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Part of my final communication is that I . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 47 reads

will text when I get there for the room or apt. number.  If you are not comfortable texting, then call the provider. Yes, you need a cell number in case you run into traffic issues or any other delay.

This isn't rocket science.

Getting back into hobby and wondering about a hobby phone vs an app. Are the apps safe, and do providers accept call from them.

I've never had trouble with an app.  

Most of them, you can select a number that's local to the area you're planning to see a provider in, which will probably help with them answering/texting back.

I have used Sideline, Burner and have my own private phone. It is whatever you desire.

I signed up recently for Sideline and chose one of the numbers that they offer.  What do you know - on the first day, I started receiving unsolicited calls of a "sexual nature" that were apparently left overs from the former user(s) of that number.  I immediately uninstalled.

One cheerful provider does a mutual-clearing-of-text-messages ritual at the start of a session.  She insisted that it was my "Happy Phone", not hobby phone.  Wise woman!

I use burn phone separate from family phone with app.

In Asia its almost all girls use a APP. Using App that is full end to end encryption and not base in USA. Get where you are going then clear app. When clear immigration to HK any single Asian girl is subject to more harder look. They are not stupid they know why we are there. Not unusual for them say open phone and open apps. If refuse they just send you back to departure que and refuse entry.  


Far too much risk to use an app on a regular smart phone.  +1 for burner phone

Appointment requests from app/internet/voip/google voice numbers for safety reasons.I have to know who you are before I feel safe letting you behind closed doors with me.and hiding behind an anonymous number will not make me feel comfortable at all.When someone calls or texts me,and it's not their real number
,I have them contact me from there real number.Most clients that reach out to me use their real number(no problem);But ever once in a while I will get a fake number contact me.....Thats when I tell them to please contact me from real number.Some tell me "no I'm married" or "no this is for my privacy" I understand that and I value my clients privacy. But my safety is also important to me.So if you can't even trust me with your real world info, then I don't trust seeing you.End of discussion.Other girls might not care, but anonymous numbers is a no go for me.Anyways I say
Choose whatever makes YOU comfortable


-- Modified on 8/10/2017 3:50:08 AM

There are other ways to screen without requiring a real phone #, real address, real name, etc., that will keep you safe as well as your dates.  If you are doing fine with this requirement then god bless, but you are giving up a lot of business. Including mine.
Not to mention that a burner phone is a "real" phone.

-- Modified on 8/10/2017 9:17:41 AM

I have a regular full-time job outside of this.So I'm fine with being picky.Better safe than sorry.And you're right, there are other ways to screen, but my screening method has brought me alot of good business and alot of good clients for the past 2 years.I require real world info.And this requirement will stay that way. If you have nothing to hide then my requirement shouldn't bother you.I have tons of married regulars and they trust me with their real world info because I'm established,they trust me,and I value their privacy.I would never share their info with anyone unless they wanted me to. For example-Using me as a reference.Everyone is entitled to their opinion and there is nothing wrong with that;)
Take care


I am very happily divorced and "blackmail proof" so I don't mind giving out all of my personal info, but if I were married or could otherwise have my life ruined by a careless or vindictive hooker the is NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL, any hooker would get my real world info.

"You" might be quite reputable without a vindictive bone in your body, but giving out your personal info is like playing Russian Roulette, eventually you are going to land on that loaded chamber. Anyone that reads these boards for any length of time has to know that a LOT of hookers start off just like you; happy, trustworthy, likes her clients etc, but after a certain length of time in the business their attitude starts to change, they get jaded, burnt out and some of them turn into MHB's, just like the OTHFBs of Twatter fame. Most of those old hags at one point "were" highly reviewed and without any malice towards their clients, but at some point each and every one of them "snapped" and started hating what they do and the guys they do it with. Hopefully it will never happen to you, but never say never.

For once we can be in complete agreement. Over the last 10 years in this and other groups I've seen all kinds of girls with stellar reputations go BSC and out people. All that happens is that they lay low for a short time knowing the lapdogs will patronize them no matter what they have done.

since all three of us agree.  Like GaGa, I am bulletproof and I STILL won't give out my personal info.  I can't really disagree with London except for her comment about "if you have nothing to hide."  Many of us have nothing to hide but still don't want our personal info in the hands of someone whose true identity we don't know.  We also don't want our info in the hands of LE if they bust you and seize your computer and phone.
As I've said many times before, girls have every right to their preferred screening methods, just as mongers have every right to avoid girls whose requirements we object to.  Our safety is at risk, too.

forgiving of past bad behavior by a provider.  This is why I will give my name, hobby phone number, and two references that can vouch that my phone number belongs to a legit hobbyist, or in GaG's case, a whore-mongering pig.  A provider doesn't NEED to know anything about me except that I am legit, my money is green and I am NOT LE.  She can get that from the info I am willing to give.  If she wants more than that, I will go onto the next girl on my to-do list.  There are more excellent providers than I can possibly see in my remaining lifetime, so there is no one that I absolutely HAVE to see.  

She has gotten three of us to agree "completely" on something. I don't know if the three of us have ever agreed "completely" before. It feels kind of strange to be honest with you. So strange I feel I should add some kind of caveat to my agreement. lol

and to make matters worse, I further agree that way too many guys will forgive even the worst acts of "bad behavior" of any hooker no matter how much she lies, cheats or steals, there is always "forgiveness in their hearts" for these sad sacks.

If what we are agreeing to is that guys (except in situations like yours) should not give out their personal info, well, count me in on that. But it seems like CDL is saying there is no "need" from the provider's perspective to have that info.

We don't get to tell a girl what HER "needs" are any more than they get to tell us what our needs are. Jake's point about losing business is of course true, but this is a side gig for many girls and they don't need the money so they can be more picky.

If I were an escort and I didn't need the money, there is no way I would get into a room with a dude with only one way out without having his "real" info.

Does that guarantee a girl's safety? Of course not, but it does mitigate the risk to a degree, imo.

a distinction between what she "NEEDS" (which is refs to know I'm legit, and not LE, which she gets from vetting my phone number with other providers), and what she 'WANTS."  I won't argue that she doesn't have every right to ASK for more, but with me, if she insists on more, she will not get my business, someone else will.  As you make clear, its a business decision within her sole purview, and ONLY she gets to make the decision whether to pass on the appointment or not.  If she wants to pass, she will still have my respect, but not my money.

Only the gals can, as MANY providers NEED the personal info for safety reasons possibly based on a personal, prior bad experience, I don't quibble with them. That's their call.

Now, I don't give it out either, and I will walk, but the john side of the transaction cant tell what a provider needs to feel safe. That has to come from them.

You telling them what they "need" is condescending, and impossible for you to know, as you cant get inside their head and haven't had their life experiences.

there must be a full moon or something toxic in the water system.  

I don't get the forgiveness mindset.  If there's a dog in your neighborhood that bit three of your neighbors, are you just going to walk into that yard thinking its not going to bite you too?  The naivete of guys when it comes to looking for a warm, wet place to put their dick for a little while is astonishing to me.  

I'm so glad I was able to bring you all together.  

Thanks for all the responses

One my screening form I have option for personal information.

Often I receive request from possible client that has no prior history. I tell them always, send me XYZ on my screening form.  

But also yet I tell them that if I were him/her I would NEVER send me the information. I tell them they are crazy to send such information to escort even if they know escort. I tell them that sending private personal information to someone in industry that is full of bi polar, substance abusers and sometimes crazy providers ( some not all )  is asking for big problem one day. Finally I say no amount of time with a paid companion is worth a lifetime of risk.

I don't need all personal information to screen. If they cannot meet my safety standard without sending the information then fine. I just tell them sorry, maybe next time. It does not bother me in least to say no thank you.


For SCREENING I require REAL information.. after screening pass, I can communicate via app, smoke, call, text, emails, whatever is more discreet for my client.  
Many times I discussed a dentist appointment at XYZ time via work info (because for some my clients it's safer to communicate that way instead of personal info where wife get access to).  

I never discussed this type of appts, but "portfolio investments inquiry", "personal training session", etc.  

To each their own  


You know what's better than trusting you?  

Not *having* to trust you.


Also, I guarantee you're seeing at least some clients who have VOIP numbers that you're not getting a read on. If your screening methods can't weed out suspect customers and somehow a phone number is the lynch pin of your whole operation (which is what you're saying), I would say that your screening methods are garbage and you're putting yourself and your clients in danger.

Femme50 reads

I recommend reading the reviews for the app you are considering, after reading the lower score reviews for several apps, and the not so easy to fix problems that others had, I would not consider using app for this. Our smart phones are sometimes to smart.  

Not what I wanted to hear either.

Or I don't quite trust myself, maybe, to get the technology right *every* time. Separate phone for me. In this corner: regular phone. In that corner: p4p phone. Looks different, stays in a different place. Even an old guy can keep that straight.  :-)

Just for the record I feel I should point out to some of the younger ladies who only know of smart phones with internet access that there is such a thing as a mobile phone without internet access and some cheap "hobby phones" may just be of this type. Which means that you can probably use them for texting but not for sending and receiving email.  

This came to light the other day with a lady I was scheduled to meet. We had only communicated via email through which she gave me an address. I asked her if she wanted me to just go to that address and she said yes so I assumed it was a house. When I got there it was a building with 4 apartments and I had no idea what to do because there was no way to contact her without email. I was getting ready to leave when she noticed me and called to me from the upstairs porch. She was completely freaked out too because she was worried about making a scene with the neighbors.

So the moral of the story, if you communicate via email make sure the client has a phone with internet access if you plan on continuing to communicate that way.

will text when I get there for the room or apt. number.  If you are not comfortable texting, then call the provider. Yes, you need a cell number in case you run into traffic issues or any other delay.

This isn't rocket science.

2 phone's,  one for my family, and the other more private, for your other more R and X Rated Affairs... Xoxo

Dick_Enormis51 reads

Are you single or married/have a GF?  If you're single, having a hobby phone shouldn't be an issue.  If you're married, where would you hide your hobby phone?  Do you have an excuse ready if your hobby phone was discovered by your wife/GF?  Are you conscientious enough to wipe all texts/calls immediately after seeing your provider so if your phone was found there would be no evidence on it?

If you're using an app, does your wife/gf have access to your phone?  If you've never locked your phone before and now you started locking your phone would she get suspicious that you're not sharing the PIN code with her?

Thanks all, some good info. Couple of things i learned on burner apps. Apps like Burner, Sideline and Hush that give you a 2nd number and use your current carrier, those calls on the 2nd line will appear on your phone bill.  So that certainly is not ideal for me since I have a work phone.  I may just go back to the hobby phone route, seems the best way to keep it sepreate.

use a number you can burn. gone are the days when you need a burner phone. apps here, apps there. there's dozens to choose from.

It looks like all the apps went to a subscription model and got rid of free accounts.  I used Sideline and it was great, but I can't have a burner app charge on my credit card bill every month.  How am I going to explain that?

 Google voice is still free, but there are a whole lot of privacy issues there.  

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