TER General Board

Providers who don't answer
redsox2017 7 Reviews 3160 reads
1 / 30

Looking to hear everyone's thoughts on providers who either never answer any communication method or are just really bad about it. If you are discreet and respectful but continue to not hear back, at what point do you all move on even if she is someone you are extremely dead set on seeing?

GeorgeCinq 6 Reviews 283 reads
2 / 30

Don't take it personal, there is a big ocean out there with a lot of beautiful fish ranging from whale sharks to damsel fish; move on. It sounds to me that you are getting too vested in one lady. It could be you are pushing too hard and turning her off. My advice, find someone else with similar assets.  

Go Sox, Go Celtics !!

1256849 23 Reviews 291 reads
3 / 30

Some guys hate it when a girl does not answer or when she takes forever to answer. Others simply move on to another or the next.  

Don't ponder about it too long. She has a reason for. It getting back to you.

1. She does not want to
2. You somehow ended up in her spam/junk folder
3. Due to sheer volume of emails she simply overlooked you  
4. Thought she pressed send, but did not.
5. Very poor at communicating.
6. Taking a break.

Personally, I don't think it's hard to reply and acknowledge and say something, it's also respectful and courteous. I love live and play by the golden rule, but not everyone does.

Find a few you enjoy seeing and don't put your hobby eggs in one basket. Have fun and dont stress about it.

Go sox!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 219 reads
4 / 30

Many providers don't want to deal with Newbies. When you get to 10 reviews, you'll get a better response rate.

redsox2017 7 Reviews 299 reads
5 / 30

Well despite my only 1 review, I have the 2-3 references that providers ask for, but my TER track record hasn't even come up yet. My current frustration is with a few providers who at once time responded to me, and now will not. I guess at some point I have to give up my persistence?

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 229 reads
6 / 30

Long before I ever wrote a review I was seeing top notch ladies.  Lots of guys don't write reviews or even   have an account on a verification site.

What matters to a lady is what is communicated.  Did he follow her requirements for screening? Did he say anything inappropriate?  Where the references legit and known ladies?  

Those are some of the major items. Fuck the number of reviews, means shit.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 248 reads
7 / 30

I feel so lucky to have your guidance, and in the future, I will try to be a little less obtuse. Lol

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 235 reads
8 / 30

It was a lame response and you knew better.  

redsox2017 7 Reviews 307 reads
9 / 30

I followed all the requirements, was polite, and have very legitimate references

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 234 reads
10 / 30

just one more reason i use P411..you request an appointment and they usually will get back to you within 48 hours..if not they are usually not logged in..P411 will give you their last log in time..

keystonekid 114 Reviews 231 reads
11 / 30

want appointments not hobbyists looking for a pen pal.

For the record, it will not be the bosox in the 17' WS.

redsox2017 7 Reviews 166 reads
12 / 30

Unfortunately this isn't the case either.

Provider #1: Attempted to verify with her about 3 weeks ago before I had any references (I am new). She responded, took some info from me, and then at the end of our conversation decided she still wanted 2 references before she would see me and to contact her after that. I went out and met 2 other very well reviewed providers, and reached back out and let her know I now have references and would like to book. She is not responding to me at all.

Provider #2: Was out of work due to recovering from a minor surgery, responded to my email afterwards, said she would be available in a week or so. Have reached out again 2 weeks later, not getting any answers.

Provider #3: Simple and polite text (her preferred method according to her ads) expressing interest in booking. No answer. Wrote another one a few days later, and she finally responded simply "I'm out of town". I wrote back politely asking when she would be available. Crickets.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 241 reads
13 / 30

Knows I NEVER use my TER handle to make appointment, so it was tongue in cheek humor. As you say, my 100+ reviews don't mean shit for booking appointments for me either.  Don't take everything so seriously and you'll have more fun here.  If it will make the world right for you, I will give him a legit response.

GaGambler 278 reads
14 / 30

Apparently these women have a different opinion and have ghosted on you for "some reason"

If this was happening to everyone, I would blame the women, but I bet these women are still booking with other guys, getting reviews, etc etc, So a smart man would start looking inward for the answer to his problem.

JLS might be right, they might be looking at you as a time waster, I really have no idea without knowing how your previous conversations went, but what I do know is that you are doing SOMETHING wrong and until you are honest with at least yourself you aren't ever going to fix what's wrong. Lie to us all you want, we don't give a fuck, but it looks like you are lying to yourself as well and until you stop doing that, you'll never get the answer to your question.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 251 reads
15 / 30

Julia's analysis.  99% of time wasters don't think they are time-wasters.  Setting an appointment in advance and reconfirming it the day before only takes three emails.  More than that is an encroachment on her time.  For providers, time is money, and they don't want a bunch of back and forth communication unless they're compensated.  

Provider 1:    There is a possibility that your references did not respond to her,  and so she did not respond to you.  Seeing a girl ONE time and then asking her to provide you with a reference for someone else is a little tacky in my book.  Some providers have said here that they simply won't do it.  They only do it for regulars.  

Provider 2:    When girls are off for vacation, or in this case a surgery, for an extended period, when they return to work, all of their regulars are going to want to see her.  She will naturally give priority to regulars, which is one of the benefits of BEING a regular.  Give her six weeks and try again. The rush will have subsided by then.  

Provider 3:    Saying you are "interested" in booking brands you a time waster, so I go back to Julia's assessment, and my statement that 99% of time-wasters don't think they are.  Don't text her until you know the day and time you want to see her.  If she's not available, she will suggest a day/time that she IS available.  Then you confirm that you will take it.  No OTHER communication is necessary until you reconfirm the day before the scheduled appointment.  

It sounds like you're making some rookie mistakes.  Maybe rather than a complaining thread, you should start one asking the ladies how they prefer to be approached and what they want in the initial email or text.  Then you get some instruction that will help from the horse's mouth.  

redsox2017 7 Reviews 189 reads
16 / 30

Thanks for the good advice. I don't mean to complain, seeing as I've had several successful communications with several other providers, but these 3 who I really would like to meet aren't working out in the same way, so it's a tad frustrating. I will learn from this and give them some space for now and try again another time while I move on to other providers.

Wonky_Portals 192 reads
17 / 30

A newbie asking how to track provider's specials, sounds like you might be looking to negotiate their donation.
Or maybe not.  

AmberRoseDelights 187 reads
18 / 30

I agree, it can be a few things. I get so overwhelmed with inquiries I really can't get back to a lot of people... so the ones that are polite, follow my protocol and have an actual appointment date get my attention first. The others I ask to just keep checking with me as I'm just so busy. I spend more time answering inquiries than anything else, it's  crazy.

NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 278 reads
19 / 30

#1.  Did you only say you had references and were ready to book, or... did you GIVE her the references and GIVE her one or more days/times you were available?  
#2.  Two weeks is within a "week or so" timeframe.  Be more patient.  Maybe recovery took longer than she expected.  
#3.  When someone says she's out of town, don't expect any response until she's back in town.

Now on that last one, I love it when providers are considerate and use an "out of office" message on their email.  I got such a message recently when I tried to book with a provider I'd never met before. That message let me know immediately that I needed to move on to someone else for that day.  And she got back to me on the day she returned to work.  Classy and professional.   You can bet I'll see her as soon as our schedules permit.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 175 reads
20 / 30

LOL ... thanks for saving me the time. We can hypothesize on 1, 2 and 3, but none of us really know what transpired between you all.

Your game plan needs PATIENCE... you're "the new guy" to them. You're not the only one trying to book their time, and if you are, consider yourself lucky!  

Although escorts thrive on new blood ... and cum ... regulars usually take precedence until you are one.

You're suffering from premature ejac-frustration. Cool your jets, have a plan B and consider seeing your references again. Maybe they they'll provide a more ball ringing endorsement on your behalf and  your bedside manner. Unless you didn't enjoy your time with them, in which case they may feel the same

Build rapport with the gals you know and you should reap the rewards royally, unless you intend to be a one and done guy. In that case, joining P411 may help. I don't use it, I prefer to fuck thing up on my own. Lol

Hang in there, you'll gain experience by trial and error. It's just not as much fun as trial and layher. This happened to GaGa too at one time, but he just can't remember that far back.  

You've gotten a lot of good advice here. Learn from it

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 217 reads
21 / 30

even if you prefer to screen for yourself. He/she can help you filter you mail and make requests for more verification info, etc.  

I think you may have scared to OP should he have thought to contact you. 😉

1256849 23 Reviews 166 reads
22 / 30

Bottom line, her pussy, her rules. If she has a gut instinct to not contact you, so be it.  

Time to self evaluate, did you do something wrong and make adjustments to your approach.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 215 reads
23 / 30

now we learn you're overweight, obtuse one ...  
TMI ...  lol

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 271 reads
24 / 30

Posted By: redsox2017

Looking to hear everyone's thoughts on providers who either never answer any communication method or are just really bad about it. If you are discreet and respectful but continue to not hear back, at what point do you all move on even if she is someone you are extremely dead set on seeing?
No free sessions.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 208 reads
25 / 30

If you show too much interest in her before she's interested in you she won't find you interesting enough to warrant her time.
  You are on the right path when you quickly move on.
  There is no shame in coming back at a much later date, minimum six month space.  
  If  you only have six months to live, it's OK to give her a shout out in four months.
Always remember the rule that applies to EVERYONE EXCEPT our mothers.
  Regardless how awesomely appealing and important  we believe we are, there is always someone out there that can easily replace us, quite often a better replacement.  
 I have exceeded my expectations many times over in the civilian world by not giving a damn enough to be persistent.

 In other words Hookers and civilian gals are usually not attracted to anyone they suspect might become a pest or worse, clingy.      
  It's easy for a guy to change his  hobby phone number, changing  numbers is not usually profitable for a working Gal unless she is forced to do so to save  time.  
Posted By: redsox2017
Re: My first inclination would be . . . .
Thanks for the good advice. I don't mean to complain, seeing as I've had several successful communications with several other providers, but these 3 who I really would like to meet aren't working out in the same way, so it's a tad frustrating. I will learn from this and give them some space for now and try again another time while I move on to other providers.

Dick_Enormis 283 reads
26 / 30

Depends.  If it's a new provider I haven't seen before, then 2 or 3 days is not unusual considering the time they'll need to check my references and other screening info.  If I don't hear back after that, I'll send another email to follow up.  If there's still no response then I move on.  I don't have this issue with providers I've seen before, they usually respond back within a few hours.

LillianWest See my TER Reviews 159 reads
27 / 30

Can mean "I'm on vacation with my husband and children, please stop emailing me till I get back"
"I'm on a paid date in Dubai with an intense client who is looking over my shoulder at every turn"  
"I'm burned out and need a break from sharing myself with people who are new to me"
" I just dusted a stalker and this is starting to feel like that"
"I'm on a trip to Iceland or Burning Man and the access to internet is sketchy at best"
Take a deep breath. Relax.

frontpage 26 Reviews 217 reads
28 / 30

Dated April 21st.  I asked a provider in Seattle if she'd be interested in seeing me April 30th, was willing to provide all her info requested.  She replied today, May 9th.

redsox2017 7 Reviews 151 reads
29 / 30
keystonekid 114 Reviews 164 reads
30 / 30
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