TER General Board

Not to split hairs, BUT
GaGambler 508 reads

I don't think the concept of P4P is immoral in and of it's own, but I do have to agree that cheating on one's spouse has got to be immoral by any definition of the word I can think of.

Now to make a couple of caveats, if the extra marital sex is allowed and accepted by the spouse, IMO it is no longer cheating, as in the cases of those with "open relationships"  or in cases where a woman provides with the knowledge and acceptance of her husband.

As for myself personally, I don't believe for a second that what I do is even the least bit immoral, and that is why I do it completely in the open, well except for trying to avoid LE that is.  Virtually everybody in my life knows about this side of my life, I make ZERO effort to hide it. I think that's the test to whether or not you believe that what you do here is moral or not.

I try not to judge the men and women here who are cheating on their SO's, but if pinned down, I would have to say they ARE cheating and lying, and while I can condone the sex for money, lying to ones spouse cannot be rationalized as moral IMHO.

Gandhi said that the aforementioned was one of the root causes of violence.  Heard that on NPR.

And as I was taking a 4 hour trip in my semi-shitty rental car (listening to NPR).  Well not that shitty I mean the guy tried to give me a VW Golf and I said R you fucking crazy!!!!  Then he said well we have an Avalon but it has not been washed yet.  Just give it to me MFer.

It struck me that (and forgive me for saying/typing).  Seriously you think I want forgiveness mofos.

That Hobbying/Providing is exactly that.  Commerce without Morality.  

So as you sleep tonight let this seep into your thoughts.

Do Providers care where your $$$ came from? (Providers - what if it came from some immoral act?)  I don't think most of these gals will lose any sleep.  As they say in the hood "gotta get that money"

Do Hobbyists care what Providers do with their $$$? (what if she went out to --insert real fucked up act here?--)

That hour or so of funtime maybe contributing to all (well maybe not all but a lot) of the violence in the world:(

Hate to be a Debbie Downer (wah wah)

But heh, sleep tight, um OK.


Ever think of commerce without morality.....on weeeeeeed?

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Gandhi said that the aforementioned was one of the root causes of violence.  Heard that on NPR.  
 And as I was taking a 4 hour trip in my semi-shitty rental car (listening to NPR).  Well not that shitty I mean the guy tried to give me a VW Golf and I said R you fucking crazy!!!!  Then he said well we have an Avalon but it has not been washed yet.  Just give it to me MFer.  
 It struck me that (and forgive me for saying/typing).  Seriously you think I want forgiveness mofos.  
 That Hobbying/Providing is exactly that.  Commerce without Morality.    
 So as you sleep tonight let this seep into your thoughts.  
 Do Providers care where your $$$ came from? (Providers - what if it came from some immoral act?)  I don't think most of these gals will lose any sleep.  As they say in the hood "gotta get that money"  
 Do Hobbyists care what Providers do with their $$$? (what if she went out to --insert real fucked up act here?--)  
 That hour or so of funtime maybe contributing to all (well maybe not all but a lot) of the violence in the world:(  
 Hate to be a Debbie Downer (wah wah)  
 But heh, sleep tight, um OK.  
 RT Out  

So when you buy Dixie Cups for your kid's birthday party, do you worry what the Koch Bros. are doing with the dirty money? Actually, I worry a lot more about that than what the providers are doing with their money (unless they squandering it on Dixie Cups).

But true enough, a lot of Ill-gotten cash is spent directly on P4P rather than laundered into bank accounts before being withdrawn again in Benjies. And P4P often is a way of easing the stress caused by earning money in high-pressure professions, whereas those who earn their money in relatively stress-free vocations probably hobby less and enjoy it and the other joys of life more. My opinion only. I know a lot of hobbyists who have no other motive for pressure cooker wheeling and dealing but to have money for the ladies and maybe booze or--dare I say it--? drugs.

I would guess that most of the hobbyists here garner their earnings in what could be considered immoral enterprise. There is such a thing as an honest fortune, but it's pretty rare.

Don't you think that what causes violence in this country has more to do with the disparity of the few who can afford to get their ashes hauled and the many who can't? That would be my guess.

hotplants582 reads

ave you considered writing to your representatives about Nike shoe or Iphone manufacturing factories in 3rd world counties? Ya know...to voice your 1st world objection to shockingly poor people, working 16 hrs a day, for pennies an hour, so you can have cool shoes and phones?  

How about Walmart? Pretty shitty--those folks.  

Sex work? Hard to get more honest or real than that

JackDunphy384 reads

No, no need to paint a full picture. Lets just demonize. That always works. LOL

hotplants453 reads

Walmart! Helping it's own working poor employees stay eligible for food stamps, so they can use their food stamps to buy discounted food at Walmart.  

Gandhi would be proud.

JackDunphy332 reads

And it must be their best option or they wouldn't work there, right?

I don't know if you ever shop there but I can tell you that their clientele aren't engaging in p4p, for the most part. LOL

Very middle class and working poor are their shoppers. They buy their because in many cases it is the most affordable clothing and food they can purchase and it stretches their dollar to maximum buying power.  

I just didn't see a need to dump on Walmart simply because of another RT troll OP. LO

...because I just come here for fun and try to leave political-type discussions for other places

i buy at dollar stores. I'm poor. Still I p4p cheap girls.
I gots to survive and so far I'm still here.

Posted By: JackDunphy
And it must be their best option or they wouldn't work there, right?  
 I don't know if you ever shop there but I can tell you that their clientele aren't engaging in p4p, for the most part. LOL  
 Very middle class and working poor are their shoppers. They buy their because in many cases it is the most affordable clothing and food they can purchase and it stretches their dollar to maximum buying power.  
 I just didn't see a need to dump on Walmart simply because of another RT troll OP. LOL  

Keep this in mind once the Waltons donate to the Clinton 2016 campaign.

Posted By: hotplants
Walmart! Helping it's own working poor employees stay eligible for food stamps, so they can use their food stamps to buy discounted food at Walmart.  
 Gandhi would be proud.

if I spent all my time ritin' congressmen when would I have time to HObby?

BTW, like I told you I will be in NYC with the redhead and she videotapes the session.

Do you want me to make you a copy?

Like seriously its no problem.  For real.  Just say it and its done.


To some morality would do with religion if when they are religious. But to most of us here is doing what's right and or not hurting anybody.
going to work, buying stuff has nothing to do with it. When it's her money it's her money. When it was your money it was your money that you chose to spend it as you saw fit. Just cold dirty cash that might may contribute to the violence of the world. But what? Stores should not open after tomorrow?

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Gandhi said that the aforementioned was one of the root causes of violence.  Heard that on NPR.  
 And as I was taking a 4 hour trip in my semi-shitty rental car (listening to NPR).  Well not that shitty I mean the guy tried to give me a VW Golf and I said R you fucking crazy!!!!  Then he said well we have an Avalon but it has not been washed yet.  Just give it to me MFer.  
 It struck me that (and forgive me for saying/typing).  Seriously you think I want forgiveness mofos.  
 That Hobbying/Providing is exactly that.  Commerce without Morality.    
 So as you sleep tonight let this seep into your thoughts.  
 Do Providers care where your $$$ came from? (Providers - what if it came from some immoral act?)  I don't think most of these gals will lose any sleep.  As they say in the hood "gotta get that money"  
 Do Hobbyists care what Providers do with their $$$? (what if she went out to --insert real fucked up act here?--)  
 That hour or so of funtime maybe contributing to all (well maybe not all but a lot) of the violence in the world:(  
 Hate to be a Debbie Downer (wah wah)  
 But heh, sleep tight, um OK.  
 RT Out  

bigguy30534 reads

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Gandhi said that the aforementioned was one of the root causes of violence.  Heard that on NPR.  
 And as I was taking a 4 hour trip in my semi-shitty rental car (listening to NPR).  Well not that shitty I mean the guy tried to give me a VW Golf and I said R you fucking crazy!!!!  Then he said well we have an Avalon but it has not been washed yet.  Just give it to me MFer.  
 It struck me that (and forgive me for saying/typing).  Seriously you think I want forgiveness mofos.  
 That Hobbying/Providing is exactly that.  Commerce without Morality.    
 So as you sleep tonight let this seep into your thoughts.  
 Do Providers care where your $$$ came from? (Providers - what if it came from some immoral act?)  I don't think most of these gals will lose any sleep.  As they say in the hood "gotta get that money"  
 Do Hobbyists care what Providers do with their $$$? (what if she went out to --insert real fucked up act here?--)  
 That hour or so of funtime maybe contributing to all (well maybe not all but a lot) of the violence in the world:(  
 Hate to be a Debbie Downer (wah wah)  
 But heh, sleep tight, um OK.  
 RT Out  

who in the hell wants to bring the negativity to the bedroom? Geez.. you do need to find another hobby. You really think 2 people enjoying this hobby helps create the violence in the world? I am thinking its all the negative ass thinking MFers that does this.

"Cause" means that someone has taken one of those from you and you are retrieving it and/or they are being punished for their actions.

Taking away someone's ability to engage in consensual trade is immoral as it takes their liberty.

Stoning someone for having been raped is immoral as it takes their life; despite a religious which commands their death.  And yeah, the Golden Rule is out of whack in these situations.

Civil asset forfeiture is immoral as it deprives people of property without proof of a crime.  "I know he done something wrong" is not a valid argument.

In commerce, if both parties feel their needs have been met at an agreed upon price, and proper payment has been made for services delivered, then how can an outside party claim it to be an immoral transaction?  That's like claiming someone eating a doughnut is immoral just because you're on a diet.

Hobbying/Providing is moral.

JackDunphy451 reads

Not just the women Ridge.

Everyone participating is breaking the law.

Many guys here are cheating on their SO.

Girls here know fact certain that they are the "other woman" and would be pissed about the other women with their guy, in most cases.

So that being said, guys and gals should both stay away from the morality play. It is what it is.

Plenty of people on this board are from/in countries where P4P is legal for both parties.

Plenty of people on this board are single.

I'd argue that we should be more open to discussing morality rather than hiding from the topic.  Open and honest discussion, even debate, can lead to an understanding.  Those who are fixed in their minds will not be swayed if it's discussed or not, those who are on the fence can choose a side after reviewing the data, those who are open to new ideas may change their mind or become more assured they are correct.

Don't ever let someone else's version of morality apply to YOU unless you know and agree with their stance.

JackDunphy293 reads

What discussion about morality would you like to have re: this game? LOL

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to hear your thoughts but I'd venture a guess that 99% of the people posting here are either cheating, breaking the law or both.

It doesn't seem like an occupation/lifestyle where morality should need to be discussed due to the incredible hypocrisy that would bring but I am a big free speech guy and maybe you can convince me?



-- Modified on 2/16/2015 12:19:13 PM

By the way, don't confuse "legal" with "moral" and vice versa.  Examples:

It's illegal to speed, but when someone's life is hanging in the balance it's moral to speed to a hospital.

It's moral to provide food to those in need, but it's illegal in many places for health and safety reasons.  Have to get a permit.  The permit makes it legal, but doesn't impact the morality.

JackDunphy502 reads

I think the majority of this community, if everyone was being brutally honest, would say they engage in an immoral activity here, but that is just a hunch and I am sure some would disagree.

Its hard to make the argument that partaking in an activity that if someone's SO found out what was going on behind their back, that that person would be not be incredibly hurt and felt a sense of massive betrayal.

We are human. We do things at times to justify immorality or we just put it in a box and don't or try not to think about it.

You can say all you want that hobbying/providing is moral but that doesn't make it so. Again, it goes back to everyone's own value system. Individuals make that call for themselves not for others.

GaGambler509 reads

I don't think the concept of P4P is immoral in and of it's own, but I do have to agree that cheating on one's spouse has got to be immoral by any definition of the word I can think of.

Now to make a couple of caveats, if the extra marital sex is allowed and accepted by the spouse, IMO it is no longer cheating, as in the cases of those with "open relationships"  or in cases where a woman provides with the knowledge and acceptance of her husband.

As for myself personally, I don't believe for a second that what I do is even the least bit immoral, and that is why I do it completely in the open, well except for trying to avoid LE that is.  Virtually everybody in my life knows about this side of my life, I make ZERO effort to hide it. I think that's the test to whether or not you believe that what you do here is moral or not.

I try not to judge the men and women here who are cheating on their SO's, but if pinned down, I would have to say they ARE cheating and lying, and while I can condone the sex for money, lying to ones spouse cannot be rationalized as moral IMHO.

by most standards one could argue that cheating on an SO is immoral, but not upholding your side of the deal can also be considered immoral. I personally think it's reprehensible to be unwilling to engage sexually with your partner while forbidding them to engage sexually with anyone else. I'm certain that's gotta be one of Dante's layers of hell!! Lol!

GaGambler337 reads

but I am sure just like with all issues of morality that there are many who disagree with you, but I am not one of them. lol

This is the kind I respect.

Can't myself speak to the point of a significant other being or feeling betrayed, but would note the hobby is not alone in its exposure.  Affairs can take place outside of the hobby, and can have far greater impact due to the emotional involvements of all parties.

Fully agree about the ability and desire to rationalize behavior.  Many people who do so will not investigate their motivations for fear of finding they've been wrong or have wronged someone else.  Me?  I'd rather know up front, and will challenge myself to discover those hidden pitfalls, and hope others will constructively do so when I'm blinded.

Your best point was the last "Individuals make that call for themselves not for others" in regards to the morality of hobbying/providing.  And I agree with you - it should be the individual who makes that decision.  Yet many jurisdictions have made that very activity illegal due to their own interpretation of morality, and their ability to enforce that view upon others.

Any--and I  mean ANY--transaction between 2 or more  humans  carries with it the possibility that either or both ends of said transaction are benefactors or beneficiaries of some unethical or immoral act. Putting aside the fact that many people would   consider our very presence here to be proof of rampant  immorality, you have to ask yourself whether you  know how anyone can be sure the money exchanged is not  about to be used for ill. Do you have any idea how much of what you paid to gas up the  rental car went to  finance  terrorism? How much of the fees you paid to your bank helped to  offset drug money laundering? And what portion of the  money you paid to your haircutter went to the purchase of  blow?  And let's talk about how those new Nikes supported  factories using child labor.  If you  really want a more  moral world start  voting with your dollars and inform yourself.

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Gandhi said that the aforementioned was one of the root causes of violence.  Heard that on NPR.  
 And as I was taking a 4 hour trip in my semi-shitty rental car (listening to NPR).  Well not that shitty I mean the guy tried to give me a VW Golf and I said R you fucking crazy!!!!  Then he said well we have an Avalon but it has not been washed yet.  Just give it to me MFer.  
 It struck me that (and forgive me for saying/typing).  Seriously you think I want forgiveness mofos.  
 That Hobbying/Providing is exactly that.  Commerce without Morality.    
 So as you sleep tonight let this seep into your thoughts.  
 Do Providers care where your $$$ came from? (Providers - what if it came from some immoral act?)  I don't think most of these gals will lose any sleep.  As they say in the hood "gotta get that money"  
 Do Hobbyists care what Providers do with their $$$? (what if she went out to --insert real fucked up act here?--)  
 That hour or so of funtime maybe contributing to all (well maybe not all but a lot) of the violence in the world:(  
 Hate to be a Debbie Downer (wah wah)  
 But heh, sleep tight, um OK.  
 RT Out  

living in this country and paying taxes means we are participating in immorality. We are all benefitting from heinousness committed by the founders and previous citizens of the US.

Nothing I do is immoral here according to my sense of morality. And my morality is why I've found it very difficult to enter the mainstream work force for very extended periods of time or invest in mutual funds. I choose to be here because it's the purest source of income I enjoy earning. :)

Your morality is your own problem. ;)

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Gandhi said that the aforementioned was one of the root causes of violence.  Heard that on NPR.  
 And as I was taking a 4 hour trip in my semi-shitty rental car (listening to NPR).  Well not that shitty I mean the guy tried to give me a VW Golf and I said R you fucking crazy!!!!  Then he said well we have an Avalon but it has not been washed yet.  Just give it to me MFer.  
 It struck me that (and forgive me for saying/typing).  Seriously you think I want forgiveness mofos.  
 That Hobbying/Providing is exactly that.  Commerce without Morality.    
 So as you sleep tonight let this seep into your thoughts.  
 Do Providers care where your $$$ came from? (Providers - what if it came from some immoral act?)  I don't think most of these gals will lose any sleep.  As they say in the hood "gotta get that money"  
 Do Hobbyists care what Providers do with their $$$? (what if she went out to --insert real fucked up act here?--)  
 That hour or so of funtime maybe contributing to all (well maybe not all but a lot) of the violence in the world:(  
 Hate to be a Debbie Downer (wah wah)  
 But heh, sleep tight, um OK.  
 RT Out  

it is an ethical question you raise.

Morality has to do with an individual's own internal sense of right and wrong... their individual moral compass. Ethics, on the other hand, has to do with the rules of conduct within a social system - what society says is right and wrong.

I would argue that everyone involved in this little world has judged it moral for themselves, in their particular situation. I surmise it is abundantly clear what our broader society considers ethical (or unethical).

I do not consider sex as immoral. Giving and seeking pleasure with another human being is good/right in my book. I think denying it is immoral.  

As for the ethics... in our society ALL SEX is must be kept private or hidden (whether paid or unpaid) or it is considered unethical. Of course, as the majority of our society violates those ethical rules from time to time, I feel safe in saying those rules are immoral and no longer ethical.  

Back to Ghandi... I believe he was saying that the ethics of commerce no longer reflected the moral beliefs of the society as a whole - that they did not serve the common good. In other words, he was saying that those rules are immoral and no longer ethical.  

Ghandi was a hobbyist.

Posted By: MasterZen
it is an ethical question you raise.  
 Morality has to do with an individual's own internal sense of right and wrong... their individual moral compass. Ethics, on the other hand, has to do with the rules of conduct within a social system - what society says is right and wrong.  
 I would argue that everyone involved in this little world has judged it moral for themselves, in their particular situation. I surmise it is abundantly clear what our broader society considers ethical (or unethical).  
 I do not consider sex as immoral. Giving and seeking pleasure with another human being is good/right in my book. I think denying it is immoral.  
 As for the ethics... in our society ALL SEX is must be kept private or hidden (whether paid or unpaid) or it is considered unethical. Of course, as the majority of our society violates those ethical rules from time to time, I feel safe in saying those rules are immoral and no longer ethical.  
 Back to Ghandi... I believe he was saying that the ethics of commerce no longer reflected the moral beliefs of the society as a whole - that they did not serve the common good. In other words, he was saying that those rules are immoral and no longer ethical.  
 Ghandi was a hobbyist.

Posted By: MasterZen
it is an ethical question you raise.  
 Morality has to do with an individual's own internal sense of right and wrong... their individual moral compass. Ethics, on the other hand, has to do with the rules of conduct within a social system - what society says is right and wrong.  
 I would argue that everyone involved in this little world has judged it moral for themselves, in their particular situation. I surmise it is abundantly clear what our broader society considers ethical (or unethical).  
 I do not consider sex as immoral. Giving and seeking pleasure with another human being is good/right in my book. I think denying it is immoral.  
 As for the ethics... in our society ALL SEX is must be kept private or hidden (whether paid or unpaid) or it is considered unethical. Of course, as the majority of our society violates those ethical rules from time to time, I feel safe in saying those rules are immoral and no longer ethical.  
 Back to Ghandi... I believe he was saying that the ethics of commerce no longer reflected the moral beliefs of the society as a whole - that they did not serve the common good. In other words, he was saying that those rules are immoral and no longer ethical.  
 Ghandi was a hobbyist.

I thought the mixture of sarcasm and irony were brilliant!!!!!!!!

Too bad they aren't around anymore. (big bummer)

But hey, that's fine if you want to credit it to me - I mean I am OK with that.

I just call em like I see em.  

What can you do?


Skyfyre324 reads

First we have to all agree on WHOSE morality standard? better yet who appointed him/her/them to be the morality-in-chief, God? POTUS? UN Security Council? the Pope? etc...

Cause as far as I'm concern the only morality I follow is MINE. The rest of the world can stick their idea of morality up theirs for all I care.

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