TER General Board

Oh lord...
FatVern 446 reads

There is no need to justify your behavior here.

But hey, it's nice to see you worry about white trashy men. Get off the street corner, and mister white trashy might not be a concern.

Personally I wouldn't want to go to Dubai, because of all the pompous westerners.

Dubai seems to be one foreign city that providers specifically mention a lot

Why is that?

Oil money in the area?
American oil workers far away from home?
A Mecca for Muslims wanting to get their rocks off without their Imam knowing?
A great tourism city to visit?
Perhaps escorting is legal there?
All of the above?

Never have been there so please correct my stereotype ideas but seems that the Arab world wold not be the wisest or safest place for a female escort to try to do business. Plus, shudder to think what they may cut off if they caught a guy with an escort

I was taken there by a client and would love to go back again. It's super clean, safe and nice. The restaurants are over the top and so are the hotels. I never met an American the whole time I was there until I was boarding the plane to come home. People come from all over the world to enjoy the modern Arab world play ground. I was told by a client-friend that escorts there can demand a high price. There are more men than women. I was warned to stay away from Muslim clients because you could get ripped off/hurt/whatever and no one is going to help you. There are plenty of Europeans far from home looking for company. And that's what I know about Dubai.

Voluntarily go to a place who's Primary religion advocates, no wait actively suggests killing those who you suspect to be infidels?

Hell no! There are many beautiful places on Earth to visit where you are not a target for assassination, based upon your religious beliefs or in my case lack there of. And in these other places, there are things which I'd like to see, experience. Dubai is all new construction, including some of their Islands, nothing of redeeming value for me.

The thing about Muslims which puzzles me the most is that they consider Christians and Jews infidels, and they (Muslim, Christian, and Judaism) are all Abrahamic religions, so they all pray to the same God. Infidel - a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own.  

I am a true infidel, I am Atheist, I am a non believer. So they should be concentrating killing people like me. For that very reason, I will never visit Dubai.

and you'll be welcomed with open arms.

Personally, I have already traveled many places all over the world. I've been to Europe a dozen times at least but I've never visited the Middle East and Dubai is a luxury.  It is also supposed to be the safest of the Middle Eastern countries to visit. I don't plan on working while I'm there but just taking in the modern architecture mixed with the Arabian desert.  

I sincerely wish you safe passage in a place which the inhabitants want to kill you, just because you are different than they are, or practice a different religion than they do. Especially since you are a woman, who they consider second class citizens.

Definitely don't show anyone there the bottom of your shoes, you could be executed for doing so. That's how ridiculous these people are.

FatVern349 reads

Try hosting a march for women's rights in their public square.

I'm surprised they don't view western providers as covert feminist operatives.

Anywhere on the face of the Earth, that the Governance is the Muslim religion is a stinking shithole. I understand that Dubai is the most liberal of the Islamic states, but you can put lipstick on a pig, and it's still a pig.

If I were given an all expense paid, first class, five star vacation to Dubai, I'd give it back. Those people, Muslims not the race of people, have no respect for life, especially women who they consider 2nd class people. They, Muslims, will blow themselves up to kill others of any other religion and they do so in the name of their god, yeah an all knowing, loving god.

I don't believe in gods, or religions, but I have and understand "tolerance" of others beliefs. Muslims do not have tolerance of anyone else's beliefs except their own.

So yeah, if you'd like to go to that hell hole and give your money to the pond scum that are those people, by all means do so, if they kill you, then I consider that to be natural selection.

While I'm having a wonderful vacation, you'll still be a miserable racist.  I have friends family clients of all walks of life and I've been lucky enough to travel the world and meet all kinds of wonderful people and I choose to not live my life in fear.  

I'm way more worried about Mr. White Trashy then a Muslim neighbor, truthfully all the middle easterners I know are really kind, well educated, and well traveled.

I am not a racist, although I must admit that I've never met a Martian that I like. I am not at all concerned about the race of a person, in fact I work with two wonderful Middle Eastern folks, who by the way are not Muslim.

I however, do not wish to, nor will I ever go to a country which is Governed by the Muslim religion. To be clear, a Muslim nation could be of any race. So, being intelligently cautious of people who are so narrow minded that they will blow them selves up to kill me and others because we don't believe that which they do, is not racist.

It's great that you were raised the way which you were, it's what makes you, you.

I do not live in fear, but I'm smart enough to not go somewhere that I am a target. Muslim men are so insecure, that they force their women to wear clothes from their toes to their eyes and around their head, so that other men can't look at their wives and thus find them attractive and possibly take them away. Some Muslim men perform clitoral castration in an attempt to take away some of the physical enjoyment of sex from their women, so that they won't want or need to be with another man. And, these same men are such cowards that they'll blow themselves up to kill innocent women and children, in the name of their god.

If you wish to travel to the countries of people who are so awful, to sit on a man made beach on a man made island in a land which has little to no history, culture because some Sheik has constructed big buildings and "suggested" that they are cosmopolitan, then by all means have at it. I prefer not to take my life in my hands, to go on a vacation, that's not fear, it's called intelligence.

JakeFromStateFarm531 reads

While it's true there are plenty of Muslim countries that are dangerous for any Westerner to visit, that's not true for all of them. Morocco is perhaps the best example (but not the only one).  The country is tolerant, Westernized, recognizes women's rights and is shockingly beautiful and sophisticated. Anyone who avoids it is missing a great experience.  And deserves to.

FatVern367 reads

I guess you only suck dick indoors over there.

FatVern351 reads

You are the only one talking about Morocco in this thread.

JakeFromStateFarm336 reads

You may have achieved the impossible. The SPOTY might be taken back from FG and awarded to you. It would be well deserved.

I won't likely visit every place that I wish to visit in my lifetime, so going anywhere which is governed by the Muslim religion is simply a "so what".

FatVern447 reads

There is no need to justify your behavior here.

But hey, it's nice to see you worry about white trashy men. Get off the street corner, and mister white trashy might not be a concern.

Personally I wouldn't want to go to Dubai, because of all the pompous westerners.

This is the only enlightened post in a very long thread. Crazy how many bigots are on here.

JakeFromStateFarm616 reads

Check first to see what the maximum for a wire transfer is that won't catch the eye of Homeland Security.  It used to be only $4K.  I knew a girl who wired a larger amount back and it led to the bust of her well-known NY agency a few years ago.  Its initials were AC.

-- Modified on 1/28/2017 8:41:59 PM

Never been, but have met 2 providers that have been stranded there. Yes, there is money out the wazoo, and I'm not sure if it is legal, but escorting is accepted (in a patriarchal society, gotta keep the boys happy), and bdsm & fetish activities are incredibly closeted and definitely illegal.

The 2 girls I mentioned, however, were taken there by Arab clients, and ditched. From what I hear, that is actually pretty common. So, yes, you can be very successful, but it is a very dangerous environment, too.

FatVern450 reads

Most people would call those clients pimps.

not sure if escorting is just illegal but accepted there, or completely legal, tho.

-- Modified on 1/28/2017 4:21:31 PM

FatVern288 reads

It's illegal for a woman to show skin in public.

Europeans dress as they would at home. I chose to be slightly more conservative out of respect for my hosts. People wore bikinis at the pool at the hotel. They serve alcohol in the restaurants and have many of the same places we do. The shopping mall is like Rodeo Drive on steroids. The sheik built Dubai as a revenue producer. They want tourists to come back. The people were extremely polite, sophisticated and welcoming. This is not Saudi Arabia. It seemed everyone I met was from somewhere else... Croatia, Serbia, England, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Morocco, Kenya, Indonesia, you name it. Only 15% of the people who live in Dubai are from the U.A.E.

Nor will I ever die in a country that the Governance is the Muslim religion, because I'm not going to go there.  

If the malls are like Rodeo drive, then I'll go to Rodeo drive to shop. Well not really, shopping is shopping and I could care less if I buy something at a store on Rodeo drive or a Kohls in my city. I can go to a pool anywhere, I can buy alcohol at any restaurant anywhere else in the world where people don't blow themselves up to kill other people, in the name of their god.  

Dubai has nothing to offer me, no culture, no history. It's all been man made since around the 1930's, I think. If I want beaches, there are many other places on Earth that I can go to and enjoy than the shithole which is anywhere in the Middle East.

It is said that the Middle East is the cradle of Humanity, well Humanity left the Middle East centuries ago.

You can tempt fate a bunch of times, it only takes one time to lose your life.

GaGambler294 reads

Dubai is an oasis in the middle of an intolerant desert of religious intolerance.  

It might not be for you, but to reject it without knowing any more about it than it's surrounded by intolerant Muslim nations is every bit as narrow minded as society at large is about us.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing in Dubai of any redeeming value to me. It is a place which is governed by an awful, awful religion. It is populated by people who are insecure cowards, who will tie bombs to themselves in order to blow themselves up to kill innocent women and children, indiscriminately.

Yeah, I don't care to go there, give my money to people like that. For what? To lie on a man made beach, on a man made island, in a land with no culture, history? To go shopping at Rodeo drive on steroids, when I couldn't care less to go shopping on Rodeo drive? I consider it completely ridiculous if someone says "yeah, I bought this on Rodeo drive", all that says to me is that person paid twice to three times as much for something just to say they bought it on Rodeo drive.

If that makes me narrow minded then so be it. Perhaps someone should ask the families of nearly 3000 innocent, non militarized people who died on 911 if it's narrow minded to not want to go to the arm pit of the Earth on vacation.

When I was in the Service of my Nation, no I didn't serve during a war or conflict, but I wore a uniform with my name on one side and US Air Force on the other side. I did not hide behind the skirts of women or use civilians as human shields, there was no guessing what Country I served or where my alliance lied. I have never killed anyone, and certainly would not kill someone because of their allegiance to a god or lack thereof, this includes Muslims.

GaGambler268 reads

Everything you said about Dubai can also be said about Las Vegas, except for being run by Muslims of course.

Personally, I look at Dubai as at least a "slim" hope that the people of in that region can possibly be converted to a certain extent. By converted, I don't mean to Christianity, but away from religion altogether. The first step in giving up on religion is "cheating on God" such as fucking hookers when your religion tells you it's a mortal sin or some such shit. First you fuck a hooker, than you have a sip of wine, the next thing you know you're doing lines of coke off a hookers body and yelling FUCK ALLAH at the top of your lungs. lmao

Just look at it as another way to WalMart them into submission. Just remember it was only a few short centuries ago that the Christians were every bit as barbaric as the Muslims and while they still have a long ways to go, look at all the progress the Christians have made over the last few centuries. Well not all of them of them of course, but compared to how backwards, cruel and barbaric as they used to be, the progress is commendable. Maybe in another thousand years they'll be completely out of the stone ages. lol

I haven't been to Dubai, but I am not going to let the fact it's a Muslim country keep me from exploring a place that might be fun. Now common sense and a sense of self preservation will keep me from going to any of those other places that I mentioned, but I could see myself perhaps going to Dubai some day on a lark.

Although at least Jerusalem has some culture, architecture, history to experience. It's a war zone, but it has some redeeming value.

I agree, that Las Vegas is much the same as Dubai, however, I could stand on any street corner in Las Vegas and shout that I am Atheist and I wouldn't have to be concerned about being killed for doing so. I go to Vegas twice a year, but I have family there. Were it not for family living there, I'd likely not visit, they are after all in a severe drought and I always feel guilty about taking a shower any longer than 5 minutes. Besides, everything that I can experience in Las Vegas, I can experience at a local Casino.  

From what I'm told there is some high class, fine shopping in Vegas as well. I have never gone shopping on vacation, there is nothing I care to buy in Vegas, Dubai, NOLA or anywhere else that I can't buy at home. To go to a foreign destination to buy something for 2-3 times more than I can buy at home, just to say "I bought this in Dubai"...etc is ridiculous. There are certainly nice beaches, incredible restaurants and other day and night life in other places that are not governed by Muslims.

JakeFromStateFarm465 reads

Fat people frighten me and WalMart sells nothing I want.  There are so many obese people in pictures of WalMart I'm afraid I could be crushed.  I'd rather git blowed up.

FatVern271 reads

Yet you will look up Internet photos of Walmart customers. You probably have been banned by LP for shoplifting at WalMart.

Fuck WalMart, as they only sell inferior dehydrated meat products.

FatVern372 reads

Lots of westerners away from home in Islamic lands.

What could go wrong?

FatVern389 reads

but don't let stop you from getting that A-rab money.

Just don't visit the UAE for an abortion.

Posted By: Dreamweaver21
Dubai seems to be one foreign city that providers specifically mention a lot  
 Why is that?  
 Oil money in the area?  
 American oil workers far away from home?  
 A Mecca for Muslims wanting to get their rocks off without their Imam knowing?  
 A great tourism city to visit?  
 Perhaps escorting is legal there?  
 All of the above?  
 Never have been there so please correct my stereotype ideas but seems that the Arab world wold not be the wisest or safest place for a female escort to try to do business. Plus, shudder to think what they may cut off if they caught a guy with an escort

Skyfyre557 reads

Yes I just pulled the number out of thin air but hey my guess is that would be the fantasy of providers. Afterall imagine all these filthy rich oil shrieks who rarely have a taste of Western women. Surely they would pay that much if not more right?

Dubai is indeed one of the most modern and most westernized Arab country. Maybe even 99% of the Muslims there are perfectly peaceful and harbor nothing but good will for Western visitors including women.

But then there's the 1% who are radical extremists (i.e. Al Qaida, ISIS etc...) who hate Westerners with a vengeance and would love to carve us up and eat us in pieces.

So, think of it as a high risk high reward endeavor ladies. A game of Russian roulette where 90% of the time you win but should your luck runs out let me tell us it's going to SUCK big time being you.

GaGambler453 reads

For the ladies I would agree it's a high risk/high reward endeavor. For the men it's a lot lower risk proposition, but certainly not a "risk free" one.

There are some places on this planet where you'd have to be a fool to risk traveling to. Damascus, Baghdad and Kabul are a few that come to mind, but speaking as someone who started traveling to places like Medellin well before any gringos besides drug runners and CIA operatives dared go there, I would say Dubai is pretty darn safe for the men. Just don't forget where you are and don't start acting like you are on LV Blvd or Bourbon st. lol

Talk to your cable company. I get it just fine, but it's part of a premium cable package that gets you Mannix and Murder She Wrote, too.

In the 80's a provider could make a lot of money, but since the 90's when tons of westerners started living there and the novelty of beautiful foreign women wore off, prices have dropped considerably.  An older provider told me she used to make $5000 and hour in the 80's, then in the 90's, stunningly gorgeous Russian girls started to show up with their pimps and charged $50 for a BJ.  Then came the influx of Indian girls and their pimps, other followed suit, and so prices fell drastically. Its full of organized crime and human trafficking disguised behind the glitzy facade.  The very rich arabs don't hobby there, instead they come the US and Europe to hobby.  There are too many foreigners there hustling for business and the arabs are famous for being cheap. Many providers think that it's cool to mention Dubai since they themselves have never visited.  
I visit Dubai frequently and and have clients who take me there for trips, but even they would say it's a land of smoke and mirrors.
Sweet Kisses,

if so, can you please bring a few home with you darling.  
Valentine's Day is just around the corner. xoxo 👄  
Someone has to help them... before we build another wall ...lol

-- Modified on 1/29/2017 5:30:17 AM

Dubai is the money laundry of the Middle East, and so all the things that go along with questionable morals also happen in Dubai.

Posted By: Dreamweaver21
Dubai seems to be one foreign city that providers specifically mention a lot  
 Why is that?  
 Oil money in the area?  

Wow, I never expected these sort of responses but I guess I should have, my reason for asking is that I have seen more than a few adverts from esorts stating that they will be in Dubai.

BTW couer.... Loved your line about my cable provider LMAO

I know it's a very modern city but it is in the Arabic world and the number of providers going there just did not seem to make sense to me - if for a vacation - sure why not - but to provide services is what I was wondering about - I ALWAYS follow the maxim of behaving myself and not only following the laws of a foreign country but their cipustoms as well


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