TER General Board

Oh humanist, wait until he starts sending you hatemail..
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 595 reads

No wonder he has to hide behind an alias. Lest we find out whom he has reviewed or seen there would be whole lot of ladies losing business in DMV area.

After putting aside money for the kids college, etc. And buying a nice couple of properties and a coupla cars I think I'd spend the rest on hookers.  How many hookers do you think you could bang before you were broke?

I'm thinking, hire 2 - 4 on retainer for a few months (maybe alternating nights, days, weeks, weekends). Before moving on to another 2-4 with the option to rehire the one(s) I like best.

How would you guys (or gals) spend the cash if you had a windfall?

Just a fun speculation thread.

100 million (after taxes).

Hire a lawyer and financial planner to protect the money. When you have that kind of money trouble follows you around.  

Buy and ride lot of vintage cars and have a garage like Jay Leno.  

Hire a secretary to receive all my calls, and give my phone # to only select friends/family members.

Starting from April until end of September travel with Nats first class to all the away games. Stay in the best hotels. Have a different lady waiting for me at each metropolitan city. I won't be wasting time picking my ladies, and rather have someone pick them for me. Perhaps let a couple of regulars travel with me too.

Do charity for kids, senior citizens, and veterans. Lot of great charities like St Jude Children's Hospital, Wounded Warrior Project etc.  

Support GOP Super Pacs, to keep my tax bracket low.

-- Modified on 12/7/2014 10:11:41 PM

Well, except for the Nats thing and having someone else pick my ladies for me, I'm with you on all those other ideas!

GaGambler658 reads

I wouldn't necessarily increase my "quantity" but I would do things with a lot less regard for the cost of things, and I would NEVER fly commercial ever again.

Christmas present under the tree, but only difference is that this is an adult present and every day is Christmas..  

If I am going to fuck someone everyday, I would rather hire one great gal to pick my gals for me, rather than waste time chasing hundreds of gals. With time spent on meeting the likes of Werths, Zimmermans, Harpers et al, and enjoying my cars, I just may not have time to research *pussy*

-- Modified on 12/7/2014 10:34:14 PM

timesrbetter583 reads

100 mill
Set up the proper financial and legal structure. (I hate taxes)
Collect money very quietly.  
Quit job very quietly, just walk away.
Hire Toni as personal assistant ex military, lesbian, loves guns and no sense of humor, send her to bodyguard school.(too keep me in line)
Go back to personal trainer and hire chef
Go to a proper tailor, get clothes that fit    
Pack the golf clubs, head to Europe and play golf and see all the old things.
Send for the ATF Savanah every couple of weeks.
Come back to the states, buy a small home with acreage, buy 1 Aston Martin, keep my 20 year old truck.
Take care of those that took care of me. Anonymously do good deeds for people in need.  
 Thank you, that was fun

in the state of Virginia, you can't do it quietly. They will release the name, amount, hometown and will also take a photo of you during the prize collection. They will not, however, release the Soc Sec, Home Address and Phone number. Its a state law.  

So there is nothing like quitting quietly. Its just better to be honest with people and as soon as the name is out, just leave the state, or at least change the address immediately.

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 12:07:50 PM

What I meant to say was make SPAC contributions to elect GOP controlled Congress and Senate, which in turn would vote for a lower tax rate. I could have certainly articulated a little better.

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 7:26:17 AM

The "good ones" throw that into the contributions section.  Simply gets buried along with those donations to your hookers...you do write those off...right?

Ihaveabig1740 reads

travel with the Nats, are you fucking kidding me!

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Hire a lawyer and financial planner to protect the money. When you have that kind of money trouble follows you around.  
 Buy and ride lot of vintage cars and have a garage like Jay Leno.  
 Hire a secretary to receive all my calls, and give my phone # to only select friends/family members.  
 Starting from April until end of September travel with Nats first class to all the away games. Stay in the best hotels. Have a different lady waiting for me at each metropolitan city. I won't be wasting time picking my ladies, and rather have someone pick them for me. Perhaps let a couple of regulars travel with me too.  
 Do charity for kids, senior citizens, and veterans. Lot of great charities like St Jude Children's Hospital, Wounded Warrior Project etc.  
 Support GOP Super Pacs, to keep my tax bracket low.  

-- Modified on 12/7/2014 10:11:41 PM

Rather travel with Braves? The Uptons..? LOL..

What I will not do is bareback random, or any as a matter of fact, providers and spread diseases. If you have $100 mill, you want to live a long healthy life and not die with AIDS, right?

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 6:41:21 AM

Ihaveabig1695 reads

Bareback is the end thing right, now .Added 3 more to my list this month.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Rather travel with Braves? The Uptons..? LOL..  
 What I will not do is bareback random, or any as a matter of fact, providers and spread diseases. If you have $100 mill, you want to live a long healthy life and not die with AIDS, right?  

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 6:41:21 AM

we won't be hearing from you when we are enjoying our millions.. I will send you a get well card to your hospital, where you would be recovering for nasty venereal disease.

to complement the SPOTY, I give you the Douchebag Handle Of The Year

No wonder he has to hide behind an alias. Lest we find out whom he has reviewed or seen there would be whole lot of ladies losing business in DMV area.

Ihaveabig1599 reads

You hide behind the computer all day ,come out of your hole and meet up I live in the DMV ..

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
No wonder he has to hide behind an alias. Lest we find out whom he has reviewed or seen there would be whole lot of ladies losing business in DMV area.

Perhaps sitting next to you, I might develop a nasty venereal disease.

Ihaveabig1576 reads

Come on down to SE DC, will show you around.the.hood.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Perhaps sitting next to you, I might develop a nasty venereal disease.

Get out of bad debt, then build up some good debt. Credit AND money will allow me to save in the long run.

Get a mortgage, then pay it off in six months. Continue to do that until I have enough real estate going to make some great money. (So become a landlord)

And of course, get rid of all (immediate) family members' shitty cars, and get them efficient, newer cars that are fit for their lifestyles. Pay off their debts and get them out of the red. College for one of my siblings, as well as home health care for a close relative.

All shit I wish I could do now, but obviously can't lol. Those are big expenses, but first I wanted to get my money to start making money, (get some back,) then use the money for the other stuff.

Of course, I would have a place, and an adjacent professional recording studio for my own use, and hire out for musicians and cut some music. Boop

If you had $100 million after taxes... why would you want to bother being a landlord?  ;)

...buy an apt in the Inwood section of Manhattan and spend the rest of my days walking the dog and paying escorts whatever they want to trek up to Inwood and fuck my brains out.

Unfortunately I had to start with a large fortune to get it.

Soon however I won't have to worry about any fortunes at all.  The universe is taking care of it.

Maybe open up a little restaurant - hiring a great manager so I don't have to deal with all the day-to-day stuff.
Of course travel.
Hone my photograhy skills and become the next Aldo.

As far as the hobby goes, I doubt if I'd change my frequency too much.  Perhaps go from once every 2 weeks to once a week.  Current level fits nicely into my life, not interested in this BECOMING my life.  But I would enjoy visiting with a few ladies who are currently outside my budget.

-- Modified on 12/8/2014 8:35:42 PM

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