TER General Board

piercings, yuck
souls_harbor 50 reads

Piercings cause a yuck response.   It's like looking at an injury.  The feeling comes up from the gut, a sort of repulsion from the subconscious.

In other words, did her particular tattoos drive your decision to contact HER as opposed to some otherwise comparable lady with, say, no tattoos?

Small ones I can overlook... but I'm not attracted to otherwise attractive ladies with extensive body art.  it's my choice & I don't appologize for it.  Better to not book wih anyone whom I'm not attracted to rather than show up & neither of us have a good time.  

John_Laroche44 reads

unless they are particularly gang-oriented, then it's a turn-off.
First time I ever banged a girl with a tattoo was probably 1982. Maybe I still have a Pavlovian response.  
On the subject of body art, my biggest deal breaker is pierced nips.

Tattoos usually don't bother me, but looking at name tattooed on a lady's back with a DOD will get me to switch positions rather quickly and want me to leave even quicker.  Not the type of body art that I want to hear the story behind it.

and they were never a distraction. Once I saw her tattoos and admired the artwork, I didn't notice them again during our visit.

Ladmo48 reads

Only to avoid them. I'm not a fan of ink. Especially on a beautiful woman.  It's like drawing graffiti on the Mona Lisa.  

I can overlook a small subtle one but more than that is a deal breaker.

...Most providers don't show their tatts in their photos but I have never been put off by a providers body art, as a mater of fact my ATF has beautiful large tatts one on each hip, however I think neck or gang tatts would be a distracting turn off.

souls_harbor47 reads

I don't like tats, but you'd pretty quickly run out of providers if you refused to see any of them since tats are so common these days.  A tat screams insecurity to me -- someone who needs to fit into the trends of the day.  Like anybody who has extreme fashion -- such as goth.  I mean if you see a goth you know they have issues.  Same with tats.

Basically I draw the line based on how much acreage is covered.  Typically if they have 'em running all the way up both arms and shoulders they are also likely to sport a butch haircut or other anti-feminine thing.  Yeah, no.

..... to get my cock sucked by an expert cocksucker I become incredibly blind and tolerant of body art.  
One of my favorite ladies has unusual hair and extensive tats on her. The tats are real works of art.  
Her personality and her skills are greater works of art than her tats.

Yes! The constantly sway my decisions. I'm a bit conservative...

Not a huge fan of them.  small, few and out of the way is fine.

Once in a while I see a hottie that has a full sleeve on her arm that somehow makes her more sexy. Depends on the artwork.

The total turn offs...  Ghetto looking or Gang related... Whats with all the crown tats? Big fucking gross lettering.
If she looks like a New York Subway train... YUCK!  
Tats on her neck, chest, tits, cleavage, midriff or anywhere outside of the bikini line. ugg...
I find a woman's navel extremely sexy... unless there is a tat ANYWHERE near it.

...I wanted to see based on het tattoos but her many reviews revealed a passive aggressive, goth, punk rocker with many fetishes. PS - the tattoos were neither goth nor punk rock.

and somehow it really hit a nerve I did not know I even had.   I found myself in awe of their body art, and got very turned on in a very kinky way by it. They are sadly no longer on the scene, so I can not mention who they are, but if you are a long time TER observer, you'd know who they are.

As for other gals with body art, I like it if it is well done (Some is not.), but it was never the reason I saw the persons.

ThePeopleRule56 reads

You must have had flames and pin striping on that old Buick.

I have been deterred by the amount & location of tats. i don't mind
a few smallish ones.

Here_I_Go46 reads

Tats don't bother me at all.  Some of my best sessions have been with heavily inked women.  Where I draw the line is with piercings which often go together with the ink.  Meaning stuff like thick nose rings, or large discs/rings in ear lobes.  That stuff completely grosses me out.  

souls_harbor51 reads

Piercings cause a yuck response.   It's like looking at an injury.  The feeling comes up from the gut, a sort of repulsion from the subconscious.

I have looked at womens photos whose tattoos had only drove my decision to NOT contact her. I really am not a fan of tattoos, but if subtle and tasteful I have no issue with them. If they are too pronounced, or she is tagged up like a freeway underpass, I would avoid her altogether even if she had flawless reviews

out why they do it ! Great looking women and they cover it with ink, yuck.

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