TER General Board

OP You are doing the right thing by saving...
Jamie.Solo See my TER Reviews 821 reads

I have heard more than once from gents that a lot of ladies don't commonly practice this. I can only speak for myself, and I know that in the beginning I made awesome money and I spent most of it thinking that the awesome money would never stop. But, I also invest a LOT of the money that I make back into my business. And, in the beginning some of my investments were not worth it.  

I can say that I have changed that habit and started saving, and am proud of my little egg! BUT, IF ONLY I would have started from the beginning! I have since cut a lot of my expenses, but I also don't work nearly as much either.  

No matter how great you are, there will always be slow periods. It is best to do just as you are doing by saving 70%! I cant say that I am even that disciplined now. I would have to bust out a calculator but I think I have probably gotten my expenses down to 20% when they used to be a lot more.  

And, to answer the actual question - I personally, don't want to talk about specific numbers. But, I can say that since I started providing, I have never been so comfortable financially in my life. I moved on my own at 16, and waitressed my whole life until I started providing and for the first time in my life I don't live "paycheck to paycheck" and have to take a bunch of extra hours around the first and keep 2 jobs. So, I can say that I live comfortably.

someCuteChic2167 reads

I think the assumption is that because providers charge 200+/hr, that they are really raking it in every month. I do very well I think, but I also know that my income could stop/drop at anytime, so I save 70% or more of the money I make. I don't splurge on cars, clothes etc, and I always feel relatively poor lol.  
I'm curious to know how much you guys think we're making every month? It'll be interesting to see if the assumption, and our reality, match.

Count de Monet872 reads

it is the spending.  Always remember.

Count de Monet

PussyLipGloss743 reads

A close friend said she'd quit providing if she found a civilian job paying over $120k. Another friend said she'd doubled with a Top Rated provider who, just before a hobby orgy, claimed to be making $400k. Finally, a third Top Tier provider talked about having $10k weeks sometimes. I've also looked into an arrangement with someone. I was only considering a few nights a week a couple times a month but the payout made me realize she was accustomed to earning way over $70k a year. My annual hobby budget has been $25k-$30k and for a semi-exclusive arrangement involving several nights a week regularly plus a couple of fully paid vacations, I would consider a $40k-$50k payout stream to be reasonable if the chem is extremely high and the sex is consistency at a 9.5 performance level. But this is kept-woman money so I'm unlikely to be convinced to do it.

-- Modified on 7/29/2015 3:13:41 PM

Epsilon_Eridani604 reads

... let's see... 9+ is considered a 10 in the TER rating scale since TER doesn't have a 9+ category.  

So... isn't a '10' considered 'Top Tier'? Or did I miss a memo somewhere along the line?

Posted By: Re: Guess: $120k - $250k for +9 rated gals; more for Top Tier. -E- PussyLipGloss

-- Modified on 7/29/2015 10:13:37 AM

I could take a WAG at it, but there are just way to many factors to consider that influence the answer to your question..  

Personally I'm not interested in knowing what you or any other lady makes/earns. Nor am I interested in knowing income levels on my side of this equation.

Some make $300/week, others can make millions per week.  

No, I don't think there are any million dollar hookers here, but a few golden pussies? Ummm...yeah.

Girls I see and know well, make between $60-70k, up to $200+K. That's not what they clear, but what they gross. Tons of expenses to offset that income to be sure.

But the girls I see are a VERY small fraction of the business and the people you know are another very small subset so no conclusions can be drawn.

You cant speak for others "reality", only yours. I cant speak for any others than the 3 girls I have helped with their finances and their biz.

GaGambler767 reads

There are many women on this board who likely don't even gross more than a couple of grand a month, much less pocket the "big bucks" and then there are some women in this industry who net in the mid six digits, but they are few and far between.

I would say the "typical" hooker makes a comfortable living, but is hardly getting rich. I know a LOT of hookers and very few drive hundred thousand dollar cars, it actually surprises me just how many drive junkers, have problems paying their electric bill, much less their rent, and always seem to be broke. OTOH, I also know a lot of Asian hookers who are here for only a relatively short period of time and despite their lower than market rates, seem to be able to send home several thousands dollars EVERY single month to either care for family or feather their next for when they return. Very few of those women I know are ever broke, so go figure.

someCuteChic887 reads

I don't know if I'm typical or not. I usually average 10-12k a month, sometimes more, I haven't made less than that in a pretty long while. I'm comfortable but I don't live lavishly at all, I can actually be a bit of a miser lol. I don't worry about my bills, most are paid automatically and I always have more than enough to cover them.

I don't send money to friends or family, at least not very often, but I send a lot to myself and I've managed to accrue a pretty nice nest egg in a fairly short period of time.

GaGambler766 reads

That would mean that you live on $3-4,000 a month, and are putting close to a hundred grand away each year, which would make you one smart young (or old, or in between) lady.

Other women here would do well to follow your example, but just like most jobs that pay "big" money at a young age, most will simply blow the money and finish their "careers" without a pot to piss in, or be forced, just like the aging athlete, to continue working long past their prime.

Good for you, I hope you are doing more than just saving that money. Putting it to work for you will ensure that you never "have" to do anything for a living that you don't enjoy doing.

someCuteChic627 reads

Yes, 3-4k is about what I live on each month. I have a normal car, an apartment and incall in a mid-income area and I don't have many expenses outside of the norm,  except for what I spend on advertising and condoms.

I do treat myself to nice vacations a few times a year,  but I'm content to live like a typical college student even though I guess I'm not.

Investing is something I've become very interested in, and hopefully something I'll get better at. I've been seeing (sleeping with, for pay lol) a financial advisor that gives me a lot of really great advice.

I figure I'll do this for a couple more years, make a couple of major purchases, graduate and move on. That's the plan, anyway.

Why all the inflation? If a girl inflates her rates to be "exclusive" and can only pull 3-5 appointments a month at that rate, why bitch about being poor? I don't get it.  

I get it, P4P is a "luxury" and I get some hookers want a greater sense of self worth while sucking and fucking for a light bill. But when does the reality set in that: hey bitch, you're broke! Oh whoops, not supposed to say that... LOL!  

For the $$$ hourly rate, she should be able to accommodate her business and her life. And yes, this business is flighty and unpredictable so savings and being savvy about every buck is a must. But also, don't be naive and don't only open your legs to live unless you are able to negotiate and meet people where the money is, at any price point, and not be a snob about it.  

Obviously if $700/ hr isn't working, and your monthly income is zero, put the pussy on sale! Oh not supposed to say that... Shit.

in love with my very first hooker.

Whenever a girl uses the "N" word in a positive light, I get all hot and bothered. LO

say a lady charges 350 an hour  

doing 2 appointments a day 700.00

Working 5 to 7 days a week 3,500.00 (taking into account for slow days)  

52 weeks in a years  182,000.00

Now if you count in a few factor on the plus side, overnight appointment, dinner dates could push the # up  

Now on the down side, slow weeks, holidays, vacation and other factors can push the # down.

Now this also takes in to account that the lady, we are talking about is on the ball and has a good head for business
not a flake

Wow, impressive. Sounds nice. LOL!

The ability to earn that much doing a physically and emotionally draining job such as this, 5-7 days a week yeah no. Don't forget the million other hats women wear in a day let alone a lifetime. If there was nothing else to do then lay on a mattress and get fucked well yeah... Reality is otherwise.  

I am at the low end of the hooker earning spectrum for numerous, numerous reasons, and I still feel like I do ok. The expectation is to make 10 G's a month, but hell, could I really put myself and my life through all that? I am comfortable managing where I am. If I get more business I can handle it, but if I don't I am not losing any sleep either.

JoelGoodsen931 reads

Maybe 5 providers at a time.  All in it for different reasons.  

One is a powerhouse and makes a lot more than me (I'm not the richest guy in the world but do pretty ok). She does high end porn, is almost becoming her own brand, and amazing woman.  I'm really happy for her - she works hard for it and I really like her - she's just a cool, very busy, successful woman.  

The other four have expressed to me oddly, the same thing: namely, that they hate going to their mailbox and maybe go only once a week as it depresses them to get their mail (bills).  These are women who charge a good buck ($400+ ), don't seem to live extravagantly as I've been to most of their homes and in their cars, and from what I can tell they don't have a drug problem (but who knows, as one is always alluding to prescription pills but swears she doesn't do them which I'd probably find pretty dubious if I stopped to think about it, which I don't too much).   But it's hard to imagine some of these scenarios imagined in this thread where women are doing multiple appts a day 365 days a year. The women I see seem to do maybe 2 -3 appts a week at best, at least what they tell me - I don't ask. They just tell me this stuff.   I am sure not everything they tell me is true, but it fits with their good yet never quite making ends meet lifestyles.  Credit seems to play a large part in their lives as well.  

But what this comment about getting the mail says to me is that whatever they make it's not enough. I would guess they clear $40K a year but that's a guess and it also depends on how they handle their taxes.

And most importantly from an expense standpoint, they are in big cities, and all have or have had kids to support on their own which we all know doesn't leave much for most grown-ups, regardless of how much we earn.  

I sound like I know more than I do - I don't pretend to - this is just what I have seen and been told.  The women I see I like to see often so I get to know them well.

I have heard more than once from gents that a lot of ladies don't commonly practice this. I can only speak for myself, and I know that in the beginning I made awesome money and I spent most of it thinking that the awesome money would never stop. But, I also invest a LOT of the money that I make back into my business. And, in the beginning some of my investments were not worth it.  

I can say that I have changed that habit and started saving, and am proud of my little egg! BUT, IF ONLY I would have started from the beginning! I have since cut a lot of my expenses, but I also don't work nearly as much either.  

No matter how great you are, there will always be slow periods. It is best to do just as you are doing by saving 70%! I cant say that I am even that disciplined now. I would have to bust out a calculator but I think I have probably gotten my expenses down to 20% when they used to be a lot more.  

And, to answer the actual question - I personally, don't want to talk about specific numbers. But, I can say that since I started providing, I have never been so comfortable financially in my life. I moved on my own at 16, and waitressed my whole life until I started providing and for the first time in my life I don't live "paycheck to paycheck" and have to take a bunch of extra hours around the first and keep 2 jobs. So, I can say that I live comfortably.

Most of us realize that there are many expenses that go into it and you know what those are much better than I do. We also realize that whether you earn $300/$400/$500 per hour, or whatever it is, you are not making that 24/7.

Some probably manage their money quite well, some not so much and don't have a pot to piss in, really, it is no different than the rest of the population.   Are there gals actually taking home upwards of 200K to pick an arbitrary number?   Probably yes, but that is a small minority.

This is all so subjective, but even if you were in the small minority who makes say 100K, 200K, 300K, whatever, I would not call it "raking it in" either, depending on where a person lives, that may provide for a nice life, but shit, living in this world these days is expensive.  I don't pay the bills or shop for groceries, my W loves to be the accountant, she gets a special thrill of knowing where every cent happens to be.  However, once in a while I get a dose of reality and it jolts me.  I happened to go to the grocery store today to get my English Muffins and I was shocked to realize that a pack of English Muffins costs $4.59.    WTF!

Bottom line, my guess is that most ladies struggle to make ends meet and put food on the table, pretty much like everybody else in this fucked up economy (BTW, special thanks to the banksters, the politicians of both parties and the big corporations who have sold out the middle class, may y'all rot in hell.)    OK done, feel a little better :)

someCuteChic815 reads

I can't imagine that most providers are struggling to keep food on their tables, there would be a drastic drop in our mean rates if that were true. At least I'd think so.
I don't have enough providers friends to guess what the average income is, but based on what I can tell.. most are doing well enough to live comfortably each month, even if they are living from client to client.

JoelGoodsen747 reads

I would guess that there is a segment of our world who would think living client to client is by definition not living comfortably, as peace of mind is as important as the dollars and the stress of worrying can burn a hole straight through all but the strongest.  Of course I'm not a provider but in my business if I was living client to client i would be living on Maalox.  

I'll bet there is a pretty good percentage of providers who have part time jobs to live as comfortably as you suggest. Of course that's just a guess.  

And while I don't know anything about you I would guess by what you say you earn, that you are highly rated, relatively young and attractive, actively promoting yourself, and in a pretty big city. And lots of repeat business and very good at what you do. And of course I reserve my right to be wrong about any and all of this, but I'm guessing there are lots of women who don't check all or even most of those boxes who are doing what they have to to get by

That was one of my points, most Americans live a hand to mouth existence and I would suspect that ladies alin this business are not any different.  There's a lot of angst involved in living that way, one is always a small illness away from a disaster.

My larger point was that I don't begrudge what ladies earn, it is easy to be quick and say "but you earn $400 per hour," but that is a misleading way of thinking, if you break it all down, all the time that goes into this and all the expenses, the lady is not earning $400 per hour.  Point remains, some do well, some don't , but it is not all that different from the rest of the rest of the population, it all tends to balance out in the end

...there is a difference between gross pay and net pay. She earns $400 an hour. (gross) Out of that come expenses whatever those may be for her. What's left is net. But she earned $400 an hour.

Is the OP asking how much we think providers make or how much is left after expenses.
I have several favorites. One makes $400 an hour. One makes $350 an hour. Another makes $300 an hour. A couple of others make $250 an hour. (Of course they may make less per hour on multi-hour dates.) But what a person makes is the gross amount. Doesn't matter if they keep all of it or not. There's no way to really extend that out to an annual amount (as someone has already said) because there are far too many variables. The best anyone could do is have several years worth of earnings and figure an average.

And if she files, there goes another third of the taxable income.

Want to know how much a lady really brings in after business expenses, before taxes? Ask the bank loaning her money for a car or a house.

-- Modified on 7/29/2015 11:02:10 PM

...is the total before anything is subtracted.  

My paychecks show two amounts. First what I made (make) followed by tax, insurance, SS, etc. being subtracted. Then I take what's left and pay bills and what have you. What's left is for play and saved for a rainy day.

But what I Made is the amount before anything was subtracted.

Do you pay for the marketing of your company out of your paycheck? Do you pay for the facility fees? Supplies? Out of your paycheck? No. Not out of the check you take home. If you do, you send the company a reimbursement form for that.  

Who should I send my form to? Lol.

-- Modified on 7/30/2015 8:37:24 AM

GaGambler706 reads

Gross is when you kiss your 90 year old grandmother and she slips you the tongue. THAT is gross. lol

but yes, I think xyz is confusing "earnings" with "revenue" as an independent hooker is not an employee but a small business of her own.  

If a hooker has a $800 appointment, but has $200 of "direct" costs like a hotel room and parking, she has hardly "earned" $800, she has a gross profit of $600, her "net" can only be figured by adding up her indirect costs like advertising, wardrobe etc.

People always make a big deal out of me being able to travel "for free" because I travel a lot on business and I pay for it out of the company, the thing is, I AM the company, so there is nothing free about it. The same thing applies to you ladies

...What I'm saying is the definition of makes is the total. The client put $400 on her bedside table for one hour of activity. She makes $400 an hour. Makes whether corporation or individual is the total before any subtractions. What they take home (get to keep or is their profit) comes after all the subtractions. Earnings, revenue, overhead, profit all of those are accounting terms (or terms for purposes of taxation).

The OP asked what do you all think we make? She didn't ask about profits, what's left after expenses, or considering overhead. Whether the provider is a business ( we won't get into her start up costs and where that money might have come from ie. savings and what have you.) or with an agency she makes the total ($400 an hour) what she is left with something else entirely.

Some here took the OP's meaning to be what's left after all the subtractions. I understood that too but wanted to make the point I know what she makes. I have no way of knowing what she gets to keep (clears, profits, whatever word you want to choose.)  

Whenever this question comes up the providers always contribute to the discussion reminding that there are expenses so what she makes ($400 an hour) isn't what she is left with. I would hope that's obvious. (Yes, I know it'll still get by some.)

Therefore the question should be not what do providers make but what do they clear, take home, get to keep or whatever wording works for you to convey this.

If it were my own, I would have net a lot more due to availability of the place, and also ability to hold multi hour dates there.

Even $1,000 for 30 days of full access to a nice apartment, vs $250 per night - acess only from check in to check out - in a fancy hotel, just is a great formula. You can also have a full.bar and snacks instead of needing to pick up stuff every time.

But to find a good place to do that may be difficult you are seeing multiple guys per day, or even week. But from what I remember, that is when I made some good bank!! :)

but a matter of your saving habits and how you invest your money. I once heard that there are two great misconceptions in this hobby #1 is the clients think that the providers are raking it in : making hundreds of dollars an hour (charging more then some attorneys). #2 is the providers think that the clients are rich : spending hundreds of dollars an hour to be with a provider. Guess what both are dead wrong. Having said that, what I find interesting/sad depending on your view is : That a young beautiful woman would visit the USA as a tourist and spend money in a nice hotel for 1 or 2 weeks and sign up with an agency ( say she charges 400/hr ). They have to give the agency as much as 40% or more and at the end of their stay they hope that they have made some money. I am not talking about just the asian women, women from all over the world ( european countries, Russia, Australia, all over). This is why I think guys who short-change or try to cheat the providers out of their money really have no class what so ever. At the end of the day, like gambler said " you are only in your prime for so many years ". Which got me thinking " what would be the longest career a provider can have?"

Nor do I think my income is any of yours. As long as my envelope is correct, and you live up to your reviews, it's just a happy little sport we engage in. Every provider that I've ever seen makes more money per hour than I do, but I get paid for 40 hours every week. If a provider works 40 hours every week, well then that's great for her, I suspect not many do.

At the end of the day, I pay my bills and she pays hers, so she makes what she needs to make to provide for her general happiness and I do the same for mine. Life is good, rock on.

...that somehow did things right.  I visited a provider for a while at her two incall locations in LA and they were both million-dollar properties at least. And she has a nice car, very expensive furniture, lots of designer clothes and lingerie, and a very fab lifestyle.

Honestly, not any of my business so I don't clutter my mind by thinking about things, which are not by business.

Bob.Sugar852 reads

What a gal grosses is not particularly important...but what she is netting after paying her direct costs.  And in many cases that "net" income is around 65% of the gross.  Ironically that percentage seems to apply to nearly all gross rates I've seen...however gals working for agencies may see that net be somewhat less...depending on the agency she's with.

Some gals like to piss away the remainder on stuff that never amounts to anything tangible...hence the posts above discussing few have "two nickels to rub together".  Others do put something aside, but often that disappears as many gals who do that tend to ease up on the hooking...and use their "stash" to live on when not working.  And then the routine happens again...and again..and again.

As well the gals I have worked with over the years all file tax returns and report their incomes (I always trust that they're depositing their money in banks for the most part  LOL) and take their corresponding expenses.  Some utilize the SEP IRA or Roth IRA vehicles to plan for tomorrow.  Others don't.  

If as you comment that you plan on making some "large purchases" I trust you're a gal that reports her income, pays some tax on that income...and can show a 3-5 year history for credit purposes.  Seems like many gals have NO clue how that game is played.

Based on your comments above...something is not even close with your guesstimates of YOUR savings percentage.

As for caring what anyone in the world makes...I don't care.  I only care when they need my services to assist in financial planning, tax planning, estate planning and investment planning.  I also don't judge what anyone does with their money...just that they understand, if they want to know...why there is so little at the end of period.

I do get a kick out of those who honestly think that someone charging $ 300/400/500 an hour in this business is making any real money.  It's more than most gals would make at WalMart...maybe (I trust most don't understand the benefit packages some of these lower end jobs pays).  But many are literally just getting by...as someone above posted.  But they also don't have to work 40+ hours a week to get to the same numbers.  There's a value in that for most gals.

Posted By: someCuteChic
I think the assumption is that because providers charge 200+/hr, that they are really raking it in every month. I do very well I think, but I also know that my income could stop/drop at anytime, so I save 70% or more of the money I make. I don't splurge on cars, clothes etc, and I always feel relatively poor lol.  
 I'm curious to know how much you guys think we're making every month? It'll be interesting to see if the assumption, and our reality, match.

ottolbrock629 reads

As I have always wondered; I also feel it is none of my business. As with any business, I am sure there are those who are good at running it and some that are bad. To assume $$$ x 8hrs a day would be a ridiculous assumption.  I think the amount made is determined by how much risk she wants to assume by the amount she wants to work. A purely capitalist venture. At the end of the day I assume they are making more than me. I think for some hobbist that is a hard pill to swallow.

starquarterback712 reads

I'm guessing for the stars out there it's a lot more but in most cases my gut tells me not as much as we think. Am I right or no? I hope I'm wrong.

that based on an average 5/6 appts per week at $200-$300 comes to somewhere between 50K and 90K TAX FREE.  Yes, there are expenses but should be no more than 20% of revenue overall I would guess.  So, that's my take and maybe I'm way off base.  

Posted By: someCuteChic
I think the assumption is that because providers charge 200+/hr, that they are really raking it in every month. I do very well I think, but I also know that my income could stop/drop at anytime, so I save 70% or more of the money I make. I don't splurge on cars, clothes etc, and I always feel relatively poor lol.  
 I'm curious to know how much you guys think we're making every month? It'll be interesting to see if the assumption, and our reality, match.

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