TER General Board

No issue WB
hbyist+truth=;( 711 reads

Just chiming in, in kind. I kinda like the rhyming. I like to get a little creative on here sometimes.

For example, when getting a bj I prefer more mouth and less hand action.  I'm not there to pop and leave, I want a long sensual session at varying speed to make me crazy.  My question is this: Am I alone in liking this type of bj over a handsy one?  Likewise DT and making a gal gag matters less to me than her hitting all the right spots along my head and shaft/glans area.  I think a lot of gals are just going for the gusto to move along the session quicker

ROGM941 reads

If this was your very first session, then she doesn't know exactly what you would like her to do. After a few more sessions then she'll know what you like to do. This was the case with the girl I'm currently seeing. Now after over a year of seeing her, she knows what I like and how to do it.

Totally. I'm an awesome provider, but an inadequate mind reader. So just say it. More of "this" and less of "that." It takes a split second for us to fix what we're doing, and it's far from insulting, more of a constructive criticism.

89Springer878 reads

I like a lot of tongue action, too. Here's an example (not the chick, though): http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=600498351#!

Nice video.  Bit too much hand for my taste though.  Lip action like corn on the cob nibbling at the underside as well as long slow dick swallowing.  A regular rythm broken up by licking like in the vid then eye contact while she goes down deep for a bobble head motion then nibble again.  Rough then soft then rough.  Heavy head friction followed by saliva lubed sucking.  Rinse and repeat..

GaGambler811 reads

She was doing great up until then, but I think I may just start tying a girls hands behind her back to keep her from turning what could be a great BJ into a HJ instead.

Truth be told, "some" women just don't get the concept, even after being told, but it makes those that do even more desirable IMO. Great dick sucking skills will trump most every other skill a woman can bring to the table, and it's a great way to ensure repeat visits out of me.

89Springer811 reads

I didn't mean that what's shown in the video is what I like for the entire BJ. It's an example of a part of a BJ I'd like to see, but haven't since years before I was divorced. I've tried to communicate this to providers, but I guess I'm not getting my point across (just as I didn't in my post above).  

Maybe I should send them a link to this video and just say that I like this sort of thing as part of a BJ.  

I don't like hands a lot, but I like light touches with fingertips. The last provider I saw, who gave me the best BJ I've now had, uses her very dainty fingers very lightly around the tip. The feeling drives me nuts. Just for a minute or so, every little while. It's a nice part of the overall experience.  

One thing I really got off on was having her hold my cock up to her face, making it seem like she just really loved it. That's not something that can be pulled off if the people don't know each other well, though. It would just seem fake.

-- Modified on 6/30/2014 6:11:11 AM

so she can take notes on your belly. LOL

Posted By: Fridays117
Nice video.  Bit too much hand for my taste though.  Lip action like corn on the cob nibbling at the underside as well as long slow dick swallowing.  A regular rythm broken up by licking like in the vid then eye contact while she goes down deep for a bobble head motion then nibble again.  Rough then soft then rough.  Heavy head friction followed by saliva lubed sucking.  Rinse and repeat...  

ROFL. JK, my dick is actually as big as my hand.  

I could spend an hour with the girl giving me a BJ, as long as she can last cuz BJ is really my fav. For the same reason why most mongers see different escorts (variety), this drunk monger loves a variety of BJ techniques.  Gag, hitting right spots, shaft, glans, BLS, slow and steady, sensual, hand job, some moderate spit, then rough, fast, wild, then back to slow and sensual... bj, some eye contact, etc.  

Most important is that she needs to be focused. If she's checking her phone while she's got my dick in her mouth, that isn't going to work. Certainly either too much realistic GFE or too little.  

It's easier to finish if the girl goes at it kinda fast, rough, and wild though. Not TOOOOOOOO rough as in hitting it with a hammer or twisting it with a wrench, but you get the point.

where the guy said he wished I would have used more hand so… I would say you're in the door, you're naked together… express yourself.

I'd much rather have a guy say do it this way or faster or slower then endure a bj less than what he hoped for. When a man gently holds my face and fucks it at his own preference I'm in heaven, so long as within reason request and enjoy what you want or need to make it amazing.

Guys sort of want you to be psychic. We figure the more you know what we like without being told, the more "connected" we are, the more we feel it's a perfect match.

Yes, very irrational, but the good news is that it doesn't matter all that much in that case. If you don't delivery the usual package, their favorite kind of experience, then they get something brand-new, something unexpected, a delightful surprise. The review you got was, IMO, an outlier. Most men would only comment on your unique style.

OTOH, telling the provider how you like it is, AYS, probably a better approach.

Having a gal actually listen to what you want her to do rather than doing what she wants to.  Some gals are great at that, others, not so much.  It's like they are indoctrinated in hooker boot camp or something to jerk off the guy while blowing him rather than just blow him.  It ain't called a "job" for nothing!  sometime ya gotta work it without manual labor...  Again, it's not all the ladies, just a few.  Generally ones I don't see a second time.

Forget the ones that don't give you what you want. Don't try to educate them. If they didn't get it in boot camp, they ain't gonna get it in the field. Or if they do, if you CAN teach them, they should be paying YOU.

SophiaLA is right. Place your order when you walk in. If she knows how to mix it, she will. Otherwise ditch the bitch and find another.

Problem with that approach? She's got the look? Not worth it.
Or she's so sweet? Let her be sweet to someone else.
Or worst reason, her rate is right? If it ain't good, it ain't worth a dime, spend the bucks on a higher end woman, assuming that the high-end lady really commands those rates because she offers something special.

For me, the BJ part isn't the metric, but for you it obviously is. For me it's something else, but we're talking the same thing. It's a performance. If a comedian ain't funny or a singer's off key, it don't matter if there's a cover charge or not.

They are out there. There are women out there who will gleefully rock your world. They ain't cheap, but they're good.

And they are beautiful. They are smart and a delight to be with. They might not squirt orgasms all over the hanging mirror, but they get off on showing you a good time. Believe me, that attitude is the closest thing to true love you're gonna find out there. Spending two or three hours concentrating solely on what makes you happy. Go ahead, give me a better definition of love. True love ain't nothing but the devil in drag, nothing but the good times awaiting for the blues. Unless it's a woman who dedicates herself to giving you a few moments of intense pleasure and putting a smile on your face.

Tell her what's important to you. She'll figure out how to give it to you. If she don't, ditch then bitch and take your business elsewhere.

To the ladies, if the john walks in and wants his dick sucked in a way you can't then give the "smurf the turf",  and find a john that that fits.  

If a john pushes you to do something you know you can't, give "the prick the flick" and deal with less pushy tricks.

Believe it or not WB, not all johns fit our bill either and because we have the luxury of choosing, getting rid of "dingleberry dates" is easy.

So john tells me what he wants and I let him know what I can do comfortably. If that matches we are a good team, if not he is welcome to find a better BJ.  

FYI, I prefer to have my hand somewhere close by if not on the base so if he hip thrusts too hard, it stops it from going any deeper. I do NOT do DT, so it is like a safety net for me. If a guy tries to remove said hand (not involved in stroking), I tell him why it's there and that teeth will be used to stop deeper penetration. Take your pick, teeth or hand?

Don't touch that poison. I will stick with my hand thanks.

89Springer620 reads

the ones in the photo are plastic. 0 calories.  

Or you could try this (sans dog, of course). ;)


-- Modified on 6/30/2014 7:05:08 AM

LucasHood529 reads

Isn't it against rules to post pics of hookers?

Posted By: 89Springer
the ones in the photo are plastic. 0 calories.  
 Or you could try this (sans dog, of course). ;)  

-- Modified on 6/30/2014 7:05:08 AM

Never had a problem. No hand action at all. All mouth nothing but the mouth.

Talk to them.

Don't believe board can solve your problem.

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