TER General Board

Ordinarily I would not comment
imanalias 47 reads

But seeing you likely are having a meltdown and posted numerous times since starting it I do have a suggestion.

Ask them to delist you. Problem solved. Then have your favorite friends write reviews on those other boards, if they haven’t already.

Most guys can weed out the BS fakes. Yet unless you have a email dialog or PM thread from one of the fake reviews, what do you seriously expect TER to do? Just accept your word and then you can have all real and fake reviews removed?

It’s not perfect, it may not be working in your favor, but I believe a greater majority of members are paying and those who are not usually can be determined by there review history, like having only 1 or 2.

Sad but long before other sites started following TER for reviews, it was an incentive to offer free vip. Many of those other sites do the same, write a review and get the details and if you don’t, then pay for membership.

Learn to live with it, or ask to be delisted just go twitter like others have done. Good luck with that because they suffer mean comments posted that stay until you remove the user and post.

(Edited to add Not Comment)

-- Modified on 3/6/2018 9:57:17 PM

Ter has been the one hit wonder of the review boards. With them so desperately needing to weed out the free for mongers read all the juicy details no strings attached competition taking over it has left Ter fighting for its spot in the industry. Anyone can sign up for an account and be bribed by Ter to post pay post in any way shape for or fashion for a free membership. Isn't it puzzling why Ter VIP members are promised and sold that they are receiving accurate info when in reality they're just a bunch of freebie seeking newbies posting random reviews.

and spend your time taking a remedial English composition course.  Your post is nearly unintelligible.

Thank you too cutie. Big boy feels strong now and Amazing because he picked a fight with a lady

Especially when it's so easy to poke fun at you for your lousy reviews instead. lol

Don't worry, I won't "pick a fight" with you, but I am going to lmao at you for a while.

BTW are you friends with certain BSC hooker by the name of "Bridget" up in NYC? You two should get together, you have a lot in common. lol

Those are endearing terms that are to be used solely for your mother who holds that special place in your heart

Awe thank you cutie. I'm actually typing from my handheld etc. Thank you for the valuable input sweetheart and excuse any typos or spell check errors that didn't suit your standards. Xo I'm sure you feel like a real big man right now. #dudeyou should bleed once amonth

HappyChanges60 reads

If I'm drunk enough and you're hot enough. I'll fuck you while you're bleeding to make you feel better.

Forgive me sir. I'm typing from my handheld and in today's technology I'm sure your well aware of auto text and spell Chk errors when texting. I do believe your way out of line and I do have the right to contribute to this forum as you do sir. Refrain from trying to bully me or derail from the topic.  Not an easy target. Also little ole me making hundreds of thousands yearly . Why can't I be as respectful and courteous as your parents taught you. #bitchmove#dudeyoushouldbleedomveamonth

Ughh sitting at home all alone ? Obviously because your on here trying to downtalk a provider. Real smart move for you! You've really got the game mastered. I'm sure any provider who reads you trying to downtalk me is going to be dying to screw you. You're right what do I know ? I only make hundreds of thousands per year and my watch costs more than your salary for the last 6 months. Unintelligible? Yours is completely nonpertiment sir. You don't need basic English to understand to stay on topic. You must feel strong and proud now that you tried to bully a woman. Probably run around in skirts all day being the bitch.

And please add BSC to the original charge of incoherent.

Awe what's a matter ? Was I suppose to sit and cry and let you run me away. Your so tough and smart.

I'm sure you feel real big right now sad part is your comment is non pertinent to the topic. Other part is I'm sure you grew up better and had so much better than little ole me making hundreds of thousands yearly. Ever learn how to get your point across in more of an articulate fashion and not try to downtalk any woman in this industry?

imanalias48 reads

But seeing you likely are having a meltdown and posted numerous times since starting it I do have a suggestion.

Ask them to delist you. Problem solved. Then have your favorite friends write reviews on those other boards, if they haven’t already.

Most guys can weed out the BS fakes. Yet unless you have a email dialog or PM thread from one of the fake reviews, what do you seriously expect TER to do? Just accept your word and then you can have all real and fake reviews removed?

It’s not perfect, it may not be working in your favor, but I believe a greater majority of members are paying and those who are not usually can be determined by there review history, like having only 1 or 2.

Sad but long before other sites started following TER for reviews, it was an incentive to offer free vip. Many of those other sites do the same, write a review and get the details and if you don’t, then pay for membership.

Learn to live with it, or ask to be delisted just go twitter like others have done. Good luck with that because they suffer mean comments posted that stay until you remove the user and post.

(Edited to add Not Comment)

-- Modified on 3/6/2018 9:57:17 PM

No meltdown here. I'm a basic member sir. Clearly you don't know me. I can explain the multiple posts by not being familiar with the forum sir and once a post is typed from my handheld I try to post It but donot see it up instantly. I certainly like to respond to each accordingly .  
I can respect your opinion sir should you be legally qualified by any court of law as a psych expert. Honestly  none of us know if you do have a phd. As far as have my friends etc I'll just leave it as you don't know me.  Let's not even touch that topic. I'm really not one for name dropping and don't want to make you look foolish as that's not the intention of my post. Stereotyping providers as drug addicts etc is just not very favorable to you. In addition making baseless allegations of anyone's credibility off mere speculation and NO FACTS is not as smart as you portray yourself to be sir. You have no proof, no case and you have no facts! In fact you don't even know me or ever met me correct? What person throws out random allegations like that from behind a screen, Tx you for your comment

I not only had email but I had time stamped texts from the new member here asking for a discount for a favorable review. I explained his review as a newbie  held no wait for a highly recommend provider like myself who has been reviewed by members who have reviewed dozens of providers,whitelists etc and that I was endorsed by top agencies and indys alike. I explained to the newbie his review of me would help noone but himself being that he was the one in need of a reputable provider reference such as myself.  
He then agreed to my full rate and showed up nearly hhr earlier than scheduled time. When I opened to door to a gentleman wearing a collar shirt,turbon and khakis with a very long,prickly and unkempt beard similar to Santa himself. His mustasche surpassed his top lip and curled inside his mouth. He roughly nudged me by the shoulder and pushed me in as he scurried in the room. Fast forward to the session  he wouldn't let me perform any party act on him and kept stopping me to repeatedly kiss. I'm sure you can draw up how his spikey beard felt accross my soft lips many of my reviews boasts. He was nearly impossible the entire time and became very irate once time was up and threatened to post a bad review if I did not let him stay extra hhr. He posted an average review sir and to a highly recommended provider like myself that was an insult. He later admitted to the agency who he used as a reference that he did this in retaliation and has been barred and an entire alert posted on another board. What I'm saying sir before all these insults and verbal attacks is this new non credible members behaviour would have not flown anywhere else but here. I had more than enough proofs by his own requests submitted etc and backup from agency owner he admitted he did this to me. Ter consistently leaves these bogus reviews up. Since there has been a slight trend

I do this so I dont have to work a day job. lol It wouldn't be too successful if I needed to work a day job and do this

This forum is embedded with
Self proclaimed experts passing on opinions as of they were facts of the subject.  Look up the nearly impossible process sir

third rate hookers always want to play the "fake review" card to justify their bad service.  If you have just a couple of bad ones, then as a customer, I would disregard them as outliers or guys with some kind of ax to grind with you, but you just have too fucking many.  There's an old saying . . . .

If someone calls you a jackass, its just their opinion.  If two people call you a jackass, they could still both be wrong.  When three people call you a jackass, its time to buy a saddle.  You just have too many bad reviews to try to sell this bologna here.  However, I'd be happy to introduce you to LilMamasan.  He's got a limited budget, but he REALLY needs to get laid.  

Unfortunately googling the subject would yield the accurate results you're looking for. Over 389k rip-off ter reports and the most prestigious escorts in the world are aiming to be delisted. Reputable FREE  forums across the board are rapidly taking over and proving their accuracy.  You sound really stupid and are making an even bigger fool of yourself by making verifiable comments that are lies. You contributed nothing intelligible or productive except to verbally attack and name call.  Providers these are the type of men that you're opening the door for. This is what they think of us. Worst this is what this forum is about . Google up ter history,fraud and what alot of the community is made of.  Anyone remember the mod on here. Google headcheese that was a mod manipulator for yeaaaaaars here. Sir I do believe your way out of line. While your mother can fit the bill of the hooker and you need to use your funds to patronise some like her I can see why you struggle to get laid freely.

Comeback?  Calling me a loser?  What, are you twelve years old?

Check the post above mine where the provider says you're a NEWBIE because you only have three (actually two - TER probably took down the fake one) reviews.  Even to a BSC hooker, you're a joke.  What does that make you to the "thinking" people here?  Got Loser?

-- Modified on 3/7/2018 9:31:35 AM

Gm to you sir. As I stated before it is very disrespectful as a hobbyist to use degrading and insulting terms towards any provider. Too many? Wrong person sir. Name Calling providers on here a hookers and using the laxity on this forum to verbally attack someone you CLEARLY know nothing about is not going to be tolerated. What are you who frequents us so called "hookers"?.

It may turn out that she was not a hooker after all.  Just a troll in some basement in Bosnia playing games with TER.

Are ALL your reviews fake? This is insane to go off here when your OVERALL rating is on you, not ter, not the guys here.. but YOU. Try improving your own persona before blaming others.  You're even attacking a guy that stood up for you? WTF?
You can ALWAYS delist if it sucks that bad for you. It is not difficult to do.

this thread was a WTF.  Good grief.  And there was many changes she could have made to get the scores she wanted.  Performance can always be improved.  Appearance can be worked on and tweaked.  But she could have easily improved her performance and comeback with better reviews.  WTF Terri Lynn, this girl came to a men's review page to insult them and their intelligence.  Wow.  She wrote more paragraphs than all my paragraphs combined on TER.  Wow.  That was a train wreck where she stood in the middle of the tracks.  Wow.

Yes that's right all verbally and emotional abusers that consider themselves men by spewing out verbal attacks,stereotypical insults towards the working girl meanwhile exposing each and everyone of you and giving you the ropes to hang yourselves and be seen for who you really are. Good luck in screening process with many of the fine talent.  Your emotional, uncontrollable lashes are a mere and clear cut representation  of You. Tx you for all the views and keeping this discussion thread at top of list. Fact checkers Google why so many reputable providers are seeking delisting and 338 plus K rip off reports. Google the rap sheet and criminal history of the mods. Lol and re-read this entire thread as a provider with these reviewers verbal attacks and insults for no reason towards a provider. Notice how in ter policy section A ,21  states no name calling,verbal attacks etc but yet these aforementioned have repeatedly offended. I rest my case

You sure will look like a hero to all the hating hookers.  
Problem is, your ego will be fed and you will attract others who love to hate, but a lot of us kind and generous mongers that love women, will be turned off by the hate that you continue to promote in a public forum.  Hate speech is not an attractive trait, and if I'm correct, attraction and companionship is what you are selling. I'm into some pretty cool BDSM but that has nothing to do with being attracted to hateful bitches.


Just the view of a monger

there is no room for hate in this hobby for me either.  it's bad energy and counterproductive to fantasy, fun, acceptance, joy.  It's actually stressful to me to be around haters.  So I will boast about what I love to offset all that bad energy she spewed here.

You are an absolute joy to know!  I whitelisted you because you are a gentleman and I loved my time with you!  It was such a turn on to experience new ideas.  And I love you sweetie.  Your friend, MO

.....another site. It doesn't matter what attention she gets, she gets attention. I have some hooker friends that found that when they argue and keep threADS going, the more business they get. The more the peanut gallery buys in, the more mongers check out her page. BTW, shame your P411 page is down, Cathy. That makes you a no go for me.

Of course, it eventually backfires. Because the mongers that get turned on by argumentative bitchiness are usually arseholes themselves, the hooker ends up with shitty clients who treat her poorly.

Nice work Cathy. Hope it works well for you.

All her reviews are gonzo.

That said, you never find 100% accuracy, but with warts and all, I'd much rather have TER and its reviews than nothing.

My experience with the reviews is that they are fairly accurate, in any case.

imanalias42 reads

Not only gonzo, but gone, delisted hahaha

John_Laroche53 reads

can't wait to read the Alternate Facts version on that other site.

-- Modified on 3/7/2018 8:30:18 AM

I guess it was a bad link on her TER page.

Posted By: imanalias
Re: A typical threAD of reverse psychology. Seen this many times on ......  
Her P411 isn’t down Preferred411.com/P249015

My reviews are 95% accurate.  Some gentlemen embellish.  A little.   :D


1. Retirement
2. Safety/anonymity concern
3. Bad reviews

It appears OP fell into category #3

Two more I can think of off the top of my head are:

4. Fed up with the review system for one or more reasons (and one of the reasons isn't that they got a "bad" review they want to hide).
5.  Got a fake review that said they did something they'd never do, eg BBFS, couldn't get the review removed, and so they delisted (I know some providers who did that).

Got one 8/8 review after 61 straight 10/10s. Lost her number 1 ranking, and got pissed off.

... in her mind, at least. 😏

Yes I had fake review stay up and real one taken down.not good screening staff

Wow how low class the repliest were she has no profile now.I think that is a good idea

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