TER General Board

Providers are selfish people
AZChewy 4222 reads

Having now had the opportunity to meet a number of the ladies here in my home area, I have discovered that they are a very selfish lot. To each of the gals I made what I consider to be a very kind, generous and selfless offer on my part which offer has been refused by all. I routinely offer to personally care for their breasts here in my home between our sessions. Kinda like a titty day care thing except they can spend the night. Not wanting to be greedy about things, I didn't demand custody of both (one would have sufficed), albeit, not a good idea IMHO to separate the "girls". Lord knows what psychological damage that could cause for one or both of them. I believe that I have been flexible in my thinking and have tried to be as accommodating as possible to the moms. If she is totally uncomfortable at giving up her girls for an extended period of time, I was willing to consider an every other week or every other weekend end kind of arrangement and, naturally, mom could come visit them anytime she wished. But NOOOOOOOOOO, not even that made sense to them. I promised that I would be attentive, loving, caring and nurturing towards her girl(s) at all times among other things. You know, warm squeezes and kisses, lots of fondling, gentle pats and soothing rubs on a regular basis. I would never let them get too hot but I might let them get a little chilled occasionally to make sure they are still responding properly, in mom's absence. And what kind of response do I always get to my offer from these selfish women? The two most notable are: "What would I do without them?", or "I would look funny without them!" Well, in the first instance, you would do the same things that we guys do all the time. You would miss them, long for them, dream about them and talk about them with your friends constantly. In the latter case, well YEAH, DUH, you would look funny but what is your point here?   I don't know, it seemed like a good idea to me but I guess I am frustrated enough at this point to give up on the idea.

AZChewy2949 reads

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, perhaps a KITTY day care instead!

sexymegan2977 reads

I had to say something after reading your post..I really have to say I think that you have been meeting the wrong providers..I am so sorry that you ended up feeling that dissapointed...I can understand how that would make you think of not seeing  anyone else..I am not sure of all the specific reasons that you feel they are selfish..but I will give you an example of how I am..I had three long apts scheduled last night after the first one ..all of  a sudden I started to feel like I was getting sick..to make a long story short..i was right I ended up losing my voice..having a fever  runny nose and watery eyes..yuck,..but I had such a hard time going home..I felt like I was dissapionting people..people that think nothing of canceeling a 4 hour apt an hour before...because one did that..I have a driver / security guard who told me I needed to go home that I looked tired and sick(thanks) but I really lose sleep over dissapointing people..I literally run myself raged trying to accomadiate people..I could give you 100's of examples of clients selfishness..like my nice Rolex being stolen while I was showering in a Boston Marriott.. by an supposed stock broker.. having a stalker..  tons of no shows..back in Boston..people saying they want an overnight so could we do an hour first for free... never to hear from them again.,i figured that one out quickly but..i like to think of those as bad people not bad clients.. Now I am not trying to sell you on me or brake my own arm, but I have met a  lot of other providers and some I like some I dont, you have to feel them out what some people like some dont, hopefully your not expecting more than they are willing or able to give within the peramiters of an apt. I really pride myself on having regulars.. seeing all the same people, I am new here so I have not gotten to that point yet although I have tons of repeats plus this is  the tourist  mecca of the U.S try to stay with independants rather than agency's and as bad as this may sound , try and opt for providers over the age of 25 if a true GFE is what your seeking. we have all had a bad expierence's that made us say " thats it I am done" belive me I've said it at least a dozen times ..  i've had clients call ten times in two days "just to talk" about what he ate for breakfast..acting as if I am really his girlfriend..and as much as I do sit and listen it can be aggravating..then they say "oh I cant make it today, what about tommorrow" you want to slam the phone down. or because you are so nice they say "we are friends now" what they mean is " I dont still have to pay do I".mabye just take a week off and really ,really read the reviews before your next selection..I am being honest when I say there really are some nice providers out there,but remember thats what we are providers...not girls you met at the office or gym there is a line as within any profession

sexymegan4853 reads

I just re read your thread..I thought I was being nice..mabye no more cold medicine today..hhmmnn

AZChewy2865 reads

Megan sweetheart, glad you had a chance to re read the thread. For a moment there, I was going to ask you just what you were taking 'cause I wanted some of it - what a hell of a trip! LOL Sorry to hear that you were ill. Now if you would have come to Phoenix, I would have offered a chest rub to make you feel better. Or would I have been the one to feel better?  :)

I do need a massage for the twins. I still have not found one massuse that massages breasts in a non-sexual way. I thimk you are very kind to be so selfless :)

IndigoUk3289 reads

AZChewy I had to read this post several times LOL. The mind boggles.

One of my clients once said "Indi if I had your breasts I would be stood in the shower all day playing with them" LOL

My reply was. "Well there is nothing stopping you from getting implants" (Not my scene btw but I did see a man on TV (from America) who got breast implants C cup I think?)

AZchewy for a few thousand dollars you could have your very own pair! LOL

Indi xxx

P.S Do you think I could set up penis day care, as I am just as fascinated with those as you are with breasts? Now you got me thinking (wink)

AZChewy2125 reads

Now there is a thought.... perhaps I can go international with this concept. LOL  Yeah, there was a guy here in the states who lost a bet and had to get breast implants for a year. Needless to say, his would not qualify for my service. Yours, of course, would Indi, and what lovely ones they are. So should I be expecting both or just one from you? As I mentioned in my origional post, you can visit her/them anytime you wish.  :)

AZChewy4016 reads

Forgot to mention above that a penis day care will probably NOT work. Reason - most of us guys can't function or think without it. Do you really want to see us guys trying to get along on just or Big Heads? Will never happen......................

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