TER General Board

Now I get it! "Barely scanning my posts" explains why you're always wrong when you reply.
inicky46 61 Reviews 547 reads

Thanks for clarifying that.  And thanks for "liking" your post again, Tiddles, er, Tardlor.

Thinking of spending 4-5 days on a hobby vacation. I have heard wonderful, magical things about Costa Rica, buthave a real thing for Colombians. I want my own Sofia Vergara.  

Thoughts, advice, etc?

Thanks in advance!

Skyfyre853 reads

I suppose you have never been to either? do you speak Spanish?  

Generally speaking Colombia is a tad closer to First World than Costa Rica. If you're a newbie traveler to this part of the world (South America for Colombia and Central America for Costa Rica) it is better to be on the more conservative side and choose Colombia.  

Costa Rica is more for the adventurous seasoned traveler type. Still even if you go to Colombia stay in major tourist's destination and don't try venture off the beaten path.

GaGambler862 reads

I have been to both countries, Costa Rica hundreds of times and Colombia dozens of times, and you have this completely backwards.

Costa Rica is "Latin America lite" where you don't need to speak a word of Spanish to have a great time, whereas Colombia is much more difficult to navigate unless you can speak at least a little bit of Spanish and have traveled internationally before.

I will grant you that Colombia has better infrastructure, and at least in cities like Bogota, Medellin and Cali are more "first world" than Costa Rica, but any gringo who doesn't speak a word of Spanish can have a great time at the Del Rey or Co Cal in Costa Rica, whereas trying to find the Zona Rosa or Zona Chico in Bogota or, the Pablado or Parque Lleras in Medellin without speaking at least some Spanish is going to be a rather daunting tast for the average gringo.

Long story short, if you are not a seasoned traveler, try Panama or Costa Rica first before graduating to Colombia

It's nice to have a little Spanish here in Jaco but definitely not necessary.  Actually, I've been trying to learn more Spanish while here and it's hard because almost everyone speaks some English.

GaGambler797 reads

It seems like no one even speaks Spanish there, there are so many of you fucking Gringos.

In the major Cities of Colombia you can get by without speaking Spanish, but it is MUCH MUCH harder than anywhere in Costa Rica, or even Panama or Nicaragua.

Did you renounce your citizenship or something?  Since when does being a Semi-Sino-Sicilian mean you're not a Gringo?

bigguy30828 reads

They have some of the hottest woman in the world at Sportsmens Lodge, Costa Rica.

Also it's a great place to hang out.

Posted By: WhiteEnvelope
Thinking of spending 4-5 days on a hobby vacation. I have heard wonderful, magical things about Costa Rica, buthave a real thing for Colombians. I want my own Sofia Vergara.  
 Thoughts, advice, etc?  
 Thanks in advance!

GaGambler609 reads

The talent at the Sportsmens  is mediocre at best.

It's not a bad place for gringos with no experience in Latin America to hang out, but the talent is hardly memorable, and I've been there literally hundreds of times.

I've only seen decent-looking girls at Sportsmens once, ironically the last time I was there with you in January.  The talent pool is much, much deeper at the Del Rey and even it pales in comparison to the Cocal in Jaco.

rate hotel room and stop being so damn cheap. I mean geez, maybe the talent pool will be sufficient in your eyes then. :)

I wonder, since its shopping with the eyes first in person, do the ladies get to say no after a look at ya? Or do they bypass all that after you flash your almighty Lincolns?  

Tay Tay xx (psst..I have a feeling they're not very picky down there ;)


PS note...I could've said Washingtons but I was being so very nice lol

-- Modified on 3/26/2015 7:39:01 PM

quite a lil stalker.  And, sorry, but my room is a beachfront suite overlooking the Pacific.  The girls love it. And we don't pay in U.S. dollars here Minine.  We pay in Colones.  No one says no to mine.
Geesh!  Could you try and get one thing right in your wild speculations, Minnie.
But it's so funny to watch you desperately swing and miss.  We can feel the breeze down here.

No. A woman can change her mind, can't she?

You do know I barely scan your posts anymore lol. I already know what they're gonna say without even looking lol.

Btw, Hi GaG ;)

Tay Tay xx

Posted By: inicky46
quite a lil stalker.  And, sorry, but my room is a beachfront suite overlooking the Pacific.  The girls love it. And we don't pay in U.S. dollars here Minine.  We pay in Colones.  No one says no to mine.  
 Geesh!  Could you try and get one thing right in your wild speculations, Minnie.  
 But it's so funny to watch you desperately swing and miss.  We can feel the breeze down here.

Thanks for clarifying that.  And thanks for "liking" your post again, Tiddles, er, Tardlor.

And yet here you are again. Stalking his comments. It's sad.

AnotherDonJohn488 reads

Except you relocated? Lol.

Posted By: _Taylor_
No. A woman can change her mind, can't she?  
 You do know I barely scan your posts anymore lol. I already know what they're gonna say without even looking lol.  
 Btw, Hi GaG ;)  
 Tay Tay xx  
Posted By: inicky46
quite a lil stalker.  And, sorry, but my room is a beachfront suite overlooking the Pacific.  The girls love it. And we don't pay in U.S. dollars here Minine.  We pay in Colones.  No one says no to mine.  
  Geesh!  Could you try and get one thing right in your wild speculations, Minnie.  
  But it's so funny to watch you desperately swing and miss.  We can feel the breeze down here.

Once again you are WRONG! And he has some very HOT ticas that love to hang out with him as well. I've seen a few pics of them as well.

And since you are against OTC time why even bring up the P4P thing?

You really are ignorant on top of being BSC. Now you are talking baby talk, at YOUR age? Bawhahaha!

'    ' xxxxxxoooooo :-)

Darling ;)

Now if only you both really looked like that. I'd be all over you. Hot damn lol. Fantasy #1 revealed for me (except the guys are straight but not homophobic in the least lol).  

Are you both 6'2/6'3 by chance? We can nip this in the bud then real quick lol.  

Tay Tay xxoo

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 2:25:21 AM

For the love of Christ Nick, pull your damn shorts down lol. Purple is not your color btw. You're deff not a winner...oops I mean winter lol.  

Tay Tay xxoo

A woman who claims to be in her mid-40s (but given how women lie about their age, is probably pushing 60) stalking various posters and descending into baby talk.  Desperate indeed.

Easy to do when it comes to BSC.

bigguy30582 reads

So I used the word SOME clown not all.

I guess you just wanted to jump in their to be a dick.

Why am I not surprised by your stupidity.


Posted By: GaGambler
The talent at the Sportsmens  is mediocre at best.  

It's not a bad place for gringos with no experience in Latin America to hang out, but the talent is hardly memorable, and I've been there literally hundreds of times.

Ok Fuck this it hard! There is a difference between their and there people! They don't mean the same fucking thing!

Posted By: bigguy30
So I used the word SOME clown not all.  
 I guess you just wanted to jump in their to be a dick.  
 Why am I not surprised by your stupidity.  
Posted By: GaGambler
The talent at the Sportsmens  is mediocre at best.  
 It's not a bad place for gringos with no experience in Latin America to hang out, but the talent is hardly memorable, and I've been there literally hundreds of times.

bigguy30460 reads

Ok Fuck this it hard! ????  This is how you start your comment?  

I would worry about yourself first before making comments on someone else.

So I love all of these fake english teachers on a hobby site.  

It's all about having fun smart guy and no one cares about english lessons on here!



 Ok Fuck this it hard! There is a difference between their and there people! They don't mean the same fucking thing!  
Posted By: bigguy30
So I used the word SOME clown not all.  
  I guess you just wanted to jump in their to be a dick.  
  Why am I not surprised by your stupidity.  
Posted By: GaGambler
The talent at the Sportsmens  is mediocre at best.    
  It's not a bad place for gringos with no experience in Latin America to hang out, but the talent is hardly memorable, and I've been there literally hundreds of times.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 6:15:02 AM

Fuck! At least I found a video for you ... it is down THERE

Posted By: bigguy30
Ok Fuck this it hard! ????  This is how you start your comment?  
 I would worry about yourself first before making comments on someone else.  
 So I love all of these fake english teachers on a hobby site.  
 It's all about having fun smart guy and no one cares about english lessons on here!  
  Ok Fuck this it hard! There is a difference between their and there people! They don't mean the same fucking thing!  
Posted By: bigguy30
So I used the word SOME clown not all.    
   I guess you just wanted to jump in their to be a dick.    
   Why am I not surprised by your stupidity.    
Posted By: GaGambler
The talent at the Sportsmens  is mediocre at best.    
   It's not a bad place for gringos with no experience in Latin America to hang out, but the talent is hardly memorable, and I've been there literally hundreds of times.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 6:15:02 AM

Clownboy has made it clear many times that, not only does he not know any better, he doesn't care.  In other words, he prefers to wallow in, and display, his complete ignorance of his native language.  But thanks for trying.  Conan appreciates it.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 3:32:08 PM

GaGambler491 reads

I will repeat what I said before "The talent at the Sportmens is mediocre at best"

There is rarely a woman working out of the Sportmens who even rates a six on the GaGa scale, except for perhaps one of the bartenders who might rate a seven when dolled up properly.

So fatgirl, when was the last time you were at the Sportmens to be such an expert on the place? For the record, I wander in there every month or so, and have done so for years. Obviously no one knows me down there as GaGambler, but simply ask any bartender if they know who Chino Ricardo is, and my point will be proven, the same goes for the Del Rey and the Co Cal.

bigguy30369 reads

Also I take my annual trips to different places.

So this is one of the places.

I like to visit when in Costa Rica.

Just remember smart guy everybody is different and no one likes the same thing all the time!


Posted By: GaGambler
I will repeat what I said before "The talent at the Sportmens is mediocre at best"

There is rarely a woman working out of the Sportmens who even rates a six on the GaGa scale, except for perhaps one of the bartenders who might rate a seven when dolled up properly.

So fatgirl, when was the last time you were at the Sportmens to be such an expert on the place? For the record, I wander in there every month or so, and have done so for years. Obviously no one knows me down there as GaGambler, but simply ask any bartender if they know who Chino Ricardo is, and my point will be proven, the same goes for the Del Rey and the Co Cal.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 6:46:24 AM

bigguy30479 reads

So you keep making a ass out of yourself.

I will just keep laughing at your stupid comments.  

You have no clue about anything with me.  

Posted By: inicky46
And I have my doubts.

GaGambler399 reads

Or maybe he read some of the posts made on the subject by BSCValerie? You remember her, she was the one who tried to tell the board that is was perfectly safe to walk through El Parque Morazon  at night. She should be thankful that I was here to set the record straight and that no one got themselves mugged, or killed by following her terrible advice.

fatgirl either has never been there or has horrible taste in women. Your standards and taste are admittedly different than mine, how many hotties have you ever seen at the Sportmens?

In his quest for Chica Bananas.
As for the quality at Sportsmens compared to the Del, you'll recall it was only in January I found a gal there hot enough to take back to the Del.  And she was only a 6 or at best a 7 in my book, thus a 5 in yours.  
-- Modified on 3/27/2015 10:40:02 AM

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 10:43:40 AM

bigguy30229 reads

We all know what happens when people assumes and make up things.

Posted By: inicky46
In his quest for Chica Bananas.  
 As for the quality at Sportsmens compared to the Del, you'll recall it was only in January I found a gal there hot enough to take back to the Del.  And she was only a 6 or at best a 7 in my book, thus a 5 in yours.    
 -- Modified on 3/27/2015 10:40:02 AM

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 10:43:40 AM

He's never been there and he has bad taste in women! :-)

bigguy30180 reads

Posted By: CrackDuphyBlowingChunks46
He's never been there and he has bad taste in women! :-)

bigguy30337 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Or maybe he read some of the posts made on the subject by BSCValerie? You remember her, she was the one who tried to tell the board that is was perfectly safe to walk through El Parque Morazon  at night. She should be thankful that I was here to set the record straight and that no one got themselves mugged, or killed by following her terrible advice.

fatgirl either has never been there or has horrible taste in women. Your standards and taste are admittedly different than mine, how many hotties have you ever seen at the Sportmens?

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: GaGambler
Or maybe he read some of the posts made on the subject by BSCValerie? You remember her, she was the one who tried to tell the board that is was perfectly safe to walk through El Parque Morazon  at night. She should be thankful that I was here to set the record straight and that no one got themselves mugged, or killed by following her terrible advice.  
 fatgirl either has never been there or has horrible taste in women. Your standards and taste are admittedly different than mine, how many hotties have you ever seen at the Sportmens?

Senator.Blutarsky484 reads

Just a piece of unsolicited advice... You really should pay attention to using punctuation and grammar if you want to be taken seriously... otherwise you just come off as an uneducated idiot.

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