TER General Board

of course not. Just like I never lied to my clients BWAHAHAHAHA EOM
VuittonNeverfullGM 603 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan

IBelieveInKarma2301 reads

....that saw me on here and ratted me out to my employer, causing me to lose my day job. REALLY ??  What is so fucked up in your life that you decided to play moral police? You clearly are on TER as I keep my hobby and personal life very separate.  What did you gain by this?  Is it because I was making you look bad since I was getting stellar accolades for my work there, blowing everyone out of the water with my numbers?  I was a threat to you? What kind of person fucks with someone's job ???  Unfuckingbelievable.  But I have been through worse, you don't know my strength and you will not kill my happiness.  I believe in Karma.

(letter over). lol

I am a well reviewed and respected provider.  I would like to open this thread up to hear from other providers and hobbyists who have had similar situations, been screwed over, because of this hobby.  And please feel free to use an alias. I did ! Happy Friday!!!

IBelieveInKarma1210 reads

Totally fucked is RIGHT !!!!!  And no, once they got my hobby alias, they made a big deal out of it.  I mean, the job wasn't even client-facing, but it's a big industry and I certainly won't be going back into that field ever again!  Thank gosh I have this, and I will kick azzzz in whatever else I choose to do next :)

GaGambler1015 reads

Fortunately she was outed "to me" and I made it "Very fucking clear" that if anyone were to give her even the slightest bit of abuse over her past, they would have me to deal with. Obviously I already knew all about her past, in fact it's how I met her in the first place.

Too bad your boss (ex boss) sucks ass.  

I hope you have a long and prosperous career right here.

If anyone outed her to me, I would likely write them up for creating a hostile work place for her. Even if I haven't met her in the hobby, or even if I had never hobbied and my wife never done what she does, I would still do so. People need to mind there own business and if it isn't effecting her job performance nor increasing my liability, and the employee is of value I don't care what they do on their own time or in their past as long as it isn't harming anyone. To bad her boss was more busibody asshole then real man. So amen GaGambler.

Posted By: GaGambler
Fortunately she was outed "to me" and I made it "Very fucking clear" that if anyone were to give her even the slightest bit of abuse over her past, they would have me to deal with. Obviously I already knew all about her past, in fact it's how I met her in the first place.  
 Too bad your boss (ex boss) sucks ass.  
 I hope you have a long and prosperous career right here.
Employers have to do due diligence when hiring. Some jobs are in very conservative fields. If you are a teacher, work for Disney etc. the employer did what they had to do for the good of the company. The boss was just doing his job. The person who outed her to her employer is the one who deserves to get his ass kicked.

IBelieveInKarma871 reads

SOMEBODY needs to take this BLEEP out to the field and beat the SHIT outta him !!

(Well said, Dad !!)

Although I am not a violent person, it sounds soooo good hypothetically!!   lol

LongerMonger632 reads

I so sorry that this happened to you. This dirtbag can't ditch the Karma debt collector forever.  And if you'd like help, I have a few ideas I'd love to share with you about how one might accelerate his demise.

-- Modified on 9/12/2015 11:42:30 AM

I am sorry to hear this happened to you.  That was a huge line the person crossed.  Good luck with everything.

Johnny3Balls658 reads

Sorry that happened but how did someone tie your identity here to your real identity and day job?  Was it a client that recognized you? Was it a co-worker that saw you on the website during work hours?  Did you post a pic of your face?  

Sorry, imma little slow today... Ok maybe I'm slow everyday.

But wow, that's got to suck. I'm not at a day job, I do my own "hobbies", but if I were outed even in this profession - though most people know and/or just don't want to know because it's gross thinking of me having sex with people lol - I would be pretty upset by the "evil" behind it. I would also worry about my family, and if I knew who the guy was, if I was worried about my family, even the slightest harassment of my family, I would have no problem giving up my personal reputation to bring this to the law. Again - if my family or friends were threatened.

Kind of one of those "You may prove me wrong, but probably don't want to try me on that."

The industry I hope/plan to go into is pretty accepting of this lifestyle, and actually could be enhanced by it. But I still wouldn't want it to come up if it didn't have to. Huge hassle, and knowing someone hates me so much to make my life harder than life already is for EVERYBODY - well. That's just fucked up, creepy, and kind of like having a clown standing behind the bushes in your yard ready to jump out at you every night.

Terrible. Ok, so should I keep going, or did my point come across that - I'm so sorry this happened to you, and just imagining this is making my blood boil.

IBelieveInKarma894 reads

Thanks darling....  I am definitely switching gears as far as civie work.  Sucks. But I gave that industry a lot of my life up to this point, and I don't fail, so their loss is someone else's gain!

Your positiveness is amazing. I never understand people who are just out there to fuck with other people. Best wishes :-*

First of all, this is terrible and I'm very sorry that it happened.

Second, whoever outed you is a jerk (well, worse).

Third: Have you considered some kind of legal action for unlawful termination?  Of course, if a lawsuit moved forward, things will become entirely public but you might be doing others a huge service (if you win :-)  ;).

There might be groups that can help, but I don't remember all the acronyms.  COYOTE, SWOP, ACLU ... Is there a Law School nearby with law student activists and free legal counseling?  Maybe even just the US or your State Employment Office has advice regarding terminations, in general?

You say were a top performing employee.  No client interaction.  You were released on what grounds?  "Moral grounds?"  Even if there is some clause in your employment contract about criminal activity, I think "this" is usually a misdemeanor, not a crime.  

Are there any real lawyers on TER?  (chirp ... chirp ... chirp ...) Maybe someone else can chime in with better advice.

If you're up to it, I hope you'll look into this further.   No matter what, hang tough and come back stronger.

Good luck

...employee for no reason; they just can't fire someone for a bad reason (race, gender, etc.)

GaGambler726 reads

but if her boss was a stand up guy he could have done what I did when this happened in my company. I promised to bounce out on his ass ANYONE who gave her a hard time over her past.  

Being fired for being a hooker sucks, and it shows a lot of narrow mindedness on the part of the person that outed her and her boss, but it's hardly anything you can or should try to litigate.

A vindictive hooker would send a note to her ex bosses wife telling her the "real" reason she was fired was because her hubbie hit on her after finding out she was a hooker and she turned him down. Good thing the OP is a "nice" hooker, right?

Johnny3Balls698 reads

I was interested in a company's justification for termination so I read up on a few case examples where an employees off-duty conduct (illegal or not) resulted in dismissal and arbitration decisions thereafter. It boils down to wether or not the conduct in question would be harmful to the company's image or revenue.  

So if the OP works for HobbyLobby then too bad so sad, however if she works for Vivid or Victoria's Secret, then she can dispute.  


Note: the opinions expressed by this poster do not constitute any real legal advice or council. Please do not take anything he or she says seriously

It would be a very challenging endeavor nevertheless because, most people put their prejudices and judgment over the law most times.

Johnny3Balls674 reads

If your personal business is illegal (and prostitution still is in most of this country) and it can be proven to be detremental to the company you work for, no I honey it isn't illegal to fire you.

Has to separately be shown to be detrimental, even if it wasn't an at will state.  The employer would have to be a balls to the wall hooker supporter to take her side, and that would be big of him but a lot to expect.  

The villian here is the douche who reported her.

Pretty much can enforce anything specified in the employee handbook, such as engaging in illegal activities.  And HR departments are pretty crafty about doing background checks.

followme711 reads

Stabbed in the back.

Don't you just hate those kind of people

ragnar271123 reads

Some of the escorts here just never ever learn.  You practically begged to be outed and when it happens it's some guys fault.

The people in this world (P4P) often have a moral compass that is off, and you found some trick that indeed was off.  But you made it just too easy for that trick to out you.  Would you have felt better if it was another hooker that outed you?

Same with the morons here that use social media, put their whole life out there, and then wonder why they find others who are BSC and stalk, out and generally harass them.

That's the same backwards logic that says that rape victims bring it on themselves by dressing "slutty" and "leading men on". The OP is not the one to blame.  The asshole who got her fired out of spite is the ONLY one in the wrong here.

GaGambler833 reads

The asshole who actually did the firing is just as much to blame as the little weasel who ratted her out in the first place.

He could have stood up for her, but he chose the cowards way out. I hold him every bit as much to blame as the weasel

I actually agree with you 100%.

Great point.

GaGambler754 reads

and yes, I hate chickenshits who bow to what polite society tells them they should do and act where it comes to morality. As long as someone isn't hurting anyone, I don't care what they do. My only moral compass where it comes to sex is "consenting adults"  Now I definitely have my preferences, but that's only for my own benefit, I don't much care what others do as long as it doesn't adversely impact my life.

and yes, that even goes to having a limited menu if you so choose. lol

ragnar27894 reads

And an unprotected Twatter account, and probably a host of other social media that easily can be traced back to all of your personal life.  I won't waste my time doing so, but I'm sure there are plenty of folks, especially some BSC hookers who will be happy to create havoc in your personal life.

So yeah THEAva, it is YOUR fault and anyone else who wants to cross their personal lives into P4P.

Get over it.

VOO-doo959 reads

No social media at all, no unblurred photos (in fact, mine were chopped off just above the lips).  

I don't want to post more details (for obvious reasons), but if someone wants to cause harm, they will find a way.

ragnar27721 reads

There's enough risk for most escorts here without making it so easy for BSC people on both sides to easily create havoc.  Adding unblurred pics is among the dumbest things that anyone can do on the internet.  Those are there forever, in spite of some thinking they can delete this.  Add to that the access to social media for nefarious purposes is so incredibly easy today.

I chuckle when I see hookers post about their incredible academic achievements and then put out face pics which are easily traced to personal social media.  Yeah...they're working hard on those Master degrees.

I am now communicating with a friend of mine who has a friend who just outed her via FB.  Great friend huh?  And same as you say, no face pics, but trusted this other hooker and got burned.

Consider this...  

I think most rational adults can agree that it isn't wise to get completely wasted and then attempt to walk home alone. However, if a someone is raped while doing just that... it's still the rapist's fault.  Not the drunk person's.  

So I'm not debating whether or not the OP handled herself as discretely as she could have, considering the fact that she clearly had a lot to lose.  But to say that what happened to her is entirely her fault is to completely absolve her coworker of guilt.  He didn't just make a private joke at her expense here.  He set into motion events that eventually caused her to lose her job, something that could easily have a ripple effect throughout her entire life.  

-- Modified on 9/11/2015 5:26:35 PM

ragnar27767 reads

Each of us has the power to make a decision.  In this world why anyone wants to put themselves at a higher risk for problems is beyond my understanding.

You have to take responsibility for your actions in life.  Having your face pics (and all your social media crap) out there today means they are always going to be out there.  I doubt you've considered that action as you waltz through life oblivious to the dangers that lurk.  Sort of like your example of the rapist taking advantage of a situation that never ever had to happen.

Are you taking responsibility when one of your friends outs you?  Or will it be their fault?  Sure sounds like you'll blame others for your naive errors.  Too bad, but that's just how I see this.

were large, organized groups who believe raping is righteous and if walking home was illegal.

He's a dick, no doubt, and she absolutely didn't deserve it, I just...rape is seriously grotesque, can we retire it as the go-to who deserved what analogy?

IBelieveInKarma735 reads

Moron  :)  lol  Thank you for sharing though!  NEXT ?!?!

next, you'll say it was "her fault she got raped - oughn't have worn a short skirt"

Have some compassion or STFU.....

I am very sorry that you had to deal with this BS.  I wonder what compels some people to be such jerks?  Hopefully karma haunts him/her big time!  

-- Modified on 9/11/2015 7:44:47 AM

My biggest regret was ever telling anyone of my true name/occupation. Turned into a real hazard. It sucks always looking in your rear view mirror wondering when some asshole will drop the dime. Especially some asshole you really trusted. I spent the first year out of the hobby wondering if he would make good on his threats then I hired an Attorney and showed his ass in Court. That asshole won't be bothering me again but if I had it to do over again, not one soul I met in this arena would have been able to pinpoint a hair on my ass.  

Ladies, don't tell people who you are or where you can be found. Even those professing their love for you will turn ugly when you're ready to move onto another chapter in your lives. Not all, but there are some real fucking losers out here in hobby town.  

Posted By: IBelieveInKarma
 ....that saw me on here and ratted me out to my employer, causing me to lose my day job. REALLY ??  What is so fucked up in your life that you decided to play moral police? You clearly are on TER as I keep my hobby and personal life very separate.  What did you gain by this?  Is it because I was making you look bad since I was getting stellar accolades for my work there, blowing everyone out of the water with my numbers?  I was a threat to you? What kind of person fucks with someone's job ???  Unfuckingbelievable.  But I have been through worse, you don't know my strength and you will not kill my happiness.  I believe in Karma.  
 (letter over). lol  
 I am a well reviewed and respected provider.  I would like to open this thread up to hear from other providers and hobbyists who have had similar situations, been screwed over, because of this hobby.  And please feel free to use an alias. I did ! Happy Friday!!!

GaGambler1149 reads

posting recognizable pics on your internet hooker ads is every bit as risky (and foolish) as handing out your personal information to every random hooker who asks for it. IF you have anything to lose that is. Some of us, both men and women don't give a fuck who knows what we are up to. I do believe there is definitely a double standard in play though. A man, especially the boss if he is unmarried, has a much better chance of living his life without fear of any of this biting him in the ass some day than does even a single woman whose family already knows she is a hooker.

I never put my face out there.  And I would have never used social media as a platform to promote illegal activity.  It was so damn scary that day.  This fucker showed up in Court and dropped the Hooker bomb right before the Judge was about to adjourn.  Yep, he and his shit bag Attorney pulled out print outs of my web page that had been down for months and proceeded to tell the Judge I was a high dollar ho.  Judge replies Court back in in session tomorrow morning.  Had to go home and sleep on that.  Returned the next day with more fear inside than I'd ever felt in my life and do you know how fucking satisfying it was to sit on a stand while I was handed pics of a headless woman?  For those who thought my provider performance was off the charts, nothing compared to the performance on that stand.  I showed up looking like Mrs Doubtfire and denied every accusation thrown at me.  Not only did it go on record shit bag was not a credible witness, but the Judge said put on record I was determined not to be the woman in the pics.  Even more satisfying was the shit bag Attorney he brought with him was given a warning and told his accusations were unethical and not to ever come into a Courtroom pulling that again without hard core evidence.  Moral of the story....had my face been in those pics, I would have been looking at a laundry list of charges, and probably jail time for never paying a penny of taxes on the bank roll I earned.  So ladies, you don't have to get popped on prostitution to be facing a Judge one day.  Show up to Court with some dirt bag that knows you're a hooker; show your face and you're most likely gonna get fucked.  That experience was enough to send me into retirement FOREVER.  I thank my lucky stars I got in, and out unscathed.

Posted By: GaGambler
posting recognizable pics on your internet hooker ads is every bit as risky (and foolish) as handing out your personal information to every random hooker who asks for it. IF you have anything to lose that is. Some of us, both men and women don't give a fuck who knows what we are up to. I do believe there is definitely a double standard in play though. A man, especially the boss if he is unmarried, has a much better chance of living his life without fear of any of this biting him in the ass some day than does even a single woman whose family already knows she is a hooker.

So you took a disgruntled, former client to court for harassment or threatening to ruin your day career?  Slander?  Blackmail?   And his defense was that you're a former escort?  That's not much of a defense unless I'm missing something.  Also what kind of court did you take him to?  I assume this was a "small" civil matter.  Either way, it must've taken forever and a lot of guts by both people to even take this in front of a judge.  

Finally, and I'm not a lawyer, but isn't tax evasion a federal offense?  IOW not the jurisdiction of the court you appeared in.  Youre unlikely to go to prison for tax fraud unless you're an Al Capone type or some high profile criminal enterprise (Heidi Fleiss?).  And if you are, the Feds are already monitoring you:).  

The IRS doesn't want you in prison.  They want you to work (any) job - so you can pay taxes, penalties, interest and stuff like that.  Anyway, all this sounds a little dramatic and would make a really good episode for judge Mathis:)  PS: I don't expect you to answer all these ?s and you shouldn't.  Just thinking out loud.

-- Modified on 9/12/2015 2:28:06 AM

Stalking is a felony. I was already about 18 months into retired from this biz and otherwise throwing myself into a new phase and occupation. He was someone I trusted, therefore he knew my true identity.   When I retired from hooking, I just dropped off the map. For a little while still hooked up with a few faves, but he wasn't one of them. After a while the web crawlers picked me up; occupation, phone numbers, employer address you name it. When the threats and emails to me in the workplace ensued, I took legal action.  

Fuck head maybe even reading this. He knows who he is and what a fucking abusive, loser piece of shit he is. He can't bother me anymore and I've been gone from this arena so long I haven't a care in the world. He's already been shot down in Court. id be a fool to ever get back into the hobby. I've got a target on my back. Don't tell people who you are or how to connect your civvie dots. You just never know

Not paying taxes is the biggest axe a person can have over their heads.

Well, besides the obvious that some people are just assholes?    It is that you are a positive can do type of person who is not dwelling on the negative.  Kudos to you and I hope you continue to kick some ass here and in whatever else you choose to do.

IBelieveInKarma724 reads

Thank you!!  Went to grab a bite to eat (and a couple margaritas!!) and came back to see all this!

Lots of valid points....  Being a non-judgmental person, I can see things from many sides, as well as seeing people on the inside.  Bottom line, whoever did this found me on TER. Hypocritical at the minimum.  

And DAMN STRAIGHT !!!  I will not give that coward any of my energy or anger.  Karma has a beautiful way of taking care of that for me!  I don't wish bad things on people, so it just makes it harder for me (and the majority of us!!) to comprehend how some live with a clear conscience after something like this.

wrps07639 reads

That sounds like some real bullshit. You will find out real fast who outed it you. Then you can file a defamation lawsuit against them. Remember what they say on this site is not real but a fantasy.

IBelieveInKarma636 reads

Waiting for 2 more of my replies to get posted. Been 8 hours.... come on TER :)  I know you gals need a break.... but my first out of 5 comments after lunch went right through

GaGambler660 reads

Please don't give advice other than how to avoid BP stings. It's the only subject that you "might" have some expertise in. On any other subject, please STFU it's obvious you don't have a fucking clue.

wrps07777 reads

If you look at some of the posts you will see that ligation can be favorable in wrongful termination lawsuits.  Remember that opinions are like assholes everyone has one just like you.

Posted By: GaGambler
Please don't give advice other than how to avoid BP stings. It's the only subject that you "might" have some expertise in. On any other subject, please STFU it's obvious you don't have a fucking clue.
-- Modified on 9/12/2015 9:42:09 AM

If your so well reviewed and respected WHY are you hiding behind an alias? You make the point of using an alias to deflect from the fact that you are using one. Give us some real evidence that this actually happened and that it was related to somebody on TER!!!!!!

By also reverse-outing herself?  Or by announcing to her clients that she might be in an angry or downer kind of mood for a bit?

Maybe (probably) she needs to vent but for her individual appointments plans to lift her chin up and put on a smile?  Seriously?  It's the most justifiable use of an alias I can think of....

IBelieveInKarma679 reads

Simmer down buddy. Why are you so offended ? Yes I am real. But clearly you haven't caught the jist of things... I just lost a Fucking career. And it's because of being in the hobby.  Isn't this supposed to be the "safe haven" for me to vent ? Oh wait. That's right! This is for entertainment purposes only and we are all in a fantasy. ..

Why the hell wouldn't she use an alias on this thread?
This is just the type of post aliases were created for. I couldn't imagine her posting this under her provider name.

either words or actions?

Posted By: IBelieveInKarma
 ....that saw me on here and ratted me out to my employer, causing me to lose my day job. REALLY ??  What is so fucked up in your life that you decided to play moral police? You clearly are on TER as I keep my hobby and personal life very separate.  What did you gain by this?  Is it because I was making you look bad since I was getting stellar accolades for my work there, blowing everyone out of the water with my numbers?  I was a threat to you? What kind of person fucks with someone's job ???  Unfuckingbelievable.  But I have been through worse, you don't know my strength and you will not kill my happiness.  I believe in Karma.  
 (letter over). lol  
 I am a well reviewed and respected provider.  I would like to open this thread up to hear from other providers and hobbyists who have had similar situations, been screwed over, because of this hobby.  And please feel free to use an alias. I did ! Happy Friday!!!

6thsense707 reads

A wonderful lady from Montreal shared her story when we met few years ago.  She talked about this asshole client who was pissed off at her for whatever reason, so he reported her to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).  Shortly after, she became barred from entering the US.  She learned it the hard way.  During a planned trip to NYC, she was denied entry into the US and was essentially told why.  ICE have no authority to press any type of charges but has the ability to deny entry.  They even met with her separately in a separate private space where they confronted her with her own website!   The interesting thing is that (contrary to our patriotic moral government) Canadian government could care less!  She even file her own taxes in Canada with a job title of "personal entertainer".  Whatever that scum is doing right now, Karma will catch up with him - she believes.    

Posted By: IBelieveInKarma

and this is one of those times...I would like nothing better than to find the douchebag who outed you and give his ass a serious beating

I’m talking about those insecure types where there is no personal gain except to feed off of jealously, envy or a self-righteous belief. For example:

1. Whatever his moral compass may be, he doesn’t approve of what you’re doing beyond your day job.

2. He may be envious of the money you pull in.

Unfortunately, advertising on the internet cannot guard against this type of behavior

Someone my mother knows outed me to my mother twice...once in 2008 and again in 2013...and she was throwing insults and said she would make my life a living hell...and that I need to remove every photo from the last 9 years off the Internet When I told her that's impossible, she said, "You shouldn't have done it in the first place."..then proceeded to stalk me and sent the Riverhead Police Department (NY) after me last year because I cut her off because of her antics.  

She posted my business on my regular Facebook page and I lost friends because of it. Her friend yelled at me from a lower-floor window in my mother's former windows and asked me "Do you have AIDS?" WTH??

I found out that the person whom originally outed me in 2008 is someone in my own family (whom sees providers).  I know this sounds farfetched but unfortunately true. She caused me to lose a writing gig I had for 6 years. The woman would email links to my ads and once threatened physical harm. What I just described sounds like a sick and twisted movie (that's unfortunately real). I can't talk about this anymore...pisses me off just thinking about it.

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 11:36:03 AM

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