TER General Board

Old news....
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 543 reads
2 / 48

Some of these people who cannot enjoy sex is spreading these rumors. The question is; if this such an epidemic, why hasn't the CDC has not published anything about this so called world wide epidemic that is going around about this purported epidemic worse than an atomic bomb.

Why hasn't any reputable publications or any other channels have said nothing?

If you don't like blow jobs that's entirely different issue.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 432 reads
4 / 48

There are many other reputable publications talking about this.  I'm a conspiracy theorist myself, and I won't simply write off this news.

no_email 3 Reviews 304 reads
5 / 48

I don't think any person would want to contract this, but men aren't going to stop wanting BBBJs.

no_email 3 Reviews 248 reads
6 / 48
prepkid 1 Reviews 325 reads
7 / 48

that someone giving me a bj will somehow go rouge and chew my dick off. It seems like it is too much of a risk to take on someone I just met. Yea that phobia still remains today.

no_email 3 Reviews 253 reads
8 / 48
prepkid 1 Reviews 294 reads
9 / 48

so I know she did not chew off someone's dick. LOL

no_email 3 Reviews 270 reads
10 / 48

if it happend? Or you could go for the ladies with out teeth.

prepkid 1 Reviews 262 reads
11 / 48

I hate that feel of teeth scraping your dick anyways.

Circling-Buzzard 374 reads
12 / 48

Generally providers who only do CBJ's make less money per session and most will have less visits if they change.
Something tells me that providers are not going to be changing their profiles any time soon or limiting their menu over this article.

nahtynikkey See my TER Reviews 284 reads
13 / 48

I posted about this about a year ago.... everyone is set in their ways & nothing will change anyone's mind UNTIL something bad actually happens... that's just the way people are.

AlluringAva See my TER Reviews 258 reads
14 / 48

Yeah, a gummer is always better than a hummer. I figure if I stay in this business until I'm old enough, I won't need teeth and the men won't care.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 252 reads
15 / 48

New England Medical Journal which is peer reviewed works for me since you asked!

lvchi4u 14 Reviews 268 reads
17 / 48

I think this was discussed well over a year ago....

AKA... Nothing new.

Regardless... I was in the Medical Field in Asia and 10 out of the 10 guys who came in that had to get a shot in their ass were practicing straight sex without a condom.

DUMB ASSES! Especially when the majority of the ladies they were seeing were doing 10 guys a night for $20 a pop. Besides that, Asian chicks don't do BBBJ... VERY, VERY rare in Asia.

Asian chicks hate giving head so don't make it sound like this strain is because of BBBJ's.

Besides... do a little research and the odds of catching something from BBBJ are much, much slimmer then straight sex.

If you don't like doing BBBJ's, I certainly respect that. But don't make it sound like an incurable strain (not the first time it's popped up BTW) is because of BBBJ's.

Asia is Asia.... It's a different world. For the most part, the majority of the Providers are VERY uneducated about anything and will work whether they have something or not.

Luckily during those days I had a Hot Australian dancer working in one of the shows that took care of me and I passed on the street girls. Especially considering what I would see coming into the office and the big 12 gauge needles I would have to pull out for a nice shot in the ass with some very thick liquid.


scoed 8 Reviews 274 reads
19 / 48
scoed 8 Reviews 417 reads
20 / 48

Are you people really that naive?

From the CDC:

"Most gonococcal infections of the pharynx are asymptomatic and can be relatively common in some populations "

Gonorrhea does indeed readily spread by BBBJ.

Disclaimer I do enjoy a good BBBJ, but I am under no deletions it is even remotely safe.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 7:29:14 AM

saturnsky 255 reads
21 / 48

However there are thousands of clients who might give a shit and keep seeing the ladies and play it safe. I don't care what you do or anyone else for that matter. Just don't think everyone will follow the lifestylers. You guys are in the minority but talk the loudest.

I may be called on for using the words" typical hobbyist" but whether you like it or not, there are traits that go with label, traits that a client does not abide by, therefore making a distinct difference in mindset, style of playing, what they expect and the women they play with.

saturnsky 197 reads
22 / 48

Excessive drinking damages the liver, smoking is a precursor to lung cancer....etc etc. You will not change a guys mind if he has convinced himself that there is little risk with a BBBJ and dismisses any evidence to the contrary.

Dr Who revived 206 reads
23 / 48

If you look at the top of the screen there are 13-14k users online at most times.

The fellas that are "loud" here do so for a variety of reasons.  And no question many fellas would fall into what I am "assuming" is YOUR definition of "typical hobbyist".

What you don't know is that MANY of those same "loud" posters do so for a variety of reasons as well.  And coincidentally those same "loud" posters don't discuss openly on this board how they actually "play in this world".

Don't be so quick to assume...you know what the rest of that saying is...I'm sure :D

My_Juliet See my TER Reviews 361 reads
24 / 48

I use an interesting product called Citrocidal.

I put it in my lube and in my mouthwash.

It kills all germs, viruses, fungus, everything and is completely harmless.

Here is a link to the product:


I realize that there is nothing that is a "sure thing" but this give me a bit more confidence that I am taking preventative measures that work.

saturnsky 234 reads
25 / 48

Posted By: ChgoCPA
If you look at the top of the screen there are 13-14k users online at most times.

The fellas that are "loud" here do so for a variety of reasons.  And no question many fellas would fall into what I am "assuming" is YOUR definition of "typical hobbyist".

What you don't know is that MANY of those same "loud" posters do so for a variety of reasons as well.  And coincidentally those same "loud" posters don't discuss openly on this board how they actually "play in this world".

Don't be so quick to assume...you know what the rest of that saying is...I'm sure :D
Well hi there, what a surprise to hear from you.

Those numbers are not always accurate.

I am not concerned with the "variety of reasons".

Reviews reveal how the typical hobbyist plays and posts reveal how the typical hobbyist thinks...that is if the posts are any indication of the real person and if not why not?

I speak from my own personal experiences so there is no assumption and unless anyone meets everyone from whatever demographic they belong to, all we have is our personal experience to draw from.

And are you not assuming something too...unless you have net and know intimately what every hobbyists does?

Dr Who revived 210 reads
26 / 48

Once again you're assuming that the reviews reveal how a fella sees this game.  I've had some (well maybe more than just some) gals ask openly how can I post the crap I post (that would be the stuff that you didn't like either) and write reviews that are 180 from my board posts.  So the question is "who is the real CPA?".

There are many many ladies that "lurk" here that know me very well.  There are also some that are active posters that can say the same.  Those gals know me in a very different context than when I am playing here.  I think it would be very safe to assume that I tend to be argumentative and opinionated.  I have been my whole life.  And if you'll recall my earlier posts to you, I tend to throw out "suggestions" to folks, read the interactions and decide if they "get the game", at least the way I like to play it.

And honestly, you may know me.  Who knows for sure as I rarely if ever let a gal know my handle, until I have seen her before. And the likelihood of you making the connection to this persona would be near zero.

The difference in how the guys see this vs the gals...For guys like me this is just "foreplay".  But to the gals it is their business...their lifeblood.  

Why not up for VIP so we can go "behind the curtain" and continue this chat?  I always enjoy a gal who speaks her mind.

saturnsky 210 reads
27 / 48

If someone wants to be 180 on the boards to what they are like in person, then I am right in my impression of them if that impression is garnered off board posts.

Funny thing is, people seem to let out the real them when being anonymous. I know I do, but it's so damn close to the real me it doesn't matter.

Do you really think if you revealed to the ladies during booking what your handle was, you'd be seen? A few yes but more than a few no. I don't get the duplicity. Or if you think your on board persona is fine, why not tell them upfront?

Dr Who revived 202 reads
28 / 48

that the multiple alias' are gone.

FWIW I keep my TER interests quite separate from my hobbying interests.  Just as many gals post their online persona to try and attract a certain type of customer, I tend to peruse these boards to know who to avoid.

Frankly the gals that I tend to see are fairly UTR.  I like it that way as they are invariably not preoccupied with the drivel on these and other boards.  The folks here a fun bunch to play with online.  And some of us get together with some frequency.

And as I said, the gals who know my board presence started out just the way you have.  And then we went back channel and they learned just what I am really interested in.  What I see here is that a percentage of the folks take all of this much too literally.  There are topics that are important, and I tend to respect those types of discussions.  But when folks just put stuff out there for posterity...then I enjoy trying to understand why they did that.  And often that seems to end up in train wrecks.  

Just remember...often times those train wrecks are also an illusion.  Pay VERY close attention to the key players.  Heck..we just had one a few weeks ago (I think I started that thread) and macdaddy1944 posted to ALL that it was a phony train wreck.  BUT nobody believed him.

Many guys are very much like Peter Pan...We don't want to grow up.  And many gals just don't ever get it.

saturnsky 203 reads
29 / 48

Sorry, but I guess that's why it rubs me the wrong way. Guys like Mr Fisher, Scoed and a couple of others I love on here, mature men (or at least they come across that way), not crude, seem fair and on here, they seem to respect and like women for more than a few holes to plug.

So just as I thought, we are more like oil and water than a complimentary oil and vinegar. But that matters not as it's an anonymous f*&k board, one of many on the web that provides a fantasy and for people to tell/swap stoires. Reality is when I leave here and dig the company of my friends and SO.

No hard feelings, you are who you are and some of the ladies find you amusing and fun. Have a great weekend..;)

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 250 reads
30 / 48

I think everyone knows the risks, and are either not worried or just have not come across an std from oral yet. I think more guys are worried about getting some trick pregnant and her blackmailing him than an std...

saturnsky 205 reads
31 / 48

I am glad that multiple aliases are gone because I feel some used those as open warfare on the ladies. From what I saw the posts under aliases were incredibly rude, disgusting and actually revealed more than a few real diehard woman haters.

Most say that they want to say something controversial and need the alias...well if it was done to protect your hobbying and you were afraid you would not be seen because of that, that alone might tell you something. If the content of your posts are that gross that women are turned off by the comment, why make it, unless your only reason was to act like a jerk.  

Sometimes some shit is best left unsaid, even on an anonymous fk board. Some people have no filter and I won't say on here what I could not say to someones face.

scoed 8 Reviews 241 reads
32 / 48

Read this very thread for proof, or and STD post for that matter. I honestly do not think most hobbyist and some providers have done there home work or are not current on it at any rate. Just the other day I talked to a lady that provides that you can't even get an oral infection of gonorrhea or chlamydia. Nor did she know there was an STD throat swab she should be getting.

I honestly think everyone knows there is these STD's, but many seem clueless about the specifics. The proof is in their posts. Hell anonymousfun will not even acknowledged the super bugs existence, the OP acts like it is new, it is not. It has been around for a few years. I honestly don't think people do there home work and believe the hype that BBBJ's are safe, they aren't. It is safer from some STD's, but not all.

I honestly hope you are right and people are not as ignorant on STD's as some sound. There is so much bad information out there it is scary.

P.S. I misread lvchi4u post. I thought he was saying something he was not thus my post. After rereading what he posted I have no issue with it.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 5:41:44 PM

octovert 256 reads
33 / 48

a scientific conspiracy to genetically enrich the STD viruses by splicing their DNA with the Black Smoker gene, the gene that allows microbes to live on the undersea volcanos at temperatures well above the boiling point of water. Imagine! A bug so strong an dtough, even the autoclave in the operating room can't get it off the instruments, though it uses all the live steam in the world!

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 231 reads
34 / 48

Did you stick your head in the sand and and post. If you read carefully, the short excerpt is about treatment options specifically.

Read it again, by that I don’t mean the heading!

Dr Who revived 228 reads
35 / 48

But as I said this is a mirage here.  Just remember, many who appear as what they "want you to see"..are indeed not that at all (except for scoed...bless his heart).

But I'm happy that you find this amusing (hopefully).  And now you're posting in a much more upbeat manner.  Yes...you are!  It really is fun to play here, and if you do stick around a while longer you will find that those you thought were so "straight laced"...nope, just as twisted as I sometimes come across.

The only difference is I don't ever use an alias to get down and dirty.  Just my handle and am always fine with getting called on it.  As you did..thanks.

That's why I said in my prior post...so many guys like to stay as Peter Pan.  And the gals...just tend to get old and become Wendy.  And just don't understand why guys do what we do.

But you too...Have a great weekend :D

Dr Who revived 224 reads
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others not so much.

But I never had an issue just using this handle as my online persona.  If some ladies were "offended" at comments I made...that was OK from my perspective.  As I said earlier this board and the posters were never a method of mine to seek out gals I wanted to see.  All you need do is look at the gals that I have reviewed...and let me know how many have ever posted here..ever.

And in all honesty, I have no issues in my real life confronting people in a very similar manner...I know you're absolutely shocked to hear that :D

But in real life I may very well simply just shake my head, and move right along.  I'm sure you can concur that "you can't fix stupid".  And on here...there is a heck of a lot of that.  But on here I have no issues in challenging that guy/gal when they post drivel.  But then I'm not trying to fix them.

scoed 8 Reviews 210 reads
37 / 48

It was talking about how a strain of gonorrhea that is resistant the currant normal treatments, not one that is currently not treatable. There is a treatment using spectinomycin as of now but the bug is adapting. And it said: "Since most gonococcal isolates remain susceptible to spectinomycin, it represents a viable option for cephalosporin-resistant genital gonorrhea,2,3 although ongoing uncertainty regarding manufacturing and supply may compromise its future usefulness" It has shown resistance in some cases to that drug as most is not all. Plus that drug is not available in the US and there is supply issues even where it is available.

Plus I can't read it all but this sounds a bit like the article from the OP with less hype:


And here is what the CDC has to say:



It is currently being treated here with dual antibiotics in the one case they have had here. But is expected to spread. The article in the OP had some hype but the bug is real. As of 2010 not in the mainland USA, but real. If you read past the title in the OP linked article it admits as of now it can be cured, but there is fear that soon it may not be. NEJM and the CDC are worried about this strain and its growing resistance.

lvchi4u 14 Reviews 341 reads
38 / 48

Not saying that it does not...

It's just not as common / easy to get as getting gonorrhea from BB intercourse.

I would hope that nobody on here is naive enough to think that there is not some risk involved WHENEVER having sex -- protected or not.

Obviously.... the best practice is to minimize the risks as much as possible.

Posted By: scoed
Are you people really that naive?

From the CDC:

"Most gonococcal infections of the pharynx are asymptomatic and can be relatively common in some populations "

Gonorrhea does indeed readily spread by BBBJ.

Disclaimer I do enjoy a good BBBJ, but I am under no deletions it is even remotely safe.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 7:29:14 AM

SuperBustyBlonde See my TER Reviews 269 reads
39 / 48

Talk to your physician because having antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal properties is not the same as "kills all germs".   I doubt GSE in your lube and mouthwash would come anywhere near killing an STD.  Please do your Due Diligence before you catch and spread a disease.  Denial is not worth it.  I don't mean to sound harsh but the ignorance out here is scary.

I am so glad I work in a legal Nevada brothel where we are required to use condoms for oral and we have physician and nurse practicioner from the Nevada Brothel Initiative educate us on the risks and also we are taught how to perform a DC to check a man for signs and symptoms of STDs and access for signs and symptoms Hepatitis. (i.e jaundice in whites of eyes)

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:19:51 AM

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:21:15 AM

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:33:29 AM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 202 reads
40 / 48

There are other medicines and interventions.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 218 reads
41 / 48

Which is what is happening today, I.e., most people form opinions, decisions, or led by other people's opinions. After all when you read, you basically taking in someone else's opinion.

saturnsky 279 reads
42 / 48

You knew I would take the bait...and I did. Hey, I love every damn wrinkle I have earned.

Nothing wrong with old women as long as they have taken good care of themselves and have a young disposition. Hell, I hope I never act my chrono age.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 246 reads
43 / 48

Is disease born out of ignorance. If you kill all germs you will not be able to live. You are carrying gazillion germs on you, in your stomach and every orifice in your body. It doesn't, matter what you do.

A fundamental fact of biology of the universe we live in. All we are able to will be able to do is to use good judgement in everything we do, nothing more.

I believe, some people call it life, accept it and live happy while they are able to live.

Go have BBBJNQNS and see whether you enjoy or not!

saturnsky 225 reads
44 / 48

With nothing else to go on, what is one to do in this situation? I realize some come on here all full of p#ss and vinegar and let it fly. I guess what disturbs me the most is the obvious undercurrent of real hostility towards the ladies from the men and the men from the ladies.

I know, can't get rid of them , have to ignore them. From my perspective and possibly from others ladies, to meet one of those guys alone is a little scary.

Anyway, enough too serious chit chat, I am off to enjoy the bright sun and have some fun. Have a freaking fabulous day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr Who revived 198 reads
45 / 48

And me too...getting OLD is not an option.

But I don't have to go willingly :D

And thanks for taking the bait..I only try and use the best...for the best :D

JT1902 3 Reviews 254 reads
46 / 48

Uncovered oral is actually pretty common amongst providers... except in places like Vegas.  If you look at the ratio of providers who offer it, compared to those who don't, I think you will find statistically that the majority will go bare back.  I believe some women feel pressure about it because they think that less clients will want to see them if they only offer CBJ, and this will result in less business for them.

Want to hear something funny?  The best BJ I ever received in my life was covered.  I seriously find that it's the technique that counts, and not whether a condom is present.  The person has to know exactly what to do with their lips, teeth, mouth, and tongue; as well as when and how fast.

For DATY though, there's just no point in doing it if a cover is mandatory.  May as well use your fingers or a vibrator at that rate.

saturnsky 209 reads
47 / 48
My_Juliet See my TER Reviews 311 reads
48 / 48

If I hadn't done my due diligence I certainly wouldn't have made this post.  I conducted an experiment using several different strengths of GSE and found that 20 drops for every 6 fluid ounces of liquid did in fact kill everything in the petri dish.

Making assumptions without asking for more information is in fact even more ignorant.

Posted By: SuperBustyBlonde
Talk to your physician because having antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal properties is not the same as "kills all germs".   I doubt GSE in your lube and mouthwash would come anywhere near killing an STD.  Please do your Due Diligence before you catch and spread a disease.  Denial is not worth it.  I don't mean to sound harsh but the ignorance out here is scary.

I am so glad I work in a legal Nevada brothel where we are required to use condoms for oral and we have physician and nurse practicioner from the Nevada Brothel Initiative educate us on the risks and also we are taught how to perform a DC to check a man for signs and symptoms of STDs and access for signs and symptoms Hepatitis. (i.e jaundice in whites of eyes)

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:19:51 AM

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-- Modified on 6/9/2012 12:33:29 AM

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