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Only if you cum when the boxer punches you. eom
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 4080 reads


Tigerguy5408 reads

I recently had a FBSM session with a HR finish.  The lady told me this a legal service.  As long as there is no penetration, it is not a sexual service and does not constitute prostitution. She said lap dancers do it all the time in strip clubs.  This is pondering me. If two naked bodies fondle each other for an hour with a jack off finish, it's not called sex.  According to Clinton's definition, BJ is not sex and we can have the service legally.  Can someone enlighten me on this?

By any chance...

Was her name Hillary?


Although some say she couldn't even "raise" the dead.

Is that you Bill?

Under California laws (and I suspect the laws of most states) you don't need penetration.  And even if the prosecutor decided to not use prostitution as the charge, there are several lewd conduct statutes they could use that would cover even lap dancing.  Nice try.  BTW, Clinton was trying to draw some artful distinction between INTERCOURSE (which was how the judge in the Paula Jones case had defined sex) and other activities.  Can we let that one die now?

Sex is not legally defined by penetration.  Sexual gratification is the key.

In some states *mine*
the FBSM charges are MORE serious (felony) than what an escort would face (misdemeanor) as massage is a regulated health practice.

-- Modified on 4/16/2005 11:13:15 AM

-- Modified on 4/16/2005 11:14:04 AM

I was told by a cop that any service done for sexual gratification is prostitution

Strippers can't be in 5ft of a customer in charleston sc and I guess if you did spankings or S&M that would be prostitution.  I have also been told that certain states can't have adult porn sites or phone sex but never been interested so I never looked into it


Liya2913 reads

spankings and  most domination is legal.

i'm sure it varies from state to state though.

WonderingAbout This2682 reads

sexual gratification from the two of you reading Dilbert comic strips together?

I suppose LE would say the gratification has to come from an act that most people would define as "sexual".  So I guess those with the really unusual fetishes are in less danger from LE than those without them?

-- Modified on 4/16/2005 11:59:30 AM

-- Modified on 4/16/2005 5:00:36 PM

I am sure in other states as well. So spanking is illegal But not concidered sexual.

-- Modified on 4/16/2005 12:03:24 PM

Musical Joke3124 reads

...sex is defined as one person touching the genitalia of the other person.  Kissing any part of the body other than the genitalia doesn't count as sex.  Acting erotically toward another person doesn't count as sex.  Never mind reality; sex is legally defined as genital contact.

Prostitution may technically be hiring or getting hired by another person for sex.  Yet, based upon what I've read, the courts appear to regard prostitution as engaging in sexual activity within the context of a commercial activity.

In other words, if a doctor has sex with a patient (or if a lawyer has sex with a client) during an appointment, he could theoretically be charged as a prostitute.  If sex occurs within the context of another commercial activity, it can be presumed that the money is really paying for sex.

It's really confusing that most providers have advertisements that are practically designed to pique the interest of law enforcement and make their jobs easier.  Any statement warning off the police only amuses them and statements such as "This is not an offer of prostitution" elicits howls of laughter.  Those official-looking talismans fool nobody.

There are ways of using language in a manner that effectively decriminalize what's going on, and despite the basically conservative nature of the provider subculture, there is an occasional provider who is adept at the use of linguistic camouflage.  But such providers are rare.

Tigerguy1962 reads

The FBSM lady I saw used to be a strip dancer in Atlantic City. She told me that lap dancing there involves contact and touching, including the genital rubbing.  According to her, FBSM is simply a lap dancing in private setting. So as long as there is no penetration or oral sex involved, it's only a sensual massage, not prostitution.  So in a way it's like AMP service.  If there is no penetration or oral sex involved, AMP service is legal.

-- Modified on 4/17/2005 11:05:14 AM

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