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macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 271 reads


we all just said goodbye i thought..now you created our second train wreck this week..whass up kid..

I just want to blow off some steam here. Last night's event got me thinking and I realized that perhaps the reason why I want providers is not because of any "guarantee" but ultimately because of their willing and active effort to get to know you and such. It is their effort to try to connect with you that I truly enjoy. Some civi girls couldn't care less. It is all about the attitude.

I had good experiences with civi girls in the past, but for others who do not connect with me, they act like damn bitches Jesus Christ. Please mind my language ladies, but I was pissed last night. Various acts of playing hard to get, read me, and other "not feeling too well" bull shit situations.

I should have man up and brought a young provider instead last night.

Circling-Buzzard433 reads

To truly man up, you would have made more of an effort to capture the civie. "Manning up" does not mean buying a provider at your age. That is copping out.

In addition, the providers are making an effort to connect to your wallet, not your personality. The civie on the other hand is probably trying to connect with your personality. You have it all backwards, son.

I'm good with skills I need I was pissed because well it is hard to explain verbally.

Posted By: Circling-Buzzard
To truly man up, you would have made more of an effort to capture the civie. "Manning up" does not mean buying a provider at your age. That is copping out.

In addition, the providers are making an effort to connect to your wallet, not your personality. The civie on the other hand is probably trying to connect with your personality. You have it all backwards, son.    

Mixing p4p and real life relationships will most likely end up as well as swallowing a grenade with the pin pulled, it appears to work for a short time then the shit hits the fan.

Posted By: HDDOC96
Mixing p4p and real life relationships will most likely end up as well as swallowing a grenade with the pin pulled, it appears to work for a short time then the shit hits the fan.

Change the audio tape on her and she'll tell you all those nice things you want to hear.


And I would pay to just watch and listen as she would make mush out of him.  And that would be worth the price of admission.

But I suppose I'd have to pay her as our little preppie just is short on funds this month.  But the unemployment check should be arriving shortly!

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 5:18:36 AM


..he can graduate from Betty to a lifelike, Alicia!!

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Change the audio tape on her and she'll tell you all those nice things you want to hear.

dinamohum318 reads

in this world, u r being sold ( the sweet attitude ).
But i hear ya, it's a pain in the ass, when all ya wanna do is fuck and ya gotta put up with the bull-shit!!
Tiz why most of us just go ahead and pay for it....fuck the headaches!!

Dude I wasn't even trying to hook up at the least. Not complaining about that. Just the damn attitude during a social event. Was a waste of time

Posted By: dinamohum
in this world, u r being sold ( the sweet attitude ).
But i hear ya, it's a pain in the ass, when all ya wanna do is fuck and ya gotta put up with the bull-shit!!
Tiz why most of us just go ahead and pay for it....fuck the headaches!!

WE GET PAID to be willing and actively make effort to get to know you and such.

Hand your civvie bitches an envelope and you will be shocked at change of their demeanor :)


something to do with the fact that you're paying us lol. Cmon man...you don't think we are all this nice to every guy in the world do ya? Well, ya'll know I'm not for sure bwahahahah.

Well it was a social event and I needed her to accompany me. I know it is money relationship with providers but that is what makes it so great

Posted By: London Rayne
something to do with the fact that you're paying us lol. Cmon man...you don't think we are all this nice to every guy in the world do ya? Well, ya'll know I'm not for sure bwahahahah.

REAL life has REAL relationships which require REAL work.

Pay for play is what it is .. you pay, you play, you  go back to your real life.

and what they have added to his life, even if it does involve money...whoa, where did that come from lol.

Posted By: dddbabe
REAL life has REAL relationships which require REAL work.

Pay for play is what it is .. you pay, you play, you  go back to your real life.

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 6:35:00 PM

Preppie wishes he could afford to see providers.

But for the moment it'll be online porn, Mary palm and Betty Blow Up doll.

But one day perhaps...one day :D

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Preppie wishes he could afford to see providers.

But for the moment it'll be online porn, Mary palm and Betty Blow Up doll.

But one day perhaps...one day :D

But you don't and never will.

Too bad for you as well...you just have NO clue how many of us play this game.

And the sad part is you will never understand either.

Thought you were doing a 3-some?

Bad idea to drag a civvy gal into the fray...or was Mom pissed off at you for not inviting her to the party?

And what about brother John...he should have also been invited.

And now I get it...Dad was the fella that grabbed all the attention from these "young gals" and they ignored you :D

dinamohum311 reads

ChgoCPA, your a friggen hoot!!

ClamsCasino238 reads

even the girls here are moody, wtf, you still gotta love 'em, cause they're broads.  man, i'm sick of guys like you.  go join the french foreign legion.  here's a nickel, get a lollypop and go climb on the jungle jim.  little frownie face girl got your tummy upset?  did you think youd get some love posting this here?  scram.

theyll smile when they feel like it, which probably means never.  they smile around me all the time and i smell like cigars.  a five spot and a coupla zingers gets past a round gut and a puss as ugly as mine.  the world is your oyster and youre whining?  got no more time for you.  beat it.

Please just stop feeling sorry for your self and grow up!! If it is not too much of a problem take the silver spoon out of your ass!! Not every guy that comes down the pike is gods gift to woman, both in civie life and the hobby.
Just saying!!! Been there did that.

Posted By: prepkid
I just want to blow off some steam here. Last night's event got me thinking and I realized that perhaps the reason why I want providers is not because of any "guarantee" but ultimately because of their willing and active effort to get to know you and such. It is their effort to try to connect with you that I truly enjoy. Some civi girls couldn't care less. It is all about the attitude.

I had good experiences with civi girls in the past, but for others who do not connect with me, they act like damn bitches Jesus Christ. Please mind my language ladies, but I was pissed last night. Various acts of playing hard to get, read me, and other "not feeling too well" bull shit situations.

I should have man up and brought a young provider instead last night.

dinamohum345 reads

now that you've graduated.
Assuming you now have a good job, hang on to it, stay single, fuck hookers the rest of your life.
If you can't handle what you had to put up with last nite, don't even think about getting married!!

Hell no marriage. If I have to get married, I would rather marry a provider. LOL

Posted By: dinamohum
now that you've graduated.
Assuming you now have a good job, hang on to it, stay single, fuck hookers the rest of your life.
If you can't handle what you had to put up with last nite, don't even think about getting married!!

saturnsky268 reads

You forget, once the time clock is punched, we go right back into being normal regular women. The money you set down is why we  are all smiles for the duration, telling you what you want to hear, doing things we may not necessarily like doing (to you), all dressed up in lingerie and being all alluring and seductive.

Reality, this is a fantasy and not anywhere close to what a provider would be like if you married one.

One HUGE factor...money and if it was not on the table, I would guess the majority of women you have paid to see would  possibly not see you sans the envelop...it is what it is.

He's already committed to his "blow up doll"...

And if he married another...well that would just deflate his current "wife" :D

Posted By: ChgoCPA
He's already committed to his "blow up doll"...

And if he married another...well that would just deflate his current "wife" :D

I'll try and put it in a context that someone who didn't get an Eastern prep school education can understand!

Just let me know...did you actually get a GED yet?

Posted By: saturnsky
You forget, once the time clock is punched, we go right back into being normal regular women. The money you set down is why we  are all smiles for the duration, telling you what you want to hear, doing things we may not necessarily like doing (to you), all dressed up in lingerie and being all alluring and seductive.

Reality, this is a fantasy and not anywhere close to what a provider would be like if you married one.

One HUGE factor...money and if it was not on the table, I would guess the majority of women you have paid to see would  possibly not see you sans the envelop...it is what it is.

If the roller-coaster ride that is a civie relationship in difficult one with a provider will make you swear off women. They are like every other woman but with a job that will play on your every insecurity if you let it. Learn how handle civies first. Providers are not all sunshine and pussy. That is the fantasy they provide, not the reality. They have every issue a civie will.

Just had a solid lunch with my friends. Gonna get some coffee and just laugh out what happened last night. The weather is too good to care about it.

And a young stud like you none of us want to see that happen :D

I would have paid for it. It would be worth the price of admission to see your Dean and males teachers running for cover once they recognized her.

Posted By: Chicken_Choking_Is_Free
I would have paid for it. It would be worth the price of admission to see your Dean and males teachers running for cover once they recognized her.

MyRantAlias317 reads

Has anyone bothered to read his review?   18 and already into really kinky shit.
I just hope he doesn't turn into the new CL killer by the time he is out of college.

saturnsky333 reads

And leaves the young girls alone....they'd be scarred for life....lol

At least then he could discuss some of this and actually know what he is talking about.

But as too many people are pretenders...preppie is the valedictorian of them!

It sucks to want to play and not have the resources to do so :(

Posted By: MyRantAlias
Has anyone bothered to read his review?   18 and already into really kinky shit.
I just hope he doesn't turn into the new CL killer by the time he is out of college.


we all just said goodbye i thought..now you created our second train wreck this week..whass up kid..

*Sigh man.. I just wanted to rant out something after a horrible last night.

Posted By: macdaddy1944

we all just said goodbye i thought..now you created our second train wreck this week..whass up kid..

So annoying, in fact, that a notorious old poster sent me flame about you he wanted me to post.  It would, I'm sure, have gotten me moderated, so I refused.  But I'll pass along a few of the choicer and funnier spewings, having edited out most of the F-bombs.
He wishes he could verbally rip your f___ head off.  He says you should grow the f____ up and listen to some of the people on this thread and "stop being such a self-serving douchbag."  He also had some choice words for your mom, implying she's hooker he's been with and that she has no teeth.  I hope this is not true. Those are the only printable parts of his description of her.  Finally, he urges you to make the most of your education because "your lame-ass mom worked long and hard" as a provider to put you thru McDonald's F____ managerial school to f______ properly get those fries just right. BTW, the f_____ sausage McMuffin with egg and hash browns kick ass! Keep up the f_____ tradition!"
I was going to start a contest to guess who this f_____  guy is, but I think you all know.

Sounds like a life he once had.

Posted By: inicky46
So annoying, in fact, that a notorious old poster sent me flame about you he wanted me to post.  It would, I'm sure, have gotten me moderated, so I refused.  But I'll pass along a few of the choicer and funnier spewings, having edited out most of the F-bombs.
He wishes he could verbally rip your f___ head off.  He says you should grow the f____ up and listen to some of the people on this thread and "stop being such a self-serving douchbag."  He also had some choice words for your mom, implying she's hooker he's been with and that she has no teeth.  I hope this is not true. Those are the only printable parts of his description of her.  Finally, he urges you to make the most of your education because "your lame-ass mom worked long and hard" as a provider to put you thru McDonald's F____ managerial school to f______ properly get those fries just right. BTW, the f_____ sausage McMuffin with egg and hash browns kick ass! Keep up the f_____ tradition!"
I was going to start a contest to guess who this f_____  guy is, but I think you all know.

You would ether love him or hate him, there is very little middle ground. He cusses a lot, He can be cruel. He is opinionated, and can be full of himself. He is brass and often rude. And he is a great friend of mine. You ether love him or hate him and I love him. I miss him. He knew how to cause a train wreck. I love (in a non gay way) that F--ken, f--ker. He is a great guy even if he is drunk most of the time.

Clrw_guy06219 reads

Civi girls acting hard to get?  Try asking a provider who you like out, and you'll find out what hard to get is all about.

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