TER General Board

One Hobbyist's Opinion. . .
phil55 58 Reviews 1699 reads

As I get more mature in the game, I'm starting to get away from having new & unique adventures every time out. However, with that being said, I will repeat with a provider only under certain circumstances.

First and foremost, she has to (appear like) she really loves what she is doing.  I understand the mindset of the women who withold something of themselves by not DFK'ing or providing other facets of the GFE, but I don't want to spend time & $$$ with them. This hobby is a fantasy and anything that interferes with the fantasy aspect of the experience ruins it for me.  This includes counting money in front of me, stating a list of don'ts right off the bat, mentioning that her schedule is tight or talking about the business aspect of the profession.

Also, providers, please try to sound sexy on the phone when we call you.  I've actually not scheduled based on jarring accents (Brooklyn ones are the worst), squeaky voices or, the worst, talking about having to pick up kids or get your car worked on.  Again, remember this is a fantasy and we hobbyists don't want to equate you with our own real life issues.

When you're looking for a new provider, in order of importance, what are you looking for?  Or do you shop around and find the one you seem to 'click' with?  And do you feel the need to confirm the provider is doing something she really wants to do and has a healthly mental outlook regarding her career or does that even cross your mind?


All of the above.  Her photos lead to a check mark for attractiveness; reviews lead to quality of experience; and posts lead to mental stimulation or level of "clicking."  I don't go looking for mental challenges.

a key indication of how good the encounter will be.  A person who shows great care in that will also be a person who shows great care in how they treat a date.

Performance is THE most important factor, so I need to read reviews.  Attitude, enjoyment of the job are significant components of performance.  But I still want to "click" with her, so I shop until I find the one that is the best fit for me, and then I tend to repeat until I need to move on for whatever reason.  Variety of providers is not a big issue with me.  Prefer one pop with feeling over two pops that seem mechanical.

I have the following initial requirements with which I begin each search:

1) Non-smoker  - absolute must
2) Natural breasts - preferably B and up
3) Are the photos real
4) Delivered as promised
5) Proximity to Dallas

I scan the new reviews posted each day in search of the providers who meet these initial criteria. If they do, then I peruse their reviews and select those providers I might want to see.

Age or being somewhat out of shape is not a serious factor to me because I have found I can enjoy the company of an "older" provider or a non-model provider just as I can enjoy the looks of the younger provider.

Both offer different qualities that are refreshing if your goal is not just to bang the heck out of someone from every position. Since that is not my goal ... I tend to try to enjoy each person and the sexual parameters they have set for themselves.

If a provider doesn't provide a particular "service" enjoy them anyway. It is certainly easy in a large market like Dallas to find another provider who will meet your need.

In this Hobby, there is much to enjoy in the uniqueness, the personalities and the differences that each provider brings to a session. I look forward to meeting many more as long as they meet the first requirements.

I don't search. But someone will strike me. Serendipity. Intelligent, laughing eyes in the crowd. Maybe a hunch that she will find me attractive, just as I find her magnetic. She does not have to love every minute of her career, but when we are together we must generate and share fun, not fabricate it. Unfaked intimacy and passion for being alive keeps me seeing a lady, even though the sine qua non of each tryst is a market transaction.

"Now let us sport us while we may;
And now, like am'rous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour"

Warren BT1368 reads

time to time.Sometimes the emphasis can be on sheer beauty; other times on sexual attraction.But overall, intelligence,honesty & dedication to her chosen profession are essential!

A good attitude is foremost; and that relates to the healthy mental outlook you mentioned.  I don't know if it's possible to look for honesty, but I respond well if I find a woman with it.  I tend to favor regular visits with some favorites, so I hope for a "click".  A provider who likes to kiss is pretty important.  Physical characteristics are less essential.


If I don't like the way she looks, I'm not going to be interested. Second is what activities she does. There are a few things I really like to do, and most ladies who claim to be GFE fit the bill. I wouldn't consider them unusual but every once in a while you run into someone that won't do them so I'll have to check her reviews. Third, does she have any history of rushing? If she does, I'll look elsewhere.

Regarding her mental outlook, I'm usually not smart enough to get a sense of that before I meet her. But if I don't like her postings, then I won't be interested.

Of course I'd like to find someone I'll click with, but there's no foolproof measure before you actually meet. I once saw a lady I had e-mailed and bantered on a board extensively with. I was sure it'd be a great time since we seemed to get along so well, but when we met it was anything but. It was the most disappointing session I've ever had considering how promising it had seemed. I don't even try to determine if I'll click with someone anymore.

It's really no different than what's important when meeting any girl. Physical appearance is the first thing noticed, & it's either appealing or it isn't. That stimulates the initial desire to "get closer" - determining interests, intellect, etc. Good Lord, I'm sounding like Sigmund Freud. If she looks good, is reasonable articulate, & available I like her!

As I get more mature in the game, I'm starting to get away from having new & unique adventures every time out. However, with that being said, I will repeat with a provider only under certain circumstances.

First and foremost, she has to (appear like) she really loves what she is doing.  I understand the mindset of the women who withold something of themselves by not DFK'ing or providing other facets of the GFE, but I don't want to spend time & $$$ with them. This hobby is a fantasy and anything that interferes with the fantasy aspect of the experience ruins it for me.  This includes counting money in front of me, stating a list of don'ts right off the bat, mentioning that her schedule is tight or talking about the business aspect of the profession.

Also, providers, please try to sound sexy on the phone when we call you.  I've actually not scheduled based on jarring accents (Brooklyn ones are the worst), squeaky voices or, the worst, talking about having to pick up kids or get your car worked on.  Again, remember this is a fantasy and we hobbyists don't want to equate you with our own real life issues.

but here goes....  right now - there are a couple of ladies that have caught my "Fancy" to say nothing of fantasy....   Strange thing is, I was captivated by both by what they wrote, before I actually looked them up on their web sites...  somehow - that is now extremely alluring... to the point where I will travel to meet one (or maybe two) of them...   What has captivated me?  The following:

1) that they have views on politics, religion, arts and science.
2) that they share some of my concerns about life...
3) that they have experienced some of life... (not as much as me in all areas... but enough and more in other areas)
4) that they demonstrate a degree of intelligence and a internally consistant way of viewing the world.
5) they have big boobies.... lol!
6) they like to play... or at least that is my perception of them.

CameronGFE1566 reads

How do I now know BizzaroSuperdude is not Larry Summers? LOL.

Sometimes I think the strong point of TER is the posts. I like what the writing reveals (more in boards than reviews), even better than the links to the photos. Well, I am a provider, so maybe I am not so interested in the photos. LOL. I can enjoy BizzaroSuperdude's postmanship even if I have no idea what he looks like. And TER chat room give and take can reveal a lot because you see a person reacting with guard down to many different personalities.

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