TER General Board

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 6525 reads
1 / 70

Question guys when you book a provider to come to you on an outcall when do you provide your room# to her?
Do you wait until the day of the date or when you get checked-in to your hotel?
I am outcall only provider and I usually have guys provide their room number when they first get to town or even prior to the day of appt.Recently,had a guy refuse to give me his room# even though our appt was the day I was requesting the room#.
He said he is not comfortable giving me his room info until I am actually in his hotel.
Seems pretty strange to me...gents and ladies I welcome your opinions.
Thank you.

-- Modified on 9/15/2017 2:15:15 PM

BlueeyeJack 88 reads
2 / 70

I have seen many providers who use the two call system and I don't know the room number until I arrive at the hotel.  Its for their safety and I don't mind playing the game.  I feel if a man wants to play the same game, its his prerogative.  Just accept it and move on.

1angelinajones See my TER Reviews 84 reads
3 / 70

For example @jaydalee;  
I was at a high-end Hotel recently where the air-conditioner
was in disrepair.
Thus, I requested a fix or a room change/upgrade.

Had I given my room number prior to any person about to visit,
and perhaps in my haste, had forgotten to alert said friend of the new room #,
could you imagine how scary it would be for my guests to knock
on a door, and there stands a 7-foot tall Basketball player instead of
muah?!   Never would I even think to give out a room # or address a day prior!

I always only give my location address and access details, two hours prior
to the proposed date, {with a polite confirm the night prior and again in the morning,
just so my day can proceed as planned}.

Even so,  the two hours prior-to said date procedure, is also a precautionary measure  
for myself, as we all know, sometimes there's a cancellation even after a prior confirmation.  

If I have never met the pre-referenced and verified "cancelling guest", I'm then still a bit wary  
because I've given out the location.  {Thank goodness it's gated}
Please be safe out there folks!

Angelina Jones

GaGambler 99 reads
4 / 70

After all, you wouldn't want to be crossing his previous date in the hallway on your way to his room, would you?  

Or perhaps he is just one of those paranoid guys who is worried some "Las Vegas hooker" might set him up to be robbed or something?

Or of course he could be just like a hooker scheduling an incall not wanting her dates to be showing up at her door a half an hour early. What's good for the goose is good for the gander and all that stuff. lol

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 79 reads
5 / 70

And verify the name and room number. .to feel safer and prepared.. And if he's serious and books a date. .Then he understands and follows through ,and all set!!  KISS..* Keep It Simple Sexy * & Let the Fun Begin!!

rogue 40 Reviews 80 reads
6 / 70

Day of or When I check in, I would text it to you. Whenever you needed it. No big deal to me.  

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 72 reads
7 / 70

Thank you A Gentleman Xoxo * Only those Qualified Need Apply*

EvaFantasy See my TER Reviews 72 reads
8 / 70

I usually get it the day we meet. A few hrs before so I know where the room maybe located and if there are escalators and what not. That is very strange that the guy would not give the room # but maybe he has his own reasons that we do not even know about. Who knows!

Allstar 9 Reviews 75 reads
9 / 70

In my experience, providers give me their hotel address and tell me where to park about an hour before the date and provide the room number once I've arrived and texted that I'm there.

When I've hosted, I confirmed that it was still a go in the afternoon, 5-6 hours in advance and then provide the info, including the room number after she confirmed.  If I got the room and I was not traveling, I would only book the room after she confirmed that the date was still a go, about 5 hours prior, and would then communicate at that time the hotel address, and that I'd send a room number a couple hours before once I've checked in.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 79 reads
11 / 70

as soon as i know the room number..you know..only common courtesy..

KalyEscort 79 reads
12 / 70

since many guys are playing with our time and safety, you need to provide your room number and in some hotels never comunicate to the room if you don't provide the guest name. Once you call and you can confirm that is a real person with real interest to receive the service, shower, make up, naughty stuff in my bag and get a cab. And I send a message when I'm on my way so he can calculate the time to can be ready.
Also in some hotels you can't take the elevator without the room's key and I really heat those hotels grrr

Mommascomin 59 reads
13 / 70

You're in charge, it should stay that way. If he's unwilling to give you the room in advance thats a red flag. also expect a possible cancellation. if he's that paranoid, he should keep his paranoid ass at home.

GaGambler 67 reads
14 / 70

You may THINK "you are in charge" but try that shit with me or any other john with balls and see where it gets you.

I don't know of any hooker that gives out HER room number in advance, why do you think you can demand that the guys do otherwise?

It's probably (ok, CERTAINLY) a good thing you post under an alias. I can't imagine any guy with his nutsack intact ever booking with you even if you were DDG, (which I seriously doubt). Good thing for you I suppose is the fact that most "hobbyists" never had a nutsack to begin with, much less still have one after being pushed around by women for most of their miserable lives.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 61 reads
15 / 70

I'm already paying two or three hundred for the date. Why would I add the cost of a room? If I host outcall, it's at my place. And the address will be provided once she confirms she's on her way.

xyz23 45 Reviews 71 reads
16 / 70

...not giving me the room number until I have arrived at the hotel when I'm doing an in call so I would and have done the same. I give her the room number when she gets to my hotel. Now if the lady were someone I'd seen before and built some comfort/trust with then I would likely give it to her earlier.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 67 reads
17 / 70

I've already established a level of trust. That's my job. If I don't trust you, I don't see you. Simple

I'll give my address prior to milady leaving to come over. Not a game player, timewaster or a cancel.  

I invest my time for action. Not retraction.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 70 reads
18 / 70

about an hour  before the session.   That way they can't miss it.

For good measure, I have them add:  Surrender Dorothy.


But seriously folks....

As I usually see the gal minutes after I check in, I text it to her then.   If I'm in a hotel in another town on a convention, I send it to her when I check in regardless of when she is coming over as long as I know her well.   If it is the first time I'm meeting someone however, I might be a bit more circumspect depending on the vibes I get.

DaRegularJoe 75 reads
19 / 70

So, let me get this straight.

When I visit a provider, I get address the day of appointment, go there and ONLY a couple of minutes before the APPT time, do I get the room number and I've never complained about that even though I've experienced a few NCNS.

When a provider visits, she expects the address and room number the DAY BEFORE or even before they make the trip. Wow, just wow!!!

I seem to have this word that I learned in middle school at the tip of my tongue, starts with an H and goes like Hypoc.. something. Anyone?      :-) :-)

DaRegularJoe 67 reads
20 / 70

And here I thought hotels are NOT supposed to give out names  :-)

keystonekid 114 Reviews 96 reads
21 / 70

room number once I have checked in. A provider I have not previously seen, then she gets the room # when she calls from the parking lot.  

Also, once a date is confirmed, then she gets the name/address of the hotel so she can plan her travel time.

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 64 reads
22 / 70

I was a bit nervous due to him changing days and times of our appt multiple times.
As well as reaching out to a fellow provider friend for the same date and time.(probably should have added all of this in my original OP)
After all of that then the "I don't want to give you the number until you are in the hotel"...on top of all what I mentioned above...just seemed strange to me.The guys I see don't do this that is why I asked here for opinions.
I have offered incall on very rare occasions and I agree I do not give my room number out days prior.I guess some guys view an outcall the same as a provider having an incall.

-- Modified on 9/15/2017 7:50:31 PM

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 85 reads
23 / 70

Because I usually meet my date at the hotel bar. I remember meeting you at the roulette table...So yes I remember.
And in my case,it would serve her no purpose. I always register as a "Un-registered" guest. In simple words, the hotel knows nothing about me. If someone calls asking for me, I don't exist. no information is given. If she calls asking to be connected to my room, I'm never there. For me, I just don't want to be found. If someone really wants to get a hold of me, they know how to reach me. And I have NEVER had a problem with this....Well except one person insisted that I give her my room number, she wanted to call the front desk to verify if I was actually there but I was already checked in and it was about a hour from our date. I tried to explain it to her and the next thing I hear is a "Click"....I didn't blame her.

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 67 reads
24 / 70

I know your deal:)
But this guy was  a different story.

ElTorro 15 Reviews 87 reads
25 / 70

Much like your client, I would also rather wait until you're inside the actual building before I text you my room#. Matter of fact, I'mma do like what you providers do and text you a general vicinity like an intersection, or the gas station across the street, and then give you my exact address once you notify me that you've arrived. This is more so true when hosting out of my primary residence, than it is when hosting out of a hotel. Remember, we've never met, so I still don't know if you're LE, or a criminal, or if you got Pookie and Ray Ray hiding around the corner getting ready to ambush me. Needless to say, this rule doesn't apply if we've already met, and our encounter turned out copacetic. My safety is just as important as yours!

mojojo 1 Reviews 79 reads
26 / 70

Because of extenuating circumstances I threw my hobby phone away several years ago. Now, everything is set up via email or message. Which means the ladies have to give me their hotel, and room number prior to my leaving my house. Since most ladies insist on the two call system, most ladies won't see me. That's something I understand perfectly. Occasionally, a lady agrees to my necessary parameters, and we have a wonderful time. The ladies who choose to see me are my references, and will corroborate my unswerving dependability, and safety, yet the majority still say no.  

It is what it is, so there's nothing to understand. We all have our little rules we've established over the years, and we feel comfortable sticking to them. He has his. The ladies who may or may not see me have theirs. You and I have ours. My reputation can be affirmed by my references, yours by your reviews, and beautiful pictures. One would think that a great reputation might carry some benefits around here, but it doesn't. Perceived safety trumps reputation. I only have one choice when this happens, move on to the next lady, or back to old friends.

sdottaylor 19 Reviews 89 reads
27 / 70

But the 2 times I have, I gave my room number when I checked in.

Vv13346 35 Reviews 70 reads
28 / 70

I gave out my room number when I checked into a nice hotel this summer, a couple hours before an appt. At check out the next day, I discovered she bought dinner at the hotel restaurant before our date and put it on my room. She never mentioned it until I queried her about it after seeing the charge on my bill.

AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 94 reads
29 / 70

Let me first say the following: clients safety is important. I'm not saying anything to the contrary.  

However, the idea that you can just "reverse the roles" is fallacious.  

Clients can be assaulted, robbed, stalked, killed even, but the ratio of that happening versus it happening to providers is not 1:1, not even close. My point is providers are at a significant disadvantage in terms of safety.  

I only ask for references when I meet (asking for more, like an ID or real name is consistently put down and ridiculed on this board) yet when clients book me, they have access to my pictures, info about myself, my reviews detailing everything about me down to the way my nipples look. So no, it's not quite equal.  

The clients I like to see will do what they can to put me at ease and if that means sending me the room number in advance, goddamn it it's not a hard thing to do. Knowing the room number may not keep me from getting attacked, but it lets me know a client is willing to even the playing field a bit as it. is. not. even.  

Nothing will make the encounter 100% safe but it's the little things that help put my mind more at ease. Again, it's not about the black and white "safe or not safe" but about minimizing risks.  

ordairport 9 Reviews 70 reads
30 / 70

Not unheard of. The dinner receipt charged to the room ordinarly includes the guest's name; blackmail risk. I disclose my room number when I voice verify with her confirming arrival.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 63 reads
31 / 70

Your safety has to be rule number one, and whatever policies you deem proper are what you need to do.

The client is then able to decide to see you or not depending on his own view of things, there's nothing right or wrong about either's decision.

JakeFromStateFarm 77 reads
32 / 70

While it's true some girls have incalls there, most of the business is outcall because the buyers are staying in hotels.  That's also true in places like Costa Rica.

GaGambler 65 reads
33 / 70

With the additional information you have just provided, i get your point and agree.

It does sound like he wants to make it as easy as possible to cancel on you without having you pounding on his door after he cancels at the last moment or even worse pulls an NCNS on you.

Personally, I would either cancel the appointment myself due to a "bad feeling" you are getting about the date, or you could just be  frank with him and tell him your concerns.  

BTW I personally don't mind giving out my room number the moment I check in, I have never had a problem with providers "crossing in the hall" as I never book my session quite that close together, even if i plan on seeing several women in a day, i always schedule them several hours apart, not back to back. lol

keystonekid 114 Reviews 85 reads
34 / 70
Julian7 80 reads
35 / 70

Where do you get your statistics about crimes committed against girls and johns? (Just asking)

Honey916 78 reads
36 / 70

When I have people come to see me I do not give them my room number until they are actually in the parking lot for my own safety precautions but when I go on an outcall I asked for the room number but not until I'm actually on my way I don't even want to know unless I'm actually coming and if they won't give me the room number before I drive there I won't come but I don't expect anyone to give me the room number prior to me actually being in route they don't know me either it could be a setup it's safety for both sides it's not good to give someone your room number with all the people you come in contact in a day there would be a lot of people that know your exact location I wouldn't consider that safe at all

GaGambler 74 reads
37 / 70

If a guy comes on here claiming that he cares more about his safety and privacy than the safety of the women he sees, he damn sure is going to attract some "hate" You obviously put your needs above those of your clients, so it's hardly a "shame" that you too are going to get some grief over it.

Lets go back to the age old argument about real names. How is knowing YOUR real name any more risky to you than some BSC hooker having the real name of a john she is seeing who has a seven digit job and a wife he could lose if she were ever to "teach him a lesson" for giving her an 8-8 review?

My job is not to "apply for an appointment' your job is to entice me into picking you over a thousand other hookers in any given city eager to accept several hundred bucks for an hours worth of work.

My gripe is not with the OP, she explained her reasons for being slightly taken aback about this one particular john and the way he was acting, and for the record I agree with her, but you and Momma see to think it's your way or the highway, at least she was smart enough to say so using an alias.

It's human nature to put your own interests first, but it's lousy business to openly do so to your prospective clients, Good thing for you most "hobbyists" have no balls and don't mind "begging to pay for pussy"

Lastly, I don't mind at all giving out my room number in advance, it's this entitled attitude by "some" hookers that irritates me. and once again let me be clear I am NOT talking about the OP. Jaydalee did not come off as demanding or entitled in the least. I wish I could say the same about all of you.

souls_harbor 91 reads
39 / 70

I really don't know what the commotion is about.  There are lots of clients and lots of providers.  Each party decides what is acceptable or not for themselves.  If two parties mesh, it's a date.  If not they decline to meet.  What could be simpler?

Lovely Lorena See my TER Reviews 76 reads
40 / 70

I personally feel if I've screened and we have an appt . The room number is not needed.  I usually go up with my client as though we are together on the trip  (as a couple) up to the room together.

I don't like meandering the halls of hotels unaccompanied. My personal preference.

Everyone is different.  Jaydalee is an amazing provider and Im glad to see her post..  

Safe Hobbying and providing!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Kind Regards,

Lovely Lorena

JakeFromStateFarm 72 reads
41 / 70

Abbi, there is ZERO equivalency between asking for someone's ID or real name and a client seeing your photos and reviews.  And unless your real name is AbbiMinx and your pix are unblurred when a client sees them he has no idea who you really are.  And how does his reading your reviews or knowing what your nipples look like have to do with anything at all?  Maybe it would if you asked him for a shot of his nipples for screening purposes.
Look, you can ask for not only my name but the names of my kids.  That's you're right.  Just as it's my right to giggle and move on.

Ndaylinn See my TER Reviews 88 reads
42 / 70

Whenever I'm setting up an outcall once the details are decided and the deposit is cleared, it goes one of two ways; This is in perspective that it's a first time meeting someone.  

For prebooking outcalls a day+ in advance *best way of getting a date, since same day may not be available*
I ask for the Hotel address to be prepared, in the booking email. Then the morning of the date I'll send a confirmation text/email asking for the room number.  I ask the gentleman when would be a good time to call the room, I generally do this right before I leave to arrive on time, to insure he is there and ready! (: I do a quick "Hello, can you please connect me to room XYZ,  for Mr. ABC, Thank you!" Once he picks up and I let him know I'm on my way and I'll text him once I've arrived.  
I will NOT drive out to an outcall without the Room Number and without confirmation.

For bookings on the same day when it's available.
I'll ask for the hotel address and the deposit, once I received the deposit I ask for the room number. Then I'll do the same steps I mentioned above. (:  
I will NOT drive out to an outcall without a deposit, the Room Number and without confirmation.  

So yes I find it strange that a guy will not give out his room information before hand, in too many cases I've been stood up or just pranked. That's why I now have my own protocol and stick to it. It has help eliminate time wasters, fantasy bookers and whomever is not serious about spending time together.  

GaGambler 74 reads
43 / 70

Your post makes at least my top ten list of funniest things I have heard here. lmao

High rates, shitty reviews, demands a deposit AND has to "call the room first"  

I am sure guys are lined up around the block to see you, but thanks for the laugh

GaGambler 74 reads
44 / 70

Do you honestly think he can relate to seeing hookers in Vegas?

Mommascomin 67 reads
45 / 70

she can do that after the date to, so your story doesn't really say anything. in my book that counts as a rob.

Mommascomin 80 reads
46 / 70

"other johns with balls" why is it that a man is nutless when he respects a woman. we already know you have masculinity issues, i don't really care to soother your insecurities.  

Yes ladies don't give the room out in advance. WHen you play at 300/hr and above, the most you have to worry about is that she'll be fat. the most we have to worry about is the guy staking out our hotel or room and coming early or causing us trouble. ladies get the hotel room in advance, or they cancel the appt. I do that and many other ladies i know do the exact same. if you don't want to give it to us, fine, book someone else. its really simple.

NanaRaven 94 reads
47 / 70

Maybe he booked another girl before you.lol whatever, just play the game.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 71 reads
48 / 70

Actually, I know of a good motel in Vegas that runs only $25 per night. If I were there, I would make an exception to my rule and order a hooker for outfall to  my room. If I won big bucks, I might even treat her to dinner at the Bellagio.

AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 87 reads
49 / 70

My photos are unblurred and I said I *dont* ask for ID or real name

AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 86 reads
50 / 70

It shows me a willingness to make me comfortable. You're right that it may not keep me any safer, but it puts my mind more at ease and it's appreciated :)

AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 78 reads
51 / 70

1) in response to the real name argument - I don't ask for real names, I ask for references. I think it is up to a ladies comfort to ask or not, but I personally don't and just use references  

2) i disagree that my job is to entice you and for you to not "apply" for an appointment. I try to entice, but I view a clients job as applying for an appointment. The nice thing about this is that there are so many providers and clients that if someone doesn't like this, they can go to another provider and I can see the clients I like.  

3) it is my way or the highway when it comes to my comfort and safety and like I said above, there are enough clients and providers that we can all find someone that fits our needs.  

4) I don't like to see people who feel entitled to see me *only* because they wave some cash around. No amount of cash can cover me dealing with a crazy client in person. Clients with "no balls" or as I like to say, "empathy," recognize that I like to feel safe going into an appointment. Like I said before, I don't ask for much - no real names, no work info. A reference, and a room number ahead of time if applicable. If that's bad business, then bad business rocks and I love it.  

5) I'm entitled to my rules AND I try to respect a clients comfort by (is this the 3rd time now?) not requiring real names and work info. If that makes me an entitled hooker you can't stand, thats okay because there are so many providers out there.

AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 82 reads
52 / 70

Hi! There are a lot of stats out there about violence against providers but not really (any) I could find about violence against clients. When I made my assertion it was based off of mainly the amount of providers who are murdered (so prevalent that "dead hooker" is a common phrase/joke/media reporting) versus clients we hear about being killed (which does happen - the instance that comes to mind is the exec who ODed and the provider left). In my mind my argument about providers facing more risk is a bit like the argument of whether water is wet, but I do recognize the lack of stats on client rape/violence/murder.

JakeFromStateFarm 64 reads
53 / 70
AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 69 reads
54 / 70

Not trying to be argumentative, but where did I make that argument? I didn't say that I asked for ID or real names.

JakeFromStateFarm 72 reads
55 / 70

"asking for more, like an ID or real name is consistently put down and ridiculed on this board)."  So, while you did not say you did that yourself, in the context of your post you were clearly at some level of agreement with those who did.  Otherwise, why say it that way?
If I've mis-understood you, please let me know.

Ndaylinn See my TER Reviews 76 reads
56 / 70


I offered the original board poster my protocol, that's all and it works wonderfully for me. (:  I understand it will not work for everyone (providers or clients) but this is a discussion board and I was contributing.  Enjoy your Sunday Funday!

russbbj 89 Reviews 87 reads
57 / 70

Now we can check in online and choose our room, so now we can let you know ahead of arrival what our room number is, but that is 24 hours from arrival. To be clear, we've been able to check in online for quite some time, but we did not have the capability of finding out which room we'd be in.

I have no issue whatsoever giving her my room number, and now that I think about it, I always have given her my room number when I check in. If she calls the hotel, they cannot give her my room number, but she can call the hotel and ask for Russ Jackoff and they will ring my room. I've always expected providers to do that, not sure what percentage actually have.

By the way, I always choose my room strategically, always as far away from the elevator as possible. Imagine this scenario, you ride the elevator to his room with multiple people, the 16th floor the door opens and this is his floor, you get off the elevator and 4 other people get off and his room is the first room on the left, either you have to hang out awkwardly until the 4 people walk off prior to knocking or you knock right away in front of them, this is not a comfortable situation. If you are coming to see me you'll walk down the hall to the end or nearly the end and by now it's likely the other 4 people have gotten to their rooms already and the hall is clear. I wish more providers put this kind of thought into their room preferences. Also, being away from the elevator is quieter, so win-win.

russbbj 89 Reviews 68 reads
58 / 70

Not to worry, the hotel can not give out names or room number. She can call the front desk and ask for me by name, and they can transfer the call to my room. But they will not, or they better damn not, give anyone my room number or confirm I'm staying in any specific room.

impposter 49 Reviews 131 reads
59 / 70

Posted By: russbbj
By the way, I always choose my room strategically, always as far away from the elevator as possible. Imagine this scenario, you ride the elevator to his room with multiple people, the 16th floor the door opens and this is his floor, you get off the elevator and 4 other people get off and his room is the first room on the left, either you have to hang out awkwardly until the 4 people walk off prior to knocking or you knock right away in front of them, this is not a comfortable situation. If you are coming to see me you'll walk down the hall to the end or nearly the end and by now it's likely the other 4 people have gotten to their rooms already and the hall is clear. I wish more providers put this kind of thought into their room preferences. Also, being away from the elevator is quieter, so win-win.
I start walking and if I'm uncomfortable, I keep on walking. "Oh my! I must have missed my room! All the doors look alike!" or "I guess I turned left when I should have turned right!" "Isn't the ice machine down here?" Yes, I prefer something a little further away from the elevators, but I'm not forced to stop at "my" (her) door if I'm not comfortable doing so.

impposter 49 Reviews 83 reads
60 / 70

I don't want to give anybody any ideas, but ...
"Monster is a 2003 biographical crime drama film written and directed by Patty Jenkins. The film is about serial killer Aileen Wuornos, a former prostitute who was executed in Florida in 2002 for killing six men." - Wikipedia
Based on the true story of serial killer Wuornos.

Posted By: AbbiMinx
Re: I'm going to get hate for this (which is a shame)
Hi! There are a lot of stats out there about violence against providers but not really (any) I could find about violence against clients. When I made my assertion it was based off of mainly the amount of providers who are murdered (so prevalent that "dead hooker" is a common phrase/joke/media reporting) versus clients we hear about being killed (which does happen - the instance that comes to mind is the exec who ODed and the provider left). In my mind my argument about providers facing more risk is a bit like the argument of whether water is wet, but I do recognize the lack of stats on client rape/violence/murder.

Alley-Syd See my TER Reviews 81 reads
61 / 70

hi there girls

if the client doesn't want to give you the room number upfront then don't waste your time !!

its already stressful.


kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 77 reads
62 / 70

This is one reason I do not like doing outcall to Gents like this............Some people want to play games. If it is late at night they may have had second thoughts. One time  when I arrived at the Ritz Carto in Charlotte, I have found that the Gent who booked ahead with me did give me the right room number when he confirmed our date.

 However he  had gotten into town early...........He decided to party with another Entertainer the night before. When I got to the room the following night of what he had confirmed with me that morning, he was either passed out or asleep.  

He called to apologize the next day...........Yet, I had already turned down a few other opportunities..........A total waste of my time nd energy...............

NaughtyMaddy See my TER Reviews 82 reads
64 / 70

Personally, I'm not driving 30 minutes down to the Strip unless I have a room number. Only exception is if it's a hotel I don't have a pass for. I'll meet in the lobby then.

NalaofHouston1 See my TER Reviews 71 reads
65 / 70

For outcalls I always tell the gent to send me address, rm #, and is there valet or not. That's why I created my secured booking form. I like to be prepared! Because he sounds like a time-waster. Let's say you did show up. You notify him that you have arrived and then...no response from him...complete waist of time.

cherryprice See my TER Reviews 45 reads
67 / 70

Hey Jaydalee,

I will request the clients name so that i can call the front desk to ask for him by name, not room # so i can verify he is a real person there waiting for me. That way if a client doesn't feel comfortable giving his room # prior to my arrival, i can verify he's really at hotel. Either that or request a pic of the phone

If there still unwilling they don't want to see you. Gentlemen have no problem providing info.

Hope this helps...


Khloe Marr See my TER Reviews 42 reads
68 / 70

I personally never ever give my room number until the gent has literally arrived.  The knock on the door either makes me jump bc I get startled if someone is early or I don't hear it at all, leaving them standing outside.  This is what I have always done....so it seems normal to me....

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 65 reads
69 / 70

I will give the room number hours in advance if the provider is reputable. Other I give it when she arrive.Some ladies do the same.It's mostly for safety/peace of mind.

GaGambler 45 reads
70 / 70

I would think that "peace of mind" would come from booking with reputable providers. Just how un reputable would she had to be for you to not want her having your room number in advance?

Honestly guys, it makes a LOT of sense for providers to use the 'two call system" Clients show up early all the time, how often is it a problem that a hooker shows up EARLY? lol  How is it really a safety concern that you keep your room numbers secret? Are you worried about getting robbed? her charging up stuff to your room? Just what is the concern? I am just missing something here.

For the record, the least of my worries is that some hooker is going to charge stuff to my room. Only a moron would pay such charges. It's like using your CC online, just because someone misuses it doesn't mean you are ever going to have to pay a nickel.

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