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One reply I heard:
jayshap 2 Reviews 630 reads

A few years ago I was at a poker table sitting next to a very lovely young woman.  We had a few hours together to chat.  About an hour in I finally asked: What do you do for a living?  Her reply: "I'm a party girl."  then she changed the subject.

I had trouble focusing after that ....
Posted By: SavannahStJames
dun dun dun.....  
 The dreaded question almost guaranteed to come up in any normal "getting to know you" conversation with a civilian. We all handle this question differently...we internalize it differently..and our motives in the answers we give are also VERY DIFFERENT.  
 Some girls will make up stories out of shame...some make up stories because they have children..Some don't make up stories at all and would yell it from the mountain tops if you gave them the chance.    
 As a provider in a civilian social setting; when asked, "What do you do."  
 Well.... lol what do you do and why? Lie? Tell the truth? Omit? Change the subject? I started to think about this the other day because another provider friend of mine said that I don't people I'm a provider because subconsciously, im ashamed of it... hmmmm  

dun dun dun.....

The dreaded question almost guaranteed to come up in any normal "getting to know you" conversation with a civilian. We all handle this question differently...we internalize it differently..and our motives in the answers we give are also VERY DIFFERENT.  

Some girls will make up stories out of shame...some make up stories because they have children..Some don't make up stories at all and would yell it from the mountain tops if you gave them the chance.  

As a provider in a civilian social setting; when asked, "What do you do."  

Well.... lol what do you do and why? Lie? Tell the truth? Omit? Change the subject? I started to think about this the other day because another provider friend of mine said that I don't people I'm a provider because subconsciously, im ashamed of it... hmmmm

Which technically....I do....with my mouth...They don't pay your bills.They don't need to know your business

What exactly do you import anyways, chips?

Posted By: Sex-Aeterna
You wanna be my latex salesman? 😂

bra salesman, traveling secretary for a professional sports team, computer salesman, analyst, real estate agent, board member of a philanthropic foundation, ... sitcom writer

I can sense pretty well who would be accepting and who wouldn't be.  All my BDSM scene friends know because it's like "so you are an escort?  That's cool...I like to wear diapers".  To others I just say I'm going to school and get a stipend with my GI bill which is for the most part true.

My job is to increase the penetration of a high-end commodity in the leasure and hospitality sector.

said this: (could have been dear Abby?)  

Whenever someone asks a question that makes you uncomfortable or that you feel is too personal, the best way to shut them down is by responding:

Why ever do you ask?  

In other words it makes them realize (or should !) that their prying question is unwelcome!

Then change the subject to what they do!

I am in the HEALTH Industry.  Specifically, I promote Self Love and Orgasms for Health.

Then I will launch into my BENEFITS OF ORGASM selling points which are:

1: Anti Aging reverses the hands of time
2: Appetite Control to lose weight
3: Counter Acts stress and depression
4: Aids in body detox
5: Helps with your restorative sleep
6: Saves you money with shopping    
7: Provides a Happy, Optimistic outlook
8: Increases Focus, Energy, and Drive
9: Improves self image and self esteem
10: Increases your social connectivity
11: Provides Natural Pain relief
12: Builds Higher levels of confidence
13: Strengthens the Immune System
14: You Live Longer!
15. You Feel Better About You and Everything Else

Event planner
Product rep
Yoga instructor
Part-time nanny

but they drive a new BMW

Good one bofia. I once had a date with a regular of mine, who was borrowing her girlfriends apt for the incall. The friend was an "event planner", who just happened to have a bedroom with a professional massage table and mirrored walls, plus red lights!!   Hmmm?

Posted By: bofia
Event planner  
 Product rep  
 Yoga instructor  
 Part-time nanny  
 but they drive a new BMW.  

After all, you're always raising a bunch of little peckers, aren't you

wrps07558 reads

and present an game plan to get out to show your sincerness in him. Tell him why you are provider.

A few years ago I was at a poker table sitting next to a very lovely young woman.  We had a few hours together to chat.  About an hour in I finally asked: What do you do for a living?  Her reply: "I'm a party girl."  then she changed the subject.

I had trouble focusing after that ....

Posted By: SavannahStJames
dun dun dun.....  
 The dreaded question almost guaranteed to come up in any normal "getting to know you" conversation with a civilian. We all handle this question differently...we internalize it differently..and our motives in the answers we give are also VERY DIFFERENT.  
 Some girls will make up stories out of shame...some make up stories because they have children..Some don't make up stories at all and would yell it from the mountain tops if you gave them the chance.    
 As a provider in a civilian social setting; when asked, "What do you do."  
 Well.... lol what do you do and why? Lie? Tell the truth? Omit? Change the subject? I started to think about this the other day because another provider friend of mine said that I don't people I'm a provider because subconsciously, im ashamed of it... hmmmm  

with a question to deflect their question, politicians (and cops) are masters of this tactic.  

Ask, "Can I talk to you for a few minutes about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?
99 percent of the time they will bail,

but for the 1 percent of religious nuts you can just say,
"I said, Jesus Christ those are nice shoes! Did you get them from Lord and Taylor?"

Then just say "FUCK ME!" and walk away ... quickly

problem solved

Posted By: SavannahStJames
dun dun dun.....  
 The dreaded question almost guaranteed to come up in any normal "getting to know you" conversation with a civilian. We all handle this question differently...we internalize it differently..and our motives in the answers we give are also VERY DIFFERENT.  
 Some girls will make up stories out of shame...some make up stories because they have children..Some don't make up stories at all and would yell it from the mountain tops if you gave them the chance.    
 As a provider in a civilian social setting; when asked, "What do you do."  
 Well.... lol what do you do and why? Lie? Tell the truth? Omit? Change the subject? I started to think about this the other day because another provider friend of mine said that I don't people I'm a provider because subconsciously, im ashamed of it... hmmmm  

So I use that and do not tell anyone about my providing activities because it's none of their business.

And, of course, because people can be judgmental & gossipy.  I know from experience what people's reactions can be, and it's not pleasant. So I tell them only about my "real" job and keep the salacious part of my life secret.  

On a side note: recently, while a hotel's bellhops/valet were loading my luggage into my car at the end of a tour visit, one asked what brought me to town.  
I was in an odd mood so I quipped, "Traveling hooker!"..... they laughed and naturally, did not take me seriously.  
When asked again, I just replied I was a tourist. :-)

I was inspired by the movie Grosse Pointe Blank lol.  Perhaps I'll do that more often.

-- Modified on 8/2/2016 9:18:47 PM

Hahaha...I'm from Grosse Pointe.  
Loved the movie.  
Don't know where they shot some of it but it wasn't in any of the 5 Grosse Pointes

This helps de-stigmatize the profession. I'm not ashamed of what I do. I might add that I also proofread, but it doesn't have the same shock value, now does it? ;)

-- Modified on 8/2/2016 10:20:31 PM

...the service industry? :)  

If they're not satisfied say that you are into Rejuvenation maintenance and family conservation technology, which is a brand new cutting edge model that adapts ancient techniques to modern organic matter.  

If that doesn't stop further questioning, pivot towards merging biological weaponry with our prehistoric heritage. Once you bring up "weaponry" you're home free. Any further prowling are answered with the need for clearance and "on the need to know basis". If they ask whether you're DOD or the CIA, hum meaningfully but neutrally in response.  

If it gets to the point of "secrecy" and "clearance", then before you decide that you want to talk to somebody else make them admit that "they understand that whatever was said is between us." Not only would you end up telling the absolute truth about yourself while basically revealing nothing, you legend will grow too

Dear Savannah,
I am just wondering you have always thought about this from the time that you made a conscious decision to become a provider.  In fact I dare say you have three or four different responses to the questions which are both socially acceptable and politically correct.  The question is how is the best way to answer the question with out making people more inquisitive while mitigating the backlash that you would receive if the truth and accuracy were revealed.  Finally I can imagine your next question would be how would you answer the same question if your worlds crossed and you saw someone in your mainstream life that you know from the hobby.  What are the sensitivities to how you would respond.  In fact I can imagine that you were looking at Blue when Julia Stiles comes across a guy from the neighborhood in one of the first scenes and her son tries to reconnect with him to learn more about her.  At this point, do you cut off all of your friends who are in the mainstream for fear that they will be condescending towards you or do you make your cover story extremely credible so that you don't cause further inquisition into your livelyhood.    This is one of the biggest conundrums you would have in your life if you don't have a mainstream profession that you actually go to that is real.  The biggest question is are you ready to incur the wrath of judgement if it is revealed that you are working in your current capacity in the companionship and hospitality industry.  What are the psychological ramifications and what would be those for your children if your have any?  I am sure Savannah that you have contemplated this for an extremely long time and you have picked the perfect venue to discuss this with other women and men in this demimonde.   In fact I dare say that you really should have this conversation on the providers only board where you could get deeper and more real responses.    

Posted By: SavannahStJames
dun dun dun.....  
 The dreaded question almost guaranteed to come up in any normal "getting to know you" conversation with a civilian. We all handle this question differently...we internalize it differently..and our motives in the answers we give are also VERY DIFFERENT.  
 Some girls will make up stories out of shame...some make up stories because they have children..Some don't make up stories at all and would yell it from the mountain tops if you gave them the chance.    
 As a provider in a civilian social setting; when asked, "What do you do."  
 Well.... lol what do you do and why? Lie? Tell the truth? Omit? Change the subject? I started to think about this the other day because another provider friend of mine said that I don't people I'm a provider because subconsciously, im ashamed of it... hmmmm  

jjllrrkk462 reads

When I ask someone what do you do? Is to board of a question to me. When getting to know someone you find out what they do outside of work. I will ask what are your favorite things outside of work? This question is more specific, plus if one reads the profiles that you providers put up then there is something to talk about. I would leave out the whole bf thing out personally. As a newbie on the client side I don't want to hear about someones boyfriend. Not that I would wish any ill will or harm on them. I don't know the person and really could careless, plus it might be a turn off. Now maybe once you have seen the same provider a few times as that part of the relationship develops, one could understand if share more personal things done the road. You will be ok.

Other's like teachers and other parents think I don't work. They think I'm a stay at home mom.

A stay at home MILF, that you can do just that!!  

Hell to the Yes !!

Is what I really want to say...  Lol Wish I could just say "ya I'm a hooker, I suck cock for money" but we know the reaction that gets!!  

But I'm a student, which I am & is what I tell peeps when I meet them, a lot of peeps thinks I work in the club industry cause a lot of my friends do.  Kinda cuz Sometimes I help out at events etc.  

Happy hump day everyone!!!  

I tell people that I'm an artist and graduate student and clarify by saying I'm an actress/model/writer which is the truth. As much as I love what I do and I feel no shame about it, I grew up in a Catholic community and there was little tolerance for what was outside the norm. Even now, in major cities, I find people have a hard time digesting the idea so I leave it out for now.

-- Modified on 8/3/2016 10:50:16 AM

Then tell them you've raised a lot of cocks!

When my friend had mentioned that I was being secretive out of shame, it made me take a step back and really evaluate my reasoning. Of course there are no brainer situations in which discretion is a must....but in situations where I knew i could safely be honest in a welcoming environment, I still choose to stay to myself.  

I realized that im not ashamed at all... I just find it rude to force a sexual image of myself into someone else's head. Once i say that I'm an escort or work in the sex industry, it's only natural for the other person to picture it in some way. So when I'm trying to have a platonic conversation with someone, I hate having to tell them what I do for a living because it completely changes the dynamic of interaction. Even if you're the most polite person in the world...if someone told you not to think of the color red..what would you think about?  

I think of situations where my sister introduces me to a new boyfriend and he asks what i do for a living...why would i want to risk him picturing, even for a second..what i might look like tits deep in some man chowder?

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