TER General Board

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 361 reads

I love going to my stylist.. My fav part is the shampooing... It's soo relaxing...  The feeling of having someone play with my hair &'then making it into an art form .... Fabulous!!! I've gone to my stylist forever so lots of gossiping & chit chats!!!

I'm a rock. I don't move..
Do you?
Ladies? When they cut your hair?
Do you move? Do you chit chat?
I don't want to distract my artist

I make sure my elbows jut out so as to catch her crotch.  Same with my hands on the edge of the arm rests.

And she, a married woman too.

But she is a real looker and I tip her well, so what the hey.

This hobby makes one incorrigible.

fartsonhigher1337 reads

But I always choose a young female cosmologist with visible tattoos; they have so much in common with strippers.

Not just because I'm an old fart either. That has been happening to me since I was in my thirties

First off my gal is HOT with Big,Big TATAS!!! I don't really move around too much, but she tends to push those puppies right up against me.  Almost grinds them into the back of my head, like she likes it.  Now I'm no Channing Tatum so I'm sure she not interested, But oh my is it nice!!!  We do chit chat about general stuff.  So needless to say I ALWAYS tip well!!  

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I'm a rock. I don't move..  
 Do you?  
 Ladies? When they cut your hair?  
 Do you move? Do you chit chat?  
 I don't want to distract my artist.  

ValuedCustomer422 reads

compare and contrast your reaction to receiving a good shampoo to receiving oral sex.  Extra credit if you do not use explicit language...

picking the attachment, I try to get everything as even as possible. What sucks is if I have been drinking and get distracted. It sucks putting your contacts on in the morning and seeing what you only partially did the night before.

I love going to my stylist.. My fav part is the shampooing... It's soo relaxing...  The feeling of having someone play with my hair &'then making it into an art form .... Fabulous!!! I've gone to my stylist forever so lots of gossiping & chit chats!!!

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