TER General Board

Oh I should have added....
CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 80 reads

100% of my clients are from overseas.
They tend to plan their trips in advance so that allows them to plan so far ahead....


Guys- how far in advance do you make appointments,  either local, or if you are going to be out of town on a trip?
And ladies, how far in advance do you like a guy to start trying to schedule?

I pre-screen as soon as I decide I want to see a girl, and do my booking later.  I'm easy to screen using P411 so no burden on the lady.

I wait until the last minute to book.  Good for the lady because I can fill an empty space in her calendar.  Have not had any problem with availability as long as I am flexible about times and it's not the lady's last day in town.

souls_harbor75 reads

From my experience pre-screening requests are ignored by about 90% of providers.  A few even say on their websites they don't do pre-screening as they view it as a waste of time.  

Low-end enough they will pre-screen far in advance.  Some would even move in with you until the day if the session.

Based on my short time on p411 so far, I have to agree with this. The only provider I've reached out to and been totally ignored was the one provider I sent a prescreen request rather than an actual appointment request. My thinking at the time was that my schedule for the following two weeks was pretty up in the air, I knew I wanted to see her soon, I thought if we got screening out of the way, then a same day appointment when I found some time would be easier to set up.

Obviously, there could be any number of things that caused her to not want to get back to me, that's fine, I'm not trying to say she owes me an explanation. But it did occur to me that some providers think prescreeners are time wasters.

Can't say I've seen a website that says she doesn't do it. I'll start looking for that.

The good news is, there are already enough that I know I want to meet, plus the ones I've met and want to see again, to keep me occupied for a long long time.

Sometimes the providers don't see the notification email from P411. If i don't hear from the provider, I usually send a direct email or text (which ever is on her TER page) saying that I have sent a P411 message. So many times, that gets the ball rolling.  
I've learned to never expect them to have seen a PM, an email or a text.  I always follow up.

John_Laroche75 reads

how does pre-screening help? You said you're easy because of your P411 credentials, so what's the point. I imagine many touring girls would call this practice a time waster.

souls_harbor91 reads

It doesn't help the provider.  It can help the client by getting him screened early so that he can make a last minute schedule.   Those who screen beyond whitelists and okays say they spend time with their screening routines, which may involve web searches or contacting references.  They don't want to spend the time.

When that happened to me on p411 it was radio-silence from them.  I stopped requesting pre-screen (I said 90% ignored, but actually 100% of my pre-screen requests -- totalling five or six until I saw the futility) were met with radio-silence.

Ya know they could have responded that they don't pre-screen, but I got nothing.  Maybe they are inundated with pre-screen requests that never go anywhere -- they have like that's the case.

Almost all of the pre-screening requests I have received did result in an eventual rendezvous.  This makes them a better bet than regular first-time appointment requests!   I also enjoy the opportunity for a little pre-game seduction - on both sides.  :)

better than a regular session?  Just curious.  

You tell me, Monsieur Coeur-de-lion.   *kiss kiss*

regarding appointments.  Previously, I tended to only look a few days out (usually 1-3) whereas now I make about half of my appointments weeks in advance (especially for touring ladies) and the other half a day (or less) to a few days out.  I've even made a few recent appointments a month or more in advance.  Fortunately, I cannot remember the last time that I cancelled an appointment.  A problem, though, that I have encountered when making appointments a few weeks out is that a few times I was so exhausted from working long weeks that in retrospect I wasn't as mentally or physically prepared for the appointment as I should have been --- perhaps I should have cancelled, but I felt obligated to keep the appointment.  At any rate, I was a very easy to please client for those ladies.  One time I almost fell asleep on the bed with the lady lying next to me.            

example, if I have traveling to a certain city for a business meeting and will only have 1 night to P4P, then I might request an appointment a week or more in advance. This is also dependent on the number of great ladies available in that city. Also, it there is a certain lady I want to repeat with, I might contact her a month or so prior to the time just so I can get on her dance card.

access to some amazing ladies that otherwise would not have been accessible [had I not booked with them weeks or months in advance].  Additionally, some ladies will cancel their trip if they do not get enough pre-bookings.  As a result of changing my behavior to better meet their scheduling needs and enable long-term planning, I have had some mind blowing experiences.  

I cannot speak for other providers but for me its like as follows.


For international Clients I will and have booked as far 6 months in advance. That is client where I am going to their city Like my soon return to HK I have 2 clients I booked 4 and 6 months ago. But if the client is traveling to the US then I only book month advance. As business plans, travel plans and other things can make easy cancel for them.  


Fo local meaning clients in the US usually only 2 months advance. Anything longer has too much issue with last minute cancel for travel plan. Fo client who live in same city I live, only one month advance.  

This works good for me. I am not usual a last minute available type of  provider. I have a section on my website that allows client to sign up for advance private emails as to when I am going to be available. Usually when I send that out I get fully booked so last minute requests usually do not get appointment.  


I am very organized. So keeping up is not hard just require I pay attention.  


Thanks for this Christine .. I tend to try to plan way ahead and started to worry that providers think I am just window shopping when I talk about appointments that I want to plan a month or more out.
Glad to know some providers don't mind that planning so far out.

John_Laroche93 reads

With my regular, it's often a "same time next week" discussion at the end of our session.

For a local gal who is someone new or I only see once in a while, I reach out about 3 days in advance. This gives adequate  time for screening and since I have some flexibility in my schedule, it usually works ok.

I keep an eye on a few touring Russian agencies. If there's a really hot provider coming to town, I may book more than a month in advance, but I probably cancel (with decent notice) due to conflicts that arise (or bad reviews) about 25% of the time.

If I was traveling to her city, I'd book ASAP because my schedule would likely be much less flexible.

If I am seeing a new local, then at least 2 weeks to be sure she has time to get back to me and screen.

For a touring gal, as soon as she places an ad, or lists my area on her website.

If I'm traveling, then as soon as I know my dates.

I mean shit, Fish, on Game of Thrones they use ravens for communication, which get to far away destinations in only a few hours or much less.

I knew you used '70's technology bro, but I didn't know it was the 1570's variety. LOL

My, my will the wonders of technology ever cease.

Let's just say that I'm finicky about planning and let it go at that.

.....probably because I offer so few get togethers.
I have 1 upcoming booking for November this year and 2 already for next year. I have zero availability now until November (I tend to keep my availability up to date on my P411 page) so that's probably why gents schedule so far ahead with me. It's unusual though I think...


100% of my clients are from overseas.
They tend to plan their trips in advance so that allows them to plan so far ahead....


I welcome advance booking.I have had gents reach out to me now for appts in Sept,Oct,and Nov.
Whether it is a few days or a few months in advance I have no issue with this if a gent knows his schedule.

It's a bit different for every one. For myself I operate as follows:

Pre-Screening: I reply to every pre-screening request. However, I make it very clear that if someone pre-screens with me, it only lasts for up to six months. If we go six months without seeing one another, I may (emphasis on may) ask for updated references if they have seen other colleagues of mine.  


International/Extended Bookings: I have allowed bookings to be confirmed and penciled in my calendar upwards of a eight months in advance. However, it normally is three to four months in advance. This is specifically if we are going out of the country or we are having an extended booking and I need to take off work.  

If I'm Touring: I typically start penciling in appointments about one to two months out. Like I'm headed to Vegas in September and NYC in October and some have already done what is necessary to set a date.  They are the real MVPs and I adore them for it.  

Home Base: I'm pretty flexible but I prefer to know/confirm at least 72H in advance. Like many of the clients here, I too have a life and a career outside of this avocation. It's nice to know ahead of time.
Overall, pre-planning works well for me whether at home or on tour. Reason being is I'm not great at the last minute type of get together. If I don't have something set, I'll fill up my time with other things like visiting with other colleagues during a tour. Like someone else, I also have a section my website that allows potential suitors to sign up for a mailing list. There they can tell me their preferred city to meet in and what time of week works best for them (week days, week nights, weekends). About a month or two out, I'll personally email each individual with my schedule before I release it publicly. It makes my life 10x easier and gives me some peace of mind.  

While my personality is Type B - go with the flow, my business side of me is Type A. I'm highly structured and organized making this task quite easy.

Just my .02.  

My Best,  

LJ, xx

The quality of local talent is not great in my area, so when I go to a large city, and there is more variety, I will make a date one or two weeks in advance.

a few of the providers have said.  When I'm travelling overseas, my travel itinerary is usually set at the time I book the airline, so could be 3 or 6 months in advance.  However, in the US, I will usually only book three to five days in advance.  I have a reputation for keeping my appointments, so farther out than that increases the likelihood that someone comes up nearer the session date that would cause me to have to cancel.  

In my opinion a general rule anywhere from 10 to 14 days to give flexibility to both parties. Just in case my date and time will not work and gives us a chance to work things out. I have booked up to a month out before as well. A good number of providers like prebooking and I like it as well.

I don't see any local ladies, so as soon as I see DC on the calender for my touring favorites, I will book.

When I'm on a trip, I usually book a month in advance

Some of the ladies I see have other occupations, so a week or two is a sure way  make sure that our schedules match up.
A couple, I can check a day or two before and see if they are available.  

When I travel, and I travel a lot, I usually have contacted at least two regular ladies,  about a month in advance, to make sure that they will be available.  

If I am seeing someone new, I follow their suggestions on their website. If they don't have a website, their p411 page usually has what works for them.

There are a couple of instances on some business trips each year, that my timing is very tight and I know a few months in advance when those times are. I have made appointments 3 months in advance for these situations and they have turned out great.

-- Modified on 8/6/2017 10:56:50 PM

I don't usually respond to threads, but this was an interesting one.  
In general, I prebook and am rarely available last minute or same day.  
However, I do not really prescreen (as in the tool on p411.) I don't see the point of it. Sometimes I am booked a month-a month and a half out and I wouldn't be able to accommodate last minute requests. Honestly, I'm usually never able to. So, while I do respond to prescreening requests, they either never go anywhere, or I expect that you'll send an appointment request at some point.

souls_harbor81 reads

Well, if you are booked full, nothing really matters.   But if you have unfilled slots in your work schedule, then following up leads has some potential value.   A pre-screen request is a lead.  

If I were King ... I mean if I were a provider and I thought pre-screen requests were mostly a waste of time, I would at least have a copy-n-paste note pre-written to send to pre-screen applicants explaining that I am interested in possibly seeing them, but do not pre-screen.   And I would take the few seconds to copy and paste it and send it.

As a client (who has tried to pre-screen) I had full intention of booking.   I am also planning my next session.  So if I make a  request it is intended for a certain time not to far in the future.   If I get no response I go to the next provider on my list.  Whoever finally responds gets booked.   At least in my case before I quit making pre-screen requests, five or six providers lost my business -- I never went back to try again, because there are so many other providers on my to-do list.

I do respond, to be polite. I always say that unless a session is set in stone, I can't be sure that I will be available. It never usually goes past the pre-screening process, even if I am extremely available that month.  That's just been my experience. :

-- Modified on 8/7/2017 9:41:08 PM

It really depends on whether I'm touring or not, what kind of session the guy wants, and how long.  

I do reply to all pre screen requests.  

For the most part my availability is limited because of my full time job, but I have no issue with quickly replying, "no. I'm not available but I'm free at (time/date)" to a request I can't take. It takes maybe 10 secs.  

For a home GFE session, I need at least 8 hours notice unless I already have an incall secured for someone else.  

For special sessions (PSE/BDSM/any request for hair/attire/etc) at least a day and a half notice is expected/preferred. I really can't accommodate last minute for those.

If I'm touring, most of the time it correlates with my day job's travel schedule. So I don't really need notice but 48 hours is preferred. But I have and will cancel tour dates if I don't have enough bookings. No shame either.

...usually it's never a problem.



-- Modified on 8/7/2017 9:32:39 AM

I like it as far in advance as possible. That way I can screen and email or text back and forth to get a feel for the person I am meeting and they get to know me. It just feels way better instead of it being so rushed and last minute.

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