TER General Board

Objects in mirror are smaller than they appear. EOM
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 754 reads


If you came with a warning label, what would it say?


Fortunately, I rarely get wasted like that... at least not before or during the session. lol

I mean honestly, if I've influenced you in any way other than professionally, you shouldn't operate anything.

I'm really good at what I do for a living, but honestly once I've gone home for the day, there's really not much going on between my ears. Beer, Bourbon and Blowjobs... I'm really not a very complicated guy.

Funny thing is, if any of you ever met me in professional setting, you'd never know it was me. I guess this is what makes me pretty good at poker.

Posted By: russbbj
I mean honestly, if I've influenced you in any way other than professionally, you shouldn't operate anything.  
 I'm really good at what I do for a living, but honestly once I've gone home for the day, there's really not much going on between my ears. Beer, Bourbon and Blowjobs... I'm really not a very complicated guy.  
 Funny thing is, if any of you ever met me in professional setting, you'd never know it was me. I guess this is what makes me pretty good at poker.

I'd rather be able to pop 10 times a day than last 10 times longer tho.

Spike.Mulrooney837 reads

and had to change them cause of bad reveiws. Why dont you list the other handles you used?

"As Soylent Green was people, so too, is..."

Keep Out Of Reach Of Small Women.

I once worked in an office with one guy who was an asshole.  Out back they had a shipping department with all the usual labels one might affix to some shipment for safe handling.

I found a perfect one to plaster on the front of his desk:  "Irritant"

Cap may blow off causing eye or other serious injury.

Quit Complaining!               (sign in my BDSM club...)
Broken Clock Zone
Children At Play           (I seem to mentally regress after cumming and just want to play doctor and explore)
Amateur Gynecologist Club

or maybe go the Burma-Shave sign route:

There was a young man named Dave
Who kept a dead whore in a cave,
She smelled just like shit,
And was missing a tit,
But think of the money he'll save!

There was a young man from Kent,
Whos' dick was so long that it bent.
So to save himself trouble,
He put it in double,
And instead of coming, he went.

An amorous sailor of Brighton
Said to his girl, "You're a tight one!"
She said, "'pon my soul,
You're in the wrong hole,
And there's plenty of room in the right one!"

There once was a fellow from Tripoli
Who liked to make love rather nippily.
Complained one young lass
While rubbing her ass:
"Less teethily, please, and more lippily!"

A sperm faced his moment of truth,
But alas and alack and forsooth!
He'd expected to fall
On a womb's spongy wall
But was dashed to his death on a tooth.

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