TER General Board

providers not return emails or VM's
bengalguy85 2039 reads

This my not be the right board.

But here it goes, As anyone ever had trouble with providers not returning emails or vm's.

I have emailed 4 providers in the Columbus area and lefted VM's over the last week. All are reviewed here on TER. All the reviews said easy to get a hold of, or she returned my VM's quickly.

I understand things come up in people lives. But a email back or call would be nice. So I can move on to the next one. If any providers in the Columbus area read this please email to talk.

I know the answer to my question move on. But just looking for help in the future on how to deal with this problem.



I think I need to explain a little more about why I posted this.

 I was going to Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago to meet a reviewed TER provider who I have went to meet for sometime. She canceled our date about 18 hours before I was to leave for Las Vegas.

So I had a scamble to find a couple of providers on short notice. So I email and called several. A couple returned my calls and emails on short notice. I was able to set up something with a couple. One my turn out to be my ATF.

 So I guess my question is why can I get providers who are 2500 miles away. To return my emails and VM's.

But I cannot get providers who my live 10 miles from me to return my emails or VM's

 The emails and voce message are the same. I give my name land line number my cell phone and a good time to call me back. I don't get to deep into the services or rates.

I do appericate all the suggestions. On how to handle this in the future. But if my emails and vm's are basicing the same why do providers in Las vegas return my emails. But I cannot get someone local?

Yes I did get two in las vegas for a return trip in 3 months. But I cannot get a date in my home town. LOL


-- Modified on 8/27/2007 5:28:12 PM

BFE client673 reads

Is there potentially something in the content of your emails or VMs that might result in them being ignored?  Specific graphic questions perhaps?  Many providers (and clients) do not reply to messages from unknown persons with compromising content.

As you suggested, things come up in people's lives. Several times, I have received a response a week later, in cases where providers were on vacation, or visiting family.

However, you will increase your odds, in my opinion, if your communication with providers contains fewer grammatical errors. Some providers notice such things.

Of course if you leave a message for anybody you should respect a reply, it's only common courtesy. But bear in mind that people lose cells phones/have them stolen (it's happened to me a ridiculour amount of time this year)

I've also had a complete breakdown in service with my cell phone provider so I spend many weeks not replying to messages as I didn't get them.

It's unlikely that happened to all four of the providers you contacted so maybe you said something in your VMs that got them worried?  Think about what you said in the messages, consider how that may have come across to them.  Then try to re-evaluate why you've had no responses from these reviewed providers.

I cant tell you how many times a gentlemen has called and said, hi c, its ME, hey, call me back, I wanna get together,( no phone number, and who the heck is me?)

myreality720 reads

This has been happening to me more and more lately, even from an atf.  Assuming they have your correct return email and you left clear vm's with the correct info, my advice, just move on.   And should these ladies contact you down the road, i'd do one of two things:  if they apogized for not getting back sooner, reconsider and maybe contact her again.  If it's just a regular hi with no mention why a couple days or a week or a month have passed since you contacted her...to hell with her.

just my two cents....

I have had this happen a couple of times this summer and it is extremely disrespectful.  Attempting to contact new people I tried 5 this summer and got a response from two and was able to set up one appointment.  But I disagree about just not responding, even if the provider sends back "no" then we can move on.. find someone else.  The most aggravating are the two other "appointments" I had set up with providers I had seen in the past.  One we were communicating back and forth and the other we had a date set and an appointment to see each other and then they vanish, completely off the grid, they don't answer vm or email, on the one case I was outside the hotel calling her phone to get the room number. (and this lady I would love to see, she is absolutely wonderful)
Anyway, I just think providers that wish to be treated with respect and desire "respectful gentlemen" as their clients should have the common courtesy and professionalism to return phone calls and emails.  On the smiley faces up top I am waffling between the angry red guy and the sad guy...  I think I will just go with the sad guy, no sense in getting upset.

I don't see why you wouldn't get an email back unless the person is just not there. With Vmail though I think of it as having an expiration date.
 When I leave a verbal message I say that my voice mail is private and the person can leave tomorrows winning lottery numbers on it and just the two of us will know. Or I will say something like if you can return the call by 4 pm please do so, otherwise I am going to do the parakeet again.
 The providers I have spoken with about this have said that calling back after a day is almost always useless because the person no longer wants to talk with them.
Good luck.

Here's a list I wrote awhile ago for a post on the newbie board and revised a bit for a blog entry on my website- since all four ladies have not responded, it may be something you said (or didn't say). Here's my list of tips for that initial contact:

So, you've found a few gals that pique your interest and are ready to start the scheduling process. Here are a few tips for that first email (or phone) contact to ensure that you make a good impression and get a date with your dream woman :)

1. Read her site thoroughly (not just the pictures!) and be sure to provide all the screening info that is being asked for. We get so many emails; we don't have time to prod and probe you to get the most basic of screening information. Offer it up and you're more likely to get a prompt response and/or an appointment.

2. Be polite and friendly, but don't use specifics or words such as- oral, gfe, sex, etc. We know why you're emailing us, but putting it in these terms makes us suspicious. Be sure you have read her reviews and have a general idea of what she offers, but never assume that you will receive something and do not ask her to promise specific services in exchange for money- that is illegal. Pay attention to little things like grammar, punctuation, capitalization- these make a difference in that you come across as a professional and literate adult (Emails like "hey. iwant to see u wats the rate?" drive me absolutely crazy and do not warrant a response). As an independent provider who schedules her own appointments, I personally like a bit of a personal touch, a general introduction, etc. in the initial contact, but some ladies may prefer shorter or more business-like initial contacts, especially through an agency or booking service.

3. Suggest more than one day or time that might work, if available. She'll be much more likely to be able to accommodate you if you offer two or three possibilities. Also, she will know that you are serious and have planned ahead. If you don't have a specific date or time in mind, it's often a good idea to suggest days of the week and/or general times of day that tend to be best, and let her know how long you want to see her for as well- a dinner date requires different planning and scheduling than a one-hour appointment.

4. Contact her in advance if you can- I generally book 1-2 weeks out and feel that the sooner you contact her, the better. You are more likely to get your preferred time; she is more likely to have time to check references and feel comfortable with you. However, some ladies may not be able to commit to bookings more than a month or so out, so I would advise 1-3 weeks in advance as the ideal time frame (closer to one week for shorter dates, and more like two to three weeks for longer encounters).

5. Pay attention to how she prefers to be contacted, whether agency or independent. Don't waste your time emailing her if she operates by phone, or vice versa. If she has a contact form, fill out ALL the required fields. In addition, if a woman is represented by an agency or a secretary, pay attention to their requirements for contact and screening.

6. Don't assume that because you've contacted her or filled out a form that you have made an appointment. You need to hear back from her to confirm it. Generally there will be several emails back and forth before a date and time is settled upon, and she will also need time to check your screening info, so be patient. That said, if you wait more than 3-4 days for an initial response, it's not unheard of to send a polite second email asking her if she received your initial one. However, don't email her every day or demand a response within a specific time frame. If you feel she is taking too long to respond, move on to someone else and maybe try her again down the road if you are still interested. In my opinion, checking and responding to my business email account is a huge part of my job, and if a lady consistently ignores business emails from clients (given that they are polite and provide all the requisite information), it can be a sign of unprofessional conduct or unreliability. On the other hand, if you don't hear back, don't assume the worst- she could be dealing with a health or family issue or out of town on a personal or work-related trip.

7. Once your appointment is scheduled, sit back and enjoy the delicious anticipation!! If you schedule more than a day or two in advance (as you hopefully will), most ladies will contact you by email or phone to confirm on the day before or the day of the appointment. Every lady does this differently, so ask her if and how she will confirm with you or check her website and reviews for such details. However, don't expect her to email or call you daily or regularly in between setting the appointment and meeting in person. Just like your therapist or your personal trainer, we are professionals- we set appointments and we keep them, and expect you will to, without constant reminders and updates. However, as stated, it is generally common courtesy to confirm and check in with you on the day before or day of the date, and if you don't hear from her or she doesn't do confirmations, you can feel free to email or call her (whatever her preferred means of communication) to say hello and confirm the date yourself.

Hope some of you newer and seasoned hobbyists alike find this helpful and informative, and best of luck scoring that hot date :-P

Your post is a very good guideline for new hobbyists and a very good reminder for seasoned hobbyists on how to initiate contact with a provider.

JusteenCase467 reads

Also, please do not assume that your message will be matched with the number from caller ID!! Leave your name, number and time you can safely receive calls.

-- Modified on 8/27/2007 4:10:08 PM

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