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picking up a woman is in a bar since most are the with a bf
mtdewking2015 1124 reads

the only time i ever take a woman in bar home I was scard she will puck in my car.  

Posted By: masters1828
At age 54, I have enjoyed the pleasure of more hot women than I ever thought about at age 23 (correction....not "more than I ever thought about"...I though about it every minute of the day at 23) Difference is at 23 I had no money and no game so success was infrequent, though even a blind squirrel gets a nut occasionally (pun intended) At 54 I still have no game...probably couldn't pick up a woman at a bar to save my life....but at least I can afford to enjoy the company of  beautiful women regularly. That's pretty cool in my book! Thanks ladies! :-)

masters18282902 reads

At age 54, I have enjoyed the pleasure of more hot women than I ever thought about at age 23 (correction....not "more than I ever thought about"...I though about it every minute of the day at 23) Difference is at 23 I had no money and no game so success was infrequent, though even a blind squirrel gets a nut occasionally (pun intended) At 54 I still have no game...probably couldn't pick up a woman at a bar to save my life....but at least I can afford to enjoy the company of  beautiful women regularly. That's pretty cool in my book! Thanks ladies! :-)

the only time i ever take a woman in bar home I was scard she will puck in my car.  

Posted By: masters1828
At age 54, I have enjoyed the pleasure of more hot women than I ever thought about at age 23 (correction....not "more than I ever thought about"...I though about it every minute of the day at 23) Difference is at 23 I had no money and no game so success was infrequent, though even a blind squirrel gets a nut occasionally (pun intended) At 54 I still have no game...probably couldn't pick up a woman at a bar to save my life....but at least I can afford to enjoy the company of  beautiful women regularly. That's pretty cool in my book! Thanks ladies! :-)

GaGambler1136 reads

"What the fuck is that DDG woman doing with that old fuck???"

Now I am that old fuck, and a happy old fuck I am.

Look, I like to be honest with myself, I would never even get a second look IRL by the women I've had the pleasure of seeing in the hobby, much less get fucked and sucked.

Men pay for sex, one way or another, there is no such thing as free pussy. I'd much rather pay upfront, with hot women who are intent on rocking my world and who are good at doing so than to have to wine and dine a membr of the OTHFB club (because honestly that's all I'm going to attract IRL) and all that for some broad who is going to lay there and open her legs and who thinks that she doesn't need to give head. And worse yet before and after the sex I have to listen to her bullshit.

I Absolutely adore this life.

Let's face it, at the age of 50 plus years, there's a limit on the type of lady that you're going to pick up at the tavern.  Paying for it you have the pick of the litter from 18 year olds to woman in their prime.   And, usually no hassle if you know how to select them by reading their reviews.

that you can even enjoy pussy in moderation even at the age of 23...

I started hobbying at the ripe old age of 21 and few months. Now granted that I made more money than most of my friends, sheerly due to being in a field that pays very well, even at entry level, but I wasn't by no means raking in a huge salary. However, small sacrifices here and there, I would have enough money to enjoy pussy at least every other month..Most guys spent money on silly toys that I just diverted to renting pussy..

One trap I avoided was getting married at early age.

I had one early and disastrous experience with the hobby in my early 20's. I wasn't getting enough pussy (well hardly any at all) I decided I was going to have an "experience" Got together some $$ ..though I wasn't making much...maybe a hundred or a bit more I can't remember (this would have been about 1982) and found a girl. She was probably about 5-7 years older. Very classy in appearance and dress. It was a Friday or Saturday night...I don't remember how this came about but she came to my shabby apartment and then she wanted me to take her to some high class party situation. Waaay out of my league. There was some win in it for her...don't remember...I think she was supposed to talk to someone there for a few minutes or whatever..hell she might have turned a trick in the coat closet...I probably wouldn't have known...Anyway after an hour or so of that we went back to my apartment. Went to my bedroom and I couldn't even get it up. At age 22 or whatever. The whole experience just intimidated me. Now in my 50's (took this up for real at about age 50) I like 'em younger than the one I had that night. And it's fun! Getting it up is no problem, especially with some occasional help :-) As was stated earlier in the thread...life is good!

I went to college with the hottest girls you can imagine. 9s and 10s dressed in shorts, skirts or yoga pants everyday. They were "too hot" for me and never gave me a chance. I've tried a few times, but I'm never their type. It's ironic how the ones I'm interested in aren't interested in me and the ones who are interested in me aren't my type. I've gone to bars with friends to socialize and meet new people. Never went solo to try to pick up a girl, it's just not my style. The bars I've gone to consist of groups of friends hanging out together anyways. I haven't seen girls or guys solo at a bar.

Very fortunate to be able to afford to hobby, among other things, at my age. It does feel like I'm just taking the easy way out and not putting effort into trying to meet "regular" girls. It doesn't really bother me, though. I don't care if I don't have the game or social skills to be able to get girls without paying. I guess it's more of a bucket list thing for guys to be able to pick up a chick at a bar. Maybe I'll give it a shot one of these days just to say I did it. I'm a lot more confident now that I have more money coming in, and that does help tremendously.

Posted By: masters1828
At age 54, I have enjoyed the pleasure of more hot women than I ever thought about at age 23 (correction....not "more than I ever thought about"...I though about it every minute of the day at 23) Difference is at 23 I had no money and no game so success was infrequent, though even a blind squirrel gets a nut occasionally (pun intended) At 54 I still have no game...probably couldn't pick up a woman at a bar to save my life....but at least I can afford to enjoy the company of  beautiful women regularly. That's pretty cool in my book! Thanks ladies! :-)

GaGambler854 reads

Try going to a "cougar bar" alone sometime. You will be the prey and they will be the hunters. You won't need any "game" to get laid in one of those places unless you have a hump or are otherwise horribly disfigured.

Truth be told, your lack of "game" might even help you in such a place. These cougars are just like us "dirty old men" many of them are looking for a "young and innocent plaything"

Right on Gent GaGa!

Specially this youngster seems to be from my hometown of San Diego where the two-legged cougar population has been steadily on the rise at the expense of the extinction of the original 4-legged variety ;)

GaGambler914 reads

and lots of young guys love to fuck what I would call "old broads" I know when I was 23 I would never pass on a woman just because she was 40, as long as she wasn't fugly, and if I drank enough, I would even do fugly if there were no witnesses. lol

It's funny, now at the ripe old age of 55, I have zero desire to fuck most 40 year old women, and I bet there isn't one woman out of a thousand that is my own age that I would even consider fucking. It is good for the ego though to know that you can still pick up a woman 15 years younger than you, even if you don't really want to go through with it knowing that for a few hundred bucks you can fuck a 25 year old hottie instead, WITHOUT any of the bullshit that comes from fucking civvie women.

I will admit that it does suck that pretty soon civvie women under thirty are going to be a thing of the past for me. I can still pull the occasional twenty something, but it's becoming rarer and rarer. Before long I will be getting ALL of my pussy via P4P, but I guess that's better than not getting any at all, or being reduced to seeing women my own age. Quite frankly I don't think I could even get it up for a fifty year old, much less sixty.

I'm 4 years behind you GaGa but I've noticed that I have become far less "desperate" and dropped the game-playing facade that I had going on in my late 30's through 40's. I used to get a lot of younger civvies through traditional dating sites when was in my mid 30's thru early 40's (I have always passed for a few years younger) but as soon as I hit 45, the traditional sites became a real shiiit show for me! Something happened as soon as I hit 50 though! I started not to give a flying farg anymore about the games that were played to garner and maintain p*ssy!

I tell you what though, the day that I will have to "date" (interpret as you will) women at my own age, is the day when I will happy hang it up and just live the rest of my then celibate life happily breathing merely on the "fumes" of the past!

GaG, I don't know where you live or what your exposure is to the female civilian population but man, I gotta tellya, I can think of 10 40-somethingsright off the top of my head without even trying hard that are fucking gorgeous...and still have rockin bodies and I would fuck every one of them in a heartbeat. I dunno, yes that might not be the majority....but it's not like they're not roaming around in fairly healthy numbers from where I sit. Women today , in their 40's , know what it takes to stay fit and healthy and they're doing so! Maybe I'll feel differently when I hit double nickels. I dunno

GaGambler701 reads

My tastes run differently I suppose, and who's to say that my tastes won't change again tomorrow, but for today at least I am simply not attracted to the average, or even above average 40 year old, and once they hit fifty, it has to be maybe one in a thousand that I have the least bit of interest in.

I wish my tastes ran differently, as I could pick up all the forty somethings that I could ever want. Unfortunately picking up twentysomethings at my age is not something that I can do with any regularity, and with each passing year it gets rarer and rarer. lol

I hear you.

Let me just throw out a few names....that are google-able...and you tell me if you find them attractive...and if given the chance..you would fuck them (for free). pretend they just posted their first ad on TER in your city. Would you be interested? At all? (All over 40)

Charisma Carpenter  

Nikki Ziering  

Alexandra Adi  

Lisa Vidal  

Brande Roderick  

Eva Mendes  

Cynthia Preston  

These aren't even extreme examples....there are broads all over town that look just as good as any of these I just listed. Just sayin'...

GaGambler577 reads

The exceptions would be Cynthia Preston and Lisa Vidal, I am really not attracted to either of them. Ten years younger might be a different case, but looking at the pics I found on Google, I just plain would not be interested.

As for fucking them if they were hookers, Yes a couple of them still look hot enough to do, but if I had choice between a twenty five year old TER hooker at $300 hr in Dallas or Atlanta markets, or I suppose $4-500 in Chicago or NYC, I would pick any one of hundreds of mid priced hookers over any of the women that you have listed.

Listen, I am not trying to change your taste in women, and your taste seems to be the majority here, but as for me, I just am not really into women over forty, not even movie stars who are hardly "average"

Since you and I seem to share the need to have the last word...I'll just respond to this and move on.

I wasn't suggesting your taste in p4p, limited to 20-somethings was right or wrong. I just wondered how someone who likes pussy would look his nose down on a whole subset of babes and consider them un-fuckable, strictly based on that: their age. Not paying for it...that I get. , again..I have no clue where you live or where you find yourself day in and day out...but wow...I go the gym, as a dumb example...and see TONS of 40 somethings that are REALLY good looking, with really good bodies...sans any surgery. But...like you said, just different tastes.

BTW Eva JUST turned 40, and also just had a baby with Ryan Gosling. She'll live without  GaGambler just fine, lol!

Steph xoxo

IRL I like what I like and it runs into the much lower percentage of what is actually available. I am not prepared to lower my standards. And glad you are not either.  To you, you are not missing out on those 40 somethings even if a ton of men find them hot. You don;t so it matters not what others think.  

Keep banging those 20 somethings...............

I was in a beach bar and got picked up by an "old" divorced lady of 40 who looked better in a bikini than most of the 20 somethings. She took me back to the hotel room she had gotten as a treat for herself to get away from the kids for one night and she fucked me everywhere there was a where in that room: shower, bathroom counter, balcony, bed, chair, floor, dresser...and it was one of my first CIMs. Come morning we pleasantly parted ways, never saw her again. In the six years between then and when I got married I hit up every older woman I could find and had way more good times than bad!

If you are lucky enough to discover this hobby sometime in your life I don't know why anyone would go back and try to pick up women at a bar

The bar can be a lot of fun! I was on the hunt one night at the pub but my usual fuck buddy left. Just as I was making my way to the door a gentlemen asked me to join him. He was with a whole bunch of friends that were in town from all over the world. We hung for quite awhile then he asked if I cared to go up to his room for a few. We were in and out quick with perma grin the rest of the night. The next night I met back up with him and his crew and I saw him checking out other pretty girls, I was checking them out also. I told him to go for it. He chuckled and said " I've got the sure thing right here!" We both laughed and I broke his cherry that night. Life is what you make it, some definitely have more game than others.  

-- Modified on 12/5/2014 6:12:44 PM

GaGambler1010 reads

Now here it is thirty years later and I consider them "too old" I can only imagine how I will feel in another 10-20 years.

GaGambler, I’m your age. She was great. She had good genetics, took care of herself and also had some plastic surgery done. I was impressed with her. Although, I’m not the most particular as a few lines and imperfections are okay with me, as long as she’s shapely and has good symmetry, clean mouth and good teeth, along with a great attitude, cleanliness, overall good health and is into what she does and does it well. Of course price and availability factor into the choice as well.
Anyway, I respect your choice and overall, I do think that younger women with good genetics win out over the older women in the looks department. Although you’re referring to the act and not dating, the attached link Ask Men (in its own off-handed way) paints a general overview of an attitude that may draw some parallels to certain experiences and behaviors: Should You Date An Older Or A Younger Woman?  

Perhaps involving a session: what differences do you pick up in a younger provider compared to an older provider

GaGambler904 reads

The advice seems much more geared to a man in his thirties or forties max, and not really with someone like me in mind.

For example the author refers to women "ten years younger" as a younger woman. In my (and your) case a woman ten years younger than me is still 45, definitely what I consider an older woman, not a younger one.

Maybe it's just me, but even in my civvie life the oldest woman I have dated in the last ten years or so has been 14 years younger than me. All the rest were at least 20 years younger than me. Where it comes to hookers, the overwhelming majority are a minimum of 25 years younger than me and most are about 30 years younger.

As for your question about the differences between older and younger women in a session. Call me shallow, but the major difference is how attracted I am to a younger woman. I don't like old skin, and even kissing an older woman doesn't have that young sweet taste and resembles kissing my grandmother, and the thought of having my grandmother sticking her tongue down my throat is downright revolting to me. lol

Once again, this is NOT a post bashing old broads, I am quite aware of the fact that MOST guys don't feel the way that I do, and most certainly am not trying to change anyone's mind on this subject, I am simply stating MY opinion, and what makes ME feel this way, and as I stated earlier, my position on this is very likely to change in the future, but this is how I feel about it now, and how I have felt for the last 10-15 years.

GaGambler, I am with you 100% on this one. To each his own taste but for me, bring on the 25 and below girls! :-) No shot at them in real life....but of course there for the taking within the hobby. It's a beautiful thing!

...fine in your choice of minimum 25. I agree on the not “old skin," or otherwise the smooth skin, taut without wrinkles is most beautiful; which is a given on younger woman.  

Yes, my oversight about the 10 year age difference as 45 is not even remotely close to 25 (This article may have been written by a 40-something or under, for all I know)

Anyway, when I saw this article it reminded me of a research study some years back that said when it came to dating, younger women were in more demand than older women. Both younger men and older men would seek out younger women compared to them seeking out older women; hence, the older women had limited choice. (Yet, I suppose it could be viewed different today if the cougars pursue out the younger men.)

But as far as the hobby, I’m assuming that on average the younger ones are in more demand than the older ones tit for tat, same dollar for dollar, where younger one wins out.  

It’s also a sobering reminder that as time passes for all of us in our 50’s that we are getting further removed from those women in their 20’s. So, I can understand the get it while you can perspective.  

Anyway, I see you have the support from the OP’s thread on this one. (No argument from me here, I had many good lap dances with 20-somethings at strip clubs and VIP rooms; except, not in the hobby— I ought to put it on my bucket list before it’s too late.

was hot NSA sex, which was hard with girls I knew my age but easy with the older women. Now I can have NSA with 20 or 40 year olds any time I want, it's fucking poetry.

I was just like you man. Wasn't very interested in women my own age when  
I was in my twenties. I loved their bodies, but didn't find them very interesting intellectually. I would try to converse with them, and most of the time, they didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. Just on different wavelengths. We didn't relate. So, most of them women I dated were older than me. Wound up marrying one who was 17 years older than me. When we met, I was 27 and she was 44. Got married 3 years later. Had several good years together. When she went through menopause though, that was a total game changer. Obviously it affects women differently, as there are many older providers whom I am sure have gone through "the change", but for her, she pretty much completely lost interest in sex. That's when I started hobbying. Now I'm the same age she was when we met, and I find that most of the ladies I see in hobbyworld are in the 20 to early 30's range. Guess I'm making up for all the 20 something's I didn't see when I was that age. Funny thing is, most of the ladies I've seen have been very bright, and great conversationalists. Not at all like my experiences in civie world. I guess it's an escort thing. Seeing that pretty much all the men they see are older, they have to up their game, convo wise, compared to civie ladies in their 20's. I've only been at this for a little over a year now, and the hobby has been awesome for me, having been in a sex starved marriage for the last several years. Now that I'm getting divorced, I don't think I could give it up for the age/type of woman that would be interested in me in the civie world. Maybe later I will feel differently, but for now, I feel like a kid in a candy store. This is just too much fun!

Even though someone as young as you claim to be, can use "hobbying" or the SD/SB scene (the latter being in a distant 2nd, in terms of alternatives to the traditional civilian dating scene) as a platform to build so-called confidence, you must make sure that you are not building up a false sense of confidence, vis a vis, being able to afford to buy p*ssy!

If you or anyone else for that matter who feels socially awkward, specially around the fairer sex, does not pick up (pun intended) some moderate skills set in order to talk to women on a social level, without making a big fool of himself whether by being overly too aggressive, too "smooth" ala the PUA nonsense which only seems to work on the "bad bitches" in your Millennial Generation or just being a supplicating bumbling, fumbling fool, then this will not bode well as one gets older specially those youngsters who marry young and then find themselves in the pickle of single-hood in their 40's or older.  

Use the hobby as platform knowing that you can get relatively "hot" looking women to engage in quid pro quo intimacy/sex with you, but don't let it replace the pleasures of the civilian dating (must be prepared to endure the pain too) You are far too young to just concentrate on this method alone. Any old fart (yours truly included) who advises you otherwise, is either not being totally honest (either with you or to themselves) or just too jaded.

To those who are socially awkward, I have a simple tip - Always remember your ABC's: Always Be Charming! A genuine smile and a warm hello will do wonders for most guys.

You'll never pick up a chick at a bar solo. Wing man is the number one truism. Solo = loser to women, and therefore, losing strategy. And whatever 'game' you think you need, it's 100% less than that. If you have a friendly attitude, smile, laugh....that's all you need. Snappy one liners and all that other passé bullshit are just that. Besides, at your age, I'm going to guess you'd be happy with flirt-your-ass-off and leave a bar with nothing more than the satisfaction you talked to a strange woman and she seemed to like you. You should try it. Set your sights way lower than taking her home to fuck her. I'd say paying to have sex and limiting your interactions with women to that is selling life short. There's a shit-ton of single , divorced 30-40-50 somethings in everytown USA that are dying to meet guys. You have money? Music to their ears.  

I have seen my share of pretty attractive divorced women fall for dullards with zero game or looks but money in their bank. And, yes..that's a different form of p4p....and in the long run, way more expensive.  

Don't give up

GaGambler968 reads

Not at a cougar bar that is. Even at my "advanced age" all I have to do is go to one of these bars, sit down, order a drink and just act friendly. I guess "not overtly trying" is having "game" in itself. Openly trying to be a "pick up king" is a turn off for most women.

I think having money is just one way that we keep score in life, having a few bucks is one way for women to know that you aren't a loser, but being too overt about it in civvie life will chase off as many women as it will attract, and unfortunately it will most often attract the women that will make your life miserable, and chase off the women only looking for a good time.

I won't disagree the rules are different at cougar bars, although that's a blurry line too. Hell, any angle is going to work depending on where you are, what time it is, what you look like, how you present yourself, etc. ..and especially at a cougar bar. But, more generally, solo has an air of loser-ish-ness....easily overcome by personality,looks, combo...

hey, let's face it...people are in bars to socialize....and they're drinking...so it's the ripest opportunity on planet earth

GaGambler752 reads

Is come into the place with a hottie of your own, even if she's just a friend. Women can't help but want what they think they can't have, and if an average looking guy shows up with a ten on his arm, the first thought that goes through the average woman's mind is "what does that guy have going for him? I need to find out" lol

I used to go gambling with this smoking hot Korean woman, only a few years younger that me, but still smoking hot. I got more pussy when hanging around with her, women who would never give me a second glance if I were solo, would all of a sudden have all this interest in me as soon as they saw me with this hottie. Go figure, right?

So yes, I do agree with your point about going solo, but as you said, the rules are different when you are not the hunter, but the prey. lol

Just another version of wingman....but yeah....that's better than a man wingman...a hot female wingman! Who, if everything else fails, can potentially become your prey!!

GaGambler764 reads

It's much easier to keep a friend like this for years when you don't stick your dick into her. It's like having a guy friend with boobs. lol

The closest I ever came to fucking this particular friend was after drinking four or five bottles of champagne together and woke up in the same bed, but we woke up fully clothed so unless we fucked and then put our clothes back on before passing out, I would say it's VERY unlikely that we had sex. lol

and money is wasted on the old.

Some say irony, but I say:  Ain't life a bitch?

Chauncey Gardner906 reads

some fossil driving a hot sports car or squiring una chica linda around town.  Now that I'm the fossil i realize that unless you were born rich or  were a young movie or music star then chances are you had to work your ass off for years to obtain the material goods you want.  So now that I've earned some of the spoils I make sure my hot babe is dressed provocatively, I put down the top on the sports car and laugh maniacally while hurtling through the crowds of impoverished hipsters.

-- Modified on 12/4/2014 1:24:11 PM

Same age, same situation. I decided recently that I've missed out on enough of what I've wanted out of life. Financial ability trumps good looks. Just look at Trump, for God sakes. I have no qualms dropping some coin on a lady who would otherwise never be interested. Thanks for sharing. We're no alone.

For once there is no bashing, and everyone is acting realistic and civilized.  I have refrained from posting, and limited my trolling, because to be quite honest, many of the posts and the feedback they create, are permeated with negativity.  Like most of us, I am middle aged, emotionally stable, and financially comfortable.  I do not brag about my extra-curricular activities, nor am I ashamed of them.  I do not try to glorify, or justify.  This is a means to an end.  I enjoy a good life, and fortunately this hobby is a microcosm of my good life.   Keep the good thoughts coming. (No pun intended)

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