TER General Board

Oh no
ScarlettStClair See my TER Reviews 527 reads

That's terrible, and very sad. Peace and love to her poor family

Just texted a provider I saw last year, and was going to be back in her city to see if she would be available, and got back  a test, SHE DIED.  An exchange of texts revealed a relative had her phone, she O'Ded just a few days ago and funeral was tomorrow.  Had no clue she was a user, sweet girl.

Why would you post this here? Please have respect for her and her family.

Who gives a fuck? Not hard to figure out who it is.  The lady is deceased and I find it incredibly disrespectful to her and her family

FatVern474 reads

I wouldn't say I don't care, since it is a tragedy anytime someone dies and there are people left mourning their death. I'm not overtly interested in who has died, since  I don't know who she is.

How would somebody know who he is talking about, read his reviews and do a little math?

Otherwise, unfortunately people overdose everyday, just basing the fact that you or anyone else knows/knows of a provider who recently OD, and their funeral is tomorrow, it could be anyone.

A warning for what? It's not like she can harm anyone or herself being that she's not here anymore.  
I'm just not sure what you're warning is about.  What is the warning??
Very sad this woman has passed away :(

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 4:00:05 PM

I don't think doncord meant any harm.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 8:27:55 AM

FatVern545 reads

You'd be surprised who you can find, whilst looking for someone else.

Thanks for jarring me back to reality. :-/

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 8:39:46 AM

FatVern398 reads

I wouldn't have said it, if saying it didn't make me feel a lil sleazy.

BTW you must have done an RAP yesterday, since that post is gone.

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 8:42:04 AM

FatVern294 reads

It could, and should have stayed. Then I wouldn't have to correct you and point out it said I was the biggest POS.

JakeFromStateFarm386 reads

That is truly shocking.  

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 4:55:16 PM

Do you have any empathy or human emotions?

FatVern350 reads

I heard the dumbest thing earlier, it said Simone Biles(the Olympic Gymnast) proves she's human. I guess she muffed up a routine or something. I thought to myself, has anyone described her as nonhuman? What a dumb thing to say. BTW Simone has a sexy little body.

JakeFromStateFarm376 reads

I guess you think because this board is not "serious" enough it's not possible to say something repugnant. Well, you certainly managed.  And what does Simone Biles have to do with anything?  
PS: That was a rhetorical question.

JakeFromStateFarm496 reads

and your ignorant, thoughtless blabbing.  As pointed out by many above.  While we're at it, would you like to rush to the support of any pimps today?

FatVern397 reads

Scoed asked if I was human, and before he said that, I recalled the statement I said in the previous post. You would have noticed that if you read his post.

JakeFromStateFarm427 reads

You can't even follow your own posts.  Of course, no one else can make any sense of them either.
Go to bed.  Haven't you polluted this thread enough?

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 7:04:48 PM

FatVern487 reads

The person who started that thread, I seldom see the most vocal young lady from that thread posting on here much either. Long memories indeed.

That's terrible, and very sad. Peace and love to her poor family

DBJHunter428 reads

On behalf of our TER family let me pass our deepest condolences to her family on her recent passing. After all, she was one of us.

Rest in peace

Your post has no question, useful info, humor, or opportunity for discussion. Her passing is very sad and your post leaves the door open for judgy commentary and lame attempts at humor..

John_Laroche558 reads

Who else is he going to tell, wife, friends? SMH.
Let him grieve in this way.

OP: Sorry man.

Not to mention, while I feel for the OP, my primary concern was for the respect of the deceased and her family (who apparently face her funeral tomorrow). Some may feel he should be able to 'vent', but I disagree with posting her personal business and tragedy on this forum like this.

I always say a little prayer when I hear of someone in the biz dying. Thanks for sharing.

Steph xoxo

Called the morning of & she picked up... d*mn short conversation as she was many states away.  I booked elsewhere to salvage my vaca.  Yeah, I was a grouchy bear...  
I found out later that she was out of state for a sister's funeral.  Apparently she dropped everything & just went.  Sister, married with children, had breast cancer, completed chemo...  where they pump your body full of toxins...  was cancer free.  Came home & dropped dead.  (I knew that they limit the lifetime doses of certain chemo agents...  I'm familiar with Novantrone... because of the heart damage it causes.)  I really felt like a sh*t after that.  
There was a furneral card on her mantle the next time I was over, so no BS.  The Fav was pretty messed up for a year after that.      

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 4:20:43 PM

Also, every minute - even if chemo and stuff is going well, you're waiting for that phone call, and have to prepare to disappoint if that time comes.

Too bad :( That's always sad  

Posted By: harborview
Called the morning of & she picked up... d*mn short conversation as she was many states away.  I booked elsewhere to salvage my vaca.  Yeah, I was a grouchy bear...    
 I found out later that she was out of state for a sister's funeral.  Apparently she dropped everything & just went.  Sister, married with children, had breast cancer, completed chemo...  where they pump your body full of toxins...  was cancer free.  Came home & dropped dead.  (I knew that they limit the lifetime doses of certain chemo agents...  I'm familiar with Novantrone... because of the heart damage it causes.)  I really felt like a sh*t after that.    
 There was a furneral card on her mantle the next time I was over, so no BS.  The Fav was pretty messed up for a year after that.      

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 4:20:43 PM

Addiction and using is so scary and there's no way you feel you can help. It's sad. :(

We should all have empathy. You never know when it is your time to go. I feel for her family and friends at this time.

Read a newspaper, watch the news, spend some time online other than here.

People drop dead all the time.

Why is it such a dramafest when an escort is reportedly dead?  Especially one that the OP claims was a drug addict.

If you're so offended, get off your ass and help the whores that are addicted.

But he was too damn classy to mention it  
because it's only money. That would escape
an ignoramus like you. I'll leave it at that.  

Slow day under the bridge?


Posted By: Walter.Disney
That would have been a disaster

You don't know me any more than you know who the escort who purportedly died is/was.  But yet you had no issues on attacking me for posting the obvious.

When someone is a drug addict they are prone to dropping dead.

Same as someone who is obese.  

Congrats on losing half of yourself.  Now find a brain and a conscience.  And maybe some humor!

You lecture me on having a conscience, yet you are more fucking worried about some other dudes non existent deposit than a human life. If your posts are any indication of your character, and they are, I am glad I don't know you. I have zero issues attacking assholes that show zero compassion or empathy. Now find some basic human decency.

Posted By: doncord
Just texted a provider I saw last year, and was going to be back in her city to see if she would be available, and got back  a test, SHE DIED.  An exchange of texts revealed a relative had her phone, she O'Ded just a few days ago and funeral was tomorrow.  Had no clue she was a user, sweet girl.

cause of deaths.

Lately, in NYC , even swing club closed as source of infections and STD and AIDS  
There are many deaths, suicides and illnesses lately in TER community  
and it is not spoken ...

As soon as some one even said that - there are statements that he should not to say  
of course - if there be talks about HIV AIDS and death  
 men most likely  would seat at home and cash flows to stop to providers.
It is why we should not talk about that?

I prefer to know .. of course not many  would say a reasons of death. but if you know facts you can compare symptoms whooped from what and why young providers are killing themselves - just as those porno stars . look at statistics - and think yourself if you  would like to know or you would like be nice - say -"rest in peace" and close your eyes?
overdose? terminal illness ? yet not AIDS.
 Hard to belive. Facts of ANY illnesses of provider has to be posted HERE on GB and not spoken on providers only or clients only boards- that is just hypocrisy and men should know and women should know - that is just as one family here for many.

Myself I do not see new dates at all...or those dates who have been to high volume sex for money establishments.  
Play safe and have common sense if provider dies lets say from overdose.. you never would know that there also was not and HIV .
Yet women  here asking - How she may hurt you now when she is dead.
VERY can hurt . if you would see her clients.  
They now would be looking  around and trying to find new provider.  
us any money are worth of that? and any fun is worth ?
 Stick with people you know and people you trust.  
Take it easy and develop working relationship with spending some and social time first with that special woman Commit to one month no sex and testing yourself with comprehensive test which will detect HIV in 14 days after exposure and yet still use condoms till you both do know you are faithful to each other and wife. Given your wife is not high volume provider.  
I do expect a lot of criticism now - but I do not care - I care about being safe and I am always would be. And I do not afraid to say openly all what has to be addressed.  
As a result  in last year I m eliminated many "friends" at all. Those who are ok with high volume providers are out of my client list.  
I have to much to loose and love my life. You should as well - so  do not afraid to talk and share.
 And do not listen those who says that has to be under the cover and death pf provider can t hurt you - very can hurt you very. Can claim your life as well .
 be safe  

How are any of us to know because she passed away of an overdose that she had Hiv? We don't even know who she is?? Yes I agree we should all protect ourselves and be safe. You sharing Shelly Lubbens site? She is a scam and her so called charity is no longer.

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