TER General Board

Practice Makes Perfect
GioVanna90 662 reads

Baby I feel ya. Only because I have struggled with social anxiety when I was younger. Practice makes perfect. First of all, we are here to serve YOU.  If anything, we are the ones who should be nervous. I promise you, we are the one nervous about meeting YOUR needs, as we are the ones getting paid for it. Baby, your only "job" is to relax...the rest is up to us. The fact that you are that concerned about how you meet our needs, makes you a very quality client already.

relax baby...its OUR job to worry xoxoxo

So...does anyone else have a problem with getting nervous before and during an appointment?

I am a relative newbie (have seen two providers in the USA, 3 in Germany) and I get REALLY nervous. I actually start shaking/trembling. So far, the providers I have seen have been super cool about it, but it is still kind of embarrassing. I'm not 100% sure why it happens. Perhaps part of it is being nervous about LE, part of it is just being nervous about other fall out from getting caught, and part of it is anxiety about my own performance with a stranger.

Any recommendations on how to chill out? I think a couple of stiff drinks probably wouldn't hurt, but I don't want the provider to feel unsafe because she thinks I might be drunk.



Will get better with more experience although probably never go away completely. My first 10 or so times I would get so nervous I could not sleep or eat three days in advance. Now, I at most get an elevated heart rate just as I arrive at a provider's door. I think it's a good sign to have some nerves and just means you care about being safe. Not much one can do to allay nervousness unless you go the pharmacological route. A beta blocker can keep your heart rate steady, and a benzodiazepine will quell nerves (but may hamper the experience plus you need a script for these).  I used to have a drink just prior and it helped. Just don't drink anything that will smell strong like whiskey(or too much!). You can also just ask the provider to share some wine with you first when you meet. Hope that helps!

Baby I feel ya. Only because I have struggled with social anxiety when I was younger. Practice makes perfect. First of all, we are here to serve YOU.  If anything, we are the ones who should be nervous. I promise you, we are the one nervous about meeting YOUR needs, as we are the ones getting paid for it. Baby, your only "job" is to relax...the rest is up to us. The fact that you are that concerned about how you meet our needs, makes you a very quality client already.

relax baby...its OUR job to worry xoxoxo

about providers being worried ... lol
all in all, very thoughtful response.

I find that doing a bit of yoga breathing & a couple of positions, along with some stretches, calms and centers me. I'm sometimes nervous with a new provider or excited to see an old friend, but either way, it helps. Better than a drink for me. It's also good to limber up before playtime begins.


It is the "nervous" feeling that releases the endorphins.

Once you get through the initial body symptoms of being "nervous",
you'll be riding a big wave of Fun  
and a world of Possibilities will open up for you.

Senator.Blutarsky394 reads

Maybe the OP is confusing being nervous with the anticipation and excitement of a new adventure. I like to ride... a big wave of fun as you call it. 😎

big wave
big motorcycle
big opportunity
big excitement
big orgasm

That "nervous" feeling is the Juice that ignites creative potential.
It's the only way to ride.


(U thought I was going to say big dick. Ha!  
No, smaller ones can give a girl a run for her money too)

Not enough to get blotto, or to affect your physical functioning, but just a shot (for me, at least) was enough to calm the nerves and allow me to enjoy myself.  After a while, I became very secure about hobbying and no longer needed it.

GaGambler446 reads

There is an added benefit to a bit of booze for the nervous types. I imagine many of the nervous nellies are also worried about being "two pump chumps" a few drinks will desensitize you "down there" and make it less likely that you will shoot your wad too quickly.

Besides, I am pretty sure I have heard you tell people to "drink a lot" before a session. I think your exact words were to be "well hydrated" but potato/potatoe. Like everyone else here, I hear what I want to. lol

It depends on the person.  Half  shot for me might be like 28 shots to you and a certain he-who-cannot-be-named.

Does this happen elsewhere, but maybe to a lessor degree? Talk to a therapist or trusted friend. As suggested, practice may help.  

Remember, the sensations of nerves and excitement are essentially the same. Initially I thought it was nerves, and it was to a point, but it was also excitement, anticipation, etc.

Don't judge yourself, or "try too hard to change it." Maybe try meditation as a general practice.

Posted By: herbangparty
So...does anyone else have a problem with getting nervous before and during an appointment?  
 I am a relative newbie (have seen two providers in the USA, 3 in Germany) and I get REALLY nervous. I actually start shaking/trembling. So far, the providers I have seen have been super cool about it, but it is still kind of embarrassing. I'm not 100% sure why it happens. Perhaps part of it is being nervous about LE, part of it is just being nervous about other fall out from getting caught, and part of it is anxiety about my own performance with a stranger.  
 Any recommendations on how to chill out? I think a couple of stiff drinks probably wouldn't hurt, but I don't want the provider to feel unsafe because she thinks I might be drunk.  
Screening.Clients and pros at risks in illegal business.

When I first started this hobby, I was so uptight on the first call that I couldn't get it up at all. The girl might have been new, as she wasn't comfortable with the situation either and that made it worse. The next couple of calls, I was able to get it up but not off. By my fourth time, I was finally relaxed enough to come.

Aside from having one drink before hand, I suggest that you start with a massage. Either just see massage providers until you get over your tension, or see full-service providers who will start the session with a massage. It may not need to be a long massage, just long enough to calm you down. Even if it's a lousy massage by professional massage standards, the gentle caressing while you just lay there should be enough to help you relax.

Also, don't worry about outcomes, just experience the present sensations and enjoy them.

Know what you want, and what makes you comfortable.

I never really relax when I go to an incall.

I try to set up a nice environment for a good time. (At my hotel)
Including having a few drink options and a couple ice cold beers for me, and music to set the mood.

Some providers will not drink, but it seems like the
Ones that will have a drink or 2 with me definitely put me
At ease and seem to be more relaxed and closer to GFE.

Communication is great, with the right providers.
Some gals you just won't "click" with,  but that's ok too.

Remember, they work for you,  be specific and tell them that
You are nervous..(they will already know anyway) and what you want to do during the session and enjoy!!

Also, try a longer appointment and MSOG.  
(Then, there is no rush and no pressure on round one)

Do what you like.

WICardinalfan398 reads

I am a big fan of ATF (All Time Favorite) in the beginning for sure.  Sample the field, then lock onto one or two ladies you like.  Seeing them frequently will reduce the nerves and in my case the sex gets better.  

In time, the nerves are under control....most of the time.  I do get concerned, and aware, of the potential of LE, but as others have said on these boards, if you do your homework the chance of a bad experience is reduced significantly.

Good luck!

is clearly a professional and has spent many years training his system to deal effectively with alcohol during sex, for most men, alcohol not only dehydrates your body, but can also desensitize your erogenous zones.  My limit before sex would be a glass or two of wine or champagne WITH  dinner, just to be social and put the girl at ease more than me, but you need to find your own happy medium between the positive and negative effects of alcohol use on your own body functions.  

If you aren't enjoying it- don't do it.  If you are enjoying, don't worry about it.  Apparently it's not so bad that the girl has freaked out - so don't worry about it.  As you do more of this the nerves will go away... or they won't.  But if you are enjoying it - don't worry about it either way.  The only purpose of this is to have fun.  

 Regardless - you are better off NOT drinking if the purpose is just to give you Dutch courage.  Nothing like a nervous drunk to put a girl at ease.... LOL

On the other hand if you like to drink (like some of the degenerates around here) and you can handle it- great.  The key is enjoy in a responsible manner and play safe....

Posted By: herbangparty
So...does anyone else have a problem with getting nervous before and during an appointment?  
 I am a relative newbie (have seen two providers in the USA, 3 in Germany) and I get REALLY nervous. I actually start shaking/trembling. So far, the providers I have seen have been super cool about it, but it is still kind of embarrassing. I'm not 100% sure why it happens. Perhaps part of it is being nervous about LE, part of it is just being nervous about other fall out from getting caught, and part of it is anxiety about my own performance with a stranger.  
 Any recommendations on how to chill out? I think a couple of stiff drinks probably wouldn't hurt, but I don't want the provider to feel unsafe because she thinks I might be drunk.  

First time I hired a provider, I was nervous. Second time, a little jittery. Third time, no big deal. Gets easier with practice. Take deep breaths, and relax, you are going to have a great time with a beautiful woman. Do not drink before a date.

Wow. Thank you for the input everyone.

It sounds like experience will help alleviate a lot of my problem. I have to admit though, it never really occurred to me to find an ATF and stick with her. There are just soooo many amazing women out there, it's hard to resist trying to see as many as possible. :)

I think I will continue to stay away from alcohol. It's better to keep a clear head, and safer for everyone involved.

Yoga is tempting, but not practical in terms of time commitment.  

I think trying to reframe the nerves as excitement rather than anxiety will probably be the most help. I think I read somewhere that there had been scientific research that suggested that approached worked for other forms of social anxiety.

Thank you again everyone. Being able to talk about it with others who understand helps as well.


My suggestion is having a cocktail before your session to ease your nerves. I don't think one drink will get you drunk so you should be fine. If you don't feel comfortable with that then explain to the provider your a bit new to this still and I am sure she can put you at total ease. Hope this helps.

When I've witnessed that it was a total turn on for me, because it made me feel super hot.

Also, bring a bottle of something with you if she drinks (maybe let her open it) it's a great ice breaker.

Your session will have a more natural flow and you will both be on the same level. It's not fun to meet a drunk client. I One-Drink-Buzz would be relaxing without losing your senses. You shouldn't have to worry about LE. Do your homework.

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