TER General Board

Of course not "all!" I don't use blanket statements. I used words like "usually" and "many."
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 583 reads

I call out people who use blanket statements, and I expect to be called out if I use them, but I certainly didn't on this post. I'll stand behind my comment of "usually" they have lower rates. :)

Of course, providers say they charge for their time not for services, yet so often those that provide more services charge more. In general (not "always" Ok :)) rates are kind of like this: PSE>GFE>NonGFE full service>FBSM

I was reading some reviews and it seemed like most providers do bbbj and not cbj.  I wonder why this is and if clients are not worried about this.  Call me paranoid but reading bbbj on reviews of providers i was reeeeeally contemplating put me off and made me reconsider my options.
Any thoughts on this?

Skyfyre809 reads

If you ALWAYS use condom then you shouldn't have to worry about what the providers do with other guys.

But if you're still too paranoid this hobby is not for you. Better not see prostitutes anymore.

I can always use less competition that ruins the market for me

ATLDAWG507 reads

"But if you're still too paranoid this hobby is not for you. Better not see prostitutes anymore. "

If this is a serious concern-stay out of the "Civilian Population" as well !  

You probably have less chance of "catching" something from an Escort than you do a gal that you meet at work,  pick up at a bar,  or at church for that matter !!

Epicurus61694 reads

Kills germs and cock breath.

pussy breath for the married guys.

Posted By: latinopoolboy
I was reading some reviews and it seemed like most providers do bbbj and not cbj.  I wonder why this is and if clients are not worried about this.  
I can only speak for myself: I dislike CBJ. When someone asks for it, I oblige, but it isn't as enjoyable for me.... which means my enthusiasm level might not be the same as during BBBJ.  ;-)

Most men prefer BBBJ and although I'm sure there's some concern about safety, it's clearly not enough to deter them from what is more enjoyable.  

Posted By: latinopoolboy
Call me paranoid but reading bbbj on reviews of providers i was reeeeeally contemplating put me off and made me reconsider my options.  
 Any thoughts on this?
If you're put off by ladies who do this, then don't see them.  I understand safety concerns but looking at your partner as though she's Typhoid Mary is not a good way to go into this.  ;-)


this hoppy isn't for you sweetie.I like how you care though it means you actually care about your health which is a good thing

Posted By: AlyssaTantra
Always lots of fun and perfectly safe.  
 Good luck!

I'd love to hear your input on this, as I'm a well educated licensed health care provider.

Posted By: LoboGris
Posted By: AlyssaTantra
Always lots of fun and perfectly safe.  
  Good luck!

And save money while you're at it?

As some others have mentioned, you can always ask a BBBJ provider for a CBJ if it makes you feel better. Some won't do it, Some might do it but not like it (as Debra said about herself). Most will oblige, but again why see a BBBJ provider in the first place when you want a CBJ? There are many providers out there who do only CBJs, and they usually have lower rates.

She charges the same as most of the top providers because she's not charging for her services, she's charging for her time ;)

I call out people who use blanket statements, and I expect to be called out if I use them, but I certainly didn't on this post. I'll stand behind my comment of "usually" they have lower rates. :)

Of course, providers say they charge for their time not for services, yet so often those that provide more services charge more. In general (not "always" Ok :)) rates are kind of like this: PSE>GFE>NonGFE full service>FBSM

Thanks for the great replies, a lot of food for tought! Didn't know cbj providers took the type of bj into consideration for rate adjustments.  The massage idea is actually great!

ROGM450 reads

If you're uncomfortable with a BBBJ, then let her know you want a CBJ. I'm sure she won't be offended.

Its just a line I could never cross .  

Posted By: latinopoolboy
I was reading some reviews and it seemed like most providers do bbbj and not cbj.  I wonder why this is and if clients are not worried about this.  Call me paranoid but reading bbbj on reviews of providers i was reeeeeally contemplating put me off and made me reconsider my options.  
 Any thoughts on this?

FatVern545 reads

Yet you don't have a problem with bait & switch.

to die someday.  What's the difference in the big picture if you go out with an open sore on your dick?  Live a little!

What flavor of condoms would you like on your cock!!! I like banana flavor..    

I think it's the hobbyist choice. I have couple regulars who ask for cbj.. So now I have many different flavored condoms lying around..

In the case of BBBJ, I presume that the majority of the risk is on the lady and not the guy but I'm not an infectious disease expert by any means.
I expect that any seasoned provider would be tested every 3 to 6 months so risk exists but minimal

just for CBJ.  I know it is not my personal favorite, but I will cover if asked and make sure my lips never touch any part of the unit.  To each their own and I certainly am not one to judge, here to make you happy as a guest.

Posted By: latinopoolboy
I was reading some reviews and it seemed like most providers do bbbj and not cbj.  I wonder why this is and if clients are not worried about this.  Call me paranoid but reading bbbj on reviews of providers i was reeeeeally contemplating put me off and made me reconsider my options.  
 Any thoughts on this?

of the providers that are available to me only offer CBJ. So I get really excited when I get to see one that offers BBBJ.

skip DATY as well. Or use a dental dam. Protect your mouth. Remember, if you're going to get something from her mouth, DON'T KISS!!!!

Your logic becomes absurd quickly when you apply it evenhandedly, and not just to blowjobs. Reductio ad absurdum.

Actually, your post kind annoys me because I read into it a tendency for you to see a provider as a dirty harbinger of disease. I'd think that would be insulting to every sexually active woman (provider or civvie) everywhere

I've been seeing prostitutes on and off for most of my life ,  
certainly not as frequently as now since I have discovered TER  
And like you , I was deadly afraid of BBBJs.
After extensive research on STD and STIs I have noticed  
that many STD doctors say BBBJ caries negligible risk for STI transmission.
I am not trying to convince you not to protect yourself by any means ,
but I think I know how you feel because I was there too not too long ago .

If you read my earlier posts you will see that most of my encounters I would  
cover up for BJ , but within time I have managed to relax my mind and just enjoy  
each experience to the fullest , without too much worries . I get tested every 2-3 months,
knock on wood always negative.  I spoke with many of our fellow friends that been hobbying ,some for as long as I have been alive and none of them claimed to have gotten an STI from BBBJ.  
Again this is not to say it cant happen .  

Per my doctor , Throat Gonorrhea and Chlamydia is typically seen in homosexual world  
and is fairly rare in heterosexuals  . So as long as you are not sticking someone else's penis into
your mouth your risks are pretty low.  

As far as skin to skin infections such as HPV , HSV 1 & 2 , or Syphilis  
not even a condom will help . But here is some good news ,

Syphilis is more rare than HIV and is Treatable with Antibiotics if you detect it in early stages .
Only 1 in 1841 people has it.

HSV 1      4 in 5 people carry this virus , so possibly you already have it
HSV 2      1 in 4 People carry this virus , so you possibly already have that one also  
HPV   (High-Risk Strains)      1 in 4 people are infected , again you may already have that one as well .

As far as  
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia’s both are curable with antibiotics but are preventable by using a condom  

Gonorrhea  1 in 179 people are infected  
Chlamydia  1 in 36 people are infected  

And we have HIV 1 in 1250 people are infected , This is very fragile virus that can only be transmitted through blood. This one as you probably know is  treatable these days but incurable.  
But HIV is preventable by using a condom , very highly unlikely to be passed through oral sex .
There has only been one or two documented cases in the world where someone has gotten HIV through oral sex.  They say transmission rate is estimated at 1 in 20000 for oral sex .  

Anyway , so here you have some facts on STDs.
My advice to you is do what you do , cover up for now ,  
and then you'll see how you feel about it in a year or so.  
Every one is different in how much risk they are willing to accept.
Sex has some risk to it indeed , but if you are not willing to accept it ,  
you may be in the wrong hobby.  

Stay Safe

Id like to say I read it all, but it started to be such as buzz kill. I like fucking and getting bbbjs from providers who really know how to work it. There is nothing  quite like the "sneak up" orgasim that comes out of nowhere. IMO. That's my 10 cents (adjusted for inflation)

Posted By: statson1234
I've been seeing prostitutes on and off for most of my life ,  
 certainly not as frequently as now since I have discovered TER  
 And like you , I was deadly afraid of BBBJs.  
 After extensive research on STD and STIs I have noticed  
 that many STD doctors say BBBJ caries negligible risk for STI transmission.  
 I am not trying to convince you not to protect yourself by any means ,  
 but I think I know how you feel because I was there too not too long ago .  
 If you read my earlier posts you will see that most of my encounters I would  
 cover up for BJ , but within time I have managed to relax my mind and just enjoy  
 each experience to the fullest , without too much worries . I get tested every 2-3 months,  
 knock on wood always negative.  I spoke with many of our fellow friends that been hobbying ,some for as long as I have been alive and none of them claimed to have gotten an STI from BBBJ.  
 Again this is not to say it cant happen .  
 Per my doctor , Throat Gonorrhea and Chlamydia is typically seen in homosexual world    
 and is fairly rare in heterosexuals  . So as long as you are not sticking someone else's penis into  
 your mouth your risks are pretty low.  
 As far as skin to skin infections such as HPV , HSV 1 & 2 , or Syphilis  
 not even a condom will help . But here is some good news ,  
 Syphilis is more rare than HIV and is Treatable with Antibiotics if you detect it in early stages .  
 Only 1 in 1841 people has it.  
 HSV 1      4 in 5 people carry this virus , so possibly you already have it  
 HSV 2      1 in 4 People carry this virus , so you possibly already have that one also  
 HPV   (High-Risk Strains)      1 in 4 people are infected , again you may already have that one as well .  
 As far as  
 Gonorrhea and Chlamydia’s both are curable with antibiotics but are preventable by using a condom  
 Gonorrhea  1 in 179 people are infected  
 Chlamydia  1 in 36 people are infected  
 And we have HIV 1 in 1250 people are infected , This is very fragile virus that can only be transmitted through blood. This one as you probably know is  treatable these days but incurable.  
 But HIV is preventable by using a condom , very highly unlikely to be passed through oral sex .  
 There has only been one or two documented cases in the world where someone has gotten HIV through oral sex.  They say transmission rate is estimated at 1 in 20000 for oral sex .  
 Anyway , so here you have some facts on STDs.  
 My advice to you is do what you do , cover up for now ,  
 and then you'll see how you feel about it in a year or so.  
 Every one is different in how much risk they are willing to accept.  
 Sex has some risk to it indeed , but if you are not willing to accept it ,  
 you may be in the wrong hobby.  
 Stay Safe !  

I said the same thing months ago but the guys and providers got extra sensitive. No one is judging it's just about your preference

And your general Dr.  know it sounds crazy but I never did bbbj until I dated a dental surgeon for a few years. It's really important the lady has strong healthy gums and takes care of herself really. I'm actually addicted to listerine deluted with a little water. To much straight listerine can dry out the gums. Do some research if it concerns you. Ever wonder how so many ladies that offer bbbj never catch anything?  

-- Modified on 5/18/2016 3:52:35 PM

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