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Primetime reports tonight on teenage girls lured by Modeling Studios set up for prositutionred_smile
KatWalkerofHou See my TER Reviews 2287 reads

Just caught a blip of this on channel 13 this morning.  It will air on Primetime tonight Central time 9:30 eastern time 10:30pm

They have several teenagers who saw ads in a Mall and in girl magazines that said looking for models for modeling studio.  The girls claim that they thought these were legitimate Modeling Studios.  They were then moved around from state to state via the internet.  Parents frantically searching for their daughters according to report.  Police had trouble tracking the so called "pimps" because of the websites and internet.  You just know whats gonna come down the road after this thing airs National tonight.  http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/  I will have to reserve my comments on this until I see this.

I finally watched this last night.  I am outraged by what happened to these two girls that they interviewed, but also stumped that we don't hear about the 40,000 + a year teenage girls that are according to this report taken by force from these shopping malls.  This just seems so odd to me.  Not to mention that I question the way ABC Primetime used the header Prostitution, Studio Modeling ect to capture viewers.  The truth of the matter , according to the program aired last night is that these are young girls who are physically lured then forced by gun point or physical threat by their captors.  The one girl they show named "maya" I particularly remember seeing her posted on "Eros" under the name Angel or something not too long ago, and said to someone "she looked like a kid"!  Then to my surprise they aired this program showing the Eros Ad of her.

Yes, they were physically raped, tortured, threatened and beaten and one was forced into a damn dog cage.  Thank god the police found that child.  She said that most of the men who responded to the online ads that her captors put out online were mainly middleclass white men who were all married.    
I too have a daughter and this show was very upsetting.  However, the media needs to be careful about lumping the trade in with what is actually happening to these children.  I think it is now more imperative that the men who seek these type services take a closer look at the working surrondings the women / girls are kept in and maybe even steer clear of the apartments if they are run with several girls in them.  There just has to be some common sense here folks.  After watching this it makes angry that Eros placed that childs ad on there because they are suppose to get a faxed copy of your DL and other requirement before placing your ad.  Don't know what to think about all this.
Would love your thoughts...

Bizzaro Superdude2070 reads

it reinforces my desire to stay away from services and younger ladies - (actually I don't find them attractive anyway).  I have been with a couple who I suspect of being in this type of setup - but for the most part find that most of the ladies I connect with have lives outside of the hobby - are very articulate and would not be represented by the girl I saw on the interview.

For this,  I really support a crackdown - and also believe that this is a very sound reason to legalize the Hobby!

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