TER General Board

Please don't put up with bait and switch.sad_smile
Waterclone 78 Reviews 2837 reads

Here is an quote from a review...

" she opened the door only for me to discover this was NOT the same girl in the picture. I didn't say much, but I was EXTREMELY disappointed with the deception....
We had a drink and took care of the business. She took off her clothes and I was less than thrilled. However, I had already sacraficed two hours so there was no turning back."

The reason they get away with this is because you let them.  I know it sucks when you are planning to have a session and then don't, but as long as people like this stay for the session with the wrong girl, the scam will keep happening.

It's the same as with SPAM.  SPAM will stop when morons stop buying from the SPAMMERS.  As long as they are making money with their bad practices, there is no reason to stop.

Hit em where it hurts...  In the wallet.

It is very true that scams are out there. And yes, if most guys would stop paying for B&S you might find some of it would stop. But you will never stop that very human thing called "greed" which makes some people say anything to sell you something.

As a long time hobbyist, I'd like to see the following rules enacted into laws by Congress:

1). All providers must show a full body, non-blurred, recent
   picture which accurately depicts the way she looks when
   she arrives for an appointment with a hobbyist.

2). If the provider is not the girl in the photographs, okay
   I'll even give em that if she's not at least as good-looking
   and fit as the girl in the photographs and you decide to
   cancel, you should be able to do so without paying a dime.
   In fact, they should give you a discount on the next time
   when an attractive babe is available.

3). If you cancel a B&S session, you will not be subjected to
   verbal and/or physical harrassment of any kind.

Since I know hell will freeze over before any of these are agreed to, I'll just close it and say, "Such is life!"

If you see the provider laying on their stomach and not showing there stomach that is a dead give away. There are things they do in pictures to cover up mis-represent themselves. I know who even tried to keep some silly top on to cover up will in session. Alot will highlight the cleavage or rear but not the stomach.

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