TER General Board

No fair...
SexyCurvesDC 3267 reads


My answer is based on the thoughts of a hypothetical future in which no diseases are transmitted via sexual activity...


A girl can dream, can't she???

And we are not talking about psychos who go BB NOW... because they are obviously psychos and that should go without saying. Altho I'm happy to say it, repeatedly, ad nauseum. :)


If we lived in a world where diseases were non-existent or much easier to treat, how many of you would still be in this line of work if condom use weren't the norm, and men assumed everything would be done BB?

Things have changed so radically in the ASP industry since the '70s.  I am wondering how much condom use has lowered psychological barriers about it to women who would never practice the craft BB, regardless of disease.


Anita Dick4646 reads

There are plenty of providers that don't require a condom to suggest this be a hypothetical question.  

I'd quit before I risked getting herpes or any other disease even if HIV wasn't around.  

SexyCurvesDC3268 reads


My answer is based on the thoughts of a hypothetical future in which no diseases are transmitted via sexual activity...


A girl can dream, can't she???

And we are not talking about psychos who go BB NOW... because they are obviously psychos and that should go without saying. Altho I'm happy to say it, repeatedly, ad nauseum. :)


I'd save some time and have my paycheck autodeposited into Tamara's bank account.

Sadly, I recently had a checkup with my first full STD screen, and I came up completely clean.  Why is that sad?  Because it put me back into the mindset I had before I started the hobby.  Terrified to get something.  Once I started I was able to cruise along in ignorance.  Now that I know I am clean, I have an almost irrational fear of getting something.  Not so much for fear of any disease, but for fear of getting caught as a result.

Someday there will be cures or immunizations for all this junk...

A guy can dream, too, can't he.  :-)

SexyCurvesDC4077 reads

Get tested every six months for as long as you are sexually active. Make it a habit, and it won't be so... GASSSSSSSSSP.... each time. Of course there's always some butterflies with every single HIV test, but... you get used to it. You do what you can to minimize your risk and you check, just to be sure... ;)

*smooches to you*
(coming to NYC at the end of May, you know...hehe)


SirPrize3534 reads

Many ladies have no qualms about letting a guy with bucks get them pregnant. This applies to some providers too.

Remember guys, that is an 18 year payoff for one BB ride.

"Do you feel lucky? Well, do you punk?"

SirPrize3256 reads

Pulling out before you cum may still lead to a woman getting pregnant.

I'm not saying to not take the chance, that is your choice.

Just know that, you are taking a chance.

SexyCurvesDC3417 reads

Is 1% birth control and 99% disease control.

If there were no diseases I'd be the first one to toss those damnable things out the window.  You think we LIKE them??? Most of us do not, I don't think... latex allergies and irritation, etc, etc, etc... I personally would love to have lived in the 60's after the Pill became widely available and before there were any majorly scary STD's.... oh free love baby, I would've had SUCH a blast. :)

Why would I need an alias to say that???? LOL!


Dear, don't get too nostalgic about the bareback 60's.  You are forgetting syphilis, a "major" STD that has been around for God knows how long.  Although treatable in its early stages (I'm not sure about the later stages), untreated it can cause blindness, dementia, and death.  It has always been advisable to use condoms for disease prevention, even in the good ol' 60's before HIV.  The fear of HIV has simply forced people to be more concientious, whereas people apparently were willing to gamble with syphilis and the "minor" STDs.

I suppose it's because I haven't had BB in so long, that I really don't miss the skin~skin deal.

Once I learned how to use condoms correctly, and found the right type (polyurethane and female condoms)  I really LOVE them.

I don't understand the big deal on the girl's side.  I get the boys' side about nerve endings being covered, but I really really love sexual intimacy, and enjoy the condoms that afford me the chance to enjoy a few different guys a month.

Disease free is just too difficult to imagine.  Wouldn't go there, ALWAYS there will be a guy that feels the same way I do~~and that's the guy I want to meet and date!

Elise [email protected]

I'm wit'you on this -it's responsible and not too bad-  where's the problem?

I'm just thankful to GET sex these days!

SexyCurvesDC2783 reads

As I've thought so much of that time period in the 60's when the worst you could get was the clap... or, heaven forbid, crabs!But nothing LIFE THREATENING.

How do you use polyeurethane with everyone? They don't really STRETCH much.  I hope they come out with some new stuff... maybe a poly/latex combo would work. The latex irritate the crap out of me, but the polueurethane don't stretch or cling and feel like a zip loc baggie inside. Female condom... let's not go there. I have a super sensitive coochie I think LOL!


I can't handle latex AT ALL, so I'm just really lucky to enjoy the female condom.

My favorite time was with this guy that was SUPER endowed and he just LIT UP!!  I think it was the first time he hadn't been squished EVER.  He went and got the wrapper out of the trash just to make certain he'd find the right thing!  

Always glad to spread the love!

Elise [email protected]

Yeah..they definitely are not the one size fits all in their stretch and grip (or lack thereof) but they are better than I thought they would be, and I put enough lube on it so that it sticks better!
But, what a relief from the latex BURN! And, they don't taste bad, or leave you with that latex 'smell'.

I'm sure the more popular they become, the more we'll see improvements.

Hate 'em! They really mostly ruin it for me, and I only tolerate them because I have to. Yeah, we hate them, too. It's like f**king a Ziploc baggie for cryin' out loud!
Glad Bag? Glad that they work, but if we didn't have to, I sure wouldn't.

...maybe some women have an aversion to just the bodily fluids.  For example, I don't cook because I hate slicing things and getting all that juice on my hands.

My first contact with a provider (and that wasn't even the word used then) was in 1978.  Even in the backwater I live in, the sexual revolution had gone through.  In the community colleges then, it wasn't unusual for women, if they had it, to really flaunt it.  Low-cut miniskirts and no bra.  

I was at this party, and this one woman showed up, decked out this way and with D-cups, nonetheless, and with a fifty dollar cab fare (and that was a lot of money then). She borrowed the money from guys to pay it.  After she paid the cabby, she then proceeded to repay all of her donors.  In what pretty much describes my luck those days, I was dead-broke that night.  My religious upbringing notwithstanding, it was the first time I ever perceived that women actually enjoyed sex.  Unfortunately, it would take a few years before I believed it.

I could tell you this, there were eight guys and one woman she repaid that night, and none of it was protected.

Flash forward to my second time through college, 1984, and everything had changed.


In a perfect world devoid of all diseases there would be no need for unnatural protection.  There are many things I don't like about condoms:  The taste, the lack of intimacy, the artificial feeling of having a barrier between me and my partner. But being that this is not a perfect world, and there are deadly viruses like HIV and Hepatitis C, I choose to play safe.  So to answer your question, I much prefer unprotected sex, but that is not an option.

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