TER General Board

Not for nothin' I work with women who would be very angry at you:(
TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1102 reads

Inspiration is everything...
When you are down. You step up. Man or Woman.

I learned this from my Grandmother...
She was a WAC. Look it up.

lie about what?

Well, perhaps you have your own business and can say that she (or I) was employed by for you.  

I am pretty aggressively trying to exit the business because I have old/ugly/fat hooker disease. I have degrees, a professional appearance, am very smart/reliable/punctual and would make a great employee. I do not drink, smoke or take any kind of drugs.  I, however, lack legitimate employment and have for the last several years.  

I've been beating myself up over my foolish and ill planned life choices or the last several months but I cannot do that any longer. I have to move forward and find a way to secure professional employment outside of sexwork. I began volunteering to initiate contact in the real world and network a bit. I take great pride in that volunteer work but I do need to earn a paycheck.  

Any and all ideas would be very much appreciated. I do not have VIP, so please post a way to contact you if you'd like to exchange ideas elsewhere

But to offer up a referral would be something that I would walk carefully on.

You claim to have all sorts of degrees and think highly of yourself...great.  But if I were to offer up a referral to peers, clients or friends, how would I know that you won't embarrass me?  There are only so many chips that can be cashed in over time.

There's no shortage of opportunity out there.  Many of them would encompass entry level opportunity with minimally invasive screening.  Or are you suggesting that you can't be screened?

Good luck in this transition...I do wish you well.

Posted By: theskylineismine
lie about what?  
 Well, perhaps you have your own business and can say that she (or I) was employed by for you.  
 I am pretty aggressively trying to exit the business because I have old/ugly/fat hooker disease. I have degrees, a professional appearance, am very smart/reliable/punctual and would make a great employee. I do not drink, smoke or take any kind of drugs.  I, however, lack legitimate employment and have for the last several years.  
 I've been beating myself up over my foolish and ill planned life choices or the last several months but I cannot do that any longer. I have to move forward and find a way to secure professional employment outside of sexwork. I began volunteering to initiate contact in the real world and network a bit. I take great pride in that volunteer work but I do need to earn a paycheck.  
 Any and all ideas would be very much appreciated. I do not have VIP, so please post a way to contact you if you'd like to exchange ideas elsewhere.  

I'm not the embarrassing sort but I do think that is a very valid concern.  

I'm not sure what you mean about passing screening.  

I can pass criminal background check and a credit check. I would not be able to secure a high level security clearance with the federal government but otherwise, I'm find.  

Thank you for answering.

The initial screening would be from me...primarily to satisfy myself that this individual can do the work.  Given your comments about being out of the workforce for some time, my concerns would be "can you do the work".  And are you committed to being what you may have represented yourself as.

Many small business owners look for other things in their screening process.  Even if someone has a checkered past would not preclude many of them from hiring...especially with a referral from someone they trust.

A component of the work I do (and have done) is to find qualified candidates for a myriad of positions.  I've interviewed so many people over the years and feel that I can fairly quickly scope out a good one from the wasteland of incompetent souls.

A criminal background check is one thing...finding out about other types of personal issues is also something that is quite easy to do....and frankly has considerable weight in the screening process.  Credit checks are useless in many cases as those are far too easy to manipulate.

Yes...I would help a gal out if she asked for my help.  Some here have done exactly that.

Posted By: theskylineismine
I'm not the embarrassing sort but I do think that is a very valid concern.  
 I'm not sure what you mean about passing screening.  
 I can pass criminal background check and a credit check. I would not be able to secure a high level security clearance with the federal government but otherwise, I'm find.  
 Thank you for answering.

Thank you again!  

I am not sure how a credit check could be manipulated. I work in finance and the credit checks are performed directly by the company.  The previous companies for which I worked disallowed anyone to work there who had bad credit.  

Your responses and those of everyone else have been helpful. Have a great day

Do some research and you'll see just how easy it would be to take a 510 FICO score to 750.

Hence it's a meaningless barometer of integrity.

Stick to a story that can be verified...and is honest.  Not to suggest that you need to tell a potential employer that you've been hooking for XX years....but simply that you've been unavailable for personal reasons.  Many employers will accept that much quicker than some crazy made up bullshit of a "consulting business" that has no history, nor is verifiable.  That'll get you the "reject" stamp faster than a john cumming.

A nice referral is only the "foot in the door"....it'll still be incumbent upon you to deliver as promised.  Hence my earlier comments on doing the initial screening.  It makes much more sense to assist a prospect in how to interview....how to create a resume...how to sell themselves once in the interview....than create some insane drivel that is easily destroyed with a couple of questions from the interviewer.

Posted By: theskylineismine
Thank you again!  
 I am not sure how a credit check could be manipulated. I work in finance and the credit checks are performed directly by the company.  The previous companies for which I worked disallowed anyone to work there who had bad credit.  
 Your responses and those of everyone else have been helpful. Have a great day!  

JackDunphy1426 reads

I would start there. Get in the gym. 4-5 days a week. Nick can proly set you up with a great program. I heard he works out 6 days a week.

This will clear your head, make you more healthy and make you feel better about yourself and your prospects.  

Don't beat yourself up though. Everybody fks up. You provided a lot of smiles in your days hooking so it wasn't a total loss.  

Do something constructive every day and don't get down. Everyone you know is a potential lead for a job so work that social media like crazy.  

Don't be afraid to tell people you are unemployed. People like to help people in need when they can

As for me setting up an exercise program for the nice lady, I'll pass.  It's all I can do to stay buff myself without taking on clients, LOL!

Instead of making up a career, just tell the interviewer you took time off to take care of a dying relative as family is more important than work.  They'll likely accept that and move on to your older employment references that are valid.  If not, then would you really want to work somewhere with no compassion?  Depends on the profession, I guess.

Your volunteering is a great item to list for them, especially if related to your degrees.  If not related, can you work as a tutor for students in your degree program?  It'd pay relatively little, but would look very strong on a CV and is readily verifiable.

Have you joined a professional society related to your degrees?  Looks better than nothing on a resume, and also opens another networking door.

It's going to be a long struggle to establish yourself in that arena, but don't give up.  A late start is better than none.

But don't try to fake a professional background, it's too easily discovered and can ruin your new reputation and those who vouched for you.

I'm sure you might find a few who would "lie" for you.

It might be easier to just lie about why you haven't worked in something that can be verified though. There's plenty of lies in today's world that are common and acceptable. Health, family-related, burn-out (even in non-sex work believe it or not).

I wouldn't sweat it. If you can communicate and present yourself professionally (if the job you seek requires it) the concern about why you have been out of the system for awhile is less pronounced.  

Make something up about a family member that you cared for...and commit to it...and you're gold.  

Best of luck.

Sooo...YouWanna1447 reads

You've done it once before in a much more cut throat industry than most (I mean, how many people worry about getting murdered when they go to work or have their name ruined by some nut job they don't even know?). You'll be fine. It might work out for some, but I personally wouldn't open that can of worms.  

Just say you were in business for yourself or something.

And many of the police/fire worry about that (getting murdered) as well.  And then there are nutjobs who will try and ruin them for doing their jobs.  Amazing!

To suggest she create a lie about being in her own business...with no visible means to document that is genius.

Better stick to the Heauxing.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
You've done it once before in a much more cut throat industry than most (I mean, how many people worry about getting murdered when they go to work or have their name ruined by some nut job they don't even know?). You'll be fine. It might work out for some, but I personally wouldn't open that can of worms.  
 Just say you were in business for yourself or something.

JackDunphy1288 reads

She's had quite a day.  

And her next tip for this soon to be ex-hooker oughta be a real winner. I cant wait.

Maybe she'll suggest bringing some champagne and chocolates to the interview? That's what Skinnie Minnie did. And looked what happened to her...

...she got fucked.

Nothing wrong with fucking "powerful" people to get what you want.

Just own that she is still really hooking and all is well.

Shit...when I started my practice it was obvious to me that women would be the majority in this profession within 20 years.  That is exactly how it has morphed.

How I never got sued is beyond me....as I always hired attractive young women and insisted on a dress code.  Many of those gals have their own practices today...and we're still friends/peers.  Go figure  LOL

Posted By: JackDunphy
She's had quite a day.  
 And her next tip for this soon to be ex-hooker oughta be a real winner. I cant wait.  
 Maybe she'll suggest bringing some champagne and chocolates to the interview? That's what Skinnie Minnie did. And looked what happened to her...  
 ...she got fucked.

Jack Schitt was hideous! You are a choir boy compared to him! Shudder...



She probably demanded the same salary as her male counter parts.

That's exactly who an employer wants to hire... some moronic feminist.

JackDunphy1131 reads

You mean there is more of them here besides dopey, man hating hotplants? :D

I like women, I even like smart women...  

but smart women know things work much more smoothly when men are in charge.

Sooo...YouWanna1175 reads

Let's see... What's going on in the world and how "smoothly" have things been going thanks to men? Hmmmm...

It's hard to make a hooker squirm but that is quite the repulsive little circle jerk you guys have going.

The men whom run the world want to get laid, laid by women

... so, women own the world's issues.

Sooo...YouWanna1520 reads

Saying you cleaned houses or ran your own craft studio is a lot easier to fake than a whole resume, is less likely to blow up in her face than fake references from clients, and is a hell of a lot better than saying she sat on her ass for the last couple of years. I don't see you offering any glorious suggestions either, just more hateful blathering. Surprise surprise.  

I'm not sure what your point with police officers and firefighters is. Just another half assed attempt at a comeback to beat your meat to? Gross. Don't lie, we all know you guys do it.  

Rather be a feminist than an arm chair misogynist. Luckily for the rest of the world, y'all are getting older and will all be dead soon ;-)

The line about police officers and firefighters? Well, that's just stupid bullshit. Those men and women aren't at risk of being raped or arrested when they go to work each day. I live in a big city and murders of police officers are extremely rare. Rapes, robberies and murders of sexworkers here? Probably once a week.  

The reality is that I'm going to have to lie. Me sitting on my ass for the last xxxxx years just isn't believable. I've never been married. I don't have any children. Sure, I could say that I was taking care of my infirm grandmother but that lie only goes so far.  

Here's what I don't understand about this thread. So many people are saying how awful it is so lie and that I'll get caught, blah, blah, blah yet those very same men are cheating on their wives. So a lie to keep a roof over my head is the worst thing ever but cheating on a spouse is okay? I have to do something. I have no family. I have no friends. I am totally alone in this world and if I don't make some changes, I am going to soon be homeless.  

I get it.  

It's okay to see a whore.  

It's not okay to be a whore.

To suggest that first responders aren't at risk every fucking shift is just naive on your part.  And to think that a hookers life is in jeopardy is even more blatantly stupid to suggest.  But some of you heaux's want to think that you're more at risk than others...makes you feel more important?  Whatever.    

To now cry about your decisions in life and whine on and on is the exact reason I posted that any help is always contingent on proving yourself.  By posting this drivel you are showing that your immaturity would quickly migrate into a "real" job...and your entitlement is duly noted.

Quick moping around and help yourself.  There are so many options out there for those motivated to seek them out.  Contact your local religious organizations...your local social service organizations...your local community colleges.  There's NO shortage of people who want to help!

Or just sit here and mope and whine and cry about YOUR lot in life.  That'll accomplish everything you hoped for!!

Sorry to be this blunt...but I've had the experiences of dealing with folks like you over the years.  And only when that person is ready to help themselves.....is when they can move forward.  

Now get off your ass and take some fucking positive steps towards setting and accomplishing some achievable goals.

Posted By: theskylineismine
The line about police officers and firefighters? Well, that's just stupid bullshit. Those men and women aren't at risk of being raped or arrested when they go to work each day. I live in a big city and murders of police officers are extremely rare. Rapes, robberies and murders of sexworkers here? Probably once a week.  
 The reality is that I'm going to have to lie. Me sitting on my ass for the last xxxxx years just isn't believable. I've never been married. I don't have any children. Sure, I could say that I was taking care of my infirm grandmother but that lie only goes so far.  
 Here's what I don't understand about this thread. So many people are saying how awful it is so lie and that I'll get caught, blah, blah, blah yet those very same men are cheating on their wives. So a lie to keep a roof over my head is the worst thing ever but cheating on a spouse is okay? I have to do something. I have no family. I have no friends. I am totally alone in this world and if I don't make some changes, I am going to soon be homeless.  
 I get it.  
 It's okay to see a whore.  
 It's not okay to be a whore.

I get it. Your lil 'motivational' speech isn't exactly what she needs right now. Most people going thru a big change in life, want guidance, someone they can relate to...they don't typically need to be beaten into submission on get off your ass and do something. They have it in them, just feels better to not do it alone.  

Easy for you to say as you sit there typing away in your lil office without a worry in the world if you'll eat dinner tomorrow. There's nothing 'moping' about it. It's about survival. Get it?

When someone has a choice and invariably take the wrong path...they can either get off "their ass" and find the right path or whine and mope about their lot in life.

As for survival...that is what most in life work towards.  Again it's a choice.

And often times people need a swift kick in the ass to realize that opportunity is their's if they'd only quit feeling sorry for themselves.

Sorry...I have little tolerance for someone who just throws out excuses why something won't work.  That's why there are those who do well in life, and others simply live off the scraps.  It's a choice....deal with it!

Posted By: talknboutTSic;)
I get it. Your lil 'motivational' speech isn't exactly what she needs right now. Most people going thru a big change in life, want guidance, someone they can relate to...they don't typically need to be beaten into submission on get off your ass and do something. They have it in them, just feels better to not do it alone.  
 Easy for you to say as you sit there typing away in your lil office without a worry in the world if you'll eat dinner tomorrow. There's nothing 'moping' about it. It's about survival. Get it?

but it's not as easy as it sounds sometimes. No matter how amazing you are, intelligent, witty, talented, gifted, etc etc etc etc...some things just aren't that easy as much as you'd like to believe they are. If they were, well, I believe, things would be very different everywhere.  

Again, this has nothing to do with crying, moping, sitting on your ass or needing a swift kick in the ass...get it now?

so don't knock people when it's 'Hard' and they need a lil guidance standing back up on their own two feet. Geezk...you are losing it in your elderly age I'm afraid and I am exhausted Mr. Absolute Debater LOL. How old are you now anyway Dr. Who? I guess if we met I would know, but you were too chicken for that to ever happen hahahahaha.

Funny how some of the kids loved my coaching style...some hated it and never came back to play for me.  I like the "in your face" approach and have found it to work on many levels.  Others do need hand holding....but others are better at that style than me.

I'm old enough to know better.

I also don't have any interest in driving downtown....ever.

Posted By: talknboutTSic;)
so don't knock people when it's 'Hard' and they need a lil guidance standing back up on their own two feet. Geezk...you are losing it in your elderly age I'm afraid and I am exhausted Mr. Absolute Debater LOL. How old are you now anyway Dr. Who? I guess if we met I would know, but you were too chicken for that to ever happen hahahahaha.

Big Baby.  

For the record, I wasn't 'downtown' for the entire time I was 'intown' hahahaha. Do I look like the kind of woman who stays in one place. I think not. You don't know me very well Dr. Who afterall.

But since you didn't....and just needed to run your mouth off here and use a big word like misogynist....hope you feel better.

Sorry you don't agree that folks like police/fire and other first responders deal with life and death daily.  Hookers...not so much  LOL

I trust you are also including yourself in the "y'all are getting older and will all be dead soon"....and maybe ponder that comment for a moment.  It's part of life's journey.

If you had any fucking clue as to the type of assistance I've rendered over the years to so many gals here....but then you'd think that's just all bullshit.  But to those who have achieved their goals with some help from asswipes like me...they know the truth.

What's your vitae look like?

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
Saying you cleaned houses or ran your own craft studio is a lot easier to fake than a whole resume, is less likely to blow up in her face than fake references from clients, and is a hell of a lot better than saying she sat on her ass for the last couple of years. I don't see you offering any glorious suggestions either, just more hateful blathering. Surprise surprise.  
 I'm not sure what your point with police officers and firefighters is. Just another half assed attempt at a comeback to beat your meat to? Gross. Don't lie, we all know you guys do it.  
 Rather be a feminist than an arm chair misogynist. Luckily for the rest of the world, y'all are getting older and will all be dead soon ;-)

Sooo...YouWanna1276 reads

FIRST OF ALL, you illiterate moron, I never said that police didn't put themselves in harms way, I never said we were the only ones, YOU are just on a hooker hating spree. You making shit up for your own misogynistic rants, YES misogynistic google it since it's too big for you, does not mean that I said anything of the sort. That is YOUR psycho ass.

Second of all, FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU for being so fucking twisted that you flat out DENY a fact like us being a highly targeted demographic for rape, robbery, and murder and the reality that it does happen daily. Fuck you for closing your mind to the news for the sake of your sick little board posts.  There has been a literal outbreak of escorts being murdered in the last few weeks, and one very well respected by ALL lady just lost a good friend to some sick fuck like you who thinks we have no worth. It happens and only a true moron would come on here and openly say this job has no risks.  

No matter what handle you post under, you always insist you "help". Which is fucking hilarious, because all you ever do is post this hateful drivel. Don't think we don't know who you are and don't think for a second any of us have even the slightest bit of respect for your imagination, no matter how you impress yourself with it. You havent done shit for the ladies or the community except "try" to insult people and more than likely be a flat out danger in person, and you know it. Who thinks you're a good guy? No one. What makes the black lists light up like a fuckin Christmas tree? Your info.  

YOU get a fucking clue. Pathetic little swine like you are the reason we should always carry a nine.

JackDunphy922 reads

Good grief sweetie, calm the fuck down. If you are this hateful maybe you need a break? You have been acting whacky all day, giving out stupid advice....and now this. Yikes.

Grab a cold one and chill babe.  

The sooner the better.


Sooo...YouWanna1413 reads

And you have firmly planted yourself in the group that cries and begs for it all day every day.  

Maybe you can all get together and get yourselves a good rape orgy going. You've talked about it in the past, and anyone with half a days worth of psychology education can tell it's nearly the only thing that will get your little group off anymore.  

I don't need a break, I need fucktards like you to do the rest of us a favor and off yourselves.

Sorry that life is tossing you crab apples....but getting all pissed at some words on TER isn't going to solve your personal and financial problems.

Maybe some of the advice on this thread would be helpful to you.

Work on that vitae...apply for some part-time work and gain some practical experience and eventually you might be viewed as a competent employee for someone.

As of now it seems that an anger management class should be on your agenda.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
And you have firmly planted yourself in the group that cries and begs for it all day every day.  
 Maybe you can all get together and get yourselves a good rape orgy going. You've talked about it in the past, and anyone with half a days worth of psychology education can tell it's nearly the only thing that will get your little group off anymore.  
 I don't need a break, I need fucktards like you to do the rest of us a favor and off yourselves.

Unless there is some escort draft out there in which I've never heard of. I'm assuming you took this gig on your own free will. Which means you except the risks involved, and take the personal responsibility needed to keep yourself safe.  

Try being a bank teller, sometimes they get to stand behind protective glass.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
FIRST OF ALL, you illiterate moron, I never said that police didn't put themselves in harms way, I never said we were the only ones, YOU are just on a hooker hating spree. You making shit up for your own misogynistic rants, YES misogynistic google it since it's too big for you, does not mean that I said anything of the sort. That is YOUR psycho ass.  
 Second of all, FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU for being so fucking twisted that you flat out DENY a fact like us being a highly targeted demographic for rape, robbery, and murder and the reality that it does happen daily. Fuck you for closing your mind to the news for the sake of your sick little board posts.  There has been a literal outbreak of escorts being murdered in the last few weeks, and one very well respected by ALL lady just lost a good friend to some sick fuck like you who thinks we have no worth. It happens and only a true moron would come on here and openly say this job has no risks.  
 No matter what handle you post under, you always insist you "help". Which is fucking hilarious, because all you ever do is post this hateful drivel. Don't think we don't know who you are and don't think for a second any of us have even the slightest bit of respect for your imagination, no matter how you impress yourself with it. You havent done shit for the ladies or the community except "try" to insult people and more than likely be a flat out danger in person, and you know it. Who thinks you're a good guy? No one. What makes the black lists light up like a fuckin Christmas tree? Your info.  
 YOU get a fucking clue. Pathetic little swine like you are the reason we should always carry a nine.

Try reading without your hate for people.  Then maybe you can comprehend posts that are here.

As well re-read your posts...YOU made the comment about the murder/rape issue.  I simply reminded you that first responders deal with that shit daily...and all too real.  There is risk in life for everyone...however to pretend that somehow you and your sisters are in the crosshairs is simply paranoia and incorrect on many levels.

To now suggest that you and your sisters want to blacklist me for posting on TER...be my guest.  Just another reason why the johns here are quite careful about what information they give BSC heaux's like you.  

And since you are on a roll spewing hatred and inaccuracies...let me clue you in on something.  I don't celebrate Christmas....so you can keep your tree all to yourself.

If you're nice this year perhaps Santa...or Satan will bring you some nice clues.  You are in dire need of some.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
FIRST OF ALL, you illiterate moron, I never said that police didn't put themselves in harms way, I never said we were the only ones, YOU are just on a hooker hating spree. You making shit up for your own misogynistic rants, YES misogynistic google it since it's too big for you, does not mean that I said anything of the sort. That is YOUR psycho ass.  
 Second of all, FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU for being so fucking twisted that you flat out DENY a fact like us being a highly targeted demographic for rape, robbery, and murder and the reality that it does happen daily. Fuck you for closing your mind to the news for the sake of your sick little board posts.  There has been a literal outbreak of escorts being murdered in the last few weeks, and one very well respected by ALL lady just lost a good friend to some sick fuck like you who thinks we have no worth. It happens and only a true moron would come on here and openly say this job has no risks.  
 No matter what handle you post under, you always insist you "help". Which is fucking hilarious, because all you ever do is post this hateful drivel. Don't think we don't know who you are and don't think for a second any of us have even the slightest bit of respect for your imagination, no matter how you impress yourself with it. You havent done shit for the ladies or the community except "try" to insult people and more than likely be a flat out danger in person, and you know it. Who thinks you're a good guy? No one. What makes the black lists light up like a fuckin Christmas tree? Your info.  
 YOU get a fucking clue. Pathetic little swine like you are the reason we should always carry a nine.

Skinny_Minnie:-)1484 reads

When you've been out of the workforce for a few years, it IS extremely difficult to get back in.  I understand your plight first hand.  

BUT working a 9-5 is a bit overrated.  I spent months networking, schmoozing, and sleeping with powerful people to get my current dayjob (lol) and now that I've got it, it actually sucks getting up at the crack of dawn and hitting the rat race with the other 8million miserable people:D

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 3:27:23 PM

JackDunphy1110 reads

Ok, you now have my attention. Sharing is caring. On his desk? Details?

slept with a colleague or even someone in management in order to try to get ahead in this world.

Maybe you aren't aware but many businesses have virtual offices.

And you don't have to fuck anyone to get paid.

Unless you're incompetent and that's just some SD arrangement.

Did you ask all 8 million if they're really miserable....or are you just projecting?

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
When you've been out of the workforce for a few years, it IS extremely difficult to get back in.  I feel for moms who took off to have children and anyone who has to fluff up their resume.  It's tough.  
 But working a 9-5 is a bit overrated.  I recently worked my butt off networking, schmoozing, and sleeping with powerful people to get my current dayjob (lol) and now that I've got it, it actually sucks getting up at the crack of dawn and hitting the rat race with the other 8million miserable people.

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 3:20:16 PM

The most important thing is working on your resume, hopefully you have, but if not, make sure you're able to explain the gap - did you have children that maybe you can say you took time off to be at stay at home mom? A family business that you could say you went to help with? Courses you can say that you took during this time.

The gap seems to be the biggest thing to overcome, but if you can make a kick-ass cover letter, surely you can get past the resume review process at some places for an entry-level office position.

hotplants1347 reads

Sorry...my programming guide seems to be on the blink.  

But to answer your question: Yes! I would lie for you as much as much as I would lie for the obnoxious DB behind this post with old/ugly/fat/entitled/obnoxious/hateful hobbyist disease.  

Any and all comments are very much appreciated. I do not have VIP, so please post a way to contact you if you'd like to exchange ideas elsewhere.

I'm so damn gullible though I had to re read it 3-4xs to get suspicious.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 3:02:22 PM

Let me Txt Andrewww12 to get a thread started on his take on Mathew McConaughey's body, skull structure and overall physique...:D

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 6:07:07 PM

JackDunphy1362 reads

The Gloria Allred fan club is meeting tonite in a Volkswagen and I told them I would have an update for them! :D

Yes, I met my soulmate.. We have a dentist appointment tomorrow to get her dentures..

No she ain't that old. Actually only in early 30s.. She just made some bad life decisions..:D

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 6:37:37 PM

No wonder you rather make out with her husband.  

Personally I'd just abstain.

Blowjobs are awesome, and never really have to worry about teeth getting in the way of us getting rough..:D

JackDunphy1044 reads

You know how anal she can be about deciding who is best for you! Lol

I guess I was just trying to be honest about my appearance before someone pointed out the obvious - that I am likely too old, too fat, too ugly for this business anymore. I just don't have what it takes anymore and that's okay.  

If this business has taught me anything, it's taught me that I am a survivor. I will somehow find a way back into the workforce.

!_!1206 reads

Having a degree in something opens doors. I wouldn't recommend liberal arts unless that's your passion and enjoy living on a small fraction of what you made in the hobby.

and cannot afford to return for a third.  

I have both an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree. Both are practical degrees, the undergraduate more so than the graduate degree. Unfortunately, the market for both degrees is flooded with applicants.

!_!1278 reads

Also, getting some certifications to add to your graduate degree would help. They don't take all that long either. Volunteering, like you said, would be helpful getting your foot in the door. As skinnyminnie said, try sleeping with some powerful men and they can probably help you too. There are no shortage of whiteknights. LOL

Internships in my field are only available while a student is enrolled in university. They are a requirement for graduation and not available post graduation. There are no certifications associated with my graduate degree. I likely won't return to professional work in my fields of study anyway.  

I think working part-time is a great idea and I'm going to seek that out. I was hoping that my volunteer position would have people who are well connected but that's not the case. I'm the oldest person there by ten years and most people are there as part of an internship or course credit requirement. That being said, I enjoy the work and plan on being there as much as possible.  

Sleeping with powerful men isn't really an option. I'm average looking and old. :-)

Maybe use that as your "tag line" on your cover letter.  You are omnipotent  LOL

Cut the bullshit already....there's work for anyone who wants it.  It may not be what YOU were seeking to do long term...but there's always a job out there.  And in many cases the benefits and salary combination exceed what most gals make in this gig (yeah...most gals NET less than 35k in this gig...and that's a full time income...wheeee  LOL).

So as I posted elsewhere...quit feeling sorry for yourself and take action.  And even if you have no experience in whatever field it is you have these sheepskins in....entry level is generally wide open for those who are go-getters.

So...are you a go-getter or just going to whine about the shit life has thrown you due to your decisons?

Posted By: theskylineismine
and cannot afford to return for a third.  
 I have both an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree. Both are practical degrees, the undergraduate more so than the graduate degree. Unfortunately, the market for both degrees is flooded with applicants.

hotplants1211 reads

I know this is too GAY for you jack----look away now

Didn't you post earlier that this was a troll post?

That's OK....you realized that it wasn't.  Right?

hotplants1423 reads

About anything. And you go to absurd lengths to prove you're right about everything.

But, really. If that post had flown any lower over your head.....

JackDunphy1301 reads

NO, that's not arguing for arguing's sake. Lol

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 7:25:13 PM

Guess I missed the irony between your two posts.

Sorry...must be the excessive ChiTown Heauxs threw me off.

Posted By: hotplants
About anything. And you go to absurd lengths to prove you're right about everything.  
 But, really. If that post had flown any lower over your head.....

100%. Sorry Doc. You did get my vote for best debater and you possess more Absolutes than this guy....


A)  The allegation it is a troll post

B)  The rebuttal that it is a poor heaux seeing help

Decisions...decisions...decisions  LOL

It's election time and I guess that all of the media blast of bullshit has you confused at this point as well?

Posted By: talknboutTSic;)
100%. Sorry Doc. You did get my vote for best debater and you possess more Absolutes than this guy....  

C) you are full of Absolute 100% _____ (I'll let you fill in the blank ;)

I could care less about 'election' time. I don't watch TV or read the paper and get into all that negative bullshit. No thanks, not my cup of tea. You can have it. You are one of those who thrives on bs apparently. I'm not knocking you for that however. Promise.

Oh well...was the OP a friend of yours?

Perhaps I should suggest a nice lunch with her to see if I can help her out?

I'm betting she isn't fat, old and ugly either....maybe not even a heaux.  Lots of new brown envelopes here lately...wonder why.  

Posted By: talknboutTSic;)
C) you are full of Absolute 100% _____ (I'll let you fill in the blank ;)  
 I could care less about 'election' time. I don't watch TV or read the paper and get into all that negative bullshit. No thanks, not my cup of tea. You can have it. You are one of those who thrives on bs apparently. I'm not knocking you for that however. Promise.

bellyache lol. Sour or sweet.  

Do not know her, but I like her ;)

Lot of new brown envelopes? Isnt that weekly since the dawn of TER time and what you gents who have been here since that dawn thrive off of? I'm betting 'absolutely' yes to that answer.  

Have fun with the new envy's lol.

as it makes me giggle....does it really matter? It's good convo isn't it? Whether she's real or not, makes no difference to me, it's a good thread. So why don't you thank him, her or whatever 'it' is and just be content you boys have someone to 'debate' with again lol.  

Ok? Ok? lol Btw Nick, I was wondering. Would you say this stuff to my face if given the chance? Or would you be all sweet and endearing and play off like you are a good lil angel? Hmmm....does make me ponder the thought. My bet is............;)

Now you are all supportive, with no real advice for her? Smack yourself.

Even if it is a lie? Maybe someone would post something helpful for any girl who is actually in that jam, and needs help?  
Maybe I don't understand what a Troll post is..

hotplants1237 reads

"I am pretty aggressively trying to exit the business because I have old/ugly/fat hooker disease"


"I've been beating myself up over my foolish and ill planned life choices or the last several months but I cannot do that any longer. I have to move forward and find a way to secure professional employment outside of sexwork."

This is a post from a shit-stiring guy who can't grasp that sex workers, simply because they are sex workers, are not ignorant, uneducated, and have no clue about how to plan for their lives, or future.  

That's as ridiculous as me saying men who are construction workers are complete idiots, regret their choice of work, yearn to do something else because what they do for work is 'blue-collar', and have no ability to plan for their lives, or future.  

Try to be smarter than some of these guys you think are your mentors

Some heaux's are ignorant, uneducated and have no clue about how to plan for their lives, or future.  Some are smart.  

As well there are construction workers with Master's degrees who love their manual labor.  Others, perhaps with little education regret their choices in life.

So now it's 3-1 in favor of fake.  You'll need to post one more to win the Championship.  Or maybe surprise us with "awww...she's really real and I can't believe her lot in life".

I don't see many here seeing HoC as anyone's mentor...perhaps ROGM however?

FWIW I've listened to this story from quite a number of gals over the years.  And yep...they're heaux's.  And yep...they are real stories.  I doubt you haven't heard similar over the years.

Posted By: hotplants
"I am pretty aggressively trying to exit the business because I have old/ugly/fat hooker disease"  
 "I've been beating myself up over my foolish and ill planned life choices or the last several months but I cannot do that any longer. I have to move forward and find a way to secure professional employment outside of sexwork."  
 This is a post from a shit-stiring guy who can't grasp that sex workers, simply because they are sex workers, are not ignorant, uneducated, and have no clue about how to plan for their lives, or future.  
 That's as ridiculous as me saying men who are construction workers are complete idiots, regret their choice of work, yearn to do something else because what they do for work is 'blue-collar', and have no ability to plan for their lives, or future.  
 Try to be smarter than some of these guys you think are your mentors.  

Will there be another post rebutting this and agreeing again that it's a sincere post?

Perhaps this is a best of 7 like the World Series?

It's blue collar work. Considered by some to be low class, and yes. Lots of the guys, and girls I work with are ex cons. So no worries about crazy background checks. The benefits are great, and the pay isn't bad either. You have to wake up before dawn, and it can be dangerous if you don't pay attention.  
All unions need women though. It's the law, and it's not like you would be demolishing concrete slabs by hand. But you will get filthy.
Plumbers, Operators, and Laborers. You can get on a line, and wait your turn for any opening.
Most are 25 years, and out. Pension, and annuity...  

I think of my work like this...
People will always have to shower, and shit. They will always need a place to do that. So plumbers, and builders will always be needed. That means ill never be out of a job, as long as people keep shitting? Wait..
I make more than half of my friends who went to college, and I have no loans to pay off.

PS. If you are remotely pretty, they will love you on a job site! LOL.. :

... and she won't get in trouble because she has a vagina(?)  

College campuses are always expanding coeds love to hear those cat calls.

For instance:
She could say to you as you walked by..
"Hey tiny dick! You couldn't suck that button if I tied your nuts to your head!"

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 8:08:30 PM

I'm not in the business of pleasing some dyke in a hard hat.

You will be paralyzed> She will laugh,

And no. You will not get rich from the settlement. LOL.

'We' can relate. It sucks to not be able to 'verify' your means here and can eat a way at you when you have other dreams and desires taking you other places, even though you still have to remain here for reasons out of your control (financially) that is. Not all of us were handed the easy plate in life and some may have been dished a rotten one a time or two and this is our way to help ease the pain if you will.  

It is tough in doing your own thing as I am one who thrives in that field myself, but the 'fear' in publicly putting yourself 'out' there while you're striving for success 'out' there and in still being here, is a stress you can't even fathom...that someone will irresponsibly, intentionally hurt all that hard work by one simple little word. That's all it takes. I certainly hope that all here, whomever you 'really' are behind the scenes, consider all matters in your hands. As I stated somewhere recently, if you can’t play like a grownup, then don’t play at all.

Keep your chin up, stay focused, keep your eye on the prize, think good things and I believe wholeheartedly good things will come. Most women here are fully capable of a ridiculous amount of success (other than spreading a pair of legs)...you just need to believe in it and do it.  

And I do believe you can have the best of 'both' worlds.

It was very kind and understanding.  

You truly understand the place at which I am.  

I am terrified. As I mentioned above, I have no family or friend or anyone to help me or more importantly, guide to through the next phase of my life. I feel like my spirit has been quashed and that makes me so sad. Where is the woman I used to be? I want her back!  

My volunteer work has reminded me of who I was years ago. It makes me happy and it's tremendously helpful to interact with real people several times a week who don't want a blowjob or to see my tits.  

Thank you for your kindness. You made my world a bit brighter tonight

but for me when I'm feeling down or like the world is collapsing (which happens to all of us at some point in our lives) when I am outside in the elements, I look to the sun. Truly it helps. Close your eyes for a few minutes, feel the warmth, focus and remember where you want to be, not where you are. Then go out for a crazy run LOL, that's what I do. Gets the adrenaline going and then you feel like you can conquer the world. I did my first mudrun this past summer and it was awesome. Talk about empowering lol. An endorphin/adrenaline rush (or both, though different) still feed the mind, the body and the spirit. And being out in the elements is usually all the healing most of us need in my opinion. I just came back from a run in the rain, that's my favorite, at night too.  

I'd give you my email as I don't have PM either just so we could chat more....lemme think how I can do that without broadcasting it LOL. It's hard on here (obviously).

It'll be enlightening for the both of you  ;)

Are you sure she is real?  HP is now at 2-1 on real/fake.  You agreed with hp that she is fake...now you've reversed course and think she's real.

It's all so confusing  LOL

When I'm down...and troubled...and need a helping hand...I just listen to James Taylor  ;)

Posted By: talknboutTSic;)
but for me when I'm feeling down or like the world is collapsing (which happens to all of us at some point in our lives) when I am outside in the elements, I look to the sun. Truly it helps. Close your eyes for a few minutes, feel the warmth, focus and remember where you want to be, not where you are. Then go out for a crazy run LOL, that's what I do. Gets the adrenaline going and then you feel like you can conquer the world. I did my first mudrun this past summer and it was awesome. Talk about empowering lol. An endorphin/adrenaline rush (or both, though different) still feed the mind, the body and the spirit. And being out in the elements is usually all the healing most of us need in my opinion. I just came back from a run in the rain, that's my favorite, at night too.  
 I'd give you my email as I don't have PM either just so we could chat more....lemme think how I can do that without broadcasting it LOL. It's hard on here (obviously).

Reread HP's post on what 'I' agreed with. Her knocking 'you' that you think you are right about everything holy in hookerland and I thought that was hilarious. You do ya know...and you speak in absolutes...get it? Wow, you are losing your touch.  

Never once doubted the OP whatsoever, still don't. She's real I believe. But then again, I am the 'dreamer' here...but dreamers do see things that most realists don't ever. So go figure. I guess we just hallucinate life away...got any tips for me Mr. Absolute?

And it's now 3-1 in favor of fake.  I'm still hoping that HP will see your side of it and rebut with a couple of posts to take the score to 3-3...and then I'll hang on the edge of my seat to see how her 7th and deciding post goes.

BTW...she thinks that I'm argumentative.  Can you believe that?  LOL

Posted By: talknboutTSic;)
Reread HP's post on what 'I' agreed with. Her knocking 'you' that you think you are right about everything holy in hookerland and I thought that was hilarious. You do ya know...and you speak in absolutes...get it? Wow, you are losing your touch.  
 Never once doubted the OP whatsoever, still don't. She's real I believe. But then again, I am the 'dreamer' here...but dreamers do see things that most realists don't ever. So go figure. I guess we just hallucinate life away...got any tips for me Mr. Absolute?

dummy, that's my whole point hahaha.  

Read my lips very slowly ..................... U R L O S I N G  I T !!!!!

TS said she was leaving.  But she didn't.  And you think you're confused. Some people you just can't rely on. I guess I'm just naive.

You are better than that! Dammit I hate when people look like they are going to give up!!!
Fuck your bad feelings, and get angry. Get pissed!  
Sneer.... Show your teeth. Move forward Lady.
Kick some ass dammit

this is where 'men' are so different than 'women'. Shut it already and read my post above. She's not 'crying' in that sense. I totally get her which you will never lol. You and CPA, you could always do a seminar on giving pep talks to .............. hmmm???

Inspiration is everything...
When you are down. You step up. Man or Woman.

I learned this from my Grandmother...
She was a WAC. Look it up.

JackDunphy1165 reads

So she can feel better about her miserable life and what could have been. This is good work by you. She needed a kick in the ass and you and Doc gave it to her.

Taylor just wants to see her cry. That makes taylor feel better but not this sappy hooker. It's always about Taylor, never about actually thinking what is best for someone else.  


I can't even imagine what you are really like in real life. Scares me to be honest LOL.  

Can you even read is my next question?

You are correct. 'Inspiration' is everything. Make sure you are inspiring however, which I don't believe you were doing. Again, you and CPA's tact of inspiration is a bit different than how I would go about it. A swift kick in the ass isn't 'inspiring' to me on any level.  

Here's the definition to be sure...wouldn't want you to be confused on it's definition now so you can use it correctly. You can thank me later lol.  

Your grandmother is a wise woman. Aren't they all though?  

[in-spuh-rey-shuh n]  Spell  Syllables
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
an inspiring or animating action or influence:
I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
something inspired, as an idea.
a result of inspired activity.
a thing or person that inspires.
a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.
the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
the act of inspiring; quality or state of being inspired.

JackDunphy1232 reads

She responded positively to Hounds post. Yours? Made her all weepy and weak.

This ex-hooker needs a kick in the ass not some sappy angry older hooker's shoulder to cry on.

hoot. That's not what I was offering duh. Not that you'd get it. It's ok. Knock, knock away.  

Did you see 'my' post below...my first one that is? I was nice to you, not that you noticed. What is it that makes you so ugly inside is what I would LOVE to know....LOVE to know.

She comes back madly posting everywhere with her usual "I know better than everyone else" atti-tude.  Then she again shows why she's known as Minnie, getting it all wrong.  She's still..

I'm going to kick some ass, hopefully none of which belongs to anyone here.  

Thank you!

Don't get wimpy.  
Not for nothing.. Women are supposed to be tougher than men.  
You girls can live on less food while staying strong.
And you chickpeas are smarter when you wanna be.
All the time. Having the ability to construct life. I'm a little jealous.
Women are the nest of life! As a man? I would be extremely proud of that>

"want a blowjob or see my tits"


You are burned out on this business. Quit now or hate yourself forever....you seem halfway there. Not worth whatever you make doing it.

I hope you make it

* should not be more than $200
* open a checking account at a credit union (most are free; put $50 in)
* whatever professional work you did before you are now a Consultant to that industry
* have b. cards printed ($20)
* get a UPS mailbox ($50) - use this on your b. card (not your home address)
* buy 100 stamps ($49)
* send out a 1-2 page proposal to all companies that industry offering your (Company) services as a Consultant.  Do not use "I" in the letter use "we"
* the above legitimizes the business. (you may even get a job this way)
* BTW this is real.  You are a consultant but you don't need people to know that you get paid on a commission basis.  If asked what do you make now simply state the salary you would like to be paid.


* now start sending out resumes to places you want to work
* update your resume with your consulting business as the employer of the last several years
* when asked how many employees work "there" respond with "we are a small consulting firm and we usually have anywhere from 8-10 employees depending on how many contractors we have to bring on for special jobs
* under no circumstances do you state that you own the business simply state you are an employee (which is true)

You will have to interview roleplay this scenario with a friend to work out the kinks (of tell me some of your current duties as a consultant) but it works.  Trust me.

A buddy I went to graduate school with did the same thing when his start up business failed.  Corporate America is afraid of independent minded (i.e., self employed people - IT people being the exception).


-- Modified on 10/22/2014 6:23:29 PM

An LLC is an entity....and as a single member entity is not a separate return for filing purposes.

As well there is NO advantage to any heaux setting this up...as many already use the Schedule C (which is where the reporting for an LLC will be posted on Form 1040) for reporting purposes.  

Additionally the income that is being shown in either entity (LLC or self-employment income) is still something that a gal can't discuss...or in many instances can't corroborate as consulting.  Any interviewer with any experience would pierce that shit in a nano-second.

Whenever someone says "trust me"....that's the cue to run like hell  LOL

Posted By: Ridgetucky
* should not be more than $200  
 * open a checking account at a credit union (most are free; put $50 in)  
 * whatever professional work you did before you are now a Consultant to that industry  
 * have b. cards printed ($20)  
 * get a UPS mailbox ($50) - use this on your b. card (not your home address)  
 * buy 100 stamps ($49)  
 * send out a 1-2 page proposal to all companies that industry offering your (Company) services as a Consultant.  Do not use "I" in the letter use "we"  
 * the above legitimizes the business. (you may even get a job this way)  
 * BTW this is real.  You are a consultant but you don't need people to know that you get paid on a commission basis.  If asked what do you make now simply state the salary you would like to be paid.  
 * now start sending out resumes to places you want to work  
 * update your resume with your consulting business as the employer of the last several years  
 * when asked how many employees work "there" respond with "we are a small consulting firm and we usually have anywhere from 8-10 employees depending on how many contractors we have to bring on for special jobs  
 * under no circumstances do you state that you own the business simply state you are an employee (which is true)  
 You will have to interview roleplay this scenario with a friend to work out the kinks (of tell me some of your current duties as a consultant) but it works.  Trust me.  
 A buddy I went to graduate school with did the same thing when his start up business failed.  Corporate America is afraid of independent minded (i.e., self employed people - IT people being the exception).  

-- Modified on 10/22/2014 6:23:29 PM

Impressive. But you forgot one thing....I can't tell ya what it is though.

Ass-uming she's a she and is actually a hooker.  One thing we know from these boards, there's a big market for older hookers.  I know a gal who's 60 and still working quite successfully.  Most of the guys she dates just take her out to dinner.  No sex at all.  Pretty good deal for her. I bet she's working 'til she's 70.

LMT / FBSM provider...  has cooking skills & got a job as a personal chef...  was able to work part- time.  Shut the Services down & got another part-time job with benifits...  

NO, I'd not ask someone to lie about a work history.  There are lots of reasons to be out of the work force.  The thing is to break back in...  maybe if you shook the tree, someone you know might hire you, even part-time but that could be a stepping stone.  A good resume & time to network.  It is a jungle out there...

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