nose and tongue in, has ................. distracted ........ me.................  What was the question?

souls_harbor 24 reads
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"Decaying skin" is decaying because it is being eaten by bacteria.   It is good to scrape away that bacterial food source,  but the stink comes from the bacteria.

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 34 reads
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What kind of cologne?

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 45 reads
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for people with halitosis.  Anything that dries out the mouth will cause it to return.  Mouthwashes good for dry mouth are Biotene moisturizing rinse.  Many medications will give people dry mouth.  Keep a bottle of water to drink nearby to keep mouth hydrated.

I have not dried a drop of bleach diluted down with water that one hobbyist suggested but it's worth a try for people that really struggle with staying fresh after doing all the normal oral hygiene.  Don't forget the tongue whether you scrape or brush, the roof of the mouth, the cheeks, under tongue and back side of teeth.

Skipping meals can make some can cause halitosis too.  Keep some fresh cut fruit out for your partner to snack on that taste good.

Hydrogen peroxide diluted down with water as a rinse will kill bacteria.  I do not recommend anything with alcohol as it dries out the mouth and may return.   Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.


Boobsman100 20 Reviews 31 reads
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I take pride in taking good care of myself. No one is going to do it for you. And people need to know that the older they  get the harder they have to work .A good overall health  prolong life,health , and happiness.  

Some people live in denial  and obliviousness too ; believing they are fine even though they have not put in the time and work.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 32 reads
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souls_harbor 32 reads
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Therabreath contains a couple chemicals that achieve oxidation -- similar to bleach.  You could say bleach is the poor man's Therabreath.

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 32 reads
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PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 36 reads
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Flossing is essential. That burrito you are gets lodged between your choppers and rots. LITERALLY  Most importantly,  nothing trumps a trip to the dentist. That person will be honest.

eroticspirit 27 Reviews 36 reads
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Insurance might be an issue for some folks---but if you have dental insurance there's absolutely no excuse for not getting your teeth cleaned professionally at least once a year!! (Preferably twice a year.)  Plaque and tarter build-up are huge contributors to foul breath!!

RiverStark See my TER Reviews 30 reads
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totally waiting for someone to be like "but you said rinse with bleach" followed by a sad story about the hospital....

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 39 reads
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if the gums every bleed with flossing it is past time to get tarter removed professionally.  All the oral hygiene in the world can not take away the tarter behind the lower teeth in the front.  

It's not that expensive to pay out of pocket for cleaning and x rays.  And can prevent major costs down the road if a cavity gets too far.  My age and older did not grow up with the benefits with sugar free gum, fluoridated water and awesome toothbrushes that are on the market today.  And waterpics that flush out for people with braces that can't floss.

jsymthe 23 Reviews 37 reads
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All the symptoms described by the OP suggest gum disease. This happened to me years ago. I had a very forgiving ATF at the time and it took another person to clue me in. Once I went to an orthodontic surgeon to have the diseased tissue removed and repaired and everything was fine. Major lessons: this is a painless disease, until teeth fall out or excess bleeding of the gums occurs you won't know you have it; most dentists actually do a terrible job of cleaning teeth; most people probably have never been properly instructed in oral dental care - for example do you know what an interdental appliance us? It is something you should use every day.

DaymanFigherOfNightman 41 reads
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If you have good dental hygiene (brush your teeth and floss, etc.) yet you still can't get rid of this toxic breath that seems to be coming from your throat and back of mouth area, it is most certainly tonsil stones (tonsilloliths). If you never heard of it, google it. It's a real thing and a LOT of people have it, both men and women. Most people who have it don't know they have it and just live with it.

Tonsil stones are these white solid pieces of matter that built up in the crevices of your tonsils. They are originally food particles that got stuck in your tonsil crevices as you were swallowing. Over time, your body attacks these foreign objects with white blood cells and these particles calcify and turn into tonsil stones. They smell absolutely putrid.  

I discovered my first tonsil stone many years ago. I did not know what it was at the time and it just dislodged itself while I was in the shower. Until that time, I noticed that I kept having this bad breath and no matter how well I flossed or brushed or how much mouth wash I used, this bad breath just wouldn't go away. That day in the shower I spit it onto my hand and when I smelled it I almost fainted and I knew immediately this was the source of my bad breath and when it finally came out my bad breath instantly went away! Ever since then, I've always made a weekly habit of cleaning and maintaining my tonsil crypts. No more bad breath from me!

If you don't get rid of them, they can stay there for a long time and get bigger. The longer it stays there, the worse it smells. You can get rid of them using q-tips or elongated paper clips or other homemade little gadgets. There are even tools you can buy online specifically for this purpose. There are also a lot of bullshit websites that sell mouth washes that claim to get rid or prevent tonsil stones. It's all snake oil nonsense. The only way to get rid of tonsil stones is to actually get in there yourself and pick them out.

micktoz 41 Reviews 30 reads
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That is what I use, no complaints yet. I also use their toothpaste.

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 35 reads
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... in my opinion it's really in a whole different league than alcohol based mouthwashes that taste too strong at first and don't really resolve the problem in the long run.

I encourage guys to use it and explain how it's different from regular mouthwash.  I think it's great to introduce people to it.  This approach can also save some awkwardness in case someone really NEEDS to use it.  I'm not telling them that their breath stinks, but introducing them to an awesome product that I really love.

My favorite part of therabreath is that it leaves my mouth feeling fresh & wet afterward.  Not dry & overly-minty like other mouthwashes.

Stuff sure is expensive, but worth every penny in my experience.  I travel to outcalls with tiny TSA-approved bottles of it and always set up a larger bottle in my Incall.

-- Modified on 11/27/2017 5:40:50 AM

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 37 reads
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FreedaNipple 13 Reviews 50 reads
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You know how when you try and smell your own breath but you can't, well I believe if you kiss/ lick your own hand, then smell it, if you have bad breath your hand will smell funny.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 18 reads
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You are absolutely correct.I credit my very strict mother everyday. Could not drink nor smoke,not even when I was away at school.So glad I never started.
Hope the people who believe they are addicted find the strenght to quit.

JakeFromStateFarm 29 reads
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I use TheraBreath toothpaste, mouthwash, tongue scraper and always pop one of their breath mints in the elevator on the way to her sex den.
Plus, my ass is clean.  Cuz I use TheraBreath Ass Suppositories. LMAO.

souls_harbor 19 reads
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My dad was a smoker.  He was pushing up daisies by the time I was in seventh grade.  Kind of took the fun out of the idea.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 42 reads
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countryguy8 44 reads
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First of all, a guy should see a periodontist to be certain he does not have gum disease.

If no gum disease, try brushing gently and thoroughly and then flossing (you could use a water flosser).

Finally, keep handy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (it's found in a brown bottle at the pharmacy). Mix a splosh of it with a splosh of water. Gargle for 30 seconds. Rinse with plain water.

You're now ready to get laid.

micktoz 41 Reviews 40 reads
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HappyChanges 37 reads
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to gargle with undiluted bleach after reading this.

theoldcavalier 2 Reviews 52 reads
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Even highly diluted bleach water scares me off ... I use hydrogen peroxide, either full-strength or half-and-half with water. Same general principle as the bleach, I think.

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