TER General Board

No, she never said paid sessions or illegal business. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 197 reads


As a client, I always have an idea of what a new provider will look like before I meet her (assuming pics are accurate), but the first time she sees me is when she opens the door.  So I'm curious:

Guys - how many of you include a picture (face blurred?) in your P411 profile?

Providers - do client pictures make the screening process easier for you and remove some of the anxiety that might be associated with meeting a new client?

There's enough detail in my profile to give providers a very good idea what they'll see when they open the door.  If they want more details to ensure we're a good fit, they can either ask my references or me.  A pic of me with a blurred face won't be much if any additional help to them.  

1shotperhr387 reads

Yes, I have a picture along with a detailed description of myself and the things I really enjoy doing with my providers.
Also list one deal breaker in my profile.

JakeFromStateFarm356 reads

When I started with P411 I included a shot which showed my body type but my face was hidden.  I have since removed it, and it hasn't been a problem.

I do have 30 okays from other providers and p411 does list their phone numbers.  Also P411 asks a few personal questions all guys are required to answer.  My profile gives a girl a clear picture of who I am, if they need more they can read my TER.

And I've never sent a picture to a provider.


It wasn't that long ago that a lady went BSC and listed a couple of guys on her own site saying that had did her wrong.  It was on TER for a couple of days before they caught it and removed it.

Now I don't know if they did wrong or not, just her word saying it was so.  But none the less, there they were, there pictures right there for the world to see, and hooker saying that they had screwed her over.

My advice, don't do it. Period....

GaGambler204 reads

The transgression? A cancellation made well over a week in advance.

Yes, some hookers are whacked and there is not always any signs in advance that she is about to go BSC.

There was another well reviewed hooker who posted a guys real name and number right here on the GD board that stayed up almost a full day before Admin "finally" took it down after I don't know how many RAP's. Personally I sent in three RAPs begging Admin to take the post down. To the best of my knowledge NOTHING was done to the BSC hooker who did this, she profile is still up and she still posts on a regular basis.

I really don't give a crap what you look like.  Occasionally a prospective client will include a photo to his introductory email - usually as a indirect "warning" about some attribute I guess he thinks I might find objectionable (like dark skin...or extra weight.)  One babe of a client who sent me a picture - which I assumed was an advertisement of his babe-ishness - later told me that he wanted to make sure I knew he was not Caucasian.  It's a little depressing that this is the world we live in!  But here we are.  FYI, gents, I truly do not give a f*ck.

So, no - client pictures do nothing for me in terms of screening or anything else.

..... but when I walked in the door, "Oh hell no!" was not a great welcome.

do have photos on their P411 profile.I have never seen a guy use a photo that has his face blurred.
I have seen a photo where the guy's head was cropped out so you just saw his body.
Others will have photos of their face usually an outdoor photo or a selfie.Him providing a photo is a plus but it does not make screening easier.P411 has done that for me not him having a photo on his profile.
On a side note I really like when a guy has filled out his P411 profile in its entirety you would be surprised how many clients leave alot of the questions blank.

Guy posting picture of their face in hobby web site  are asking for trouble with LE.  There is no such thing as SECURED web site (court order).  

Wife find out and will end up homeless.  

Guy willing to sent picture of their face during the providers' screening for a date is making the wrong decision.  Provider can use it as bad mail, etc.  LE posted as Provider will use photo as evidence.  

In most providers' ad, they post pictures without their face or using other "shop photos" (photo belong to sexy looking girls).  During setting up the date, these providers will not sent pictures of their face even when the guy asked for them.  Providers will not allow taking picture or video of them during the date.

In addition to posting picture of your face (client - you guy) ,  

It is also apply to  posting your GOOD reviews of the Providers -  guy are asking for TROUBLE  too.

Guy are admitting and informing  the   LE   that they paid for sex (BBBJ, DATY, K-9, etc.  for 300$)  which is illegal (against the law).

There is no such thing as SECURED web site (court order).

There is nothing to show off when you guy "hided a home run" with a sexy Providers and did a recommendation on the Providers.   The Providers get more clients and raised their prices.  Client (you guy)  got in trouble and become homeless.

Yeah, there is not point.  And the risk/return isn't there.  All risk and very little upside.  Sort of like these boards.  Posting doesn't provide much benefit, but it does result in different types of risk.

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