TER General Board

Photographs - How often should an escort get PRO shots done? -EOP-red_smile
termsofdelicious See my TER Reviews 2303 reads


Weight gain, weight loss, long hair to short, and some might even suggest a change in hair color. Really anything that might make a guy raise his eyebrows in confusion where he lays eyes on her.  

Other than that, if nothing changes, well whenever she feels like it.

89Springer665 reads

I'm about to book with a pretty much UTR provider who has fantastic reviews, and a great website with great photos. Aside from her face, legs and the rest of her body, one draw for me was her (obviously manufactured) EE breasts. I've never experienced really big ones.

Her cup size has changed to DD. Not a big deal, but I have to wonder what else has changed.  Her most recent reviews make it sound like she's still killer in looks, but her photos are the same as last year.  I'm sure she'll be fine, but I wish she'd updated her photos.

High-quality professional images "work" in the hobby because men have a strong response to visual sexual stimulation.

However, it is difficult to completely translate the fantasy created by the images consistently to every client the provider might meet with using a specific set of professional images.

Thus, many clients may feel misled upon meeting the "real" person rather than the carefully presented provider image captured by the lens of a camera.

The trend toward accurate, real-time images presented in do-it-yourself images is very refreshing.

In any event, all photographs (professional or do-it-yourself) are inherently limited when no facial images are presented.

Note:  The "best" provider professional images that I have ever seen accurately represent Victoria Lane (TER ID 61701).

riorunner1117 reads

Damn but that name brings back memories! Victoria's accent, among other attributes, is so very sexy!

Her professional images were so good that she would receive messages from other providers complimenting her on their quality.

Hi There Guys

Downwunder we like to do them everything 3 - 6 months. Its depends on the girl.

Aussie Alley



In Oz every three months
Posted by Alley-Syd, 3/22/2014 11:38:40 PM
Hi There Guys
Downwunder we like to do them everything 3 - 6 months. Its depends on the girl.
Aussie Alley

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 1:38:36 AM

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 1:44:52 AM

Because of the amount of planning put into it (location, wardrobe, props etc). You have to keep it fresh and exciting with new shoots in my opinion...

Guys don't want a surprise when the door is opened, at least not in who is opening it.  They want quick reassurance that it's the girl they were expecting, then they can relax a second and appreciate your greeting attire and efforts.
So the previous poster is right - if your look changes, update the pics, but they don't always have to be professional.  A quick selfie "Hey, look, I'm going redhead now!" or "Cut my hair so it doesn't get in my mouth any more!" or something similarly flirty is fine.  If you've lost or gained some weight, a selfie to update that you've got a six-pack now (or not) is fine.

Also, if you're marketing to a kinkier crowd, pics should reflect that.  Amsterdam6969 would be the far end of that spectrum on TER that I've seen.  If you're marketing GFE, something cuddly and not overly graphic is good.

Photos should reflect accurate body type and marketing niche.

Had one in October 2013 and end of Jan 2014. My problem - I keep changing shit up lol. I'm getting another one tomorrow. Wuuut!

They're fun, and new photos always rake in the Benjamin's. Only once have I not gotten Benji's from a photo shoot,and it's my current photos. Spending $1,000 (with travel,) make a lot more return off of it.

Glad to see a businesswoman doing an (informal) ROI on an investment!

Warning:  unsolicited free (meaning worth what you paid for it) advice ahead

None of my f**king business, but

I get the impression that a lot of ladies are in this for the money, not the sex.  (Duh.)  Courtney, I applaud your business planning.  You may not want to be in this business in 10 or 20 years, so saving your money, treating it like a business and having a financial retirement goal/exit strategy is important.  

A few ladies that I've talked with about this type of stuff told me that they sort of got thrown into (not forced, just what looked like a viable path) the business in the beginning.  To me, the smart ones are thinking how are they are going to get out of this business when they choose to, rather than being forced to stay in the business through lack of planning or options.

It's not that I want any of you to retire, Lord knows I appreciate and love you, but everyone deserves a chance to retire and any independent businessperson has to plan that for themselves.

Doing this, especially in my prime. Our reasons for joining doesn't always determine our reasons for sticking with it.  

I have other goals that can only be accomplished with money lol.  


I still can't get the words "Nah, lingerie's not sexy" out of my head. At least you got yours... I spent $1,300 just to be told I couldn't have them cause I wasn't with the agency anymore!

Posted By: Courtney.ova
Had one in October 2013 and end of Jan 2014. My problem - I keep changing shit up lol. I'm getting another one tomorrow. Wuuut!  
 They're fun, and new photos always rake in the Benjamin's. Only once have I not gotten Benji's from a photo shoot,and it's my current photos. Spending $1,000 (with travel,) make a lot more return off of it.

You paid for them, and I highly doubt they made you sign a waiver of rights to the photos.. what are they going to do, sue? Send you a handful of threatening texts? 'Bout it. I say use the photos.  If you used a photographer, give him the courtesy of a link somewhrre on your site.

Posted By: OhCharlie
I still can't get the words "Nah, lingerie's not sexy" out of my head. At least you got yours... I spent $1,300 just to be told I couldn't have them cause I wasn't with the agency anymore!  
Posted By: Courtney.ova
Had one in October 2013 and end of Jan 2014. My problem - I keep changing shit up lol. I'm getting another one tomorrow. Wuuut!  
  They're fun, and new photos always rake in the Benjamin's. Only once have I not gotten Benji's from a photo shoot,and it's my current photos. Spending $1,000 (with travel,) make a lot more return off of it.

No, I mean that he literally will not send them to me, even though I worked with them and asked for them for a year before I left.

You get those friggin pictures if you paid for them. WTF?? !!

That's theft

HooktardGold1116 reads

The market I catered to was not the drooling and never booking type, so I did not see the need for constant photo updates, participating in photo threads, etc. Unless something changed like hair color, weight, boob job, etc. once a year was all that was needed. Then again, I did not see that many 'new' clients, so the cost would not have turned into shit for me. If you work all the time ( at least every week) then I guess I can see a need to attract new clients, and new photos 'might' do that, but usually all they do are attract guys who look, contact you, and never follow through.  

The time I had the MOST inquiries, was when I password protected my site, and removed all photos from the net... gee, imagine that lol. If you ever want to know how many guys look and never book, try that for a month ha ha. It's unreal how many time wasting morons are out there, knowing they can't pay or won't pay your rate, yet want to stare at your ass for free.

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 9:07:59 AM

My hair changes every couple months, as it has my entire life lol.  

But I have noticed a big difference in bookings with new photo shoots. Maybe because different looks cater to different clients.  

Of course, reviews and board posts are the #1 income generators for me. And I only have 8's and a few 9's in looks. Lol. I'm a 'bucket list' provider I guess lol.  

When I can afford to try, maybe I'll try your strategy lol.

Some of the review ratings are inflated, that's not news.  I don't get the sense from your posts that you pressure your clients for 10/10.  

For appearance
8 is really hot
9 is model material
10 is once in a lifetime

You seem to feel bad about 8's and 9's.  We've never met, so I'm neutral.  Any reviewer should only post a 10 once in his lifetime, for his wildest fantasy woman coming to the door, straight out of Penthouse or Playboy.  Only once in his lifetime.

Most girls I know would love to be described as really hot!  You're getting all of that and more!  You have lots of 9's and at least one 10 and more importantly, your performance ratings are even higher, meaning they really enjoyed the your charms!  Most ladies would love that, and perhaps more importantly, those scores will keep the clients coming.  (sorry for the bad pun)

I do have to say that IMHO, your current gallery doesn't show you as stunningly as it might.  Maybe you could also allow access to older galleries.

I will have all new pics by the end of the week, and it's a pretty long photo shoot... Excited, but I suck at posing lol

HooktardGold1039 reads

WTF are you talking about? There is nowhere in her post that indicates she is somehow upset with her scores, nor has anyone ever said shit about her pressuring them into giving her any higher. She has said on more than one occasion that she knows she is no 10. Don't you have some other hooker to white knight for? Heh. Sorry, but Courtney looks a hell of a lot better and I HAVE seen all of her in person. She also does not lie about her fake careers, her so called cultural upbringing (LOL) and her age like someone else we know.

but the men who contacted me w/ a locked site were a different type of clientele who were interested in an exclusive type that not everyone could view or see, but when I saw the masses (still not that many man), new photos always kept their interest.

With High Quality digital widely available...  and inexpensive...   these days.  Take lots of photos, keep the good.  One might need new photos often if your look changes...  some gals change their looks often...   others seem to change very slowly.    
Good quality picts, good resolution, open large enough to see are a must.

Go for it. My take...if you are questioning it, then maybe you're ready for new shots or a new look. I don't do professional shots myself so I change mine quite often. But for the ladies who do, whenever your budget allows and you feel it's time to. I don't think there's a 'right' time to this process, only when you feel it necessary for that change. I think guys like new photos more often than not, to see just what it is they are shopping for. Of course with hopes that they are going to 'buy' and not just 'browse' after the time and money put into that process.


-- Modified on 3/23/2014 6:25:12 AM

I get my photos done every 6 months.   I have new ones now.I'm trying to change all my pictures on all websites.Take work. Have a good day!

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 6:47:29 AM

In my view, for maximum benefit at the $300-$600 range.

But have a few candid shots too, as some guys don't like pro pics because they can be touched up too much.

As a Hobbyist, I like to see fresh photos, I like to see the changes in the ladies.  They are fun to save and remember the good times with my favorites, and each time I see new professional photos I get excited to see them again!

Then, maybe you should pay for those frequent shoots that supply your jack off material. Get real. If providers were spending 1500 every 3 months on photos, you could not afford the hike in rates that would have to be added to account for such an expense. If you want new material, try a web cam girl who offers that.

Something to do with cash flow...or so I have heard  ;)

He may have earned his reputation here for photoshopping, but he really has a good eye.  
I've shot with a lot of photographers these past few years and he no doubt shot some of my best images to date.  Also, he inspires a rapport between camara and subject that very few other photographers capture.
That said, perception is everything, and so photos with his logo will be more critically scrutinized.  
It's a shame though since the issue of photoshopping should fall on the provider and not the photographer ultimately.

A couple of other Aldo qualities: he's an absolute sweetheart and his prices are VERY reasonable.  

Posted By: TiffanyDelight
He may have earned his reputation here for photoshopping, but he really has a good eye.    
 I've shot with a lot of photographers these past few years and he no doubt shot some of my best images to date.  Also, he inspires a rapport between camara and subject that very few other photographers capture.  
 That said, perception is everything, and so photos with his logo will be more critically scrutinized.    
 It's a shame though since the issue of photoshopping should fall on the provider and not the photographer ultimately.  

He may be an excellent photographer but he lacks in editing, which is why people focus so much on the photoshopping with him. Other photographers photoshop too, but they have the skills and experience doing so that it's not obvious like when he liquifies (edits) not only the lady's stomach, but the background as well. It's pretty obvious, it's sad.

It's incorrect to blame it on the girl's request when their images are fk-ed up w/ poor photoshopping. If a photographer isn't skilled in this area, he can decline (if I recall correctly, Goodface Photography declines certain editing). I know for a fact ladies have just asked for a bit of photoshopping (which can be requested with any photographer - ex Pureskins), but have received back jacked up photos from Aldo (even though he is a very nice person) as if that's adequate photoshopping. It's unfortunate when this happens b/c that's good $$$$$ down the drain if you were hoping for a photographer who's experienced in editing.

Any photographer I have worked with would not release their images to a provider unless they are top notch either with or without editing. It's unacceptable to release botched up photos and state it was the provider's request and it's a shame when other providers come on the board stating it was the other provider's fault for asking for any photoshopping. BS…either a photographer does it if they know how or decline doing so in order to not have people joke about their name, which we see all too often on these boards about Aldo, even though he's a nice guy.

*edited for spelling*

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 2:50:33 PM

GaGambler1145 reads

Just like any other small business owner, you own every mistake and every success. If she hires the wrong photographer and she ends up with grossly over photoshopped pics that don't accurately depict her, blaming it on the photographer just doesn't cut it.

As for Aldo, IMO women are doing themselves a disservice by using him. Too many of us mentally add ten years and twenty pounds to any woman who features "Pics by Aldo" Fair or unfair, that's how many of feel, and as consumers it's our right to do so. The best solution IMO is to find another photographer. At one time Aldo was "good for business" now the negatives outweigh the positives.

although we don't want to admit it, providers request editing whether skin smoothing, photoshop, tattoo removal, and when you invest money into a photographer who promises he can offer results, but doesn't after you've paid him….well, the photographer should take ownership or make it clear on their website or during email correspondence that they don't offer these services, which I know of at least one photographer is kind enough to do so before taking your money.  

The provider should take ownership about the fact that they should have done a better job of researching photographers (aside from what's posted on these boards) and hopefully have the eye to spot poor editing, but I can't blame them b/c not all people can spot poor editing, though some of it is clear as day and I don't understand why the lady would want that on their site or ad. So, yes, I believe both should take ownership.

I know in my real job, if I do a poor job, I can't blame the customer. I can only blame myself for offering substandard service, which is what I wanted to convey earlier.

I agree that his name doesn't mean the same as it once did, when it comes to clients scrutinizing it for editing it. If it were edited correctly, these clients would never even know the difference.


the gal(s) have a responsibility (as GaG points out) to the reader on the ads they post these pics on.  The gals have the final determination as to what goes up...and what never sees the light of day.  That's the difference as I see it.

I've poured over hundreds of Aldo's pics for various gals...some were great pics and others look as if a 4 year old took the pics.  Some gals specify he NOT touch them up aside from tats and such.  And as you point out his editing skills are weak...sometimes looking as if a 4 year old worked on them.  He also takes liberty on photoshopping where it is not needed (IMHO).

But at the end of the day each gal has an option to simply junk the photos and not put up shit.  And at Aldo's base price it's easy enough to junk them.  Way too many very skilled artists (as you posted earlier and many others who haven't been named here) who know how to shoot...pose and edit gals.  Although they are more costly...but then they also won't get called on the photoshopped pics, as many are called on it today.

Posted By: WondersOfTheWrld
although we don't want to admit it, providers request editing whether skin smoothing, photoshop, tattoo removal, and when you invest money into a photographer who promises he can offer results, but doesn't after you've paid him….well, the photographer should take ownership or make it clear on their website or during email correspondence that they don't offer these services, which I know of at least one photographer is kind enough to do so before taking your money.  
 The provider should take ownership about the fact that they should have done a better job of researching photographers (aside from what's posted on these boards) and hopefully have the eye to spot poor editing, but I can't blame them b/c not all people can spot poor editing, though some of it is clear as day and I don't understand why the lady would want that on their site or ad. So, yes, I believe both should take ownership.  
 I know in my real job, if I do a poor job, I can't blame the customer. I can only blame myself for offering substandard service, which is what I wanted to convey earlier.  
 I agree that his name doesn't mean the same as it once did, when it comes to clients scrutinizing it for editing it. If it were edited correctly, these clients would never even know the difference.  

for some ladies for the same session length…when he's touring and offering the rest of the ladies cheaper prices. I know for a fact, so junking more than $$.5 but $$$$$ + tip (for the generous ladies who tip all service industry people) if you didn't get the results wanted, it's wrong. But I agree, there are way too many artists who not only know how to take a photo, but know how to edit one or refer the lady to a better editor or decline taking their photo, if the customer requires editing.

And I totally agree on your last paragraph.

*edited to remove name*

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 6:09:10 PM

I would much rather work with him (a great character of a person) than work with others who have more skills and are assholes. In the end, it's the provider who can control what she wants edited. I do not buy that "The photos came this way" bs. If they did, all she had to say was I do not want that much photoshop. End of story.

Even though you're bold and speak up, some ladies might not be as good at saying, "Sorry, I paid $$$$ and the edited photos look horrible, can you edit them again?" First, they may not want to hurt his feelings; second, they may be oblivious to the poor editing - after all they're novices and a professional sent them as final products so they must look good; third, if the photographer is willing to send poorly edited images out as quality work the first time around, then there's no point in requesting a redo. It's pointless, b/c he thinks the editing from the beginning was acceptable. In the end, if the lady wasn't looking for edited photos, then it's not a big deal, she'll just stick w/ the raw images, but obviously if she contracted a photographer thinking he can produce precisely edited images and he can't, well that's not cool and the photographer needs to take some responsibility for what they state they can and cannot offer upfront, and not attempt editing if they aren't skilled in that area.

For example, I'm a freelance photographer in real life and would never send out poorly edited photos. Before I knew how to edit, I informed clients that they were welcome to have a third party edit them, b/c I'd never send out or endorse a poorly edited job w/ my watermark on it.

And like I said before, the ladies should take responsibility too if they publish poorly edited images, but I'd never ignore a photographer's responsibility, b/c they have a nice personality. In no way I am debating the photographer's character. End of story.

*edited spelling*

-- Modified on 3/24/2014 3:49:56 PM

His editing skills were not the point of my post.  
His ability to capture a good picture, before editing, is why I was defending him.
AND, I do believe we each are responsible for the consequences of our own actions.  

BUT, may they be insignificantly small and seldom!

**Note~If I don't respond for a day, know that I'm sleeping and then doing other things;-)

"He may have earned his reputation here for photoshopping, but he really has a good eye."

Yes, he definitely knows how to capture a good picture, that is a fact! It's unfortunate when photoshop editing distracts from that talent to the point clients comment about editing issues on the boards and others notice it as well. But yes, he's a good guy with a good eye, no doubts. By the way, I like your GoodFace photos too.

PS. Enjoy the rest of night…if I don't respond for a day, I'm probably at my real job or sleeping or tons of other things too that I typically do which is why I don't post here often. Or I've moved on from this topic, either way…take care. :

Speaking of which, I'm about overdue. Time to track down Tim and Evita!

89Springer1300 reads

I can't wait! I love your photos.  

Edited to add: I don't drool all over my monitor or whack off while looking at your photos. They're just great photos, and refreshing to see in a thread that's mostly a mixed bag of mediocre "selfies".

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 8:41:39 AM

I tend to shoot every few months.  The problem is I love something one day and then am tired of it the next.  The same goes for my website.  

If I were a hobbyist, I'd see someone new all the time!  lol

As far as the cost of my photoshoots, I always see an immediate return on my investment.  
Everytime I post new pics my regulars notice and book sooner and new guys inquiring increases.  

Nothing stays the same and guys like to see what's new.  I also imagine gentlemen watch the way we evolve and determine whether to see us based on consistency and the attraction we incite...Xo'

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