TER General Board

Not usually [eom]
ftworthguy 1856 reads
1 / 25

I know there are exceptions in both good and bad providers on both sides of the coin, but what about in general? I'm guessing the usual supply and demand principle applies to the hobby?

dragonfly2006 49 Reviews 1089 reads
2 / 25

To some degree, yes.  More often than not, price reflects looks.  It's well known that women who are considered really hot can charge more just based on that alone.  So it is "supply and demand" in the sense.  And she might provide great service, but I've been with women who are "cute" who provide awesome service for cheaper.

Snownfire 25 Reviews 288 reads
3 / 25
I_like_escorts 22 Reviews 872 reads
4 / 25
Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 893 reads
5 / 25

Actually I love this discussion. And thank you for not saying "no piece of a$% is worth ____".
I would have to say no, price is not equal to quality. There are many reasons for this. One is that each and every lady is priceless and worth way more than any of you could ever pay. She chooses her rates based on how much she feels her time is worth and how often she wants to work. Believe me, I have friends who charge twice as much as me and half as much, and I don't feel that you could say that the quality of the lady or the experience is 3 times better with the higher priced companion than the lower priced one.
Now there is a level of exclusivity when you spend time with a lady that the general public cannot afford. She is able to devote more time to you because she doesn't have someone else to see later that night. In fact you may be her only suiter that entire week. Where as a high volume lady who charges less may be visiting with 6 guys that same day. That may or may not matter to you. But, dont ever think that just because you pay more then you are going to get more in the XYZ department. You will probably get more alphabet soup from a $50 girl than a $5000 lady. Although you may feel more comfortable out to dinner with the later.
Choose the lady that best fits you. Then pay whatever it takes. If she is the right lady for you it is a bargain at any price.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 431 reads
6 / 25

Too many variables involved to be honest. A lot depends on what you are looking for. I used to see a couple of absolutely beautiful Brazilian women who were sexual dynamos but the deal was $160 for one pop and you are outa' there! After a while I met a couple of higher priced lady's who were a lot better at setting the mood. All else being equal the sex was about the same but I wanted more. I found what I was looking for in the $$$  price range and that's what works for me. It doesn't mean there are not some great ladies at a lower (or higher) price but I'm happy with the gals I am seeing right now. It's all in what works for you. If everybody wanted to pay what I pay I guess Craig's list wouldn't exist....

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 686 reads
7 / 25

Granted, I'm a mature provider, but I think I'm in reasonably good shape. I actually lowered my donations a few years back because I provide incall now and I wanted to give something back to the community, especially when there was so much going on with everyone at that time. Plus, being an independent does have its perks. I don't have to pay a fee to anyone. This is only part time for me and although I could use and like the extra money, "I'm not a revolving door" so to speak. I don't do more than one appointment in a day (not that there's anything wrong with it) and I don't always like to fill my entire week (although I could). Perhaps I just wanted to be fair and set a donation where I don't have to occasionally offer discounts. My donations are for everyone so no man feels he is getting a bargain over someone else. I may spend extra time on several occasions to show my appreciation but some men who were grandfathered in at a different donation are actually getting a better deal now. :)  Also, from a marketing standpoint, it's is easier to get 20s out of the ATM than 10s. Think about it.


P.S.  Everyone has a different reason for setting their donations. Sure, I used to get a whopping $400 four years ago, but times have changed and I was also with an agency. My outcall is a little more because of gas prices and the time it takes to drive back and forth from the date.

-- Modified on 8/16/2007 6:16:06 PM

bobb3950 8 Reviews 1008 reads
8 / 25

I would say that that was an understatement.

You are in great shape.
And you're a nice person, too.

So there.

Just my opinion...

AdriannaAzzure 448 reads
9 / 25

As others have pointed out. Each lady sets a price according to what she thinks her time is worth, market she's in, looks, tenure, etc... I would say that the ladies that choose to set rates out of the norm for her market May indeed see fewer clients, spend more time with clients, create a more inviting atmosphere, spend more time on appearance, education the list goes on and on. Thats not to say that a lower donation means all the above mentioned qualites are just shoot out the window either. Sometimes I want a jack in the box burger, sometimes I want a fatburger and sometimes I want sushi and saki at Katana. Each and everyone of those meals are quite delicious, but you get the drift.

commocheif 379 reads
10 / 25

When I started 250 was the norm. Service was good and I thought more would be better and started seeing 300/350 ladies and I will say serviced fell.

jimmyravine 4 Reviews 559 reads
11 / 25

Gotta throw in on this one.  You are worth every penny ten times over.  And "reasonably good shape"?   Hoooeeey, baby, that is a serious understatement!

jaker99 4 Reviews 1016 reads
12 / 25

The higher the price, the better the overall quality. How you may ask? Well, the lady charging 5,000 bucks an hour will see a lot less clients than a 250 dollar an hour one. That means the health risk as far as HIV and STD's is less with 5,000 dollar lady since she is exposed to less clients. Thus less health risk.

HerrZunge 74 Reviews 433 reads
13 / 25

I see an analogy in the price/quality discussion with my two other hobbies, golf and wine. One can pay $1,000 per hour for a provider, $500 for 18 holes, or $300 for a bottle of wine (for example.)

Or one can pay more down to earth prices for any of the above and be completely satisfied. Would I be more satisfied if I moved up to the higher price category in any of the above hobbies? Probably not - I would definitely have some bragging rights, but I doubt that I would be more satisfied in the end.

It's all relative.

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 508 reads
14 / 25

I think I answered "Heck no" primarily for myself. I also said in my post -- and I quote -- "P.S.  Everyone has a different reason for setting their donations." Perhaps you posted under the wrong person.

I am extremely well traveled, well educated and creative. Just because I do not set my donations higher does not mean that I am cheap or not as classy and refined. As my motto has always been, "Like a fine wine, ripened with age." :)

Also, I set the most elegant atmosphere possible in an extremely clean and beautiful setting. Like the movie, "Fried Green Tomatoes," when she says to the young ladies whose car she just rammed: "Face it, girls! I'm older and have more insurance." It just means I am doing so because I have a choice in the matter. I do not need the money that badly. I also work on a lot of artistic venues and do volunteer work.

To each her/his own. ;)


-- Modified on 8/16/2007 10:16:43 PM

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 649 reads
15 / 25
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 427 reads
17 / 25

I think you got the donation slightly wrong, and what a horrific thing to say on the board. Shame on you for mentioning donations. I also mentioned that I never do two appointments in one day, nor do I book my whole week every week. Sometimes I take a whole week off (my choice). I get as much business as I want and when I choose to have a date. I probably take better care of myself than some women I have met that charge $600 an hour.  You are very silly to assume that everyone who charges less is seeing more clients. Perhaps the majority do (if that's what you meant to say), but not me. And don't kid yourself that higher-priced ladies don't do more than one per day. Most providers I have talked to do more appointments in one day that I might do in a week.

Like I said before, "to each her/his own."  Hey, hon, I would be more than happy to give you the beautiful atmosphere that I always create, talk about anything under the sun (because I am well traveled and educated) and for the bargain donation of $5,000 if it makes you feel more comfortable. ;)

For $5,000.00 they better be serving you lobster and 20-year old champagne in crystal.


-- Modified on 8/16/2007 7:40:27 PM

jaker99 4 Reviews 335 reads
18 / 25

My post was not directed at anyone. I apologize if it appeared that way. I am new to the hobby, so I shouldn't make assumptions. I do apologize again. I just thought of the hobby like buying into a rich neighborhood. If you buy a cheap house, trashy neighbors could afford to live next door to you. If you buy an expensive house in a rich neighborhood, usually it will be safe and quiet. You won't get quiet though if Paris Hilton is your neighbor and you have helicopters overhead all night LOL.
Sorry again.

AdriannaAzzure 322 reads
19 / 25

Might not be getting my posting placements right. My reply was directed toward no one. I was simply putting my .02 in the hat of public opinion. There are no hard and fast rules for anything at all. except math! every rule has an exception. except in math!lol it all comes down to what the gentleman is comfortable with and what the lady is comfortable with at the end of the day:)

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 645 reads
21 / 25
pilot110 1 Reviews 760 reads
22 / 25

Within a range, I don't think the donation amount is going to reflect on the quality of the session.  Connection if it is there trumps most other things every day of the week.  My experience has been that when I have been able to "connect" with a provider, I have been given the most uninhibited sexual experiences of a lifetime.

myfavoriteDILF!!! 469 reads
23 / 25

He may be entitled to his opinion, but it is ignorant.  When he gets a little more experience, he may get a better understanding.  Let's hope so.

Gaijin64 6 Reviews 510 reads
24 / 25

Wow.  This topic can spark some emotion :)  

Within reason, I don't think the rates are necessarily connected to the level of service.  But there is a point where you get what you pay for.  If you hit up CL and grab one of the really inexpensive providers there, you can't expect the same quality as a well established, well reviewed companion.

To appease any CL supporters getting ready to jump me, I applaud you if you managed to find a diamond in the bucket of coal. :)

WaltnDC 7 Reviews 238 reads
25 / 25

First, I have to ask will we never learn?  We are all different, have differnt desires, find various things appealing, etc.  I don't think cost really comes into play for everything.  I may not have many reviews posted; but, I've travelled all over the world and experienced women from many cultures.  The cost of some of those cherished memories was pretty damn cheap; especially considering I've shelled out 10x$ for a couple of hours and been very unsatisfied with the results.  Even though I can afford to spend what I want, I still do my research on whoever I find appealing... be that from their appearance, the way the come across in their postings, or reviews that are 9/10.  The $$$ don't make the decisions.  
Ladies THANKS FOR ALL YOUR MEMORIES/KINDNESS, no matter what you decide to charge!  :)

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