TER General Board

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 130 reads

The NCNS was actually local  and retired and might only be seeing a few SDs or a SO. The cancel was a touring sweetheart(?) that certainly is worth seeing  again. Several hottt visits in the books already.

In general, that's good advice, great advice ... unless a situation becomes personal. Personal doesn't have to be overrun by emotion, but there are times when it can get personal especially if you've been in the hobby long enough. I'd say most of us have crossed the "personal" bridge once or twice. Have you?  

P.S. .... That also doesn't mean one "has to" harbor ill feelings towards the "offender".

... someone is choosing x person over y.  Simple as that. There are reasons, spoken or unspoken - known to us or unknown to us - that enter into what may be a conscious or unconscious decision to see someone over someone else.  

The old line 'it's not personal, it's just business' is bullshit in this business. We are choosing to be people - people willing to give GFE or not, people willing to see us for 3 hrs or not, people who stink... or hopefully not.  People who are funny, people who are    

Well you get the idea... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. And if you don't like it, nothing personal lol

A provider I'd seen many times I felt had treated me most of the time like a second-class customer when it came to scheduling. Behind closed doors, everything was always great, but I pulled my hair out with her cancellations, lateness, rescheduling, etc.  

I didn't take it personal, but just realized that's just the way she is, take it or leave it. So I left it.

Providers are not the ones with the power unless WE give it to them.  Some of us become so emotionally invested with just ONE lady that she can abuse us and we will not leave.  But in the beginning, we pick them, they don't pick us.  They merely accept us.  All the power to say when its over is with us.  If you never forget that, you will not have any problems with providers.  You will just see more different ones because its human nature for them to take us for granted after awhile.  As soon as you start to see a laziness or drop off on the level of service on her part, its time to leave.  My timing on this isn't always perfect, but after many years I have pretty good instincts on where its time to move on.  

You, nor any man in this hobby gives me power.  Just doesn't happen.  I chose who to see when I want.  They call me.  I don't call them.  This ISN'T a him versus her,  it's mutual consent between two ADULTS.  Not a power play.  I have never abused a client.  I have never taken anyone for granted.  Although,  I've been spit on, cum in face, grabbed until bruised....all things that you wouldn't expect until after it happens.  NO ONE is perfect.  But, to have someone that regularly sees me, I value the most and do NOT take for granted.  They see something in me that entices them and makes them happy,  and I value that, and the friendship that comes with it.  Not all men are tainted.  Yes, it's still business, but what does the guy want at the end?  He has a wife, family.....so...it's NOT all about you and your choice.  WE have a choice too.  Oh, I have to address the "level of service".  Really?  The more I see my ATF or regulars the better the service gets!  The more you know about that person, the better it is!  At least for me it is!

-- Modified on 6/4/2017 2:47:51 AM

I never said it happens to EVERYONE.  I think when it does, its most often with older guys and younger providers anyway, so that's probbly why its not an issue for you.  

Just_this_one_time129 reads

Sometimes one person makes an emotional investment in a relationship and it can become toxic. They should leave, but they are so heavily invested that they stay in it far beyond what they should.  The other person will continue to take advantage of the situation knowing they hold that much power.  

One thing I learned is that a Narcissist never changes.  

How does one get so far into an invested relationship that, that even happens??  I mean, unless you both profess your love for one another and become one.......it's business for both sides....he wants a good time---she provides good time.  Where is this "power"?  I have yet to encounter any such thing.  I've had a couple guys want more...but, were they serious?  Did I indulge? Did it work?  The answer to these questions are a simple:  NO!  HELL NO!  LOL

Just_this_one_time132 reads

In this world, it's not a wise thing to look for or seek out anything more than a good time.  However, you will on occasion see a post where both parties went from client/provider to something more.  Why it happens is only really known by them.  Sometimes is works out, often times it does not.  

you'll be the world's greatest shrink ever.

I think that chemistry brings us together, but a person's psychology causes them to stay and deepen the relationship - sometimes with positive results (in my case), and sometimes, otherwise.

To plumb the depths of the infinity of one's mind is the ultimate challenge.   Many have tried, but few ever succeed.

I can relate. I had a lady I saw for 18 months when she told me she wanted rights of first refusal. Meaning when I was coming to town I had to call her first. If she was available then she would see me if not I could call another provider. I could not agree and we parted company. I think she was trying to get rid of me. How can you not take it personal.  

SPs get tried of us as much as we get tired of them and move on. However it is personal.

...or just plain screw things up sometimes...but in a business that trades intimacy for money things can get "personal" in a hurry, and sometimes in ways that are not pleasant...

I've had a couple moments where things were allowed to get beyond the "professional" level, and as a result some words were exchanged that were hurtful and insulting...the only way to handle these kinds of events are to put them behind you and walk away from the situation...lesson learned...

you need ur medication sweetie lol. this is sort of off topic. Why was this even posted? lol.

but don't make this personal, cutie. 😉

Keep the meds out of this   lol

Enjoy the time you had and move on.  Plenty of girls on my "to do" list.  Funny thing happens over time.  The girl may be happy to see you  again in the future.

I am now re-visiting with some girls I reviewed 4, 6, even 10 years ago.  Literally had not seen prettynicolette for 10 years and our conversation just continued where it had left off...with my dick in her mouth, hah ha!!!!!

The NCNS was actually local  and retired and might only be seeing a few SDs or a SO. The cancel was a touring sweetheart(?) that certainly is worth seeing  again. Several hottt visits in the books already.

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