TER General Board

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 145 reads

you are new to the game..offer your clients options..dont limit their choices..offer 60 min...90 min..2hrs..3 hrs..every new client will have his preference..let them choose it..as swim says some guys are one and done..they prefer an hour..they might see a 2 hr minimum and not even bother to contact you even though they find you attractive..once you are established with enough reviews the ball will be in your court..right now the ball is in your client's court..play the game right..you both will come out winners..

I have had a lot of people post that I should have a 1-hour "introductory" rate to increase my TER reviews, as people won't want to commit two hours and 600 to someone who is unknown. But I feel am most comfortable with 2 hours at a minimum. (I think. To be honest, I don't think I have ever seen someone for less time than that, so who knows? I might actually like it. But in reality I love getting to know someone and creating a sensual atmosphere and I can't imagine I could do that properly in an hour.)

Out of curiosity, what is the average length of time guys here date for? And what are your reasons for that length of time?

And for the ladies- what length of time do you prefer? And why?

My reason for posting this here and not in the newbies board is because this is a question for oldbies. :)


I am at a much lower price point than you but I do mostly one hr appointments.

Plenty of time for talking, hugging and kissing and doing the deed.

I enjoy longer sessions and occasionally get booked for multi hours but I enjoy my one hr sessions quite well.

also to post your web site link you need to be sure there's a TER logo on the main page otherwise Admin will continue to remove it.

Thanks, Naomi. Its been there for a long time.

Posted By: Naomi_Sweets
I am at a much lower price point than you but I do mostly one hr appointments.

Plenty of time for talking, hugging and kissing and doing the deed.

I enjoy longer sessions and occasionally get booked for multi hours but I enjoy my one hr sessions quite well.

also to post your web site link you need to be sure there's a TER logo on the main page otherwise Admin will continue to remove it.

you want to appeal to the higher end market which rarely reviews or posts, offering an affordable price "to start" might be a good idea. My most popular packages used to be the 90 min. and the 3 Hour Dinner...now, I only offer the hour when touring certain areas. My min. at home is the same as yours.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
I have had a lot of people post that I should have a 1-hour "introductory" rate to increase my TER reviews, as people won't want to commit two hours and 600 to someone who is unknown. But I feel am most comfortable with 2 hours at a minimum. (I think. To be honest, I don't think I have ever seen someone for less time than that, so who knows? I might actually like it. But in reality I love getting to know someone and creating a sensual atmosphere and I can't imagine I could do that properly in an hour.)

Out of curiosity, what is the average length of time guys here date for? And what are your reasons for that length of time?

And for the ladies- what length of time do you prefer? And why?

My reason for posting this here and not in the newbies board is because this is a question for oldbies. :)


for most individuals including me.  For the same reason I will only see ladies for multiple hour appointment once we have built the rapport. For the same reason if the girl doesn't have single hour appointment as an option, I may not schedule with her at all. It is LOSE-LOSE for both parties, as she may lose on my business and I may lose on a possible ATF....

Definitely worth keeping 1 hr introductions on your menu options...Just my opinion. I don't think there is a right answer...:)

1 hour encounters.  Reason, simple, economics.  In addition, I'm usually a one and done guy, so an hour is fine with me.  I recently did a 3 hour with my local fave, got the pop in first hour, went and got something to eat, and came back and played some more, but alas, no second cup was served.  However, to her credit, it was not for lack of trying which is always fun.  I do plan on repeat longer dates again with her, but not every time I see her.  We have also done an overnight, which I also plan on doing again.

I posted on your other thread as well, and I don't think I would schedule with anyone who had a minimum of 2 hrs even for the first date.  Like I said before, I'd hate to lay out all that $, only to find out we had no chemistry and feel like I wasted my money.  To encourage longer dates, many providers reduce the rate for extra hours past the first one, you might consider that as well, Sarah.


I like to work all my sex organs, and it usually takes about 1/2 hour to rev up the biggest one between my ears.

appointments that are at least 2hr or more.On my website I do suggest the 2hr option for new friends that allows time for us to get acquainted and to make sure there is enough time for BCD,but it is a preference not required.I do have an hour rate but most gents even new friends do not book that option to often but I do offer it for the gents who might not be able to spend my 2hr rate or just want an hour of time.
A lot of my appointments are multi-hour because many gents want to talk,have drinks,and dinner before dessert!
Do what works best for you as every one is different try out maybe a hr/90min rate and see if there is any difference in business.There is no way to know if offering an hour rate will get you more reviews.
Many gents I see are members here but do not review.

RBigFish160 reads

Although I pay for the whole hour. I'm the king of the quick pop......and at my age, a 2nd pop is a great memory.

I do appreciate the ladies that offer 30 minute sessions.

I'm not looking for any new friends and I'm sure the beautiful young lady I'm paying to see doesn't need a middle age, overweight, balding guy for a friend. We both know what I'm there for.....why play any games ?

you are new to the game..offer your clients options..dont limit their choices..offer 60 min...90 min..2hrs..3 hrs..every new client will have his preference..let them choose it..as swim says some guys are one and done..they prefer an hour..they might see a 2 hr minimum and not even bother to contact you even though they find you attractive..once you are established with enough reviews the ball will be in your court..right now the ball is in your client's court..play the game right..you both will come out winners..

I offer a firm 1.5 minimum to new friends, because I know that when I meet a new gent, he will want to stay longer than an hour. So the minimum always us to avoid the awkward discussion of extending the date, plus I enjoy the chemistry aspect of the date. I still offer one hour engagements to old friends though, but only one friend takes me up on that offer. He is a nice guy, so it works for me!

Do what works best for you. And be prepared that if you are going to offer a two hour minimum without a reputation or client base, it may be difficult at first, but if money is not a concern, then ride it out...everything works out in the end.

Good luck!

If not, I will marry these fine gals.

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
I offer a firm 1.5 minimum to new friends, because I know that when I meet a new gent, he will want to stay longer than an hour. So the minimum always us to avoid the awkward discussion of extending the date, plus I enjoy the chemistry aspect of the date. I still offer one hour engagements to old friends though, but only one friend takes me up on that offer. He is a nice guy, so it works for me!

Do what works best for you. And be prepared that if you are going to offer a two hour minimum without a reputation or client base, it may be difficult at first, but if money is not a concern, then ride it out...everything works out in the end.

Good luck!

This is exactly why I like the two hour thing. It means my clients will self select. I don't have to get to know you, and you don't get stuck getting known. Everyone's happy. ;)

I don't have a 2 hour min. now so I can "get to know you better" lol. It's because I feel my time at home is worth more, so I charge more...end of story. When I tour an area, I am in hooker mode for a certain amount of time per day, have a hotel set up, and am ready to go, so it is easy to offer an hour. When I am at home, it is twice the hassle to be able to work, so I want to make more money from one client vs. seeing 2 or 3.

Zsa_Zsa_TaTas155 reads

This is exactly why a 2 hour minimum is a good idea to weed out "bad attitudes" like this.


hour and a half minimum... i prefer to see a lady for 2 or more hours, because it's not worth the hassle or wasting the viagra on just an hour.  

the last lady i saw for two hours managed to make me spill 4 times, a miracle, it's been years since i've gone that crazy.  but at least 2 or 3 times for me per visit, so i like to have time to do multiple things, including flirting and cuddling as well as different, er, approaches, shall we say.

plus, most ladies will have a lower per hour rate for multiple hour visits, so i like to buy bulk.  wish i could go to a provider costco!

besides, most ladies i see are very interesting and nice people, so spending more time with them is a pleasure.

I prefer longer dates. I don't like to rush or feel rushed. I am frequently a one large pop guy, however with the true GFE can be more.
I recently had one of the best hobby times with a really hot lady, that could easily be the only lady I would see except she travels. We did a hour of playtime, stopped when to lunch like lovers and went to back to room like sex crazed lovers.
I would jump at the chance to have 3 hour dates like that all the time.

I am also most comfortable with 2 hours or more... time to relax and soak in the tub, enjoy some bodywork, play, play again... not necessarily in that order.  I do offer a shorter 90-minute, which can be lovely most especially for someone who does not want any time on my table; and returning friends have the option of a 1 hour (though it is rarely booked.)

Part of my enjoyment is getting to know one another, and I love great conversation. If a client feels the same way, a 3-hour or longer engagement is best.

-- Modified on 5/8/2012 12:16:09 PM

At least without special permission from the wife. So 90 first date 2 hours after that.

Hey Scoed...does you wife have a single sister or friend??  Link is on the market :)

Posted By: scoed
At least without special permission from the wife. So 90 first date 2 hours after that.

But I doubt they are as open minded about letting their men play, even the ones in the hobby.

Please note, there is a cost to my freedom, she plays out of the marriage too. She provides, by choice not out of need of money. She even sometime pays for a lady for herself. If you enter into an open relationship, beware it is likely open for both. Besides having your wife and your ATF comparing notes in ear shot of the bar keep at a local bar while you are sitting there is diffidently a bit awkward. Be careful for you wish for, you may get it.

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