TER General Board

Pet Peevesad_smile
RedheadedTigress See my TER Reviews 6688 reads

The hours I accept calls are very clearly stated on my webpage. Noon until midnight. Sometimes I get calls outside of that time frame, and yes, it's annoying, but usually those are from gents who have called only seeing a directory link, rather than having seen my website...but what *really* makes me want to scream is this;

"Yeah, I know it's really early/late, but"

But what? You've seen my site, you know the hours I accept calls...and yet you're just so special that my heart will leap with joy despite the fact you know you shouldn't be calling and just went ahead and did it anyways?

Well let me clear that up for you. It means you're a pushy dick. That I will *never* see you, EVER, because if you can't respect something that basic, what other surprises are in store?

"Yeah, I know I shouldn't short you/harangue you about things not on the menu/stay way over my time/slap you around, etc. etc. etc."

Grrr...sorry...that needing to be aired so I can go back to my regularily scheduled program of being a happy silly sexpot. I feel much better now :)

But that's ok, you go back to being a happy silly sexpot.  The world really needs more of those.

CelticLass3208 reads

save money and have only one phone so turning it off is ridiculous because an emergency may arise and someone might need to get ahold of her.

The point I am sure she is trying o make is that guys need to READ the sites, not just whack off to the pretty pictures. If she doesn't accept calls after midnight, do not call at 12:01am. It is rude and unacceptable behavior.

Most guys are really about the women having manners and integrity and class (see the train wreck thread below) but that door swings both ways.

My suggestion to her would be use one ring tone for the people she knows in her phone and another for those she doesnt know.That way it is easier to distinguish between those she Should answer...and those who can't read that should be ignored forever.

Lass, for the first time, I disagree with you.  Is anyone really dumb enough to use one phone for all purposes?  My god, what if one of your kids/parents/friends answered it?!!  If a girlies was this desperate to save $$$ then a solution may be to run 2 numbers through one phone and block one after certain hours.

Also, have you checked out Ms Amour's site?  It's a mess, with hard to read text and some of the text boxes overlap.  If the timing of phone calls is such a huge big deal then you'd think that the rules would be prominently posted on the site.

Regardless, the strongly narcissistic tone of Ms Amour's site makes me think that this post of hers is really all about attention seeking and conveying a sense of her being so 'in demand' that she doesn't want to be bothered with these pesky clients.  My advice to her is to clean up her act, because if she keeps it up her phone won't be ringing at all, ever.

CelticLass2900 reads

Why yes Emma, I was dumb enough. I am a single mom and I could only afford 1 phone. No one was allowed to use it, it never left my person and the one time it was stolen I locked it down thru Sprint immediately.

My point was not so much to defend Ms Amour but to convey my point that if a woman posts certain times and rules on her site, why is it so fucking hard for some of these guys to JUST PAY ATTENTION.They expect the same level of courtesy and respect from us, and I guess they can use the argument that they are paying. I have heard that one ad nauseum. But please, comman decency is a 2 way street.

I have to say though, I am disapointed in your post. She vented and asked for a little attention and you come back slammin her site and her tone. JUst not like you doll. And just to point out, I wasn't desperate to save money on a phone, I was just raising a clild and doin it the best way I could with what I had to do it with. Luckily for me she is no worse for wear......

I'm not buying it Lassie.  A reasonable quality 2nd hand cell phone is 50 bucks.  Shove a prepaid card in it and you're in business.  Sharing a phone for work and personal stuff is just not a reasonable risk to take on to save a very small amount of money.

My point about her site and post is this.  If you're gonna bitch about dumb guys who can't read, then make your site easy to navigate and make sure any instructions are prominently posted.

Rule no. 1 of any business is to make yourself easy to do business with.  Of course, if you don't want to attract business then, by all means, make it a frigging nightmare.

Judy Attitudey2694 reads

Doesn't matter how easy you make it to navigate........A walking ATM with dumbstick is still a dumbstick!

Da Tude

Emma, nice to see ya you freakin bitch......xoxoxox
Lassie poo.........love ya!

CelticLass1950 reads

on one point and that is the business part. You may have a point when it comes to how ladies do business.

I will not however argue with you over the semantics of the cost and operation of a second cell phone. I just won't do it. You didn't live my life or that of many ladies who pinch pennies in this biz and make due with what they have. And who are we to decide what is a reasonable risk for one another within this industry?

You have your philosophy and I have mine. I respect you far too much to argue about this.


Would speak up and tell a bit of their horrid stories.. The ones that I know of are actually from here at TER..

Its just isnt good to only use one number.. Not to argue with you at all Lass, I totally respect your opinions etc. Its a different day and time now for sure.. Even from 6 months ago. I know a provider that her son called home from his military base, it was her cell. The only one she had. You  can imagine the rest of the story when the boy was put under arrest because he called an escort service. It was merely his mother.

I think with that story, nothing else needs be said!

But it isnt a game with us girls when we discuss any certain thing on the board.

It isnt a match of whom can outspeak who, or who has a better opinion than the other.. There is no match from Austrailia to Buffalo, from wherever lass lives to Buffalo, or even Buffalo to Buffalo. We all respect one another in any light of whatever situation.

There are many times Emma and I have not agreed on such matters and give different points of view.

Threads arent based on who wins . They are just opinions. And like other things, everyone has one.

Respect is not a word I find often in this 'hobby' or the ladies wouldn't see hobbyists as "ATMs" and "dumbsticks." As for you ladies, most of you are worst than the guys (present company excluded). I particularly like Emma's mantra of making yourself easy to business with. It's rather easy when people just get that all we are doing is trading commodities. Why people want to make it all that and rationalize each and every thing is beyond me, but then again, it takes all kinds.

-- Modified on 8/3/2005 8:49:12 PM

I can't see many other ladies embracing it.  She's apparently hoping to reduce the pool of available clients overall, though not her own as shown by the alias.  I'm guessing also that she calculates she could offend the smartest clients into leaving the hobby while the ATM's with dumbsticks that she appeals to will stay.    

A fiendish plan to capture market share, Judy, but an early death from boredom and high blood pressure caught from your dumb clients may not be worth the extra bucks.  

Okay, Judy.  Set the temperature as hot as you can and flame away.  

-- Modified on 8/3/2005 9:53:02 PM

Judy Attitudey4908 reads

Geez people chill out...............it's a freakin joke. This thread has gotten way out of hand. What works for one lady may not work for another. So who the hell are any of us to tell her how to run her biz?

"Okay, Judy.  Set the temperature as hot as you can and flame away" No need for me to flame ya. Oh and don't tell me what to do.

Da Tude

Where's my hoser with me pissy pills?

The meaning I had in mind was that your story was very persuasive.  Sheesh!  I could imagine the fallout from that terrible incident.  

And hobbyists need two phones also, one of them a prepaid account.  It's just a good precaution.  Otherwise, so many unfortunate things could occur that can't be anticipated.  

followme2494 reads

Ciara and Emma each  have a very nice set that is difficult two match in this game.

Thank you

That sucks!  I remember a stripper telling me about getting in trouble because there was "a guy" waiting for her outside the club.  It was her husband.

Good advice Emma. I have to agree about the phone. Although I would love to use two phones, I do have two seperate accounts & I gave one to my mom for her to use. She was never a cell phone person. Now she uses it.

But if I get another phone for me for personal use, it will not fit in any purse I own, I can barely fit one, lol. Seriously though, I cannot seem to carry a big purse (just don't feel comfortable) so I stuff the small ones.

If that is your main problem, guys calling at the worng times, you are lucky. I have all info on my site and get asked the same questions all the time & asked to make exceptions. I just say no & if they ask too many questions, I refer them to my site. Some phone calls can be tough sometimes, we all have to deal with that, but put your ringer on "silent". I do it every night and any time I am going somewhere I don't want to answer at. Sometimes I just turn it off at night.

:) Sara

Some of you advertise on multiple sites and on various boards or perhaps the person only read a review and saw and number and beat a path to your door so to speak. Let's face it, everyone doesn't like to read websites and other drivel. As Emma says, make it easy for someone to contact you. Be happy that your phone is ringing and even though calls can be rude and obnoxious, you are not in a business where you are only going to attract Harvard grads. For many, to call an escort is a spur of the moment decision; all or nothing. Only a very small fraction that will decide to see you are reviewing these sites; most don't care to. So be open to the occasional intrusion. Your life isn't exactly a tidy place when you consider you do what you do.

Bizzaro Superdude2373 reads

Just when you thought that the board was gonna get boring..... Just when all we were worried about was the stupid cell phone ringin...   She's back - refreshed, full of Aussie wisdom and pithiness!  Hi sweetie, good to have you back!!!!!  Really! We ALL missed ya!

Even if your latest twist of career track drove me off the road, no injury, but a little embarrassing,  I thought you were gone for the long-term, obviously.  Your website being taken down and all.  

I'm imagining that you were contacted by Tony Blair and spent the last two weeks saving the world from a stark international crisis.  Obviously, despite your expectations that it might take a long time or cost you your life, you managed to get it all straightened out in a fortnight.  

I was wrong about your retirement.  Tell me, this time: am I close?

BTW, was it that China-Taiwan trouble again?    

Recently Ive tried taking my phone number off of my ads,boards,site, reviews and have a second number for real life matters..

I do turn off 812 after 11 pm now..

It is IMPORTANT to have another number for schools, kids, family or anything of the like. anyone can google  your "provider" number and see very clearly what it is that you do.

Now there's an idea! That would save me LOTS of money! Thanks, Lass!

ellobo692569 reads

they get real pissy about their "rules." Maybe you need a long break.

Feel lucky that you are getting calls. I would suggest an alternate phone that vibrates only and goes to VM in the hours that you don't want to be disturbed; they can be programmed for different things during the time you don't want calls. There is a maxim about never saying NEVER, but that's like shooting ducks in a barrel. Be pissed about something like Iraq.

"I would suggest an alternate phone that vibrates only and goes to VM in the hours that you don't want to be disturbed"

Which is exactly what I do. But I'm a light sleeper in a very small apartment so it still wakes me up. I need to have it in the same room with me because there are many times I've needed it in the middle of the night to call 9-11 on as I ran out onto the street to help somebody in a car accident or getting their head kicked in.

But you're right. Perhaps a guy's need to call me at three in the morning knowing full well he shouldn't be being so rude takes priority.

C'mon. It's a peeve. I was venting. It's not the end of civilization as we know it.

BTW...to whoever was bitching about my site...what browser are you using? I design for IE and standard screen sizes and resolutions. If doing that is wrong, I don't want to be right :)

Only a comment on your plight. I have never been to your site and wouldn't complain, so venting on my link is not going to help you.

kookie4u133648 reads

Given the number of reviews that mention providers answering their phones in the middle of paid time, I would imagine that we have trained the men to think that phone calls are acceptable no matter when.

Maybe that's my problem...I absolutely don't do things like that, and so erroneously think other people shouldn't be crass and disrepectful to me either.

So I guess I just gotta start answering that cell in the middle of things. Or maybe I'll stick to my standards, as misguided as that might be, and be annoyed by blatant rudeness ;)

I was sure you were going to say, "Fat, middle-aged slobs who shave their heads and suddenly think they're sexy."

It ain't about the looks, it's about being a straight-up guy or gal.

Respect, I tell ya!

I thought your site was fun and easy to read...as well as a turn on and a fair and fun bargain at the rates set.

Thank you Mr. Ed. I actually won't see anyone who hasn't seen my website. If they like the site, they'll like me, and I'll like them. It means we have a certain perspective in common.

If people read my original post, I'm not referring to guys who call late who *haven't* seen my site and so don't know my hours; I'm referring to those guys who have seen the site, tell me they know thay shouldn't be calling, but do it anyways.

I think it's remarkable the hostility this brought out in people, particularily in the folks who don't seem to think I have any right to complain about bad behaviour.

"Your life isn't exactly a tidy place when you consider you do what you do."

To me that sounds a lot like, "Because you're an escort, people have the right to treat you with less respect than if you were in another line of work"

Does that mean that because you're a "john" that I have the right to answer my cell phone while we're having a session, because you're a "john" instead of a man?"

I don't think it does, and I sure the hell wouldn't reward an escort doing that by thinking, 'well, that's kind of rude, but who am I to be "uptight" about it - I'm lucky she even sees me at all'.

Nobody is doing anybody else any favours by disrespecting others in the hobby.

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 9:52:01 AM

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 9:53:37 AM

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 10:07:18 AM

I won't try to join after midnight.  Promise.  

But if Lex Luethor calls from the East Coast at 7AM, don't be too harsh on him, just remember its already 10AM where he lives and he may have gotten overly excited from the pictures and not realized it was too early for a west coaster!

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 10:44:35 AM

Reminds me of my days working for Bigco, where you'd get a call each day as you're leaving for lunch.  It was from someone in an east coast office.  It usually went something like "I know it's lunchtime there, but..."  Finally, I stopped answering my phone anywhere near lunch time.  Then I went to work for Myco.

"But if Lex Luethor calls from the East Coast at 7AM, don't be too harsh on him, just remember its already 10AM where he lives and he may have gotten overly excited from the pictures and not realized it was too early for a west coaster!"


You mean this spam I got could actually be useful? I take every bad thing I ever said about the Interweb back!

"My name is Michael, an artist and an entrepreneur.

I wanted to show you a whole new way to market yourself to high end traveling professionals with disposable income."  

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 1:23:14 PM

What would I be doing up at the crack of dawn?

If you were up *in* the crack of Dawn, I'm thinking you'd figure out something...


-- Modified on 8/4/2005 4:06:46 PM

At any time of day, Lex is Mr. Happy Pants!

(To anyone who does not understand the reference: Go spend some time on the site of RedHeaded Tigress.  It's well worth the visit!!!!)

-- Modified on 8/4/2005 4:46:47 PM

Pet Peeve. My second biggest Pet peeve is people driving slow in the fast lane. What's up with that shit?. It's the fast lane for God's sake. If you want to go 50mph, then get the FUCk over, in to one of the slower lanes. It's like they are totally oblivious to  other people around them. They are just poking along in their SUV, "Hum DE Dumb, What a nice day". Like they have no where to go and all the time in the world to get there..... MOVE THE FUCK OVER!  Gas pedal is on the right. MOVE!!!!  I hate that shit.

Seems to be a lot of that going on these days. People being totally oblivious to others around them, and just being complete and total idiot's and assholes. Never realizing how what they are doing effects other's or giving it a second thought. I hate that shit too. It must be summer time and everyones brain is warped.

Stay cool and play nice.


-- Modified on 8/5/2005 10:37:20 AM

-- Modified on 8/5/2005 10:39:46 AM

You can get a Cingular prepaid phone for under $100 (or even cheaper if you can get a used Cingular phone from someone else).  Activate at a Cingular store as a prepaid phone for $25.00  This will last you three months.  Put a recording on it asking people to leave messages, and turn it off.  You can pick up the messages from anywhere with the password.  After three months, add another $25.00 to the phone.

If you actually want to take calls, turn the phone on.  It is 10 cents a minute for all calls that you make and receive.

You can also forward the number to another one also whenever you want.

The other option is to add another phone to your current wireless account which is typically $10 per month.  This phone has a different number, and can take messages (at no charge BTW), or be forwarded to another number too.  The advantage is that it uses your already existing minutes.

In this day of cheap cell phones and service, I simply cannot understand why any escort would want their personal phone number on any website.

The other issue is you complain about people who call you after seeing your site, but not about people who call you if they have not seen your specific site.  Some people see a picture and a phone number, and that "primal urge" kicks in where they need to see you even if they have not seen your site.

"In this day of cheap cell phones and service, I simply cannot understand why any escort would want their personal phone number on any website."

Neither can I, which is why, as I've explained above, I don't have my personal phone number on my website.

"The other issue is you complain about people who call you after seeing your site, but not about people who call you if they have not seen your specific site.  Some people see a picture and a phone number, and that "primal urge" kicks in where they need to see you even if they have not seen your site."

Huh? As you noted yourself, I'm *not* complaining about people who haven't seen my site. I'm expecting people to be respectful, not psychic. :)

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