TER General Board

Old farts need not worryteeth_smile
HappyChanges 163 reads

No need to stress about hookers and their secretaries.  What could they possibly do to you at your age?

I am just curious so thought I would pose a question to both providers and hobbyists.  
Now I have been in the hobby for a long time and have always preferred girls who were independent. I did see a few agency girls years ago and didn't really care about the filter between myself and the lady I was seeing back then.

But times have changed and so has the hobby from what I can tell. I want my information to be safeguarded and that means less eyes on my personal info. Especially with all the leaks and hacks. I haven't even signed up for P411 because I still feel it is a bit risky, having all that client information in a big database puts a big target on Gina's back imo. I saw a couple of ladies to get my two references so I can start using my handle with fewer personal details for screening. And I'm trying to contribute to the community now that I'm back in the hobby because I feel I shoudl "give back" since I use the reviews of others to manage risk in choosing providers.

I wanted to see this provider who I was hesitant to schedule with because I saw she had reviews saying she has a booking assistant. Everything went well so I have no complaints. But it took me a long time to schedule with her because I was preoccupied with the thought of two people knowing my information instead of one, and also because there are some things I like to communicate before an appointment. And I had to wait until the day of because I didn't want to tell those things to the booker.  

On the one hand I have noticed some ladies (especially the younger ones) have issues keeping up with making and keeping appointments, I feel as though they could benefit from having the booking assistant. the first girl I wanted to see on my return was a self-proclaimed 21 year old who was in college and we made an appointment that she NCNS. Then she came back a few days later and said the appointment slipped her mind because of finals. I was really pissed about this because I had given her my employment info since I didn't have references at the time. Decided not to see her regardless.  
Also, ladies who are very high volume could probably benefit from this.  

On the other hand, this is a very personalized industry and I really want to get a sense of what kind of person is on the other side of the screen? My personal opinion is that you get a general sense of what a person is like by how they write emails or texts or ads. One lady I saw was very professional but still came across as happy go luck in her emails. Another was very short and curt. Both reflected that in my visit. I also felt like they were able to give me exactly what I wanted because we talked back and forth. The girl with the booking assistant, I had no idea what to expect.
I've also heard of booking assistants who are actually pimps and some assistants who get made at the provider they are working for and threaten to do things with the client logs they have.. Assistants who forget to follow up with the client on the day of with important details about where the meet is located. or even just booking assistants who work for multiple girls and just give the data to other ladies to make their performance look better.

Now I'm wondering if I'm just an old fart who has unwarranted fears and set in my ways so I want to see how other guys see things. Do any guys or girls have any thoughts to share? Really interested in hearing if anyone has a good amount of experience with ladies with and without assistants and how they compare (in terms of reliability)? And providers I am wondering how you pick an assistant and how you know she's not doing mishandling personal information from clients?

but it always worked out well.   I do concur with you that the less people who have your info, the better; however booking assistants seem to be pretty reliable people, so I'm not worried.

There was one assistant, however, who seemed awfully nosy about stuff.   When I asked the provider about her she said:  Oh, don't mind her.  She's my mother.   Honest to God!

Dick_Enormis168 reads

I've seen girls who handle everything themselves and girls with assistants.  Doesn't concern me too much.  Some girls are not so great on that side of things so having a booker makes sense for them.  It's their business, they can run it however they see fit.  

What would concern me would be a booker who doesn't identify herself as the assistant and pretends to be the girl during the booking process.  

Your post sounds like you are looking for some kind of personal connection during the booking process. Forget about it. Hitting it off via emil or text.? Come on, that is a phantom game. The personal connection is when you meet. For better or worse.

I'm a lil confused of what part of Dicks post made you feel that he was looking to find a personal connection during the booking process..  
Although, there is A LOT to be said for the Anticipation it can build that for both parties.
Building a personal connection a week or two before a rendezvous is  absolutely absolutely my fav !  (Unless  A gentleman prefers otherwise. Which I rarely find to be the case )
 When invited to a occasion I don't think I've ever said "sure I would love to meet you how about you give me a call when you arrive and we will work it out...now what's your name again, Bob?.. oh I'm sorry Thomas..got it"
 I prefer the journey/comfort level building/anticipation to begin at first ..'hello' ;)
 I am most certain there are alot of ladies/gentlemen that feel/enjoy it the same as I .

-- Modified on 6/7/2017 12:09:54 AM

-- Modified on 6/7/2017 12:28:07 AM

Dick_Enormis138 reads

I just prefer that the person I'm speaking to or emailing or texting with is the person who they say they are.  But if a personal connection does happens then that's just icing on the cake.  

As pissed off as I've ever been. Found out after she arrived I'd been exchanging flirty pm's with her assistant (who is a him, by the way) all day. You talk about something that will lead to making your dick go soft. Very disappointing.

whether or not the lady uses an assistant.  I  would not dismiss a lady because of an assistant.  

I use P411 and ladies that research check my profile here so we check each other.
One of my rules when I hobby is that I only meet highly reviewed ladies and do my research to make sure that we are compatible based on her website, reviews, and comments on the boards.  Part of the research is whether or not a lady uses an assistance so that I know who I am corresponding with either the assistant or the lady.

The few assistants that I corresponded with were very responsive and helpful.  From my experience, ladies that tour have used assistants.  The only  issue I had was when I was sent to the wrong hotel because the lady moved to a different hotel.  It was a good thing that the no one answered the door!  

Some ladies simply would not be able to keep up with everything without a good assistant.
Some because of organizational skills
Some due to volume of inquiries.
Some because they basically tour and find it difficult to keep up with emails  

The only time I don't like working with a booker is when they begin to think of themselves as a gatekeeper or worst , act like a pimp.

But there are some great assistants out there that are a pleasure to deal with. For example Sasha Stolin's booker is terrific . And of course Sexy Toni books for several ladies and is simply a top notch person to know.

Agree with Homer. I`m seeing a new girl (for me) next Tue. She is highly rated and well reviewed on TER and uses an assistant which is a first for me. It is well documented in her reviews that she uses a male assistant and no negatives on him.   I reached out via email last Sun AM giving him my TER white list and p-411 info and when/where I would like to see her.  By Sun afternoon I received a friendly email from him  stating I was good to go Tue/Wed and what time would I prefer. I gave him my choices and was confirmed for #2 preference. Luv this, totally professional!

This lady is a high volume provider who concentrates on providing not booking, I`m def on board with that. I booked 90 mins so first 30 we`ll chat and get some chemistry started. Her stunning reviews allay any concerns I could have.

I see only two other ladies repeatedly and both book for themselves. Upside to that is we get the chemistry goin` earlier via emails. Each situation is different.

I agree with what you say and do.  I wish I never would have given information to p411.
You can function in this arena without the personal info being tossed  around.
So the other point, I have many Okays over the last 10 years.  About one every other month.  There is a seemingly very successful lady that will not see me without  full disclosure and Identification presented at the door.  She travels to my city, my question is are there really numerous guys out there that give out there personal information ??
Seems absurd,  If it works for her no problem here, just surprised!!
Stay thirsty, but not that thirsty

HappyChanges164 reads

No need to stress about hookers and their secretaries.  What could they possibly do to you at your age?

souls_harbor154 reads

Except for a high volume provider or one with a regular job, not doing your own booking is throwing money away.  Economically if your hours are mainly billed at $300+ hour, then hiring a bookkeeper at $40 hour makes sense.  But if you have lots of non-billable hours and sit around watching youtubes, you should be your own booker.

As for bad bookers (bad for clients) i guess it is on us in the community to police them -- let others know on the forum if they are sketchy types -- post this info on regional boards -- anonymously of course.

For me, it seems a long shot that a provider that is good at her craft would also happen to be a well-organized booker.  With the exception with one recent indie I saw, most indie providers I have seen were not on top of the clerical end of their business, and for some, getting a booker on board improved things dramatically.

Its the same reason I pass when offered a massage by a hooker.  The vast majority of hookers that try to be massage therapists suck at it, so I have learned to just politely pass.  If I want a massage, I go to a legit massage place that doesn't offer happy endings or FS.  When you try to be all things to all people, you end up not being very good at anything.  

How many times do we get posts here about "how long do you wait for a response?"  In almost every case I can remember, these arise from a hooker trying to do her own booking.  A good booker is worth her weight in condoms.  

-- Modified on 6/6/2017 9:22:44 PM

ROGM156 reads

I prefer to deal with the provider directly. Also known as Independent Providers. You deal with a provider directly there's less chance of problems happening.

I've had two incidents in the past six months where "professional bookers" have sent emails to people, including me, via lists that exposed other addresses to me and vice versa.  And these were providers on the high end of the food chain.

One lady found out about it (of course through me, not her booker), sincerely apologized and offered to make it right to the extent that she could.  Kudos to her.  I don't think the other one ever found out, as I think her booker screened everything of hers.  I wound up cancelling on her.  Privacy is a two way street.

I've also dealt with bookers in the past who don't identify themselves during correspondence.  So I don't have much patience for providers with bookers any more.  If I'm debating whether to see two women, one with a booker and one smart enough and organized enough to handle it themselves, I'll see the latter every time, for I think I'll be more compatible with that woman.

and very personable, I would much rather deal directly with the provider.
In my introductory request for date, I always request the lady to review my P411 profile to verify we are in fact compatible as I have certain things I like. I know for a fact that a couple times the Provider herself never did read my profile.
Although not a deal breaker, a booking assistance is definitely a negative.

a computerized service to handle everything, much like Opentable with restaurants.

You put in all the relevant info like time, length, etc, then screening info, and hit send.

You then get back a response accepting or declining and the service even sends prompts before the date with the address.

It worked pretty well, though is a bit distant.   I believe it was called Screeningmate.

Maybe it should be called OpenLegs😉

I am completely independant and use a booking assistant. I see all emails between her and potential clients. At least once a day I read an email from a bs timewaster and thank my lucky stars for her. Between dick pics, wife surprises, photo/advertising solicitors and judgemental bible thumpers (yeah, we get those emails), it's exhausting. I read daily on Twitter that ladies get frustrated and let them affect their day and attitude. If I had to respond to every email I'd have to change my name from Sweet Marissa K. to Marissa the Bitch.  
It sucks that douche bags ruin it for gentlemen but that's life. And it goes both ways. I used to not advertise my face, but ugly chicks steal pics so it helps validate me.
I wish I could deal with every legit client personally too! Until the bs timewasters are gone, say hello to Toni, my beyond amazing booking assistant! I love you Girl!!

So do I!  But...

Personally, after 13 yrs. of hobbying, I've never had an issue with booking assistants with reputable ladies.  In fact, they not facilitate things under normal circumstances, they have helped out when thing went awry more than once.  One time, a lady who gave me clearance to call her directly for part two of the two call didn't answer several times, and I contacted her booker for help.   Lady in question wasn't feeling well, and since we were friends, were able to reschedule the following evening.  Another time, an assistant was able to get me admittance to an M&G where the e-mail with the location didn't get to me in time.  She knew me, so she came down, told the security dude I was cool.  I had broken protocol in contacting a fellow hobbyist for the location, and my earlier contacts with her in behalf of her patron got me through with no problem.  

That being said, I prefer direct contact.  But, with the right booking agent, I've done just fine.      

SketchySituation51 reads

So is this Marissa or her booking assistant?  How could we tell?

I've run into this a few times, especially with my first favorite. She just had no concept of time. The problem was, she would rather I not use the assistant so that she didn't have to pay a percentage. The result was her running late, getting the times wrong, etc.  

Most of the assistants I've dealt with have made the experience much more expedient, professional, and painless. Prompt and concise information make things a lot easier.

Since I seek more than a one hour fuck and go. I tend to enjoy the build up. I book multiple hours, dinner dates, overnights, and travel dates. Therefore I do not like booking assistance. I want the personal touch. Nothing better than getting to know her before meeting. Much can be gained by learning about her favorite food, flowers, music. I like to feel special on my date so I like to connect before the date.  

I tend to look for low volume ladies who are more mature and have real jobs and do this on the side. So different things for different folks with different experiences in mind. I do not think one is right and one is wrong. It is just different.

I have hand girls who used assistants to independents, it all worked out just fine.  If you want to book the girl it should not make a difference.

... they know the drill and are often good as gold.  They are also very good at being a go-between for providing references. The one thing that I kind of don't like about the booker is that it essentially cuts off any communication prior to a session.  I don't look for a lot of getting-to-know-you but having a little chat in advance - via email or phone - is a nice way to see if you are contacting someone who's compatible.

... it will be my first session (that I know of) where I have not communicated with my "date" at all - only her booker. I'm hoping that when we do meet the chemistry is good.

I'm only guessing that mist chicks who see chicks aren affiliated with an agency. Maybw im wring. But in my experience, it plays very little part in how the session plays out.  

I've see agency gals and gals with bookers where the session was electric as soon as I walked into the room and have had sessions with indys that booked for themselves, told me all the things they wanted me to do with their toys and their asses who left their toys home with no recollection of their "offer".  

So for me, I see no "pattern" as to who I've booked with. And I've booked over 100 sessions with one particular agency that produced plenty of fireworks and a lot of repeat visits.  

My best story with my favorite booker was when she represented a Cali girl who visited Boston. She was an ATF and I'd been waiting to see her upon her return to Boston for almost a year. I keep in touch with the "booker" and one evening she mentioned Bry was returning and wanted to see me first. I was happy as a pig in slop. As we were talking, she asked me to hold on for a minute as she had a surprise for me. I did and the next thing you know, Bry was conferenced in as she was finalizing arrangements with her booker. Biggest and best surprise ever. 20 minutes later, the booker got on the phone and I finaluzed arrangements to pick Bry up at the airport, dinner in hand, and headed to her hotel with a boner.  

So yea, I dig bookers too!

Is to book directly with the lady I am about to see, but those times have been few and far between lately.  As far as information goes, it is not a huge concern as I normally book through P411.  Whether agency or booker, it's all the same, their is no "getting to know" someone prior to the meeting and obtaining information other than what's on the reviews or website can be challenging.  

My thoughts are, I hate when I screen with a provider and receive the copy and pasted "Your screening is complete, so and so prefers a 90 minute introductory session for first time clients blah blah blah, etc."  I tend to not respond back to those, maybe it's just me.

I don't even bother when it comes to those with booking assistants.  I'm big on personal contact and maybe some chemistry building over the initial communication, although I completely understand that it's limited over the initial emails.  However, I would rather speak to the actual lady rather than an assistant or some screening service.  

I never thought of it about two people knowing my information, but for me that's not what's important.  It's knowing that I'm talking directly with the person I'm going to see that's most important to me.  

Bisous_Ciao92 reads

Have only booked twice that wasn't direct with provider: once with an agency once with an assistant.

First time via agency, I had wanted to book one provider who offered Greek with a $100 upcharge, but agency last minute told me she wasn't available but another provider who offered Greek was, same rate etc. I let head #2 think for me, agreed. Get to the incall, get things started, things get hot and steamy, let the provider know I was ready for Greek. She lets me know she charges $400 on top for that. Kinda killed the mood right there.

Second time via assistant, requested toys, outfit, Greek, etc. After much back and forth, day before appointment assistant let me know provider wasn't "feeling up" to Greek. Fine, whatever, I'll just do a regular session.

Get to the provider's incall day of, none of my requests were honored (diff outfit, no toys, etc etc), but provider was hot and really good attitude, so I did my thing. Afterwards I casually brought up that it was too bad she couldn't do the toys/Greek as I would have love it, and she's surprised: assistant hadn't passed any of that along to her, and she would have more than loved to play along.

Long and short of it is, the more people involved in the communication, the more likely something gets omitted or dropped or whatever. And honestly if a girl is too good to do her own booking/emails, that means she's either a churn and burn seeing 5-6 guys a day, or she thinks too highly of herself.

Mommascomin65 reads

That many ladies don't advertise that they use booking assistants. Booking and Screening is a fulltime job in its own for some ladies, and its easier to have an assistant work in silence than do it all on her own, especially if she has a full time job or kids or just doesn't like dealing with the administrative side. A lot more ladies use assistants and 99.9% of the time you'll never find out

99.9%?? Only if the girl reads the correspondence and remembers what the booker wrote. Many guys won't see a girl who refuses to talk briefly on the phone. Even if the booker is able to impersonate the girl it's easy to tell. The blank stares when you go over some of the things you chatted about in person are enough.

Many bookers are really husbands, boyfriends  or mongers who do it to get cheap pussy.  

Mommascomin59 reads

"Many guys won't see a girl who refuses to talk briefly on the phone. "

Thats just false. lol I and MANY other ladies are email/text only, even some I've screened for, and sometimes a guy will ask for a call, but not once has the lady actually fulfilled that request. And they're booked often. Good bookers will prepare a summary paragraph on the email for the provider, good providers will quickly read through the emails or texts before a session.

whodatboy47 reads

She can conduct it as she likes, and good luck to her. My experience has been hit or miss. Some are prompt efficient cheerful booking machines with superb communications skills. Some have regarded my asking for an appointment as shrewd loan officer might appraise a sketchy credit report, amazed that I would dare even ask!  

Bottom line, for me it's about choice. When I meet a lady I want as much assurance as possible that she is there of her own free will, there with me by her choice. And if she is the one taking the call or returning the email that adds something for me.  

No problem reaching out to a lady that has an assistant but prefer a personal touch if possible.

I prefer the personal engagement with good potential clients; however, 'good' is the key word here. I don't want to waste time reading through the one-word emails, the rude pointless snotballs sneezed out by miserable people who desperately want to share their misery with others, and the time-wasters. My assistants, who are my live-in slaves, just glance them over,  give a short and polite 'no thank you' to the incompatible applicants and then inform me if there are polite and earnest messages. I answer them myself because my assistants just can't answer my questions like I can.  

Also, I'm the one who screens through sensitive information, because I have easier access to screening data sources.  

To be honest, I have found that weeding through dozens of pointless emails, insults, threats, and veiled free wank-fodder requests; has affected me negatively. The fact that so many men treat sex workers so disrespectfully is incredibly depressing and has jaded me considerably. My assistants create a buffer. I provide very rarely, maybe a once our twice a month, due to time constraints, but the clients I have entertained have 99% been fun, and 50% were just an amazing rush. I glow for days after a hot date.  

Lately, I've withdrawn more and more because I'm burned out on the nasty people who believe they have the right to invade and waste my time and social energy.  

So, yes, I prefer to have my slaves perform the first reading of emails and initial basic screening. Then I connect personally with the good ones.  

Please understand that the good clients make our day, but the bad ones drive us away. An assistant can be the reason we don't retire.  

Lady Heather Angel

I remember you from CSI Las Vegas.  You were hot and a little bit scary at the same time.  

by having me contact her directly. Her assistant kept things more organized, the provider was less late (notice I didn't say "on time"), and I think it made things easier.

The provider had the memory retention of a sponge, though.

I'm pretty sure Gina does not keep all the information you give to her. But I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong. I would have thought someone would have already commented on this aspect of your post including the fact that Gina's servers are not under any US Law enforcement jurisdiction.

LittleBigMan1543 reads

Disorganized hookers (of who there are many) can benefit from assistants, but I find that I click best with providers who are with-it enough to respond to their own emails.  So when I suspect an assistant is involved I tend to run the other way.  To each his own though.

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