TER General Board

musicman2367 26 Reviews 1757 reads

I need the hives opinion.  
Reached out to a provider to set up a date. Surrendered requested info. Received email that vetting was completed with a BTW that will be a 50% deposit to confirm date. Never mentioned anywhere on her media. Supposedly a veteran with many reviews but not one since a few years before C19. I am not even apposed to a reasonable deposit when they are upfront about it.  Am I wrong in thinking this unprofessional and possibly a scam/catfish. It does raise the hair on the back of my neck.  

-- Modified on 3/12/2024 8:52:25 PM

RespectfulRobert52 reads

No reviews for 5+ years? Only mentions deposit after contact and not written anywhere at all? 50%?  
No idea if its a scam, as no one would know unless they got burned. I am a person that doesnt mind deposits, within my rules, and the scenario you are laying out breaks all of them I think. lol.

I’m not a total anti-deposit guy. I pay them sometimes and move on quietly in many cases.  

No way in hell would I send the deposit in the scenario you described. I knew that before I finished reading your post. By the time I got to the end, I knew I wouldn’t show up for the date if she paid me a deposit.  

Listen to your neck hairs. I hope the requested information you sent was not PII. I’m not going to say there are no providers out there who have mine, but no way I’d have sent it to this one. Do not send money. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

I think you answered your own question buddy. She should be upfront about her 50% booking deposit from the start. 🚩 No recent reviews is taking a major risk. You did not share her link, or rate, but based on what you did share its a hard pass. I know some guys will reach out to an old reviewer to see if they are still seeing the provider, or to inquire.. If you do decide to roll the dice let us know how that goes.

worried55 reads

Go with your gut.  Sending your personal information may come back to haunt you.  

I would ask her why it is not on her website and also the basics. What if you have to cancel what is the return policy? If she has to cancel what is the return policy? If you do decide to see her make sure you have a paper trail of all of the details! Also make sure this is the actual person you are speaking to. When my tryst account got hacked the person was impersonating me and scamming people out of deposits. I now have on my website as well as all of my ads that I never ask for a deposit. Proceed with caution!!

Thank you everyone for your input, I needed to make sure I was not out of line.

It isn't like you're depositing into an escrow account friend, you're depositing money into her pocket for a less than legal service. As soon as you send it, that deposit is -gone- and it's never coming back. You're here, on TER, so, you have at least some form of recourse, being that you can write a ripoff report/review/etc, but ultimately, most people that have their deposits stolen aren't on here, and they've got zero recourse, and these women get away with it.

If you'd like to avoid all that, as soon as you see 'deposit' mentioned, consider that a hard pass, like a "she has an active herpes outbreak" hard pass. There are -plenty- of women who don't require that kind of nonsense.

The guys who have come into this hobby within the past five years have been conditioned and trained that deposits are the norm.  They are not, despite the fact SOME providers who post here say otherwise.  

A good example is right here.  You have QB, who ALWAYS requires a deposit, and MissScarlett, who NEVER requires a deposit.  QB has six reviews in the past year, and Miss Scarlett has 10, despite the fact that QB is in SoCal where there are thousands more active mongers than in Wisconsin.   Mongers should not buy into the false narrative about deposits.  

There have been other recent examples here of providers treating deposits as earned income before the session even takes place.  


Just curious: how do you know Bia is reputable and well established if you haven't reviewed her? I'm smelling a White Knight looking for a discount.

"Reputable and well established" are subjective terms.  My sense is that a companion meeting this description has many ( 5? 20? 20?) Poitove reviews, zero or nearly zero negative reviews, her own website and  ads on  multiple sites.  

Re: Pay deposit to reputable, well established providers only like Queen Bia and others.
Just curious: how do you know Bia is reputable and well established if you haven't reviewed her? I'm smelling a White Knight looking for a discount.

Actually  they are practical  terms. But then again you're  as fake as FAKERICHARDS.


I understand. I first met Bia 20+ years ago at a meet and greet for a now defunct San Diego board that preceded TER. She was a nice young girl/lady, although her attitude toward the biz has changed a bit. My issue in my post is when a guy who has never reviewed a provider vouches for her reputation and standing in the community. That IMO is inappropriate because it's pure hearsay.

reviewed her, because you found her to be mediocre?   A provider doesn't get ANY reviews by being mediocre.  If I wanted to speculate like you are, I would suggest that her lack of reviews in the past year is because she is mediocre, and that squares with your statement that "a provider doesn't get many rave reviews by being mediocre."  She has SOME rave reviews, but certainly not "many."

You certainly never cut this woman a break for whatever reason only you knows.
If I live in California I would definitely try dating her. And for  you information travelling  to California is not on the cards just yet.
She may not be your type of provider and you may not be her favorite type of client either.

People also asked about about  the number of "okays" I have p411 and how they  have not seen an new one in a while. So here is the answer: first not all providers on TER  have a p411 account; second is competition from other ladies not found on p411, and third and most significant,  as  always mention, "I am one hell of a repeater". Dont know much about her ,but finally, with regards  to Qeen Bia ,repeaters as well as some clients don't always write reviews.  

Hope this clear up some misgivings.

You never dated anyone. You're here to read people  reviews and  then jerk off. Unlike you ,am no cheap charley, never ask for discounts  because I want  providers to give 100% and not feeling cheated. Never done short stays or half an hour, pay for Uber/Lyft back and forth for my dates if they need one , don't stay at cheap motels, great tipper and generous always. Long lasting great relationships with many  past date.

Go find yourself a date FAKERICHARDS

This makes no sense. Me and riffrichards had our fair share of disagreements but he's most definitely a monger with his fair share of reviews. He's just using an alias. You are making assumptions and conclusions out of thin air.

He's a stand-up guy and few mongers I have met here know more than he does about the Las Vegas scene.  He reviews under his username, and posts under his alias.  When you are asked a legit question, it's bad form to attack the asker instead of just responding to the substance of the question.   If you don't have enough experience to answer, just say so.  


Thanks guys. I don't know who this numbskull is or why he doesn't just post his review of the queeny or admit he know nothing. I'm the furthest thing from a lurker. As you guys know I've been here for 16+ years with 150+ reviews. And as rocket and cdl know my reviews are honest and detailed whether positive or negative. I guess the booby guy is just having a bad week.

Although I wouldn't have been so harsh as he was. But how do you know for sure he hasn't seen her? By the way, I bet he hasn't but say what if I made that comment would it hold true? Keep in mind, I don't review everyone I see and we are from the same area.
See, for all I know, you could be a lurker jurker or some troll. We just don't know. So I can see why BM came after you.
So without some sort of history how can you ask BM about his reviews when yours are hidden by your alias.You're on a alias and your review history isn't known. We don't know your deal.
And if you have 16 plus years an XXX amount of reviews, why the alias? I've been around longer then you I'll put my name on all my post....well except that one time in 2014.

on posts up until a few years ago.  FYI, here are TER's nine "acceptable" reasons to use an alias.


Personally, not all of these are necessarily "acceptable" for ME, but TER says they are, so I'm just providing the info.  

Weather the use of an aliias is acceptable or not by TER standards that doesn't matter to me.  If you call someones review from an alias and we can't see your history, then that isn't cool. Guy has to man up.
And if he used his real handle with all his "reviews" a few years ago then why the change.
Me personally, I like to know the deal when someones posted....what's their history, do we have something on common.  
That's just me


Two things:
First, I always use my alias when dealing with trolls like Boobsman. I have since I came to TER.
Second, I’ve shared information with Happy on this and other boards for more than a decade. Unfortunate that he feels the need to defend the trolls. Oh well. Live and learn.  
Lastly, my original point was that it’s inappropriate to vouch for a provider one hasn’t seen. That shouldn’t be up for debate. It’s the same point many of us, including Happy, used to make with rocket when he criticized KOrgs based upon anonymous hearsay. If Booby has seen Bia (but not reviewed her for one reason or another) he could have said so and validated his tout and the discussion would have been over. He didn’t, instead choosing to attack my character. That should be all anyone needed to know as his lack of a substantive response proves my point. Booby had no personal knowledge or experience to support his tout. He’s a White Knight in addition to being a troll. I’ll ignore him going forward.

Gonna go off the tangent for a sec, so you may want go to the second paragraph if you like because it really not related to the post, well in a way it might be....I know of you, now. You did a few ISO of's on the LA board, gave you a few suggestion, hope they helped. Now normally I don't give oxygen to KBoys threads here. I guess I still remembering that whole LA Board/Cityvibe/KGirl fiasco back in the day when all they did was bad mouthed every non-kgirl. So when I saw two "KBoys" vouching for you I figured, great another KBoy here doing their typical BS.  

Now to BM post, in theory you're 99.999 right, I wouldn't vouch for anyone I had not seen. But there is that small fraction where you feel, "Yeah she's cool and straight up" based on her presence and just the way she is.And I feel BM thinks she's that person. And I will agree with him. I've known of her for years and haven't heard anything negative.But she is entitled to have a bad day every once in awhile. And if you're curious, she isn't my type and I don't do deposits but I wouldn't sway a friend of mine not to see her if he wanted to hit it.She has to much to loose if she scammed someone or just fucked up. And yes, I'd vouch for her if someone asked my opinion.  
Now going back to BM..Like I said, he was harsh but at that time you didn't know if he saw her or not...Again,at that time. And this whole alias thing doesn't sit well with me when it comes to reviews...I'm just wired that way. But to my way of thinking is that I put alot of time in doing reviews to help others during the course of over 23 years. I've taken alot of hits for the team because that's what we did for the team. So when I see an alias questions another guys review, it's an insult to me. And I still have to say, you could've "Man Up". But you do you so...
Now I said what i've said and I have given you more time then I would any "Kboy"...but I feel you deserve that.By the way, you weren't always a Kboy, were you? And one other thing, if you don't mind...you just have a hard on for BM, Huh?

-- Modified on 3/21/2024 2:38:44 PM


I've never been on an LA Board. I think I've only seen two LA ladies in my history. And while I did see KGirls predominantly when I was living in Vegas due to the convenience, more than 80% of my TER reviews are non-KGirl and in my pre-TER days I never saw or even knew of KGirls. So, you've got the wrong person. Our interactions were limited to ladies in Vegas.
As to Bia, I have no issue with her. As I said, I knew her 20+ years ago when she was young, nice, and really cute. I haven't seen her since the local SD site stopped having semi-regular meet and greets. I have no basis to believe that she's anything but a nice lady and an honest provider. She has her customers, and I hope she makes a bunch of money. Like you, I disagree with her about deposits (I've never paid one and advocate against them) and some of her dogmatic posts, but I wasn't attacking her character; I was questioning his veracity.  
My problem was with Booby. His posts have been somewhat argumentative over the last few weeks since I began to notice him. I stayed out of it until he White Knighted for a provider who I was virtually certain that he hadn't seen based on geography and the lack of a review and had no basis to vouch for. So I asked why he hadn't reviewed her and instaed of responding on topic he resorted to a bullshit personal attack of me. You defended him, and now you label cdl, rocket and me as 'KGirl fanboys' like that was something to be ashamed of. So I guess when someone shows me who they are I should believe them.
Ciao. Nuff said.

-- Modified on 3/21/2024 6:19:05 PM

I refer you to the revered alias, CaptainRenault, who used his real handle for years, then got caught by his SO being on TER and writing reviews of his sessions.  From that moment on, he was CaptainRenault.  One of the nicest SoCal guys I have met on TER who, unfortunately had to hang up his spurs this past year due to a medical diagnosis.  If you do a search on the Kgirl board, he announced his departure amid well wishes from many mongers who have known him through the years.  Getting caught by an SO is a helluva good reason to start using an alias in my book.  Would you tell the Captain to man-up, too?  You probably know him by his username, too, but you don't remember.  If I told you, you would recognize it.  

I'm not suggesting that RIFF changed to an alias for the same reason, but I'm sure that whatever it was, it was a GOOD reason in his mind, and that's good enough for me since I already knew him under his username.  I haven't asked him why because it's none of MY business, nor should it be anyone else's.  However, I will note for the record that in MY experience here, a much higher percentage of married guys use aliases than single guys.  I just give thanks that I'm not in their boat.  Lol

Thumper5962 reads

Check some other reviews boards for a deposit nightmare for a guy from T/O..
Apparently I cant mention the board but it's Red.Blue.Green from Toronto ..west coast ..Montreal
Her name is Anna Evans
Be very wary of this person..she is a thief and a scammer.!!

Am sure the reviews will  tell about the thief  she is. While a few reviews might be  fake  I found most to be true from personal dating.

worried57 reads

Deposits are like driver's licenses; you should never give them.  

 I don't do Deposits. I run what I do totally differently. I allow all Clients to set a "DATE", but any Client that does a "No Call To Reschedule Appointment" or " No Show" then that Client will be blocked & Ignored Forever.  Only because I have no time to waste on anyone who can't give me the same respect that he/she wants me to give him/her.  

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