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Ok that have me a good chuckle...
TaylorSteele 471 reads

Google. Discreet. Safe. In the same line lo

GoogleWasMyIdea1296 reads

Hi Everyone

All of us want to stay safe and discreet. I'm pretty sure many of use are really good at it (and lucky) and have enjoyed this hobby/industry for many years with no issues. I thought it might be fun to share some favorite tips and tricks (no, not that kind)for how.

I've been in this hobby about two years and have (tremendously) enjoyed about 20 dates with 15 providers. That isn't a lot of experience, but to get the ball rolling let me list what I think are best practices

I really like Runbox.com as a web mail provider. I looked at all of them, and at least for me Runbox is the best
* Runs under Norwegian privacy laws
* Very solid security  (it's techincally a Forward Security based SSL system - pretty solid) and PGP support
* Doesn't require a mobile phone token, unlike some other good systems
* Unlike hushail (which was great) it doesn't block P411 traffic
* Cheap! Micro accounts are $8 for two years, and they are happy to take US$ in the mail

I set up my phone to autolock immediately. In the unlikely event I have a run-in with law enforcement, contents of the phone are evidence. While they can't (now) search the phone without a warrant, if it's locked it's going to be far harder to take the phone and then claim I gave it up voluntarily

In this hobby you will be texting. Don't buy the absolute cheapest burner you can get. Buy one that has a good enough keyboard so you can text fairly easily. You don't want to be sitting in a lobby, fumbling around with your phone...

Some pre-paid providers (like AT&T) have two plans - the prepaid points don't expire or don't expire for a year or two, but cost per minute his high, and low cost per minute but minutes expire quickly. Be sure you get the right one, for clients that would usually be high cost per minute but your minutes last forever.  

Dealing with law enforcement
1. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE
2. Watch the above again
3. Having watched the above, don't consent to any search, ever. And if questioned simply say you don't answer any question (beyond name and production of ID in some states) without an attorney
4. Don't be a jerk. Don't cooperate, but try to be respectful. It's also not a bad idea to bend your knees a little and try to stoop your shoulders. These are submissive postures that will make you look less threatening, which is what the cops usually want.

Wifi Security!
Use a VPN!
A wifi connection without a VPN is as secure as a CB radio channel. Really. Literally.
VPN's are cheap or free (depending on what you get) and easy to use. Here's a list  

Giving Gifts  
Of course, when you meet cash is king. But if you want to send money your best options are
- Give points on P411. They've even had half price sales (100 points for $50).  
- Buy an amazon card for cash at a CVS/Walgreens/Whatever and send the number, or a pic of the back (thanks to the beautiful Las Vegas lady who sent me this tip)
- Giftrocket seems to work well and be popular

Don't see anyone you aren't comfortable with!
For me, that means three or more reviews by credible reviewers, and I'd feel better still if they are were on P411 (yes, I know it isn't perfect).

Would love to hear other and better ideas form both sides of the fence.

Be safe!

Google. Discreet. Safe. In the same line lo

You should believe in your own product or noone else will lol

I think a good follow up to that point is. Know yourself, or to thine own self be true. I have found my best tool for getting the type of repeat dates that I enjoy and even look forward to, is marketing my true self (well except for name), and not accepting the types of dates that I know I don't enjoy. If someone wants a date that starts at 10:00 and includes going out clubbing, I am not the woman for them, and I am happy to turn them down, because neither of us will enjoy the date as much as we deserve. On the otherhand, if you want me to knock on your door at 6:00 am because you love morning sex....YES, because I do too, and it's a win win!

Posted By: elainaamhurst
I think a good follow up to that point is. Know yourself, or to thine own self be true. I have found my best tool for getting the type of repeat dates that I enjoy and even look forward to, is marketing my true self (well except for name), and not accepting the types of dates that I know I don't enjoy. If someone wants a date that starts at 10:00 and includes going out clubbing, I am not the woman for them, and I am happy to turn them down, because neither of us will enjoy the date as much as we deserve. On the otherhand, if you want me to knock on your door at 6:00 am because you love morning sex....YES, because I do too, and it's a win win!

I wish so many clients were discreet and cautious as you are.  
I hope you are in Dc?MD/VA

GoogleWasMyIdea257 reads

Posted By: TurbayVeronica

 I hope you are in Dc?MD/VA  
Having seen your site I really wish I were too!!!!

Seriously...would you want to be associated with THAT family tree?

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

If you use a laptop, full disk encryption!!! Enough said!

Internet, I use a seperate bowser for my hobby related work, to make sure I don't make any silly mistakes with logins. I use a Tor browser, which is even safer than a VPN relay.

Phone, use an Iphone, and as the OP said, make sure you set it to auto lock. Some of the cheap 'pay as you go' devices are extremely easy for the cops to crack. Also make sure you use a code to open it and not your thumb print.  

Webmail, I am in the process of moving over from Swissmail to Proton mail. Swissmail is a great safe provider but not as user friendly as Proton mail. DO NOT use hushmail. They have provided records to law enforcement before.  

And as the OP said, same goes for the ladies. Do not ever see anyone you are uncomfortable with for any reason. Your reason for not seeing them doesn't have to make sense, your gut is usually correct!

"Officer sir, I would really like to cooperate, but I would prefer to wait for my lawyer before I say anything."  Keep repeating as required.

Nothibg like be done with the day at 12pm! Lol!

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