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Okay, but you're saying this in public, and . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 166 reads

A lot of providers won't see a guy who seems hard to please.  A lot of guys like being the first customer of the day, and sometimes if they just woke up, messy hair and bad breath go with the territory, but on the other hand, you're getting a girl that is going to be rested and energetic. If you book a later appointment, you'll get fresh breath, hair and makeup perfect but maybe she's a little tired from the two or three guys she saw before you.  It sounds like you're not willing to compromise on ANYTHING.  

-- Modified on 5/15/2017 10:41:58 PM

I've never encountered anything to make me run for the hills like some hobbyists. But some of my sessions have been soured (literally) by feminine hygiene problems. The following is an unscientific list of recurring themes I've noticed in problem sessions.

1. Recent arrival

Twice it's happened when the girl got to the hotel room just before me. Or at least that's what they said, and I believed them based on what I could see of them and the room. One of those times I watched her shower in front of me, though it didn't take.  

Another time the provider pushed back our start time because she was running late coming back from lunch, or so she said. I don't have any way of knowing how long she was in the room before I arrived. Maybe she had been in the room for hours and just got done with another client. I don't know.  

2. Youth

All of my unpleasant hygiene experiences were with girls 25 and under (or thereabouts; no way to know for sure), except one. She was under 30.  

To be fair, the best girly-parts I've ever tasted belonged to a circa-25 year-old.

3. Hair

I don't have much experience with unshaven girls, and I probably shouldn't generalize from my small sample size. But I have experienced a connection between "natural" girls and unpleasant taste/odor.

you can always collect coins and/or stamps..those are fun hobbies..

DatyRookie217 reads

You should read a book or watch a video on feminine hygiene.  

Each pussy is unique in how it responds to differe t soaps, oils, etc. They are unique ecosystems. That's why no two are alike. Now if a lady does not take time to freshen up before an appointment, shame on her. I listened to an audiobook on cunnalingus  THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNALINGUS (gave me my idea for this alias) and learned a lot. One thing she  (female author) said is that some women fail to clean. Their anus as they do their pussy. Holes are so close that smells can come from there as well, but be mistaken as coming from the baby chute.

I prefer shaven, am ok with landing strip, but I was with a lady for many years who did not shave it. Maybe trimmed up a bit, but she missed the shaven wax  generation by a year or two. Turned me off.  

Do some reading and research on the matter. Might help make you a better lover.


Truly the bible of oral sex, The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus gives excellent advice, encouragement, and helpful instruction to those who want to expand their expertise or are simply curious about the art’s finer points. In her clear, concise, and informative text, sex educator Violet Blue provides step-by-step instructions for going down on a woman, as well as accurate and up-to-date information on female anatomy and sexual response. In her friendly, witty tone, Blue dispatches fascinating facts and discusses games for lovers, positions, safety, and a variety of techniques; she also offers erotic book and DVD recommendations, and tips for effective communication during the act itself. Featuring helpful illustrations and erotica by sexpert Alison Tyler, this is the essential guide to going down.

I never said I was only or even primarily talking about DATY, though I did mention tasting twice and I never taste the you-know-what opposite the Y. Hygiene is an all-over thing, from the hair on their head to their toes. It can become noticeable at all stages of interaction, from talking to intercourse.  

That you are fixated on the pussy shouldn't be a surprise, given your name.  

By the way, is anyone really ignorant of the possibility that bad smell derives from the rear as well as the front? You required a book to learn that?

We should call it her love hole.  Of course, as I said already. if it smells bad, then its a stinky, nasty pussy.  

Are we really going to call it hygiene?  Or tell it like it is and say "stinky nasty pussy"?

It's not "stinky nasty pussy," or not stinky nasty pussy alone, anyway. This thread is about general hygiene.

Pussy's fresh and tasty, does all that other stuff really matter?

I'm not terribly picky, but I like fresh breath, clean hair, general cleanliness, and especially nothing wafting from the backside. I don't think I'm alone.

A lot of providers won't see a guy who seems hard to please.  A lot of guys like being the first customer of the day, and sometimes if they just woke up, messy hair and bad breath go with the territory, but on the other hand, you're getting a girl that is going to be rested and energetic. If you book a later appointment, you'll get fresh breath, hair and makeup perfect but maybe she's a little tired from the two or three guys she saw before you.  It sounds like you're not willing to compromise on ANYTHING.  

-- Modified on 5/15/2017 10:41:58 PM

I'll compromise, and like I said I'm not terribly picky. I'm not talking morning breath and bedhead. I'm talking about more serious stuff, short of totally turning me off.

In my original post I was thinking of maybe 6 out of all the sessions I've had. Which isn't a great percentage.  

I'm not worried about future bookings.

Then its about the "type" of women you are choosing.  Move upmarket a little bit and you'll find providers are more professional in how they approach preparing for a date with a customer.  

Periodic, I guess. It affects less than 10% of my sessions, certainly. I haven't done the math, but like I said it's not a great share of my overall sessions.  

I pay the going rate for independent GFE providers in my area. There's not all that wide a range here: 300-500, and I end up paying 300, 350, or 400. All the girls I've seen since I figured out how to pick them have good reputations.  (I will admit to having made a couple of mistakes).  

So I don't think it's an up or down-market thing. I had a bad hygiene experience with a touring 400 girl with whom I met previously, and who was very well put-together the first time. You never know.

PussyPump112 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Okay, but you're saying this in public, and . . .
A lot of providers won't see a guy who seems hard to please.  A lot of guys like being the first customer of the day, and sometimes if they just woke up, messy hair and bad breath go with the territory, but on the other hand, you're getting a girl that is going to be rested and energetic. If you book a later appointment, you'll get fresh breath, hair and makeup perfect but maybe she's a little tired from the two or three guys she saw before you.  It sounds like you're not willing to compromise on ANYTHING.  

-- Modified on 5/15/2017 10:41:58 PM

Why on earth should he or anyone else have to compromise on what is basic hygiene at the 500+/hour level that everyone seems to charge these days? I had the misfortune to encounter several "courtesans" or "top reviewed" providers whose oral or vaginal/rearend hygiene was awful. They stank. What is good for the gander is good for the goose also.

Wonky_Portals227 reads

....... if it's stinky and nasty it's a twat or a cunt.

nit-picking.  In my generation, a cunt or a twat was about attitude, not smell.  

I dunno. That's an attitude thing in my generation too. I don't think that's generational. I think that's one of those things that's true forever.

Wonky_Portals192 reads

Yeah, you are probably right. i just wanted to be able to use the words twat and cunt on the board.
But, on the other hand, I can't bring myself to think of such a beautiful body part as a pussy is being called stinky. After Sean Connery said the words Pussy Galore, I just can't use the description stinky with it.

flatulent brother was actually called Stinky Galore.  A little known fact. . . . .  I think.  

Wonky_Portals190 reads

I actually heard he was a bit of a cunt.

I walked in and out once due to this very issue. There was no way in hell that was happening.

I don't think there's any rhyme or reason (particularly speaking to your age point), I think it's just a matter of some people's ideas of cleanliness being different, as well as natural odor perhaps being stronger than others. And sounds like you weren't so lucky a couple of times! If she was rushing she may not have been able to clean herself as well as she normally would have.  

I do prefer to wax my lady parts as hair down there (like hair anywhere) traps odors- as it is supposed to. Some scientists note hat the evolutionary purpose of pubic hair was to odor trap and amplify human pheromones! I personally just consider hair down there to be a nuisance, particularly when my time of the month rolls around.  

I generally think it is good practice to shower (I bring my own soap) and use deodorant or antiperspirant before a client arrives. Stay away from highly scented soaps, feminine sprays, and washes/douches because they mess up your pH balance and can cause infections that lead to foul odors but may otherwise go undetected. I try to eat well and avoid excessive alcohol intake because I don't want the smell/taste of my vagina becoming bitter.

But again? Some ladies do have a stronger natural scent that is normal for them, which you may find unpleasant but others do not. I'm sorry this happened to you.

are regarding the provider's life/habits. You touched on what a few of the issues could be but maybe it was innocent and the provider didn't know they had an odor? Like when someone has bad breath but they can't smell it/taste it themselves. Outside of that maybe their diet has changed or they are are taking certain medications. IDK. In any case, I'm sorry you had those experiences.


So I have had a tremendously great response to the men that have gone down on me. Recently the client wanted me to sit on his face for most of the appointment. I have been told I am extremely fresh and clean.

So heres your answer. It has nothing to do with Timing. A quick shower and clean up should get rid of any light sportmanship from running around.  Its these things:

1. Her PH balance is off. She needs to take pro-biotics and prebiotics to balance herself. This is a huge mistake with women. All the gels and lubes can offset a womens natural ph. Represh makes a daily pill for you to take. And if she is a busy provider, she needs to make sure she isnt allergic to latex. I use latex free condoms.

2.) Diet and Smoking. Highly acidic items and too much smoking and alcohol can cause this. Ask if she smokes. Trust me.

3) She has a bacterial infection inside and is so used to the smell she cannot notice it anymore. This needs a round of antibiotics and to learn to control her PH levels.

The vagina is a self cleaning organ and is actually cleaner than you think. She just needs to learn how to take care of herself. Hence the younger ones probably struggle with this because they do not know their own bodies fully. Comes with age ;)  

This post was brought to you by Francesca Wilde :)

In my humble opinion a provider should never ever see more than 3 clients a day when she is providing. I keep mine at one to two and take the longer booking hours.

Men complain on these boards and trying to get the cheapest version of Cleopatra on these boards but you have got to remember, there is no possible way to get an inexpensive provider who is also low volume. And high volume means she has less time to take care of herself down there. Sorry, buts its the TRUTH.

Spend the extra 100-150 and get a great provider that you are satisfied with that takes the time to get ready and give you a pleasurable experience! You get a better hotel, and a woman who probably just bathed in Rainbath or Bath Oil before you came. She is more relaxed and an excellent companion. She cares about your experience because that is one of a couple appointments for the day.

Ladies drink tea. Take the probiotics. Try latex free. Bath before your appointments shave your legs smooth. Neutrogena makes an excellent light sesame scented oil and is incredible to your skin. Like a baby! My skin and smell was never not commented on.
Do not ever ever ever use hotel soap on your kitty. Ever. Instant infection.  


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