TER General Board

No offense but
TaylorSteele 453 reads

That's weak. Grab your balls, be a man and tell her before. You and she will feel better in the morning. I mean really sometimes.

Well, I am planning to wrap up one of my sugar baby arrangements; been seeing her for about 3 months and things are moving to the boring stage. We are in a monthly arrangement and I am planning to make this my last month with her.

How do you guys wrap it up? Give her a two weeks heads up of just let her know at the end of the month? I generally meet her once a week, and by giving her a two weeks heads up I might end up having a crappy couple of of sessions. But I do not want to wait till the last moment as she might be expecting my donation on June 1st for her expenses...

How can I let her know that this is our last month...Also, would like to see her occasionally for an hour arrangement in the future so would like to have a friendly exit...


GaGambler1011 reads

as for the OP, there is no "right way" to break up with a person, whether that person is a civvie, SB or hooker.  

personally I look at it this way, in ascending order you should be "considerate" about her feelings.

Hooker: just quit emailing

SB:       just quit calling

Civvie   Just quit seeing her

Wife      Tell her to "get the fuck out"  

Actually doing the math here, you've seen her a dozen times, What's the big deal? Just tell her you only want to see her once a month from here on out, with a huge adjustment in allowance of course, if she's ok with that, fine. If she's not, then simply move on.

Personally I am beginning to love the SB world, but I keep several of them on rotation and replace them as needed due to attrition.

Lastly, if you have "prepaid" your last two sessions, I'd keep my mouth shut until the end. She "could" try to step up her game to keep you coming back, but most likely she will either end up calling in sick for your last two dates or simply sleep walk through them. A very good reason NOT to prepay in this biz, that of course goes for hookers and SB's alik

1) We need a SB board. It is becoming a HUGE part of the p4p world and deserves its own board, ads, whatever.

2) And yes, the OP should STFU until the dates are over. He paid her and carried her for awhile and is under no obligation to do so in the future. It is one of the many benefits of NSA sex.

GaGambler842 reads

I say the very best time is while you are wiping your dick off on her drapes after having sex with her for the very last time. Can I get an Amen??? lol

JakeFromStateFarm752 reads

There are probably almost as many germs on there as on her bedspread.  Use a towel.

There is only downside to telling her anything about your leaving before the last fuck on the last day you are paid up to.  As you're dressing, just tell her you're going to be busier and so the arrangement you have is not going to work anymore.  If she would like to discuss the possibility that you could still see her once in awhile on a limited basis, then you are open to that.  

Depending on her maturity level, you are likely to get a negative "get-the-fuck-out" reaction initially, but she will email or text you once she has calmed down (a day, a week, maybe longer) to see how things might still work out on the "limited" basis.  If she doesn't make further contact, then you exit clean as a gentleman with a clear conscience, and look for the next one without any leftover baggage.

Most women have blinds, not drapes.  
Blinds are much tougher on dicks 🙈

DON'T need an SB board

Posted By: GaGambler
as for the OP, there is no "right way" to break up with a person, whether that person is a civvie, SB or hooker.  
 personally I look at it this way, in ascending order you should be "considerate" about her feelings.  
 Hooker: just quit emailing  
 SB:       just quit calling  
 Civvie   Just quit seeing her  
 Wife      Tell her to "get the fuck out"  
 Actually doing the math here, you've seen her a dozen times, What's the big deal? Just tell her you only want to see her once a month from here on out, with a huge adjustment in allowance of course, if she's ok with that, fine. If she's not, then simply move on.  
 Personally I am beginning to love the SB world, but I keep several of them on rotation and replace them as needed due to attrition.  
 Lastly, if you have "prepaid" your last two sessions, I'd keep my mouth shut until the end. She "could" try to step up her game to keep you coming back, but most likely she will either end up calling in sick for your last two dates or simply sleep walk through them. A very good reason NOT to prepay in this biz, that of course goes for hookers and SB's alike  

Their hotness? Their youth? Their low rates? Their lack of weekly handle changes?

What is it exactly?

GaGambler538 reads

Or more likely a true or false question as I didn't see an option for "all of the above"

Roger That!!!

Don't you know she has NO problem with SB's, she just has a problem with posts ABOUT SB's. LOL

Glad she cleared that up. :D

Sanity and stability.

You're such a gentleman it's absolutely mindboggling lo

It was about the post.

PS If it's too deep for you I'd be happy to comp you admission to one of my most popular classes....PFI. You seem to be suffering from being a lil redundant. It'd be my pleasure. It's bring a friend night so please bring your acolyte too. He may need it even more than you.

I mean nothing last forever I'm sure it was great for the both of you while it lasted. Just say you're ready to move on and tell her why so she can do better for her next sd. I would suggest telling her after your last meeting with her so you won't have a crappy session and she won't expect anything that following month.

othing salves the sting of rejection like a Big Mac.

Be sure to ask her if she wants fries with that

GaGambler434 reads

after all why should you care how fat her ass gets now that you are done fucking her? lol

You can't feel  but it's there  gagambler lol

GaGambler572 reads

Nah, it wasn't you, I am sure I would have felt the pain a bit lower down on my body. lol

Like I said,  mean people suck so maybe it was your knees. You are hitting  senior citizen age.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Nah, it wasn't you, I am sure I would have felt the pain a bit lower down on my body. lol
-- Modified on 5/19/2016 12:34:36 PM

GaGambler527 reads

Watching you try to trash talk is like watching a toy poodle trying to fuck a Great Dane, but you keep trying Fifi, if you keep swinging you are bound to connect sooner or later and in the meantime it's kind of amusing to watch you flail away so impotently. I kind of wish the Dungbeetle was still here so you could have someone to practice on before trying to jump straight into the big leagues

As for being a senior citizen,  I am perfectly capable of walking  upright under my own power, How about you SB, can you claim the same?

Epicurus61849 reads

so don't think she won't be able to make rent on June 1.
Also, you're just as replaceable as she is.
Politely let her know you want to change to an occasional thing AFTER your last date this month, otherwise consider your pre-pay her severance package.

Are you her?


To the OP. Just be honest with her so she can plan ahead in case you are her "only" meal ticket. Its the right thing to do.  


Posted By: Epicurus61
so don't think she won't be able to make rent on June 1.  
 Also, you're just as replaceable as she is.  
 Politely let her know you want to change to an occasional thing AFTER your last date this month, otherwise consider your pre-pay her severance package.

Epicurus61761 reads

unless he's really overpaying for a once a week thing, she has other income. it's not rocket science.

Nothing here is rocket science

I don't know what the situation is, but my guess is you are paying a lot and her part of the deal is to have the time you spend together be as much fun as possible.  i am guessing you just might have paid for May with this thought in mind already, because things weren't all that great in April and you figured that maybe they'd turn around.  And now you see they didn't and no use throwing good money after bad times.  

You sound like a good guy for even thinking this way, but let us save you from yourself - I have a feeling she has already gotten more from you than she gave... if that's the case then be nice and professional and discuss a 'once a month' thing if you like (which I think is doomed after one or possibly two meetings) or just agree to part as friends.  


-- Modified on 5/18/2016 4:45:41 PM

She probably has come to rely on you cash to pay bill, etc. so you may consider a severance of sorts to keep the door open and not be seen as a "prick". Remember, you are as easily replaceable as she is.

GaGambler401 reads

He's been seeing her for three fucking months. Even fortune 500 executives don't get a severance package after only 90 days

Are you throwing your hat in the ring for BSU?

It's called not being a prick ... Guess that concept is lost on you. Some "high roller" you are.  


Posted By: GaGambler
He's been seeing her for three fucking months. Even fortune 500 executives don't get a severance package after only 90 days  
 Are you throwing your hat in the ring for BSU?

If he is as easily replaceable as she is, why would he owe her any severance?

JakeFromStateFarm423 reads

Why would you expect logic from this poster.

The point was not to be a prick i.e. Treat her the way you would want to be treated - respectfully, there are tons of BS Bravado posts here that can't be taken seriously and the "replaceable" comment was meant to counter that. I see critical thinking isn't a strong point, but I'm not up to teaching metacognition or any other thinking skills on here. I know it would be an exercise in futility.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
If he is as easily replaceable as she is, why would he owe her any severance?

seen as just a prick.  I prefer, "Prick with money."  That way, even if you're a prick, they still like you.

Agreed. Drop her a few bills and you won't have any trouble getting her to come back ...

Posted By: vjlovesbj
Well, I am planning to wrap up one of my sugar baby arrangements; been seeing her for about 3 months and things are moving to the boring stage. We are in a monthly arrangement and I am planning to make this my last month with her.  
 How do you guys wrap it up? Give her a two weeks heads up of just let her know at the end of the month? I generally meet her once a week, and by giving her a two weeks heads up I might end up having a crappy couple of of sessions. But I do not want to wait till the last moment as she might be expecting my donation on June 1st for her expenses...  
 How can I let her know that this is our last month...Also, would like to see her occasionally for an hour arrangement in the future so would like to have a friendly exit...  

Posted By: vjlovesbj
Well, I am planning to wrap up one of my sugar baby arrangements; been seeing her for about 3 months and things are moving to the boring stage. We are in a monthly arrangement and I am planning to make this my last month with her.  
 How do you guys wrap it up? Give her a two weeks heads up of just let her know at the end of the month? I generally meet her once a week, and by giving her a two weeks heads up I might end up having a crappy couple of of sessions. But I do not want to wait till the last moment as she might be expecting my donation on June 1st for her expenses...  
 How can I let her know that this is our last month...Also, would like to see her occasionally for an hour arrangement in the future so would like to have a friendly exit...  

Posted By: Greenbacks2
Escort not going to be happy losing money

Clearly you have never had any form of long term arrangement.  They all have an expiration date.  Any professional knows this and prepares both mentally and financially for that very eventuality.  

How much notice you should give really depends on the girl.  If you know she's pretty even keeled.. you can give her a little notice and be fine.  If you aren't sure.... giving her notice may result in her avoidance of you in the end....

Will let her know after the last session, that I am going pay per view...might give a couple of hundred if needed, don't expect much drama, but this one has a few issues - hence my reason to move on.

She was introduced to me by another SB who is my favorite and been seeing her for close to a year now. Hope she does not ruin that one for me, the college ones can be a bit crazy (both good and bad crazy) and its difficult to find good SBs

That's weak. Grab your balls, be a man and tell her before. You and she will feel better in the morning. I mean really sometimes.

From a woman's point of view in the sensual massage industry and from my psychology background; I would say to ensure you don't get the crappy 2 weeks... just keep the arrangement going until it's time to "renew" the month.  Like month to month lease.  LOL  When she made the arrangement, she knew you could drop her at any point. You don't owe her a 2 week notice.  Giving her a notice makes it seem like it was probably a JOB for her. I'm sure you don't want to feel like you were "Her Job." Keep it fun and simple til the last call...so to speak. Then you can tell her that you have a busy summer and going to have to break your Sugar arrangement for now, but would love to see her on an hourly basis to keep your "friendship going."  Who knows...you could decide to do the sugar arrangement again if things spark back up.  Could possibly turn out that it's less to have the sugar arrangement than to do hourly. I would not give anymore info than you have to.  Keep it drama and stress free...Therefore, no one feels bad or gets their feelings hurt. Not all ladies on here will concur, but it is a two way street for the sex worker and hobbyist. It's a world of it's own. Although nothing should be taken personal in Erotic World, feelings can easily get hurt.

Left Las Vegas and moved to another state, several months ago.  When we were together...he asked that I not date or be intimate with other people, or even do my solo webcam modeling.  Thus, he was my only source of income.  I wasn't smart enough to ask for more compensation each month, than to have my bills paid, so I didn't have a savings account.  He told me he was moving, two weeks prior to his departure.  Needless to say, I was upset!  Upset at him for not giving me at least a month's notice, and upset at myself for being such an idiot to put all my eggs in one basket.

If you know your Sugar Baby only sees you, and she relies on you to pay her living expenses, please give her at least a month's compensation severance pay.

BTW, I am seeking a new Sugar Daddy in Las Vegas ;) because I prefer NSA intimacy with one man, not many!

I don't have any exclusivity needs, actually I have three SBs at this time. I am not sure about any of her other activities. I have made it very clear in the beginning that it is a month to month arrangement without any commitments or drama as long as things are going great for both of us...

Posted By: EroticRobbin
Left Las Vegas and moved to another state, several months ago.  When we were together...he asked that I not date or be intimate with other people, or even do my solo webcam modeling.  Thus, he was my only source of income.  I wasn't smart enough to ask for more compensation each month, than to have my bills paid, so I didn't have a savings account.  He told me he was moving, two weeks prior to his departure.  Needless to say, I was upset!  Upset at him for not giving me at least a month's notice, and upset at myself for being such an idiot to put all my eggs in one basket.  
 If you know your Sugar Baby only sees you, and she relies on you to pay her living expenses, please give her at least a month's compensation severance pay.  
 BTW, I am seeking a new Sugar Daddy in Las Vegas ;) because I prefer NSA intimacy with one man, not many!

Posted By: vjlovesbj
I don't have any exclusivity needs, actually I have three SBs at this time. I am not sure about any of her other activities. I have made it very clear in the beginning that it is a month to month arrangement without any commitments or drama as long as things are going great for both of us...  
And explanation.  In that case, you should tell your SB, as soon as possible.  She will hopefully be a lady about it, and if you've already compensated her for the month, she will continue to be a fun and playful SB until your last date ends.

My SD/SB arrangement was exclusivity for both of us, and the arrangement was for 1 year.  I've now been told by several SB's, in long-term arrangements, they had signed contracts.  Being new to the SD/SB world, I didn't realize this, so I have no one to blame but myself.

Contracts? That's crazy because they couldn't be valid in any court so it's pointless, but it could come back to bite you in the ass.  

Posted By: EroticRobbin
Posted By: vjlovesbj
I don't have any exclusivity needs, actually I have three SBs at this time. I am not sure about any of her other activities. I have made it very clear in the beginning that it is a month to month arrangement without any commitments or drama as long as things are going great for both of us...  
 And explanation.  In that case, you should tell your SB, as soon as possible.  She will hopefully be a lady about it, and if you've already compensated her for the month, she will continue to be a fun and playful SB until your last date ends.  
 My SD/SB arrangement was exclusivity for both of us, and the arrangement was for 1 year.  I've now been told by several SB's, in long-term arrangements, they had signed contracts.  Being new to the SD/SB world, I didn't realize this, so I have no one to blame but myself.

Robbin I am thinking that if I were an escort in a SB\SD relationship I would be looking to recruit new partners say every five years or so. The question is because the relationship is not protected with a legal contract is how often should you be looking to recruit new Sugar Daddies?  I am thinking if you get anywhere from three to seven years then that is an eternity on average.  Not that you need me to tell you but this is a business relationship and like in the mainstream economy the Sugar Daddy always has the right to say no without notice.  Unlike the mainstream because there is no protection under the law, there is no way that you can hold said partner liable for your expenses.  Although you are in the process of looking for a new Sugar Daddy, make sure the terms are favorable to yourself and make sure that you have other pools of income that you can rely on.   That is extremely critical.

Posted By: Duplicitouslust
Robbin I am thinking that if I were an escort in a SB\SD relationship I would be looking to recruit new partners say every five years or so. The question is because the relationship is not protected with a legal contract is how often should you be looking to recruit new Sugar Daddies?  I am thinking if you get anywhere from three to seven years then that is an eternity on average.  Not that you need me to tell you but this is a business relationship and like in the mainstream economy the Sugar Daddy always has the right to say no without notice.  Unlike the mainstream because there is no protection under the law, there is no way that you can hold said partner liable for your expenses.  Although you are in the process of looking for a new Sugar Daddy, make sure the terms are favorable to yourself and make sure that you have other pools of income that you can rely on.   That is extremely critical.
For your kind and informative reply!  

You see, that was my first SD/SB relationship, so I didn't know how to properly handle it. :(  

If I'm able to find a new SD, I will insist I'm going to continue my solo webcam modeling career.  I will never rely, financially, on another person again!


JakeFromStateFarm531 reads

a Sugar Granny.  
Good luck in your quest.

So I'm sure there are gentlemen seeking a mature Sugar Baby. ;)

tell her and don't expect to see her again.

Posted By: vjlovesbj
Well, I am planning to wrap up one of my sugar baby arrangements; been seeing her for about 3 months and things are moving to the boring stage. We are in a monthly arrangement and I am planning to make this my last month with her.  
 How do you guys wrap it up? Give her a two weeks heads up of just let her know at the end of the month? I generally meet her once a week, and by giving her a two weeks heads up I might end up having a crappy couple of of sessions. But I do not want to wait till the last moment as she might be expecting my donation on June 1st for her expenses...  
 How can I let her know that this is our last month...Also, would like to see her occasionally for an hour arrangement in the future so would like to have a friendly exit...  

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