TER General Board

When did you think rock music would be the least dangerous to your kids?teeth_smile
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2434 reads

Remember how rock music used to be the bane of the Moral Majority?

Hell, if you look at this report, they should be worried more about country...and DEFINTELY about rap!

Never thought I would see the day when only 14% of rock tunes is the top sellers of the year mentioned drugs/etc.

The times they are a changin.

According to one local detective quoted by a reporter covering undercover stings against prostitution, classical music was playing on the radio during the session, thus proving that the pairing was indeed illicit.

Ravel's Bolero I suspect.

They're overlooking the most subversive thing of all: science fiction. I started reading it when I was way young and continued thought my adult life. Same sex marriage? Already a no brainer by the mid 60's in the sf world.

It was like that for me, and it is like that for my kids.  It's a sign of age, and the proof comes when we start sounding like our parents. :-(   I almost vomited the first time I told my son to turn it down.

Look on the bright side, other cultures would have already pushed us out into the woods to die so that we aren't a drain on the tribe.   We get to look forward to the long march towards the nursing home.


My parents never had issue with my music and they listen to the typical Mom and Dad easy listening crap. I always had the loud rock music blasting. You'd have thought that metal bands lived and practiced in my bedroom. lol.


but I don't think you can use your personal experience as a barometer.  From your site, posts, and reviews, I can't really see ANYONE ever getting or staying mad at you. :-)

My only regret is that I cannot get to LA before your graduation.  If you ever consider Grad School in Boston, though, I will be happy, happy, happy.

It's not just my experience... you don't listen to music to piss off your parents. That may be a side benefit for some, but ultimately, if I couldn't stand it, I wouldn't listen to it.

As for grad school, I'm in grad school. lol. I graduate next spring, but I don't have plans for any additional degrees (unless I suddenly decide I must be a lawyer or something.) However, I guess I'll just have to consider it a lost opportunity. If I make it out to the East Coast for an internship or something, I'll be sure to let you know. ;)


in my life, but not California yet.  I never really had a desire to until just recently.  If I could wrangle a trip out there to LA to see you and then SF to see Abigail, I'd consider myself a lucky man and be happy, happy, happy. :-)

BTW, there are a lot of very good Law Schools in and around Boston, and it is a great career (just in case that helps you decide that you must be a lawyer). :-)

My teenager doesn't chose his music to bother me, but he does crank it and emulate some of it just to piss me off sometimes.  I know because he inherited that trait from me. :-D

myfavoriteDILF!!!289 reads

...the Pot!

"but I don't think you can use your personal experience as a barometer."...

...Dude, that's all you do.  Blather, blather, blather as if your point is the freaking gospel.  And whenever someone disagrees with you, you have to point out that they're wrong and/or label them as "disagreeable"!  Give it a rest, dude.  I would venture that you have a post attached to 75% of the threads on this site (not that I'd waste 2 seconds actually trying to confirm that.  But hey, I'm sure you'll correct me with the proper %)!  That in itself wouldn't be so bad, but most of what I've read from you is what I'd call "my experience as gospel" crap!  You wreak of hypocrisy!  Really too bad, you didn't take my advice earlier.

missed the joke on the other thread you are talking about too.  If you are too stupid to get things, I cannot help that.  If I could draw you pictures, I would, but I do not want to dumb down my posts for you.  I cannot help it if you do not have a sense of humor.

BTW, I do not post with an alias, so please feel free to skip any post (or blather, if you will) with my handle on it.

My experience is my experience, and I will share it whether you want me to or not.  If you want to start following me around, feel free.  I will just consider you a metaphorical (I know, a big word, but take your time and sound it out) wart on my dick and refer to you from this point forward as My Wart.

So, My Wart, you can continue to act as the TER Board Police and God Of Hobby, or STFU.  I really don't care.

-- Modified on 2/6/2008 1:39:44 PM

myfavoriteDILF!!!611 reads

...but, please do "illustrate" your "joke".  Again, spare us your blather.  Just the "drawing" will suffice.  And FYI, I don't hide behind an alias.  I've been on the boards a lot longer than you have, and more people know me by my "alias" than by my actual "username", while many know me by BOTH!  No attempt needs to be made at "following you around"; you're omnipresent (ooh, I can use big words too!).  I don't consider myself the Board Police (they actually have monitors, you know?), but I will call a hypocrite a hypocrite.  Consider what I said earlier, it was on the money.  I've no desire to continue the point into a "pissing contest".  I've every confidence that you'll actually "take my advice", whether you realize it or not (although I doubt it'll be anytime soon).

If you don't have a problem coming out from behind the alias, please feel free to PM me so that we can discuss further.

You say hypocrite, but you don't explain how you apply that to me. It just doesn't make sense.  I don't say one thing and do another, nor do I take conflicting positions on something.  Yours is the first complaint I've had regarding my posts, and it consists of calling it blather and saying that I use too much of my experience.  I try to express some humor with my opinions or experiences.  If you don't like that, or think it is ass kissing that I try to cyber flirt with a great looking lady, then that is your problem.

You jumped into this thread obviously because you wanted some attention.  Katie responded with an "LOL" to my post, so she obviously knew that I meant that she was way too nice and beautiful for anyone to get or stay mad at; not that I really meant that she couldn't use her personal experiences as a barometer for when people should be mad.  Come on man, she didn't have a problem with the post, why do you?  It wasn't even addressed to you.

Again, either skip my posts if you don't like them, or PM me with your complaints.  I just ask that you stop bringing this into the public boards because I'm sure nobody else is interested.

Oh, By the way, in keeping with your opinion of me, OMNIPRESENT is used to impart a divine or dignified meaning to being everywhere at once.  You obviously meant (and should have used) UBIQUITOUS, which is used to impart an undignified meaning to being everywhere at once.  Be careful with those big words, you can get hurt.

Goodbye My Wart

-- Modified on 2/6/2008 2:17:58 PM

GaGambler575 reads

See, our little leper colony called the P&R board doesn't look "that" bad afterall, does it? lol

myfavoriteDILF!!!469 reads

Omnipresent and ubiquitous have no such designations.  They're actually synonyms (that means that they mean the same thing), kinda like dumb and stupid.  But I do appreciate you trying to look out for me.

BTW, I DID EXPLAIN how hypocrite applies to you.  REFRESHER ALERT: you telling someone that their personal experience shouldn't be drawn upon (even if you were attempting a joke) is laughable considering that you put forth numerous posts imparting your personal experiences with a distinct "air of wisdom".  

And to "clarify" (remember that word) the matter, the only attention I sought was your's, which I obviously got.  I did so, only after YOU stuck your nose in on one of my jokes.

So be careful with your inaccuracies, you look the fool.  I mean, for the wart on your dick to have more brains than...

Sad :-(

I'm still waiting for the PM.  Again, if you look back at the thing that pissed you off, you will see that I posted a joke in response to your joke, and I even identified it as such at the top of the post.  I you are too fucking stupid to read, I can't help you.  If you think that nobody should dare to post a joke in response to yours, then you need to get out of you Mother's basement and get a life.

Grow up man.  You are overreacting to not getting a joke.  If you are still in your male menstruation cycle, maybe you should stop posting until you are off the rag.

I pulled this for you edification:

om•ni•pres•ent     / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[om-nuh-prez-uhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
present everywhere at the same time: the omnipresent God.

—Synonyms Omnipresent, ubiquitous refer to the quality of being everywhere. Omnipresent emphasizes in a lofty or dignified way the power, usually divine, of being present everywhere at the same time, as though all-enveloping: Divine law is omnipresent. Ubiquitous is applied to that which seems to appear in many and all sorts of places, or in an undignified or humorous way is “all over the place,” often when unwanted: A bore seems to be ubiquitous.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

This will help you with "edification"

ed•i•fi•ca•tion       (ěd'ə-fĭ-kā'shən)  Pronunciation Key
n.   Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

that you cannot be a hypocrite if you are being sarcastic.  You missed the sarcasm in the post to Katie, (and to you before) and that is why you are wrong about me being a hypocrite.  I wish that Google included sarcasm in its translator so that you can get some help with humor.

I have included the previous post so that you don't hurt yourself looking for it.

If it will help, let me translate a little:

When I wrote "tongue in cheek," that meant it was going to be a joke.

When I "parsed" out mrfisher's post, I was obviously (with tongue in cheek) taking things to the extreme, which is a form of sarcasm.

When I suggested (with tongue in cheek) that the original poster would commit a Faux Pas (which is saying or doing the wrong thing in a social situation) if he commented on the bend of the legs during the Asian CG maneuver, it was, again, a sarcastic taking of something to the extreme.

You are being too fucking literal for anyone's good.

myfavoriteDILF!!!524 reads

...for some reason, I actually forgot you.  I should've known that your anal nature would've absolutely required some type of comeback.  But two?  I'm honored.

Hopefully, you've cleaned the jism off your hands as I'm sure you shot a load when you saw that I'd replied with the headline that I did.  Be careful not to get any on your keyboard as it can cause the keys to get stuckkkkkkkkkkk.

Only because this thread is still on the first page, did I consider this reply.  You know (or perhaps you don't) how pathetically lame we look?  Perhaps you think you score higher than me, because you used your username and not an alias?  Keep dreaming.  Maybe one day (and I suspect that you're actually smart enough) you'll figure it all out.  Who knows?

Finally, lest anyone actually think you're right with your dictionary "references", you failed to mention that when you went to Webster's or Roget's you were stunned to see that I was actually correct.  Nice dig on your part to find the Random House backing.  I suppose it "saved you".  I don't care.  As a retired journalist, Webster's and Roget's are practically committed to my memory (along with the AP Style Book).  None of these offer the designations that you assert.

Ironically, when you first suggested the designations of the two words, I was aware of them being casually recognized in the fashion you suggested.  It's why I chose "omnipresent" in the first place (I guess you don't understand "sarcasm" as well as you blather).  Whether Random House gives you some type of "official victory" or not, I don't know.  If it helps you sleep at night and get through your day, claim it.

Sadder :-(

-- Modified on 2/8/2008 12:20:15 PM

I wanted you to PM me. I couldn't cum on my keyboard because I'm sitting in a meeting doing this on my phone, and even my dick isn't that small. lol.

Our only beef is that we don't share a sense of humor.  Let it go.  I don't care who you are, PM me if you have a problem.

I get your message, but I don't agree with your premise.  Just don't attack without expecting a fight back.

-- Modified on 2/8/2008 3:23:41 PM

I was a very respectful kid, I guess. Plus, it hurt my ears to listen to really loud music (unless I was at a concert -- different story). I was more of a Motown girl anyway, so my parents got blasted from my brother's room with, "Want A Whole Lot Of Love", etc. To this day, I still hate the TV turned up too high.


While my dad hated the hard rock my brother and I listened to (my mom liked some of it), they knew that it wasn't going to drive us down some dark path.  As a rocker, my kids are allowed the freedom to listen to what they want... within reason!  The explicit nature of today's rap music, and more importantly its culture, is very different than the hard rock we grew up on.  If for no other reason, it actually took talent (maybe just a little) to cleverly get around the "standards" of the day with entendres that were suggestive, but not so blatant.  It takes no talent to spew hatred and violence that too often is put front and center in today's rap music.

Went to a Los Lonely Boys / Carlos Santana concert a bit ago and saw a T-Shirt somebody was wearing. It said:


I still LMAO off whenever I think of it....like now.

Oh, and the concert? It was a bit loud ....

-- Modified on 2/7/2008 9:24:11 AM

I had my son write out the words to rap songs and then tell me how they applied to his sisters and his mom... he did not like that exercise and has modified his taste in music... aside from that, IMHO it takes little talent to put a rap piece together...  and we are still disecting the music of John, Paul, George and Ringo....  To say nothing of The King - or ole blue eyes...  or Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw or Tommy Dorsey....   big band era... when people "really" want to get creative with their dance steps... they always go back to the big band era.... Remember scene with Cameron Diaz in "the Mask"!?   Where she and Jim Carry, as the man possessed by the mask, dance to "big band" swing music!

-- Modified on 2/6/2008 1:24:27 PM

stems from aesthetic disagreements in one way or another.

This thread seems to reinforce my view of that.

Now, why that should lead to conflict is another matter.

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