TER General Board

One of the most . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 325 reads

thoughtful and well-reasoned responses I have ever read on this topic.

GoogleWasMyIdea3026 reads

Would you avoid someone who often gives low scores? Seek out someone who gives high? Do you even care?

Ever use reviews to see what your upcoming date is looking for and how to please them?

Inquiring minds want to know

I like to make each session fun and smooth, but its hard cause you've never met the person before. So sometimes I'll read their old reviews to know what to do and what not to do.

what kinds of things might a guy be into that would cause you to pass on the date request?

maybe he's contacting you to try something new that he's never done before, and past activities or providers really don't matter much.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
what kinds of things might a guy be into that would cause you to pass on the date request?

very true, I don't read into it too hard, just more of a cursory glance to see if he's my type of client.

I'm not too kinky and don't get too may requests, but If he is complaining that the provider didn't let him Facefuck her or DT her I might pass. Its odd cause i enjoy those things, but not for every client (depending on length, girth, and how turned you get me). And if it bothered him enough for him to complain about it on a review, then i might pass because i just don't tink either of us will have a great time, and thats my goal.

You don't want any surprises if the guy is into to things you are not into lol.

Because before accepting his rendezvous request, I want to know if we're compatible. I avoid guys who mention BBFS, and (by personal choice, so don't bitch at me) I do not rendezvous with bisexual men or men who have been with a TS.

I do look at a prospective client's review scores, not to select a guy who scores high or low...but to see why he chose to give those scores.  Also, sometimes a guy is extremely difficult to please, and I can see this in his review scores...so, I'll refuse to rendezvous with him.  

When I rendezvous with someone, I think of each rendezvous as dating, not work.  So, if I wouldn't date a civvie that was a pain in the ass, or I wasn't compatible with...I certainly wouldn't rendezvous with one!  

Yes, I'm very selective, and I think both hobbyists and providers should be as well, so the rendezvous is an enjoyable and memorable one! ;)

And it makes a lot of sense.
I know I carefully study a lady's review history before we meet. Why not examine a dudes history of reviews.

The more we know about one another the more comfortable our initial meeting will be.

Posted By: STPhomer
And it makes a lot of sense.  
 I know I carefully study a lady's review history before we meet. Why not examine a dudes history of reviews.  
 The more we know about one another the more comfortable our initial meeting will be.

I'm curious as to why you feel just because its a personal choice you aren't capable of being shit on.  Your "personal choice" is homophobic and immature, simply put.

Your response to her personal preferences is ignorant at best.  Those are HER personal preferences.  Not yours.  I noticed in your ad you don't like blocked numbers, or vulgar talk.  Your website says you don't like bad breath.  So it's ok for you to express your preferences but it's not OK for her to do so?

Posted By: Always1050
Your response to her personal preferences is ignorant at best.  Those are HER personal preferences.  Not yours.  I noticed in your ad you don't like blocked numbers, or vulgar talk.  Your website says you don't like bad breath.  So it's ok for you to express your preferences but it's not OK for her to do so?  

GaGambler281 reads

Or are you claiming she should fuck everyone YOU think she should fuck?

People make their own choices about who they will and will not fuck. Why they do so is none of your fucking business, or mine either for that matter.

Many people don't agree with NBA policies, but "simply put" it's still the woman's choice who she is willing to get intimate with. Or are you suggesting a woman should have to fuck EVERYBODY with the price of admission, regardless of her personal biases?

Posted By: GaGambler
Or are you claiming she should fuck everyone YOU think she should fuck?  
 People make their own choices about who they will and will not fuck. Why they do so is none of your fucking business, or mine either for that matter.  
 Many people don't agree with NBA policies, but "simply put" it's still the woman's choice who she is willing to get intimate with. Or are you suggesting a woman should have to fuck EVERYBODY with the price of admission, regardless of her personal biases?

thoughtful and well-reasoned responses I have ever read on this topic.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
thoughtful and well-reasoned responses I have ever read on this topic.  

After hearing the question I kinds like thinking of our little forum as the more honest side of e-harmony.com

-- Modified on 10/25/2016 5:54:19 PM

John_Laroche385 reads

at least make some effort to be funny and original.

...At least make some effort to have a pair of balls.  There are nine very acceptable reasons to use an alias...being a pussy isn't one of them.

a pussy SHOULD be one because of all the guys doing it.  There's a whole crop of real punks joining discussions here behind alias' that don't sound like they have ever fucked a provider.  They are just living vicariously through those of us that do.  (end of rant)

Mr.M.Johnson372 reads

I choose to use an alias because my TER "name" includes the state that I live in, and, I wanna be as anonymous as possible

content rather than hiding in the bushes pitching rocks at others in the form of attacks.  Its apples and oranges.

LasVegan276 reads

Have you read any of his posts?  Pitiful, simply pitiful.  He is a legend in his own mind and that is it!  He is the only person on this board who has a high opinion of him.

just from very first initial email

And how he is ready to pass my screening.
Kind of the bird can be seen by style it flies..

never made a mistake who to have fun with:)  

As a result - enjoy my reviews :)
I think - woman should to read
But myself I am in not even and not VIP here -as   many my dates even not white listed here and never wrote one single review.

The best and real dates - I have been told never did care even to read my reviews. Just talk to me and share pic and info establishing that we are on the same page.

and even looking thru the reviews to make sure we match and I can offer what he may be looking for... sometimes we can make mistakes. Once I didn't read the reviews of this guy because I clear him thru other ways and when I got to his apartment, he was smelly, dirty, hangover, computer was on (I thought he was recording the session) and I close the computer (he didn't like it that much). Not just that but also LIED about his heritage... if I knew ... I would have NEVER meet him.  

See the only low score on my reviews? YUP, that's him

When I had VIP I did....you can't help but look lol....kinda glad I don't have VIP now because sometimes it can get in your head. If the other girls he has seen are polar opposite than sometimes I would feel like I'm not his type but he is trying something new and probably a low score or disappointment may result. Once and I while I would even refuse the appointment because of it. Then I came to find out a lot of guys see a plethora of different ladies no need to freak out lol. I never really thought about what he has scored girls in the past. But if the review sounds disrespectful/super vulgar then i have given second thought.....which as I said is why I'm glad I don't have VIP ....I really don't even want to know.. and many of the guys I see don't go on here anyway so less cause to get wrapped up in all that....

Posted By: GoogleWasMyIdea
Would you avoid someone who often gives low scores? Seek out someone who gives high? Do you even care?  
 Ever use reviews to see what your upcoming date is looking for and how to please them?  
 Inquiring minds want to know!  

And for some of you, this is as far from a benefit to you than admitting you like k-9 sex.

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