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Ohh this is gonna be interesting...
prepkid 1 Reviews 205 reads

-- Modified on 5/10/2012 11:46:14 PM

I just read that the escort at the center of the secret service scandal said in a recent interview that "it's not my fault I'm attractive."  Other sources have said that she said, "it's not my fault I'm so beautiful."  Regardless of what she said, it appears that Ms. Suarez (the escort at the center of the scandal) has quite a high opinion of herself, and I think it's a higher opinion than is warranted.  I have news for Ms. Suarez. Many of the fine ladies who advertise on TER are a HELL of a lot better looking than her.  This woman sounds very arrogant and quite full of herself.  In my opinion, she only looks good with her sunglasses on. Without them, I think she's kind of ugly.

This brings me to another but related subject. I only speak for myself, but nothing turns me off more than a woman, whether she is a provider or a civie, who is arrogant and thinks her shit doesn't stink because she looks good.  I find humility to be a very attractive characteristic and even a turn on.  By humility, I don't mean beating oneself up all the time.  I think humility is just not thinking of yourself more highly than you ought to and not assuming that you're better than and/or too good for others.  

Women, I would think this goes both ways. I'm sure you are turned off by arrogant assholes.  Then again, growing up, I was told that cockiness attracts women, and I've seen my share of cocky jerks with hot babes, so who knows?  

Feel free to share your feedback, and I welcome honest, but civil disagreement.

There is no quicker way to turn me off than cocky a**holes, lol. A certain degree of "cockiness".. more-so, being sure of one's self, is more-so a turn-on. Being comfortable in your own skin & treating others as you would want to be treated. Nothing irks me more than people who walk around with their noses in the air, but don't have a personality to save their lives, lol.

Ever seen that tv show, 'Excused'? The funniest part of the show, is when a lady or gentlemen who thinks they are just awesome, but have no other substance to themselves at all, get excused.... they are usually in disbelief, lol.. reality check!

I think way too many women in this biz have an overinflated vision of theirselves.  I know I am not that pretty and I am content with the fact that my personality and sexiness make me attractive enough to do ok in this biz. And I am all for having self confidence but being arrogant isnt confidence. Most times its actually a defense mechanism for people with a lot of self doubt.  And many times those that think and openly put it out there, that they are so beautiful is used to make them feel better by making others feel worse.  But then again there is that whole school of thought that if you think it, it will be.   So all I know is I am neither a pessimist or an optimist. I am a realist.  I will always know that I may be a 10 for someone but I will also be a 3 (and more than once :( , lol) to others.

MSHSEX145 reads

Women like bad boys. Bad boys like women. It all works out.

Posted By: USUfan
I just read that the escort at the center of the secret service scandal said in a recent interview that "it's not my fault I'm attractive."  Other sources have said that she said, "it's not my fault I'm so beautiful."  Regardless of what she said, it appears that Ms. Suarez (the escort at the center of the scandal) has quite a high opinion of herself, and I think it's a higher opinion than is warranted.  I have news for Ms. Suarez. Many of the fine ladies who advertise on TER are a HELL of a lot better looking than her.  This woman sounds very arrogant and quite full of herself.  In my opinion, she only looks good with her sunglasses on. Without them, I think she's kind of ugly.

This brings me to another but related subject. I only speak for myself, but nothing turns me off more than a woman, whether she is a provider or a civie, who is arrogant and thinks her shit doesn't stink because she looks good.  I find humility to be a very attractive characteristic and even a turn on.  By humility, I don't mean beating oneself up all the time.  I think humility is just not thinking of yourself more highly than you ought to and not assuming that you're better than and/or too good for others.  

Women, I would think this goes both ways. I'm sure you are turned off by arrogant assholes.  Then again, growing up, I was told that cockiness attracts women, and I've seen my share of cocky jerks with hot babes, so who knows?  

Feel free to share your feedback, and I welcome honest, but civil disagreement.

And cockiness would kind of go with her age, I would imagine.

I do think the reaction by all and sundry is way overkill. Reminds me of the Janet Jackson nipplegate. They're talking about chaperones now. Poor guys won't get a break.

All I have to say is that this scandal has done escorts around the world a big favor in another way. Just pay your darn fees! ;)

Self confidence through actions and the way someone carries themselves is a huge turn on, but people that talk about how they are the best all the time or the most beautiful all the time is a big turn off. Let others say it for you and its alright. Shout it from the mountain tops yourself and your a self absorbed ass.

to get an offer from one of the men's magazines for a six-figure $ fee to pose nude.

serpius157 reads

Hey USUFan,

I call it being VAIN and have a large EGO to go with it.

I did have one provider years ago that had that attitude of vanity and it was so bad that she spent more time looking at the mirror than making any attempt to carry on a conversation during our session. It was one of the worst sessions that I've ever experienced. I NEVER bothered to put in a review for her in TER.

That same provider emailed me about 6 weeks later asking me why I haven't put in a good review of her in TER. I told exactly why, next thing I knew she fired off 7 emails in a row cussing me out and threatened to tell the whole world who I am and so on. I responded to her with ONE email telling her to stop and if she made any attempt to 'out' me, she will be ostracized from the provider / hobbyist business. She never followed through with her threats. B.T.W., she "retired" from the business about 6 months after that incident. I wonder why...

Long story short... I hate vain and egotistical people of both genders, whether they are in the provider / hobby business or not. If you want to be vain and egotistical, go to Hollywood. You'll fit in just fine there.


Posted By: USUfan

This brings me to another but related subject. I only speak for myself, but nothing turns me off more than a woman, whether she is a provider or a civie, who is arrogant and thinks her shit doesn't stink because she looks good.  I find humility to be a very attractive characteristic and even a turn on.  By humility, I don't mean beating oneself up all the time.  I think humility is just not thinking of yourself more highly than you ought to and not assuming that you're better than and/or too good for others.  

Women, I would think this goes both ways. I'm sure you are turned off by arrogant assholes.  Then again, growing up, I was told that cockiness attracts women, and I've seen my share of cocky jerks with hot babes, so who knows?  

Feel free to share your feedback, and I welcome honest, but civil disagreement.

I know you aren't paying for a girl's inner beauty, but have you noticed a person can become more or less attractive to you based on their personality?

A guy could look like a toad physically but have such a great personality that he will be the best looking guy in the room once he's been given a chance.

The quote is meaningless without knowing the context in which it was spoken. If it was spoken at all, because God knows, the media never exaggerates, truncates, or twists what someone says.

This scandal has pissed me off.  I'm a retired sailor, and in my younger days, visiting various ports of call, I and my shipmates would go on liberty which generally included the hiring of ladies for pleasure purposes.  We were sailors on town, but we had rules that were cut into stone:

1. Make sure your buddies got back to the ship safely.
2. Don't puke in the liberty launch.
3. Never by a B-girl more than two drinks.

If 18 year old sailors can do it, why cannot the Secret Service?  I don't care that they were parting, I care that they did not pay!

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