TER General Board

engrguy 425 reads

so I have not been active in about ten years as I was focused on a new career. Non of my past "friends" are around.  I am fine with sharing and p411 but that does not seem to be enough.  And I'm not interested in BP as that looks like trouble. I was trying figure out how I can have a regular and what verifying system can help me obtain that.

engrguy2449 reads

Ladies I was thinking about paying and becoming a P 411 member in order to expedite the reference issues does his help?  If so can I ask why some ladies ask for p 411 AND 2 recent references?

The lady I was very interested in meeting wanted more info even though I used that site. Her request was for data I wasn't comfortable giving.

She has a right to screen in a way she feels comfortable with and I have to respect that right. Every lady determines what work for her.

You have a right to decide too.

It keeps both sides of this equation in check. Either party can and has a right to notify the site of problems during a meeting. That's how I view it.  

I'll see a lady with a P411 account and not be concerned.

GaGambler525 reads

I will not do so with any of the ad sites like Eros.

I "prefer" reviewed women, but I will take a chance on an unreviewed P 411 lady. I have done so a few times in the past only to be pleasantly rewarded

I don't think you will find a real unknown lady on P411 but the vouch could be by a provider. Services wise still will be unknown for the gentlemen. I guess it goes both ways

Kisses Haley

GaGambler449 reads

Hookers and Johns alike need "someone" to vouch for them before becoming P 411 members, but that doesn't mean a provider will necessarily have reviews to check out when first starting out on P 411. This will require a certain leap of faith to book with such a woman, just like booking with a guy that has no okays is riskier than a guy with a couple of dozen of them.  

I will most definitely concede that booking with a woman with no reviews that has a P 411 profile is much less risky that booking with a woman from BP or Eros with no reviews.

A verification site like P411 is an invaluable screening tool. However, it is not all that many providers will require for screening.  

Each provider screens in her own way, and you can comply or move on.

Rather than a dissertation on the why's and variation in screening protocols, suffice it to say  that most of us (clients and providers both) would recommend using a screening service like P411 as a part of your approach to dealing with screening.

If you want infinite detail on this, try searching "screening" and "P411" on the Newbie board. You'll find an endless amount of detail on the subject.

GaGambler531 reads

I have to jump through a LOT of hoops to get people to spend money with me, I REFUSE to be the one jumping through hoops when I am the one spending the money.

My solution, one that has worked out quite well is to simply direct her to my okays and tell her pick any two she wants to use as references. Hell, she can call them all if she wants to, but it's not like I am going to wait around forever waiting to see if I am "good enough" to spend my money on her.  

I usually make same day, or next day appointments at the most. I give a woman an hour or so to do her screening on P 411 before moving on to someone else for a same day appointment, maybe a couple of hours if it's an appointment for the next day. Now lets say it takes her a full day to do her screening, obviously I will have already seen another lady by that time as I am not going to sit around all day with my dick in my hand waiting for her, but if I am interested in her today, I will probably still be interested in her tomorrow, so no harm no foul. Once she gets her screening done I am more than happy to book an appointment for another day.

Are not "Okays" automatically references?  I mean a reference is as good as anyone willing to respond.  So giving reference names could still result in no response.  So shouldn't a list of okays be adequate?  They may or may not respond either to explicit reference requests.

Anyhow, so far in my limited time in this endeavor, no one on p411 has requested references.

GaGambler498 reads

but some women, quite a few if you listen to the women who post on this board, but very few to hear the experiences of most men, ask for either more information, or for guys to provide "references" just like they ask from guys who are not P 411 members.

IMHO, these women show they have no respect for my time while demanding I respect theirs and as such, I simply move on without giving them a second thought. Fortunately these women are in the distinct minority and I can't honestly remember the last time I ran into one of those women IRL. I do see them all the time on the board posting however. I think they believe if they post about it often enough they will convince the guys this is the way things work, fortunately for us they are sadly mistaken. There are so many great women on P 411, bitchy, demanding women don't make even a single blip on my radar.

It's been quite a while since I have said this, but it seems like an appropriate time. "I will beg for pussy, I will pay for pussy, but I will NOT beg to pay for pussy"

VOO-doo555 reads

An OK doesn't exactly contain a plethora of info. It's generic. It's like, 'He paid, and I did not die.'  

A reference is usually more detailed - well, some are. Some just say, 'Yeah, he's OK!' But others will say, 'Yes, John! I've seen him several times over the past few months. He's super nice, and always a complete gentleman.' To me, that is infinitely more reassuring than a generic OK.  
If I'm not sure about a guy, I'll take the initiative to email a few of his most recent OK's. Sometimes, a provider will say, 'Oh, well I gave him the OK because he was safe. BUT, watch out... ' Other times, it just confirms that he's good to see.  

I'll only require info in addition to p411 to screen, if he doesn't have any references, or only has one or two (and especially if the 1 or 2 references don't reply to my inquiry).

I recently had a lady who called my last 15 OK's on P411 when I requested an appointment.  Several of my OK's contacted me to make sure this lady was legit as she was asking a lot of questions.  One of my OK's told me that she only gives an OK if the person was someone she would see again.  Back to the lady with whom I requested an appointment, it turned out I was her first P411 OK so she was nervously going through the verification process.
Most ladies look at the OK's and pick a few to contact and some just go by gut feeling for the guy.
I've had two ladies on P411 ask for my real name, work info and address.  I respectfully declined and went on to someone else.  I choose not to provide that info.  No worries, we all do what we feel keeps us safe.
I use TER and P411 extensively to select new companions for relaxation and fun.  So I would recommend joining both.

Posted By: engrguy
Ladies I was thinking about paying and becoming a P 411 member in order to expedite the reference issues does his help?  If so can I ask why some ladies ask for p 411 AND 2 recent references?
Is a great verification site, along with TER.  

For my safety, I insist on recent (within the past year) OK's on P411 and on TER's 'Whitelist.' Also, I ALWAYS contact at least 3 providers, who give OK's and 'Whitelist,' to ensure my safety. Everyone screens differently, but this is what makes me feel comfortable before I approve a rendezvous request.

Senator.Blutarsky417 reads

Are you asking why some ladies on P411 list that they'll only see clients with basic +2 meaning a P411 member with 2 okays or are you asking about ladies who are asking for additional references outside of P411?  

I suspect since you're not a member yet, that it's the former. If you join P411, you'll find a lot of the ladies only require you to be a member with references...meaning at least one okay. There are some that require basic + 2 or 3 or 5... meaning they require at least that number of okays. 5 is the highest I've seen. There are some ladies who list newbie friendly and will see you as long as you're a member. These gals are great for getting that first okay.  

The other thing to be aware of is that no matter the number, you should keep them current. i.e. No more than 6 months old in most cases. So even if you have 100's of okays, if the last one was two years ago, you'll probably have to see one of the gals who gave you an okay and have her update it. Although, you'll find that a lot of gals won't even check if you have double or triple digit okays.  

To answer your first question, even though I ain't no lady, it most definitely helps streamline the whole process. But like my colleagues have said, some ladies do require more and it's up to you if you're comfortable doing so. If not, there are plenty that don't require any additional info.  

Solo mis dos centavos

I have a number of OK's and a couple of white lists, but since I have been seeing the same one or two providers regularly for the past year I can see this becoming a problem as my references recede into the past.  I really am not a high volume guy.  Once a month (if that).  So unless I branch out and see different women soon I fear my references may "expire" in the eyes of some.  I have been on TER since 2012 and been with p411 at least 3-4 years.  It's kind of disheartening that to remain "current" we need to constantly see new people even when we are pretty content the way things are.  Yet keeping options open has to be there in case the current one (s) retire or move, etc.  Ah dilemnas!

Posted By: Fridays117
I have a number of OK's and a couple of white lists, but since I have been seeing the same one or two providers regularly for the past year I can see this becoming a problem as my references recede into the past.  I really am not a high volume guy.  Once a month (if that).  So unless I branch out and see different women soon I fear my references may "expire" in the eyes of some.  I have been on TER since 2012 and been with p411 at least 3-4 years.  It's kind of disheartening that to remain "current" we need to constantly see new people even when we are pretty content the way things are.  Yet keeping options open has to be there in case the current one (s) retire or move, etc.  Ah dilemnas!
Because I (and perhaps other providers as well) also take into account when screening a new client, my history of my discussion board interactions with that person, and the way they treat other TER members. This is why I also request the TER handle of a potential new client. TER is an invaluable screening tool, in this aspect. For instance: If someone has been mean to me on the boards, he's not playing with my pussy EVER! lol FYI: You would definitely pass my verification process! ;)

If one of the women you've been seeing regularly is on p411, you can request she update her okay. For those who only see someone once every year or two, they often have to go through a little more screening since their references are old (or see a newbie-friendly woman).

When contacting a new lady for the first time I include my handle from TER and p411 and tell them if they want more references I will be happy to provide them.  I would say it has been about ten new ladies since one has wanted more references.  So in my opinion it makes getting approved much easier.  But I also have 13 white lists on TER and I believe 31 OK's on p411.   bigdell

engrguy426 reads

so I have not been active in about ten years as I was focused on a new career. Non of my past "friends" are around.  I am fine with sharing and p411 but that does not seem to be enough.  And I'm not interested in BP as that looks like trouble. I was trying figure out how I can have a regular and what verifying system can help me obtain that.

I looked around and saw a number of providers before I started seeing a few ladies regularly.  You'll have to find someone (s) you like and that might take some time, effort and  cash.  When you find someone you like and want to repeat with, who likes you as well, then you are on your way to being a "regular" until then you are a "one hit wonder", lol.

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