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OMG I just spit my melatonin out...
colleenwir See my TER Reviews 2525 reads
1 / 45

I plan on getting a tummy tuck in the summer, while i plan on taking 6-8 weeks off of work, it can take up to a year for the scar to heal completely and for the swelling to go down 100%.  

Mongers would you be bothered if the provider had that scar? Itll be kindve ugly looking for about a year. Itll be below the bikini line but its par the course to get naked during session so it will be seen....

GaGambler 36 reads
2 / 45

I just checked out your pics and quite frankly I don't think a simple "tummy tuck" that is going to cost you quite a bit of money and two months of lost revenue is going to do for you what you hope. Keep in mind that a tummy tuck isn't a permanent fix and if you have a tummy now, the odds are that a year after your surgery you are simply going to gain the weight back all over again. Especially if you spend the two months you take off on the couch eating bon bons.

I think you would be MUCH better off spending the same resources to hire a personal trainer, change your lifestyle and make a more permanent change to your appearance. Ask yourself this question, Are you going to look and feel better about yourself if you lost 5-10-20 pounds  and got in shape in the process, or by a so-called "quick fix" of a tummy tuck?

It's your money, your body and your choice, but I say "fuck the surgery" go hit the gym for a couple of months instead.

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 47 reads
3 / 45

Id get it done right now. But im not, im getting it done july 9th. Ive already lost 55 lbs and plan on losing 20-25 more THEN getting the tummy tuck, im actively dieting doing jenny craig. Im losing more weight first then getting it done.

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 41 reads
4 / 45

Im very apple shaped, even when i was at my thinnest (5'3" 118 lbs was my best im currently 145).... I still had a tummy, so yes i need to lose more weight i know that (im doing jenny craig and ive hired a personal trainer).

DellaReid See my TER Reviews 39 reads
5 / 45

Colleen have you considered going with a BBL over a tummy tuck? Looking at your photos I believe this is a much better solution than a tummy tuck as I echo the response above.

A BBL combined with upkeep would give you a much better result.

Im afraid on your body type a tummy tuck scar will likely give you a "hang over" with your stomach on the scar.

Have you consulted a plastic surgeon? I highly recommend getting at least a consultation for a BBL.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 37 reads
6 / 45

Saw your pics.  You need the personal trainer, a dietician, the gym, a tummy tuck, the gym and diet for life and a full lifestyle change and a plastic surgeon for more than just the body.  Sorry to be brutally honest.  Give it 2-4 years of all that and maybe...

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 35 reads
7 / 45

As i told gag i am already doing all of that, ive already lost 55 lbs, i am not at goal yet plan to lose 25 more then get the tummy tuck.

Im doing jenny craig and have hired a personal trainer, been doing jenny craig a year now and a personal trainer since the fall, the tummy tuck will be on top of the weight loss.

I know 25 lbs is alot but dont forget im only 5'3", 25 lbs will be a huge difference on my short frame.

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 35 reads
8 / 45

Yes ive seen a few plastic surgeons, and have picked mine. He said he can do it at any time but says i will have the best result if im within 10 lbs of my ideal body weight, which is why im giving myself to the summer ive been doing jenny craig for a year lost 55 lbs still steadily losing 1-2 lbs a week, and im 20-25 lbs away from that. Also hired a personal trainer this past fall.

Already working on it :)

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 45 reads
9 / 45

Ive already come a long way, i know i need to continue diet and exercise.

But from being 200 lbs i have "souveniers" (stretch marks) on my tummy, no amount of diet and exercise will get rid of those, for that i need the TT.

Im doing it all baby ;)

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 34 reads
11 / 45

Thank you for the encouragement and most of all actually reading! :).

But in all fairness i did fail to specify that im already working on my weight in the OP

DellaReid See my TER Reviews 42 reads
12 / 45

What are his thoughts combining that last 10 pounds with a BBL?  

My best friend had this done after losing 150 pounds. She never considered the BBL but the PS said that she would be very flat on the backside after all the weightloss and really pushed it. It was life changing for her which is the only reason I keep bringing it up. Especially having the apple shape. If you wait until you lose too much weight you wont have any fat to put in the bum. A BBL is really full body sculpting and will really help with the little fat deposits after losing all that weight.

Congrats on the weight loss and good luck with whatever you choose.  

The silicon sheeting and Kelocote are great for scaring as well as constant use of compression garmets.

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 59 reads
13 / 45

Yes plastic surgeon has discussed all this with me. I know what im doing.

Haters will eat their words when all is said and done :D

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 54 reads
14 / 45

I am a mother of 3. A tummy tuck was one of the best decisions I ever made. No matter how much I worked out, my fupa (fat up above the pussy area) was still there because I had detached muscles. I also had lipo with mine too, on my back, hips and anything left from over from the tuck.  
Now, over 3 years later, my tummy is still flat. I have a ton more confidence in being naked! Infact,  I love being naked now, in front of anyone!  
Invest in some garters until your scar heals. You can also use a dab of make up or tatoo cover up in the meantime as well.  
Please make sure you have a plastic surgeon that is awsome for this procedure.  Don't go with the cheapest rate or discounted Dr's.  Mine was 10k and worth every can't 😚
Best to you and speedy recovery

micktoz 41 Reviews 34 reads
15 / 45
DellaReid See my TER Reviews 51 reads
16 / 45

Colleen this is what I was talking about. The lipo sculpting with the tummy tuck. It really has the best results. Also if you are apple shaped dont waste that "fat" throw it in your bum to get more curve/shape. This is what my best friend did with her weight loss and it changed her life.

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 36 reads
17 / 45

Meh to each his own but i like my small butt lol

mrfisher 108 Reviews 47 reads
18 / 45

You are only as interesting as your scars.

So, those are not a problem for me.   Come to think of it, quite a few gals I see have scars of one type or another.

The most important reason to get the tummy tuck is because you want it, and it will make you feel good about yourself.

Don't stint on the cost of getting the very best PS you can get a hold of.

Best wishes for a great outcome.

harborview 10 Reviews 33 reads
19 / 45

My only thought is to get your weight close to where you think you want to be.  Feel good about yourself & in your own skin.  Then, see what needs doing.  I'm no expert so I'll not pretend but you are going about it correct with lifestyle changes first.  
Again, Congradulations!   Keep it up.  

cspatz 67 Reviews 42 reads
20 / 45

....” would the scar bother you”. Interesting responses nevertheless. Would that scar bother me. Depends on it’s size and severity.

-- Modified on 1/10/2018 4:56:42 PM

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 44 reads
21 / 45

Full tummy tuck scar goes from hip to hip, below the bikini line. If the surgeon is skilled they will place it very low that a teeny tiny bikini can hide it, but it will be seen if naked, and thats what usually happens in this biz.  

It takes a year to fully heal. It wont fade 100% but takes a year to fade to its fullest potential. I intend to wait a year and if the scar is still too unsightly then ill get a tattoo over it :)

Jezhabel See my TER Reviews 40 reads
23 / 45

I know many ladies here in south florida that have had tummy tucks and as long as you have a good doc and take care of the scar during healing you will be fine. I took a look at your pics and I honestly think you should do a brazilian butt lift.
They can give you a tummy tuck, lipo, and transfer the fat to your bottom. It will even out your shape and look awesome.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 60 reads
24 / 45

A tummy tuck scar seems to be less stigmatizing for a provider than a C-section scar.  I have seen many providers with C-section scars that try to pass them off as tummy tuck scars.  I know the difference but I don't argue the point.  

For me, if a girl is slender, lean and muscular, a few scars and tattoos can be kind of sexy and a definite turn on, where it just looks wrong on a soft mushy girl, where my imagination would go to having a tumor removed rather than being in a knife fight with a street gang to account for a few scars.  

As GaG says, go to the gym first.  If you go to the gym first and get rid of the fat, your surgeon will only have to deal with the loose skin, which is much less traumatic for your body and creates less severe scarring.  Your skin's ability to recover and shrink back down will depend mostly on your age.  The older you are, the more likely surgical removal of the excess skin will be necessary.  That's what happened to BigPapasan.  He lost weight but had no plan for the excess skin, so now he looks like a Shar Pei.  

-- Modified on 1/10/2018 3:09:28 PM

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 46 reads
25 / 45

I have never had plastic surgery, but every visible scar I have tells a story about my life.  

I only had one childbirth, at a very young age and my body completely recovered.  Although it wasn't quite the same as pre-pregnancy; I lost my bubble butt when I lost the pregnancy weight.  I was satisfied with my appearance.

My weight has been up and down over my adult years.  My very lowest around 105 and my highest around 155.  Currently I am about 125 at the doctor fully clothed, shoes, belt.  I am 5"1 and a perfect size 6.

I had a tubal many years ago that cut through my pelvic muscles but never had a C-section pregnancy.  My tummy never went flat again after the tubal.  But I am okay with that on me.  I have done doubles with women in the past that had a severe overhang of skin from childbirths.  I have also seen some horrible scars from a tummy tuck for a lady that a bypass surgery first.  (she was not in hobby)  To be honest with you, her tummy tuck scars looked a deer that had been gutted.  But she was completely happy with the results of how she looked in clothes.  I haven't seen her in years, but her obesity was from an anxiety eating disorder so I don't know if her results changed with the years.

I have also done doubles in the past with a woman that had cosmetic surgery and healed just fine and got 10's on her appearance for every review.  

I looked at your pictures.  I would re-think your decision once you reach your goal weight.  Your legs still need some toning which may mean your belly can be toned where you feel a level of confidence without undergoing the knife.



xyz23 45 Reviews 55 reads
26 / 45

...gorgeous women that had tummy tuck scars. One was due to a large weight loss and the other due to weight loss and loose skin after giving birth several times. One lady was an esccort and one was a stripper. Both were very successful and built quite a following. Sadly for me they are both no longer working. I'm sure there are those that would be bothered by the scar but in the case of these two ladies they were few and far between. The ladies had more business than they could keep up with.

GaGambler 45 reads
27 / 45

I think she is making decisions in the wrong order. I rather than scheduling the surgery for the moment she has lost the prerequisite amount of weight, I think her doctor is doing her a disservice. I think she should reach her weight loss goal FIRST, and then make the decision on whether or not a tummy tuck is the best course of action.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 60 reads
28 / 45

...a scar than droopy breasts.  Jacking those puppies up should be a higher priority for you.

I also agree with those who said you should get a Brazilian Butt Lift.  I've seen providers with BBL's - some of the finest asses in the world!  And as a bonus, you get to gorge yourself on pizza and cheeseburgers for a couple of weeks to prevent the transferred fat cells from dying off.

You want to get the tummy tuck for yourself, but you're also concerned about how your customers will react to the scar.  You should also be concerned about how your customers react to your small butt and droopy breasts.  You may be okay with them but maybe your customers aren't..

Congratulations on your weight loss.  I'm sure you did it for yourself, but also partly for your business.  That's why you should consider other procedures in addition to the tummy tuck.

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 42 reads
29 / 45

That would be the case if i had never been at my prerequisite weight before, but i have been at that weight before and still had a tummy (albeit a boney butt, when i lose weight it usually comes off my butt and legs), plus i have the stretch marks from the weight gain on my stomach. Stretch marks are permanant, and the only way to get rid of them is the tummy tuck.

Ruh_Roh 32 reads
30 / 45

and it hit my screen reading your last two sentences!

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 59 reads
31 / 45

You will lose weight like it's your job. As for the surgery it is $8250.00  across the board in our area.  I have the receipt. Don't waste your dough if you're not ready for the surgery. I'm  very small now. I'm going to do it for perfection purposes. I'll be brave and post before and after pics on my Twitter. Shameless I am lol. Good luck and fyi it's only $250 per month for a hospital bed. You have to stay upright around the clock for 2 weeks.  18 days and a wake up to the ultimate pain and my perfect hourglass figure.    #teambeautiful

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 42 reads
32 / 45

Dick Up My Ass!  

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 48 reads
34 / 45

I am considering a breast lift (my surgery is not til july so i am trying to perk my breasts up through exercise in the mean time and if it doesnt work by say june or so then im gonna ask the surgeon to do the breast lift as well, they said they can do it the same day).  

As for the butt call me strange but i kindve like having a small butt, a booty is just not "me". I will do breast if exercise doesnt work but the butt os here to stay. I personally dont think id look good with a big butt. For example alot of society likes blondes and they are considered desirable by mainstream, but id look dreadful as a blonde.  

Besides ive come too far to gorge myself on cheeseburgers.

Sorry guys but the small butt is here to stay.

GaGambler 40 reads
35 / 45

I like to DATY and stretch marks are a HUGE turn off to me. A small scar OTOH, really doesn't bother me if it's on an otherwise attractive body.

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 40 reads
36 / 45

You name it i tried it. Creams, red light therapy, even inquired about laser treatment for them, and because they are old (white stretch marks not the new red ones) nothing can be done for them. A TT is the only way.

micktoz 41 Reviews 41 reads
37 / 45

Oh hell YES!

-- Modified on 1/11/2018 7:22:20 AM

FireKitten 37 reads
38 / 45

Keeping to strictly the subject at hand, the scars won't bother most, if you are rocking at the rest of your total business package.

I have a decent belly scar, faded, but rather mean looking. (Very skinny, somewhat toned, but aging, lol)  I stay away from those that are looking for the "perfect body" etc type visual requests.   Pretty sure it gives some of them pause, esp if they forgot/didn't realize I had one, a noticeable one, but I have not had a single client stop etc, once we were touching and naked; we have a great time.

Scars tell tough stories.  Be comfortable with what you've got, and the good ones will be ok---none of us make it out of here easy.

ClaireXo See my TER Reviews 29 reads
39 / 45
colleenwir See my TER Reviews 28 reads
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Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 51 reads
41 / 45

I'd  echo what Gag said and add this, that surgery is known to be very painful and the hysteria over opioids has many Drs afraid to give appropiate pain meds. My state has a cap on 5 days worth of.meds, which wont cover the pain from a tummy tuck and that is something to think about.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
42 / 45

five days before the drains come out.  That's when the real healing actually starts.

LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 41 reads
43 / 45

Results are never guaranteed but if you feel like throwing your money away on something that might require multiple procedures to upkeep go ahead.  

However, I looked at your pics and you don't look like you need a tummy tuck. Those scars are disgusting and some never fade away. Have you considered a less invasive procedure such as laparoscopic or laser lipo? The most you'll have is possible nerve damage, discoloration, and 2-3 dots located where the incisions were made on your body.  

I haven't had any work done but I had a laparoscopic medical procedure and I have 3 incision sites that look like tiny birth marks. People who get the tuck have terrible scars and even scarier they try to use a tattoo to cover it which worsens it.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 33 reads
44 / 45

That tummy looks yummy to me..

colleenwir See my TER Reviews 28 reads
45 / 45

Im opting for the tummy tuck because i have stretch marks on my stomach from being 200 lbs (im only 5'3") ive gotten down to 145 but am continuing to lose want to be 115-120 (beneath all this i actually have a small frame)

As for the scar, with a good surgeon scar will be kept low that even a teeny bikini can cover it up. But in this biz ppl will see you naked so....

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